***SPOILER ALERT*** Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton - CONTENT DISCUSSION

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JA: Casey is the lowest of the low. She maintained her lie and adjusted that lie on the fly and appeared supersufficially to believe that lie. Selfish. Disregarded the rights of the other. Narcassist.

says OCA told Dr. D she thought that Caylee was still alive after George said she was dead, and that George told her multiple times over the 31 days that Caylee was still alive and OK
Well, there you have it. The little bit of truth in every lie...she is the one who said Caylee was alive and with anyone she could think of.
JVM said when she was first asked if she had ever been sexually a bused she said no . . . later kc said she feared that Caylee might be GA's bio-child . . . JA never saw anything like using her story to hurt, create a lie, maintain the lie, adjust it on the fly - - amazing and seemingly so superficially . . . . not necessarily sociopath but a pathological selfishness, narcissism that pervades everything she does . . .

on phone lauren from FL = how personal deal with emotions of that verdict? JA sometimes verdicts astound you - don't go the way should . . . anger & frustration and sometimes this just happens. . . .

JVM said in book CA is co-dependent . . .
CA is honest and well liked person . . . CA learned to lie from KC but is not very good at it . . neither she nor GA were good liars and it was obvious when they did lie.
JA: Casey is best liar he's ever seen...holding on to the lies for so long and able to adjust on the fly...neither George nor Cindy were good liars>when they lied, it was obvious they were lying.
JA: Cindy learned to lie from Casey and neither Cindy nor George are as good at it as their daughter.
JVM announcing book will be made into a made for tv movie . . . thinking of the different cast members . . . . JA apologises to Clooney, and Geere they have to be associated with his "ugly mug".
I still stand with Jeff A. I am so proud of him.
So many MANY modsnippy cusswords are tumbling around in my brain right now...

In some ways, its a crying shame that the defense did not go with the entire "nucleus lie" theory. I am not sure the jury would have bought it... ok strike that. They most likely would have. But I would like to have seen ALL the lies come to light in trial.

I am so very very glad Jeff wrote this book. Miss Modsnips money makin' days are O.V.E.R. He has pipped her at the post. HA. HA. HA.

(Have I mentioned that I hate her? OT I know. But I do.)

BBM. Yes. This is precisely what prompted me to buy Mr Ashton's book today (aside from my interest in hearing what he had to say.) If anyone deserves to make money on this case, it is he, LDB, Mr George, and the host of others who fought hard for justice for Caylee. I (as numerous others) had been devastated by the outcome of the trial, and needed to put it all aside for a time. GOD BLESS Mr Ashton for bringing truth to light. Finally. In some small way, I feel justice has been served and I feel so much better. :)
Don't agree - with a lawyer like Mason it's about getting the best win possible!

i don't disagree with you. was replying quickly to the poster, and throwing out reasons why CM would ask for plea, other than because all the sudden it hit him that OCA was guilty.
Just jumping on as I saw JA on JVM and thought this was the most appropriate thread . . . since he is discussing his book. I haven't read the book . . . will probably pick up tomorrow.

JA was just discussing how KC was adamant that GA drown her while sexually abusing Caylee. . . . GA learned through his Atty (?) of this strategy by the defense and JA stood by to go back in to answer any questions the family members might have.

Yes, and she could have well said it to Yuri at the get go, but did she? Nope. Did we see GA getting arrested or brought in to answer those type of questions? Nope. Did she tell this to Baez at first? Nope. There it goes, right out that broken window of lies.

Posted on another thread by accident, but the 5 minutes I listened to JVM just made feel so glad to know Mr. Ashton has put the kerfloppensocks on any future ideas any of the Anthonys may have been anticipating by way of movies or a book or even another lawsuit. He shot down FCA's possible golden goose dreams of her story after her term of probation is over.
Oh Well, Thems the brakes :crazy: :great: :crazy: :great:
yes. pg. 292.

I knew Ashton was in a snit because LA wouldn't meet with him or one of the other prosecutors before the trial - and I didn't think he handled him very well at all. However I'm surprised he said that about LA - because that's the direction JA sent LA with the way he handled his testimony at trial.

I wouldn't have said LA was a "hostile witness" at trial - he was just plain hostile - hostile at everyone and everything - not leaning towards the Defense.
Please post about JVM's interview with JA hubby is watching Duke vs. Michigan. I refuse to leave this thread.

I agree, all updates are appreciated. I've been boycotting JVM for her arse kissing of JB and now she goes and does a good thing by letting the truth out with JA and I miss it.
(geez, JVM is annoying. everything she covers seems to be for her interchangeable, amusing bits of entertainment, nothing more).

JA says he believes karma awaits OCA. We can only hope.
i don't disagree with you. was replying quickly to the poster, and throwing out reasons why CM would ask for plea, other than because all the sudden it hit him that OCA was guilty.

Sorry - the plea agreement surprised me as Ashton describes it - wasn't trying to "get at you". But I always thought CM's defense of OCA and her innocence was just so much hogwash...and I felt he thought she was guilty all along. I think he was getting worried about what kind of sentence she was going to get.

He was listening to the evidence like we were...
Jeff Ashton says that in his book? :eek:

Yes, he does, although not in those exact words. He talks a lot about how Lee was prior to the hearing in Depos and such and how Lee wouldn't meet them prior to the trial and goes on to say it was basically like pulling teeth to get answers from him and how many times FG had to "remind" Lee of previous testimony. He also says Lee seemed to go with the defense line.

I've decided I'll field questions on the book since I finished it before I read this whole thread :)
(geez, JVM is annoying. everything she covers seems to be for her interchangeable, amusing bits of entertainment, nothing more).

JA says he believes karma awaits OCA. We can only hope.

aye uh, yep. She's a puppet head. Nooooo value. In my very humble, most ignoble, and totally unreliable, very tainted, personal, and very biased opinion.
@ BigMama . . . . I think I used to have a pair of kerfloppensocks but the dryer must have ate them . . . . (lol!)
what was that statement by JB that popped up on JVM's show? Can't find it googling. about how his client denies the untruths said about her in JA's book? and ditto JB on denials about what JA said about him?

This is NOT a snark post, no matter how much it seems it must be just that.

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