Small Details that are interesting in the Cooper Harris case, #1

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I wonder how much insurance he had on Leanna?
As in, Ooops he fell over???
I'm lost. I know I should get it.
oh!!!! Yes!!!
I think his plan was to be rid of Cooper. Leanna to have left him and then there is the sister in law on the same cruise with him grief stricken and no wife.
Is it common now to have life insurance on a wife as well as a husband?

(I know, I probably sound archaic.) While I've worked full- and part-time over the years, we've just never had life insurance on anyone but the major breadwinner at our house. That was at the advice of our insurance agent (and parents) years ago.
Like I said, I wouldn't be surprised if Leanna didn't know about the $4000 credit card. I alse imagined she had money put away that he had no knowledge of.
It makes total sense.

Yeah O/T overall, but my ex had "spending problems" -- he would get so mad at me for paying down credit cards and leaving us with less btwn pay periods -- but we didn't need it! I made sure all our bills were paid (and then some) and all our needs were met - but he couldn't stop spending.

While he knew that I had started savings accounts for the kids, he assumed (because I told him) that they were small amounts -- well, by the time our 3rd was born, I had saved quite a bit in our 1st's account -- without thinking about WHO or WHAT he was or his habits, I told him how much was saved one day because he ASKED -- I should have known better but didn't think it through -- it was my husband!! Their father! While I "covertly stashed" money away for them, it didn't occur to me to lie when he outright asked... I should have reduced the amount by 90% or something....

Long story short, he TOTALLY raided all the savings I had slowly built up for all kids -- he made promises that it was just "borrowing" to pay for "pressing" bills, etc -- BS, BS, and even more BS... I smack myself in the head all the time for just spitting out the truth -- the truth is that I didn't have much but knew that between consistent small deposits & interests there would be "something" -- now there is STILL "nothing" because we are split up, have 2 households, and I (being the nice person I am) chose to value him as a person & fatherly figure over his income & my entitlement so I get bare minimum -- as in bare minimum child support and absolutely NO spousal support (told myself since he didn't want divorce he shouldn't have to pay it)... thus, I'm working and back in school -- all I know is that I intend to make enough that I can fully support all kids on my own and whatever he "contributes" and on whatever timetable he does it will eventually go into savings for them... unfortunately, right now, I need every penny I can get.

Before I get tomatoes, please understand I chose to value his connection with the kids over money -- I KNOW what I'm entitled to, I'm getting a pittance, but I also know what I'm dealing with and how further action I take will influence his life and how it will trickle down to our kids.... I'm ok ;)
What kind of draw in is water slides for a 2 year old? That's too little to even go on them. I'm not buying that.
I'm also not buying into his planning of a family vacation meaning he didn't do this premeditated.
Yeah O/T overall, but my ex had "spending problems" -- he would get so mad at me for paying down credit cards and leaving us with less btwn pay periods -- but we didn't need it! I made sure all our bills were paid (and then some) and all our needs were met - but he couldn't stop spending.

While he knew that I had started savings accounts for the kids, he assumed (because I told him) that they were small amounts -- well, by the time our 3rd was born, I had saved quite a bit in our 1st's account -- without thinking about WHO or WHAT he was or his habits, I told him how much was saved one day because he ASKED -- I should have known better but didn't think it through -- it was my husband!! Their father! While I "covertly stashed" money away for them, it didn't occur to me to lie when he outright asked... I should have reduced the amount by 90% or something....

Long story short, he TOTALLY raided all the savings I had slowly built up for all kids -- he made promises that it was just "borrowing" to pay for "pressing" bills, etc -- BS, BS, and even more BS... I smack myself in the head all the time for just spitting out the truth -- the truth is that I didn't have much but knew that between consistent small deposits & interests there would be "something" -- now there is STILL "nothing" because we are split up, have 2 households, and I (being the nice person I am) chose to value him as a person & fatherly figure over his income & my entitlement so I get bare minimum -- as in bare minimum child support and absolutely NO spousal support (told myself since he didn't want divorce he shouldn't have to pay it)... thus, I'm working and back in school -- all I know is that I intend to make enough that I can fully support all kids on my own and whatever he "contributes" and on whatever timetable he does it will eventually go into savings for them... unfortunately, right now, I need every penny I can get.

Before I get tomatoes, please understand I chose to value his connection with the kids over money -- I KNOW what I'm entitled to, I'm getting a pittance, but I also know what I'm dealing with and how further action I take will influence his life and how it will trickle down to our kids.... I'm ok ;)

I commend you for putting him being your kids' father first. It's gotta be hard to do that.
Is it common now to have life insurance on a wife as well as a husband?

(I know, I probably sound archaic.) While I've worked full- and part-time over the years, we've just never had life insurance on anyone but the major breadwinner at our house. That was at the advice of our insurance agent (and parents) years ago.
My dad has been kicking himself for 14 years because he didn't. She didn't work, but her parents gave her money every month and she was a big coupon user. She'd go to 5 different stores for groceries and never purchased ANYTHING full price.
She could sew and fix stuff and sold crafts on the side.

He will tell every man to have it now.
What kind of draw in is water slides for a 2 year old? That's too little to even go on them. I'm not buying that.
I'm also not buying into his planning of a family vacation meaning he didn't do this premeditated.

You've said exactly what others have and you're right -- 2 years old IS too young for water slides (at least where I'm from) -- even with brother's SIL having a kid to play with my kid, a cruise (outside of maybe Disney or Nickelodeon IF your kid is obsessed with a character) is out of place, imo.

Besides the fact that there isn't a lot for a child CH's age to do, who would want to PAY for that experience?

My kids BEG me to take the to Disney World & numerous other places -- besides the money factor, I tell them that the YOUNGEST has to be AT LEAST 5 or older, they have to know how to swim (for the most part), they have to know their address, phone number, parents' names, etc in case we get separated and so on... I'm always thinking worst case scenario...

Maybe I need to lighten up? But I feel my kids are not ready to get lost in the happiest place on earth -- it can happen, despite my best intentions... jmo

A cruise... UGH!!!!!!!
I commend you for putting him being your kids' father first. It's gotta be hard to do that.

Thank you, it is -- considering his personality. He likes to passively-aggressively point out all the ways I'm a "bad mother" and is sure to run back with other people's comments every chance he gets (former mutual friends that naturally divide during divorce) in order to hurt me and try to convince me to come back.... but despite all that, he's absolutely wonderful with the kids and they see him as supportive, firm, and loving (so do I) - it's strange and rare, so I consider myself (and kiddos) lucky and take full advantage... So, we're able to get along (mostly because I just refuse to put up any fight over certain areas so I can be heard LOUD and CLEAR in others, lol), we can combine family events (if needed, though often somewhat tense), and I refuse to put any stock re my personal self-worth into his words because I know what he's about... difficult but necessary for the sake of the kids --

Don't let that make you think I don't sometimes want to cut off his head and s**t down his neck, lol... but hey, bypassing all that is for the greater good. ;)
Free daycare all day
pay daycare 10p-3a
Carnival Cruise Lines

Small frys ages 2 to 5 get the red carpet treatment at Camp Carnival, even if they aren't potty trained. Staff will change diapers on toddlers 3 and younger if parents supply the provisions, but tots in swim diapers can't use any of the water play areas onboard

opps... someone missed that little rule.
I thought he was a tad better. Just a tad.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just a skosh, maybe?

Had a friend once who loved the word "skosh"... except she got confused and always thought of "sconce".... dumb, I know... lol

So you'd ask her a question and she'd reply with, "Just a sconce."


But I still love her, lol.
Yeah O/T overall, but my ex had "spending problems" -- he would get so mad at me for paying down credit cards and leaving us with less btwn pay periods -- but we didn't need it! I made sure all our bills were paid (and then some) and all our needs were met - but he couldn't stop spending.

While he knew that I had started savings accounts for the kids, he assumed (because I told him) that they were small amounts -- well, by the time our 3rd was born, I had saved quite a bit in our 1st's account -- without thinking about WHO or WHAT he was or his habits, I told him how much was saved one day because he ASKED -- I should have known better but didn't think it through -- it was my husband!! Their father! While I "covertly stashed" money away for them, it didn't occur to me to lie when he outright asked... I should have reduced the amount by 90% or something....

Long story short, he TOTALLY raided all the savings I had slowly built up for all kids -- he made promises that it was just "borrowing" to pay for "pressing" bills, etc -- BS, BS, and even more BS... I smack myself in the head all the time for just spitting out the truth -- the truth is that I didn't have much but knew that between consistent small deposits & interests there would be "something" -- now there is STILL "nothing" because we are split up, have 2 households, and I (being the nice person I am) chose to value him as a person & fatherly figure over his income & my entitlement so I get bare minimum -- as in bare minimum child support and absolutely NO spousal support (told myself since he didn't want divorce he shouldn't have to pay it)... thus, I'm working and back in school -- all I know is that I intend to make enough that I can fully support all kids on my own and whatever he "contributes" and on whatever timetable he does it will eventually go into savings for them... unfortunately, right now, I need every penny I can get.

Before I get tomatoes, please understand I chose to value his connection with the kids over money -- I KNOW what I'm entitled to, I'm getting a pittance, but I also know what I'm dealing with and how further action I take will influence his life and how it will trickle down to our kids.... I'm ok ;)

Respectfully and imho, you've chosen the hard road which is difficult but I'm sure you're okay with it. I hope that you will make a different decision when this same "challenge" comes your way again (as they often do). Sometimes the wolf comes back wearing a different fur, iykwim? Keep your truthfulness, ditch any moneygrubbers, and make things easier for you and your kids. Sometimes you have to be a little selfish. It's ok.

Best wishes.
BBM. ITA. When I read the article, I thought it included more evidence for the PROSECUTION! I'm sure the brother thinks he's helping RH, but imo, he could be doing just the opposite, and the article might backfire on him. Moo, jmo.

And to be clear, really, LE training/education officers are probably wonderful at training beat officers -- but they aren't detectives and aren't training detectives.

Just a recent example from my own state:
Brett Seacat, LE training officer, thought he could get away with killing his wife and endangering (nearly killing) his children

That's just one thread from the case, but there's a lot more about that case to be found through Google (and WS prior threads).

So I just mostly look at bro's comments at someone who loves RH and wants to look for doubt and spare him as much as possible -- and hey, if my baby bro were in jail and I thought I could at least spare him some beatings, I'd do the same....

About the videos:

But the video shows that Harris was in the car for less than 15 seconds, during which he put the vehicle in park, turned off the engine and then gathered his smart phone, computer bag and drink before sliding out of the driver’s seat.
Regarding the lunchtime incident, Stoddard testified that when Harris opened the driver’s door and tossed in some light bulbs he had bought, “he’s all the way inside the frame. … and as he’s reaching in, he kind of turns his head a little bit. He’s in there. He has a clear view.”
But the video shows that Harris’ eyes remain above the SUV’s roof line. Only his arm and shoulder reach inside the vehicle. On the video it shows it took three seconds for him to open the door, place the light bulbs inside and close the door.

First, notice that he did have a drink, presumably from Chik-fila. I bet he had a Chik-fila cup in front of him for the first hour or so...yet we are to believe that did not jog his memory.
He kept his eyes remain above the roof line. That would indicate, in my opinion, that he didn't want to see yet..."what he dreaded to see."

What many have wondered...
Seriously, RH?????
You EXPECT people to believe you? Wife, maybe... family, maybe... but the people of Cobb County & the REST of the world are calling BS!!!!!

Go cry somewhere else -- we're all full of tears here
So I just mostly look at bro's comments at someone who loves RH and wants to look for doubt and spare him as much as possible -- and hey, if my baby bro were in jail and I thought I could at least spare him some beatings, I'd do the same....


rsbm: I believe his revelations are for himself : to justify his testifying at the hearing....
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