State rests rebuttal case- thread #164

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Maybe they were her earnings from PPL. Was she still an associate under Travis in early June 08?

BBM: I wonder if she scammed the insurance co.? Maybe she got a check and that would account for some of the money she deposited???
I think she changed the CA car rental plates with the AZ plates from the BMW in Pasadena.

When she changed back to her car rental CA plates (before the Hoover Dam), she put the back one upside down.

Having AZ plates in AZ would not be suspicious. There is no way she drove from Pasadena to Mesa with an upside down CA plate.
I've driven from Phoenix-Tucson and back and there are alot of highway patrol.

Well, it looks like the checkpoint did miss the upside down license plate. Why would she fix it for the checkpoint and change it back to upside down in Utah, where she had no reason to be invisible/unidentified?

I think that she took the plates off altogether while in AZ (or at least in the Mesa area) and then after the killing put them back on. In the dark, or in her panic mode, she just got the back one on upside down.
The Defense filed a Rule 20 motion which JSKS heard and denied on Thursday, April 25.

What's a Rule 20 motion?

Arizona Rule 20. Judgment of Acquittal

a. Before Verdict. On motion of a defendant or on its own initiative, the court shall enter a judgment of acquittal of one or more offenses charged in an indictment, information or complaint after the evidence on either side is closed, if there is no substantial evidence to warrant a conviction. In an aggravation hearing, after the evidence on either side is closed, on a motion of a defendant or on its own initiative, the court shall enter a judgment that an aggravating circumstance was not proven if there is no substantial evidence to warrant the allegation. The court's decision on a defendant's motion shall not be reserved, but shall be made with all possible speed.
b. After Verdict. A motion for judgment of acquittal made before verdict may be renewed by a defendant within 10 days after the verdict was returned.
I think that was the whole purpose of getting that Helio from Gus, to have something to store the copied over sex tape on for whenever her plan called for its use.

I do not think that sex tape was made on May 10th, '08, I think it probably happened the year before and she copied it to the new phone, giving it the date of May 10th, '08. Moo

I don't believe she had this cell phone insured. That's a "Jodi story." She couldn't afford this phone on her own. Gus gave it to her. IF she got a replacement, it wasn't a Helio. :twocents:
I agree.

I think Juan was trying to show that JA had her hair dyed before she went to Walmart.

Didn't JA say that she went Walmart before and after the salon? Before to buy the gas.....and after to return it?

The receipt shows her only trip to Walmart was after her visit to the salon.

Here's what gets me: Salinas isn't all that big. Given Jodi Ann's long hair, you think anyone who dyed it would remember doing so, and that the police would be able to uncover that.
I think that was the whole purpose of getting that Helio from Gus, to have something to store the copied over sex tape on for whenever her plan called for its use.

I do not think that sex tape was made on May 10th, '08, I think it probably happened the year before and she copied it to the new phone, giving it the date of May 10th, '08. Moo

I have wondered that as well.
I do not take her at her word about ANYTHING!!

Everything she says is suspect to me.
I have no input on the phones because I am in a fog over them and missed much of the testimony. I do not even know what a helio phone is.

Back in its day, it was to be a mobile device (glorified phone) whose specialty was social media.

But HΞLIO no longer exists.

The brand was purchased by Virgin Mobile and retired in 2010, IIRC, when they exited the post-paid wireless business.
I think she changed the CA car rental plates with the AZ plates from the BMW in Pasadena.

When she changed back to her car rental CA plates (before the Hoover Dam), she put the back one upside down.

Having AZ plates in AZ would not be suspicious. There is no way she drove from Pasadena to Mesa with an upside down CA plate.
I've driven from Phoenix-Tucson and back and there are alot of highway patrol.

I like you BMW AZ plate theory. It fixes all of the driving through AZ with/without identifiable CA plates. She had access to the BMW plates, and she would only need to use one of them--AZ does not require the front plate. So, she takes both CA plates off at any time on her journey between Pasadena and Mesa and replaces the back with the AZ BMW plate. She leaves Travis's after killing him and doesn't recognize (in the pitch black desert) that she replaced the plate upside down.

Good post! I like it. I'm all in on your theory!
I think he was lined up to testify for the DT, but somewhere along the line MM was the one that forged the pedo letters. Hence the magazine from Jodi saying you f*cked up.

Juan said put MM on the stand and I will take him down for forgery or something along those lines. MM then just disappeared after that.

But, my gut tells me he may be involved in the Dr. DeMarte break-in (laptop stolen). He seems like a snake in the grass. He forged letters for Jodi? She might have something on him too now, who knows.

How did MM get out of testifying? I know he was in some hearing. He was somehow involved in the fake letters, and the magazine coded nonsense. I am just wondering how his testimony is not relevant. Seems to me, he was knee deep, to say the least, in all that transpired.
I think that was the whole purpose of getting that Helio from Gus, to have something to store the copied over sex tape on for whenever her plan called for its use.

I do not think that sex tape was made on May 10th, '08, I think it probably happened the year before and she copied it to the new phone, giving it the date of May 10th, '08. Moo tape has references to past and future plans/ her leaving Mesa in April and his upcoming travel plans. The phone damaged in the uhaul was not a Helio...
Here's what gets me: Salinas isn't all that big. Given Jodi Ann's long hair, you think anyone who dyed it would remember doing so, and that the police would be able to uncover that.

JM did come to court with a nice dye job some weeks ago, wonder if he found a certain salon in Salinas and had his hair done in the same manner to narrow down the timeline. :)
Do you remember when or where you heard this? This is the first I have heard of this. (I feel like I'm in a fog of mud.:please::banghead:)

I only assumed the money came from DB because she deposited it shortly after leaving him, and he behaved so strangely and unnaturally on
....Paul stern maybe???.?.
Just want to say how much I have enjoyed this site and the informative and insightful discussions that I have found here. I've got to admit I am dreading the end of this trial. I am a trial junky and with the end of Insession I wondered where we will get trial coverage in the future. Is there a site that posts trials that are being streamed that we can follow? Thanks guys.
Here's what gets me: Salinas isn't all that big. Given Jodi Ann's long hair, you think anyone who dyed it would remember doing so, and that the police would be able to uncover that.

Could JM have hooked the witness box monitor up to google maps and have Jodi go to the street level and point out which nail salon she had her nails done in?

Why is it that her memory only fails when she murders someone? Everything else she can remember like it happened yesterday.
According to her story, I count up three phones.

I take things for granted, like the police could see from records whether or not she actually did buy and use a third phone. It only says she had the third phone per her diary. If she'd only had two and the Helio hadn't been lost, at some point, she had to have another phone after she stashed the Helio in her grandfather's truck.

So maybe she never lost the Helio, it was the only phone she had on her trip. Once she got home, she hid the Helio, doctored her diary, and got another phone? A prepaid one like you can get at Walmart? I don't know. I'm assuming she had to have some phone and with a number that Freeman knew (because he called her the night of the body discovery. Unless she'd called him prior with this new number from the third phone).

It's very confusing to me, and I want proof of this third phone, basically.

Yes, I also counted three! I don't think she could have lost the Helio since it seems to be the one on the trip, if that is the one the photos are on. So, she must have hidden it after she got back to Yreka.

But, she claims to have made an insurance claim on or around May 18, right? I believe it was a fake claim, but what phone she get?

She easily could have had a prepaid "throw away" phone, but what phone did she have when arrested? Didn't a rep. from Sprint testify about her phone calls?

Surely it would be easy for LE to find out if the phone had been replaced in May, regardless of what she wrote in the liary.
I don't believe she had this cell phone insured. That's a "Jodi story." She couldn't afford this phone on her own. Gus gave it to her. IF she got a replacement, it wasn't a Helio. :twocents:

Idk. If it was insured sometimes a replacement is only $50.

I wish we knew:

If there really was a police report

If there was insurance, whose? Gus? Jodi?

Phone company would have records of shipping a new phone

It does sound like one of her stories and that May 22 journal was fake as hell tape has references to past and future plans/ her leaving Mesa in April and his upcoming travel plans. The phone damaged in the uhaul was not a Helio...

Alrighty, thanks.
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