State files motion to proceed with check fraudUPDATE CASE TO BE SCHEDULED

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Does anybody know what the sentencing guidelines are for multiple counts of check fraud (forgive me if I missed it earlier in the thread)? Judge Strickland might be inclined not to go easy on her and sentence her to more than what's she's already served - in the state prison system. If he could set her initial bond at $500,000 for child neglect, it's entirely possible that he cou;d give her a stiff sentence. Gee, what a shame. :woohoo:
Coco, I'm curious what her defense will be as well. Any of you legal WSers have an angle about why she continues to plead not guilty (faced with ALL of the evidence!!!) and why a lawyer would allow their client to do so?????

I have no idea but fact that she is pleading not guilty to this is really going to undermined her already non-existent credibility when it comes to her not-guilty plea for murder.
I have no idea but fact that she is pleading not guilty to this is really going to undermined her already non-existent credibility when it comes to her not-guilty plea for murder.

How can she keep pleading not guilty to the check fraud when they made restitution to BOA??? Isn't that admitting guilt??:rolleyes:
Does anybody know what the sentencing guidelines are for multiple counts of check fraud (forgive me if I missed it earlier in the thread)? Judge Strickland might be inclined not to go easy on her and sentence her to more than what's she's already served - in the state prison system. If he could set her initial bond at $500,000 for child neglect, it's entirely possible that he cou;d give her a stiff sentence. Gee, what a shame. :woohoo:

Autumn: I believe that it was stated earlier in this thread that a person could face a max. five year sentence for each count. Giddyup! Hope Strickster is a stickler for strong sentences.:woohoo:
How can she keep pleading not guilty to the check fraud when they made restitution to BOA??? Isn't that admitting guilt??:rolleyes:

I may be missing something here, but can she still plead not guilty by reason of insanity???

I am having a hard time understanding (and I think potential jurors will too) how a perfectly sane, (although cunning and just pure evil, imo) woman can steal a friend's checkbook, use up all the friend's money knowing that friend would be returning from a trip shortly.

It doesn't make any sense. She knew AH would figure it out pretty quickly, so what was her plan??? Or was KC just too darned crazy to think AH would say anything about it???

OMG! Maybe she was planning to do away with AH soon after she got home, so it didn't matter if she found out.

Is it possible to plead not guilty but insane on a charge like this??? Or, is that out of the question?
I think it is as simple as this-kc saw the checkbook and couldn't resist the temptation to use it!! What excuse would she use? She's like scarlet o'hara-she'll think about it tomorrow!!;)
I may be missing something here, but can she still plead not guilty by reason of insanity???

I am having a hard time understanding (and I think potential jurors will too) how a perfectly sane, (although cunning and just pure evil, imo) woman can steal a friend's checkbook, use up all the friend's money knowing that friend would be returning from a trip shortly.

It doesn't make any sense. She knew AH would figure it out pretty quickly, so what was her plan??? Or was KC just too darned crazy to think AH would say anything about it???

OMG! Maybe she was planning to do away with AH soon after she got home, so it didn't matter if she found out.

Is it possible to plead not guilty but insane on a charge like this??? Or, is that out of the question?

The only way I can see her going on this is by saying she had permission. I don't know how she'd pull that one off when she mentioned in a jail visit that she did it in a "time of desperation". But, how else could she claim to be "not guilty" except by insanity, like you said, or she had permission?
I also find it pretty odd that she would steal money from AH she knew KC was using her car with the checkbook in it. But KC had already killed Caylee and I think she always knew she was going to get caught and that's why she partied and stole from AH. She wanted to live it up before she got caught.
I really do hope all AH's friends show up in court to support their her. Can you imagine KC's reaction?

I also don't understand her not changing her plea. Didn't she tell her parents during one of the jail visits to tell AH she is sorry and she felt bad about what she did to her?

And Baez admitted her guilt by paying back BOA recently. He should have pled no contest a long time ago! Same with the civil trial, and all the depos would have been avoided. The state said they will accept a bench trial, so the posturing saying they have to select a venue due to the jury pool is whack!
I haven't read the whole thread but gosh, in reality no way should this be 2 day trial even.
Most folks, defended by a public defender would be lucky to get more than a couple of hours of the courts time.
She should plead guilty and be done with it.
Maybe now that the case is going forward ahead of the trial we'll see a plea bargain.
I may be missing something here, but can she still plead not guilty by reason of insanity???

I am having a hard time understanding (and I think potential jurors will too) how a perfectly sane, (although cunning and just pure evil, imo) woman can steal a friend's checkbook, use up all the friend's money knowing that friend would be returning from a trip shortly.

It doesn't make any sense. She knew AH would figure it out pretty quickly, so what was her plan??? Or was KC just too darned crazy to think AH would say anything about it???

OMG! Maybe she was planning to do away with AH soon after she got home, so it didn't matter if she found out.

Is it possible to plead not guilty but insane on a charge like this??? Or, is that out of the question?

Maybe stupidity but not insanity.
Does anybody know what the sentencing guidelines are for multiple counts of check fraud (forgive me if I missed it earlier in the thread)? Judge Strickland might be inclined not to go easy on her and sentence her to more than what's she's already served - in the state prison system. If he could set her initial bond at $500,000 for child neglect, it's entirely possible that he cou;d give her a stiff sentence. Gee, what a shame. :woohoo:

KC's "time served" is due to the pending murder charge. Can the judge apply that time served against her sentence for check fraud? Just curious.
KC's "time served" is due to the pending murder charge. Can the judge apply that time served against her sentence for check fraud? Just curious.

Good point! Though she was initially arrested for the check charges and served a whole month, eating bologna and coleslaw (poor, poor lil thing! :boohoo:), her current incarceration IS for the murder charge! I would also like to know this!
The only way I can see her going on this is by saying she had permission. I don't know how she'd pull that one off when she mentioned in a jail visit that she did it in a "time of desperation". But, how else could she claim to be "not guilty" except by insanity, like you said, or she had permission?

Well ya , remember the sleeptalking Amy did? Gave KC total permission to take all her money??? I imagine that judge Strickland has all kinds of thoughts racing through his mind when he hears all this bullcrap from KC and her henchmen. Poor Judge, lol he probably has down a whole bottle of pepto before he deals with these nitwits each and every time.
I agree with the alter ego theory. However, KC even signed her name on AH's checks then there is also those photos captured by the bank of KC cashing AH's check with her forged signature. Not sure how LE/SA could or would bring the ZG profile into this charge.

Also there are the claims that KC fraudulently used CA cc's and let's not forget SP's bank account removals. Same time period.

BBM. This means the A's and SP would probably testify, especially if the defense tries to say KC's never had a history of stealing before.
Well ya , remember the sleeptalking Amy did? Gave KC total permission to take all her money??? I imagine that judge Strickland has all kinds of thoughts racing through his mind when he hears all this bullcrap from KC and her henchmen. Poor Judge, lol he probably has down a whole bottle of pepto before he deals with these nitwits each and every time.

That's not going to come up in this trial I wouldn't think. Or will it? I just don't see what possible defense there could be when you're on video signing the checks. She should try what I try when I get a traffic ticket.

Judge: "Guilty or Not Guilty"
Me: "Um, guilty with an explanation your Honor"
No, she doesn't have to testify, and no COMPETENT attorney would advise her to do so in the check fraud case. There is nothing she can say that would help her defense.

I have to agree with you 100 percent on that considering the videos of KC at BOA and Target and the fact that KC wore some of the very items she "purchased" with the stolen funds and was arrested in one of the T-shirts, not much could KC add. I don't even know what defense they could possibly come up with...
I may be missing something here, but can she still plead not guilty by reason of insanity???

I am having a hard time understanding (and I think potential jurors will too) how a perfectly sane, (although cunning and just pure evil, imo) woman can steal a friend's checkbook, use up all the friend's money knowing that friend would be returning from a trip shortly.

It doesn't make any sense. She knew AH would figure it out pretty quickly, so what was her plan??? Or was KC just too darned crazy to think AH would say anything about it???

OMG! Maybe she was planning to do away with AH soon after she got home, so it didn't matter if she found out.

Is it possible to plead not guilty but insane on a charge like this??? Or, is that out of the question?

Like Leonard Padilla once said - Casey lives 10 minutes at a time. I'm sure she had some rationalization of how she would handle it when Amy came back. It is utterly bizarre that she's not pled guilty. Just more waste of taxpayer money, courtesy of the defense bar.
Casey is not use to being held accountable for anything.
She never thought this through enough to see herself in court.
JBs attempt to postpone the trial has failed.
His only real option now is to try to plead her out to a reduced charge.
ie- get her out of being a convicted felon which will be an aggravating factor in the death penalty phase

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