SM as a potential focus of the investigation

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Just to clarify, Kelley spotted said truck the day before (and very early morning before) Kyron went missing, so if it was TH, she wasn't revisiting a dump site. Looking for one? Who knows.

Most disturbing thing for me from that press conference was from the family's read statement -- that they would be spending Father's Day without Kyron. Paraphrased and I haven't looked it up online yet, but it seemed the family -- whichever side(s) wrote that -- have written him off as dead. Very curious who actually wrote that. If it was a teacher with a Master's ....ouch.
Maybe LE found evidence he was murdered/is dead and shared that with mom and stepdad.
I think there is a difference in the wording that speaks volumes. Didn't he say "TH was the last person seen WITH Kyron"? There's a big difference from that statement and "TH was the last known person TO SEE Kyron".

I caught that HLN report. It was basically talking about her FB stuff - pics and all - one pic of her little girl had a caption that said "This is my REAL child" (paraphrased - but I think that's how it read). And how she didn't change her pic from the little girl to Kyron until he was missing 6 days. It wasn't much, but they did say there would be more later.
Just to clarify, Kelley spotted said truck the day before (and very early morning before) Kyron went missing, so if it was TH, she wasn't revisiting a dump site. Looking for one? Who knows.

It's always been reported that the Kelley truck sightings were at 3pm on the afternoon of the day Kyron went missing (hours after he went missing), and then the next morning at 2am (way after he went missing).

Please provide a link to this new information you're providing that there was a third sighting on the day before Kyron went missing. This is the first I'm hearing of it, and I'm very interested.

This is so sad to read that she has become the focus of the investigation.

I am *so* cynical about these kind of cases and this was one of the few times I didn't immediately suspect the parent/stepparent/boyfriend/girlfriend that was last in charge of their care.

He looks so happy in that science fair photo, well cared for, someone worked with him on that project, took the time to take his photo. What could have changed so quickly?

If it is true of course.
Do we know for sure that LE spent the night in the Horman home on June 4th? I don't think they did...but I could be wrong, allowing for a possible window for the 2am excursion, if in fact...
I think there is a difference in the wording that speaks volumes. Didn't he say "TH was the last person seen WITH Kyron"? There's a big difference from that statement and "TH was the last known person TO SEE Kyron".

I caught that HLN report. It was basically talking about her FB stuff - pics and all - one pic of her little girl had a caption that said "This is my REAL child" (paraphrased - but I think that's how it read). And how she didn't change her pic from the little girl to Kyron until he was missing 6 days. It wasn't much, but they did say there would be more later.
I think it was she was the last person to have seen Kyron.
In regards to the picture of her daughter on FB and the "This is my REAL daughter" comment, if I recall correctly, that was a picture of her daughter making a funny face. I read it more as this was her daughter's real personality. MOO.

I don't remember the photo and comment of Kyron that HLN mentioned. I wish I had paid more attention to the FB before it went private.

I am not a parent or a stepparent but it would seem to me making sure the older stepchild was not feeling displaced or different than the bio child would stop a thinking person from using that kind of wording.
This is so sad to read that she has become the focus of the investigation.

I am *so* cynical about these kind of cases and this was one of the few times I didn't immediately suspect the parent/stepparent/boyfriend/girlfriend that was last in charge of their care.

He looks so happy in that science fair photo, well cared for, someone worked with him on that project, took the time to take his photo. What could have changed so quickly?

If it is true of course.
If my suspicions turn out to be true then nothing quickly changed. This was a carefully premeditated disappearance and murder. :moo:
Do we know for sure that LE spent the night in the Horman home on June 4th? I don't think they did...but I could be wrong, allowing for a possible window for the 2am excursion, if in fact...
Even if they were there that night - a late night run for diapers, formula, milk, etc. probably wouldn't have been questioned too much. At 2AM no one is out - there are 24 hour stores (I think - locals help) that they could have gotten what they need.

I've also thought that maybe it was TH but with an accompanied LE and she was showing them where she went that day. We know LE took KC at like 4AM and drove her EVERYWHERE - sometimes its easier to do it at that time - less traffic and people out at those hours.
I did read what HLN discussed about the 7 year old at the gym post on her FB and I am so mad at myself that I didn't take a screen shot.

I thought I posted it somewhere here but I guess I didn't or it got deleted. Since HLN has mentioned it, I will describe it. She posted that a 7-year-old boy was blocking her 18-month-old at the gym nursery from leaving (an area of the room?) and TH got in his face and told him that's not how to treat someone (or something like that).
Up next - after commercial on HLN.
If my suspicions turn out to be true then nothing quickly changed. This was a carefully premeditated disappearance and murder. :moo:

Have you posted your theory/thoughts about how and why? I would be very interested in a scenario that would make this make sense to me.

I know there are cases like this for everyone, where the answer seems obvious to so many and there are the posters say they don't see it. This one seems to be mine.
Mike Brooks and Michelle Segona

Michelle - the new flyer and questionaire - specific questions geard to TH about seeing her and the truck. Spoke with Lt before PC and asked about pings - LE would not confirm or deny that
I did read what HLN discussed about the 7 year old at the gym post on her FB and I am so mad at myself that I didn't take a screen shot.

I thought I posted it somewhere here but I guess I didn't or it got deleted. Since HLN has mentioned it, I will describe it. She posted that a 7-year-old boy was blocking her 18-month-old at the gym nursery from leaving (an area of the room?) and TH got in his face and told him that's not how to treat someone (or something like that).

I remember reading that before it was made private...and at the time, I was like, really? Giving yourself props for telling off a 7 year old? Was the 7 year old being particularly aggressive, or was she just overly sensitive about her 18 month old. Either way, it was a rather lame fb status update for a grown woman (ad a mother) in my opinion...and interesting, the age of the child (7 years old).
In regards to the picture of her daughter on FB and the "This is my REAL daughter" comment, if I recall correctly, that was a picture of her daughter making a funny face. I read it more as this was her daughter's real personality. MOO.

I don't remember the photo and comment of Kyron that HLN mentioned. I wish I had paid more attention to the FB before it went private.

I didn't see this, but when they said it on HLN it had me :waitasec:. I think it would have bothered me if she had said, "This is my real child." But Kyron isn't a daughter. So I wouldn't have taken it that way.

Likewise, if they had both been girls (or both boys) and a similar comment was made it would have been more shocking.
I did read what HLN discussed about the 7 year old at the gym post on her FB and I am so mad at myself that I didn't take a screen shot.

I thought I posted it somewhere here but I guess I didn't or it got deleted. Since HLN has mentioned it, I will describe it. She posted that a 7-year-old boy was blocking her 18-month-old at the gym nursery from leaving (an area of the room?) and TH got in his face and told him that's not how to treat someone (or something like that).

hmmmm.....She better be glad the other parent didn't see her "get in his face".
Mike - about cell phone pings (showing a screen saying cops have cell phone pings)

Mike believes that LE have her computer. Thought there was 1 interesting statement "The low possibility that the public should be alarmed".
The white truck was spotted Friday afternoon (day Kyron disappeared) and early a.m. on saturday....

A white truck was spotted. No idea if it is the one the Hormans own. No description that I've seen besides "white truck".

This press conference was interesting. While he addressed rumors about Kyron being found and the truck being towed, nothing about the stuff out there regarding Terri.

However... since she hasn't been named POI or suspect, and he was adamant they weren't going to talk about that, and there is no verification from LE about this WW report that has sparked all of these other reports, are we still allowed to discuss Terri as the one who took/harmed Kyron?
Asking about not having pics of Kyron on FB before he went missing. Michelle talking about how the profile pics had changed for the rest of the family but she didn't chg hers for 6 days.

Not reading into that one way or the other.

That's it - moving on to Jaycee's bio dad
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