Sources: Casey Anthony Intentionally Killed Caylee

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What I'm taking away from the article is the reporter has gotten a peek at the doc dump that will happen shortly. The doc dump will be the reporters back up to what they published today. It's a definite pattern I've seen time and time again in this case.

I think your right SuziQ,

Doesn't it always seem like it's on a Friday too..??

I'm taking a wild guess but I'll put my money on a Doc Dump by 5 PM Today.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking but there has definitely been a pattern.

The funny thing about that is, the 1st amendment rights of this land over rides the 6th. The press are all human just as we are, and if those who choose to participate in illegal activity do not like that the press determines their guilt or innocence, maybe they should think about what they are doing before they do it! JMHO

Freedom of Expression is NOT an absolute you're saying that it is perfectly ok for the press to be judge and jury? The press should override or take the place of our courts?! Didn't you see that the Supreme Court has held that the media can't interfere with an individuals right to a fair trial? The 1st amendment certainly does not trump the 6th.
Wudge is saying he thinks we are gullible. Like the people who buy swampland from a con artist.

What Wudge neglects to realize is these leaks of info is followed by a doc dump that verifies the info.

Like the FBI agent told CA. The media has been accurate in their reporting.

LOL it's gonna be a loooong trial if everyone is going to be trying to figure out wtf wudge is trying to get at with his cryptic posts all the time. Gotta love Wudge! :blowkiss:
I will be honest here. Some days I want Justice for Caylee and to me that means punishment for the one who took this child's potential to have a full life. Other days I want Vengence for the one who murdered this precious innocent child in cold blood. If Caylee could speak, we wouldn't be here, but if Caylee could speak, maybe 25 years down the road, do you honestly think she would ask for Mercy? Mercy for the person that took the sun, the moon, the stars away from her? Mercy for the person that took her first day of school, first boyfriend, first date, the Prom, graduation, her first love. Mercy for the one that took her wedding day, her first child, her grandchildren. Please don't lay this at Caylee's precious feet. Caylee is asking for nothing. Society is demanding Justice for Caylee and LE is seeing that she gets it.
(no snarkiness intended, having a vengence day)

We come into the world with none of those things promised. Those things are given to us by parents who choose life and love. Some get it - some don't. Yes, it is sad.
Coming out of obsessed lurkdom;

I, too, believed for a very long time that this was the case of a panicked, narcissistic mother covering up an accidental death. Why? Because she knew that her mother "would never forgive her", and that she would have to curtail her partying until the appropriate "grieving" period was over. So she put it off, possibly going into deep denial, believing her own lies, etc. But as time went by, and her years of lies, stealing and deceit became public, it became glaringly apparent that she lies so easily, so convincingly, that it chilled me to the bone. The one thing that kept me from fully believing that this was intentional murder was, ironically enough, the estimated time of death, 3-4pm on 6/16. The middle of the afternoon! Accidents happen in the afternoon. Children drown, get hit by cars, fall out of windows in the afternoon. For some reason, it's difficult for me to imagine anyone murdering a child in the light of day, the hours of "reason". Even for a night owl partier like KC, that would be a clear headed time of day for her.
So, if the TOD is correct, it makes it even more evil.
BTW, I am amazed at the level of passion, intelligence, and insight on this website. You guys are truly addictive!

Who said TOD 3-4?
ppshhh. I am sure the source is LP.

I think your right SuziQ,

Doesn't it always seem like it's on a Friday too..??

I'm taking a wild guess but I'll put my money on a Doc Dump by 5 PM Today.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking but there has definitely been a pattern.


I sure hope your wishful thinking comes true today! :clap::clap::clap:
Maybe a new doc dump will give us something to chew on over the weekend!
not gloating but do object to your idea that only those who held out, beyond all reason, that it was an accident, are the only analysts of this case with any humanity or compassion.

:clap: :clap:

I *am* compassionate, like many others, to the real victim in this case... Caylee.
Freedom of Expression is NOT an absolute you're saying that it is perfectly ok for the press to be judge and jury? The press should override or take the place of our courts?! Didn't you see that the Supreme Court has held that the media can't interfere with an individuals right to a fair trial? The 1st amendment certainly does not trump the 6th.

No, I didn't say did.
Freedom of Speech is an absolute right! If the press wanted to go on TV right now and call all of us idiots because we sit behind our screens and talk about people we don't know, it is their right to do so! It may not make it right morally, but legally it is. And until the day comes that the press can sign the paperwork to have Casey put on DR or in prison for life, the point cannot even be argued.
Who said TOD 3-4?

Hi and thanks for the welcome!

I don't remember where I read that, but I remember that the estimation came about because of the window of time between when George saw them last, and when KC and Tony were at Blockbuster, as well as the flurry of cell phone calls during that time period. I could be wrong, and please forgive me if I am, don't want my 1st post to be misinformative!
LP is a shotty source imho.
If Casey were to enter a plea deal (if it were offered again), would she have to stand before the court and tell what happened?
I don't think there will be time to challenge the "source" legally. I believe there will be a document dump shortly showing a lot of things which we really do not want to know.

Baez better get some kind of LWOP deal on the table. This is NOT a case to take to trial. If he does, it will only be for his own interest - not the interest of KC.

He should have plead this down in the beginning. He could have flown the "accidental" death theory and got her off with 15 years. Between his need to be seen and the Anthonys need for money they signed KC's fate. All of them had their own self interest at heart and they may cost KC her life by doing it.

Baez can't accept any kind of plea deal if Casey is not on board. I could be totally wrong, but from all the evidence out there, I think he tried at the beginning, and she wouldn't go along with it. I can't help but wonder if she has ever changed her story to him from the day he hired on.
Casey is at best irrational. Baez, IMO, is an idiot. However, there have been several other attorneys in and out on this case, they can't all be stupid, can they?
I'm basing this on the story as originally told to LE. What kind of a moron would think this story would fly? I wouldn't be surprised if Casey is sitting in jail right now still thinking she is going to get away with this.
From my timeline scribbles:

Monday, June 16:
*George claims he saw KC/Caylee leave house at 2 p.m. with backpacks, KC dressed in gray slacks "for work".
*10-minute phone conversation with Jesse.. he claims he hears Caylee in the background.
*Flurry of calls begin at 3 p.m.

Tuesday, June 17:*Zenaida visits Sawgrass apts.
*KC backs into the garage.
*"Chris" sees KC in a green jeep.
*At 3:15, Facebook entry to AH "cheer me up. I can't wait for you to move in."
*Another flurry of calls.

Wednesday, June 18
*KC backs into garage again.
*Shovel borrowed from neighbor.
*Another flurry of calls.

Well Jesse was CERTAIN he heard Caylee in the background on July 24th as well, but in his later statements he later became "not so sure"..... So IMO that opens the timeline up even further regarding the June 16th call.

Interesting about that June 16th call - somewhere between 12 and 16 minutes long. Considering the significance of June 16th, IMO he downplayed that call and said very little about the context other than KC said CA had asked her to find another place to live, no big deal, no fight.....odd.
I sure hope your wishful thinking comes true today! :clap::clap::clap:
Maybe a new doc dump will give us something to chew on over the weekend!

There's snow on the way so a big fat 2,000 page Doc Dump would make for some great reading this weekend.

We're over due for another one anyway...!!
This is my thought and just that...could it be that the toxicology test has just recently came back and it shows that there were poisions (meds you would never give a child or choloraform) in her tiny system..and for that reason it would not be an accident..

And could it not be that someone within the case who is an aquaintance of the media has given them this info Off The Record meaning that there name is not to be released, but not meaning that they cannot report on it and that the info given is truthful...Makes perfect sense to me...
"Who said TOD 3-4?"

Hi and thanks for the welcome!

I don't remember where I read that, but I remember that the estimation came about because of the window of time between when George saw them last, and when KC and Tony were at Blockbuster, as well as the flurry of cell phone calls during that time period. I could be wrong, and please forgive me if I am, don't want my 1st post to be misinformative!

Okee dokey, thought I missed somthin'.:bang:
Baez can't accept any kind of plea deal if Casey is not on board. I could be totally wrong, but from all the evidence out there, I think he tried at the beginning, and she wouldn't go along with it. I can't help but wonder if she has ever changed her story to him from the day he hired on.
Casey is at best irrational. Baez, IMO, is an idiot. However, there have been several other attorneys in and out on this case, they can't all be stupid, can they?
I'm basing this on the story as originally told to LE. What kind of a moron would think this story would fly? I wouldn't be surprised if Casey is sitting in jail right now still thinking she is going to get away with this.

I personally think it was the other way around. I think that Baez is following a money trail on this case, and he is the one in charge. He has made Casey believe that he will get her off, and therefor taking a deal would end it all..
He wants this circus to continue for PR purposes.
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