State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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It's too bad my original post (which was largely quotes from another blogger) was deleted because it went into areas that made a lot of sense.

Why weren't some photos time-stamped?

Please look back to one of my last posts where I included contradictions from Connors and Melenez. One says the memory card was found in the wash machine. The other, in the camera.

Something is not right.

The photo of Jodi's bottom is time stamped 1:44:00
Pic of Travis time stamped 1:44:50

50 seconds. They were naked in the same room, less than one minute apart

Melendez testified he removed the memory stick himself from the camera.
Conner did find the camera in the washer. It was packaged with a power cord that was used to test the camera. The memory stick was packaged separately because it had been used by Mesa PD to get incriminating evidence on the person who murdered Travis.
There's no conspiracy here IMO
One of my main problems is he was Travis' mentor, Travis was supposed to host or be a part of the conference call the evening he was killed, Chris Hughes never seemed to bother to find out why Travis wasn't on the call, and the Hughes didn't even find out that Travis was dead until they were on their way to Cancun. A trip Travis was supposed to be on. I simply do not understand the Hughes' lack of concern over no one hearing from Travis since he last texted with Chris around noon on the 4th. It makes no sense to me at all.

If I was going on a trip with a friend, and he/she didn't show up...I wouldn't be going anywhere until I found out what was up...
I have a strong feeling JSS will put her foot down and say NO to the DT.

They've had their chance, this trial cannot afford to lose any more jurors, otherwise, there will be a mistrial. moo

I hope you are right and I agree that this jury has had enough of the DT. I don't get this Phd. being an expert on frontal lobe injuries. How many autopsy has he done? Has he worked in any rehab? What is his experience at crime scenes? The DT has pushed and pushed JSS into believing that if she doesn't give them what they want it will be a grounds for an appeal. I don't think denying this comes close to granting an appeal and it is costing the taxpayers more and more money. I guess the DT wants to milk it dry.
I am thinking about the knives that were found in the box of books on the day of her arrest. I wonder if they were ever tested to see if they had any trace of the tires when she slashed Travis' tires.
I totally disagree. This is a woman who since stalked him, slashed his tires, slashed his then-girlfriends tires, hacked into his accounts. and emails. Stole his ring and journal.... etc.
No. I believe he was truly done with her and that is what set her off. And the fact that she owed him money for the car, didn't help.

But hadn't the tire-slashing incidents been happening since Aug/Sept 2007 (I"m using this date range b/c didn't he date Lisa fall of 2007)? Obviously we know she had done a lot of horrible things, he knew she had done those things (as in the May text messages he says I'll tell everyone all the psycho things you've done). Yet we know they were still talking on phone and having sex. I mean, if he knew she slashed his and Lisa's tires,and yet he still fell for her apology act, then it's not hard for me to believe he would have fallen for it again no matter how nasty the May 28 text fight was. He would have probably gotten very very worked up after she SLASHED HIS TIRES, yet she still managed to turn him around somehow.
I thought of you and your avatar yesterday when we had lunch at Babes Chicken Dinner House. You have to love dinner plate size chicken fried steaks, sharing size bowls of gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans. You have a choice of local honey or sorghum for the buttermilk biscuits and save a place for homemade pies.

Where is Babe's? Family style?
Gravy is my favorite food group ILTBP
Arias was very surprised to hear about that third roommate being home earlier. Why? Because if Arias came through the garage door as she said, she would've seen his car.

IMO she came in through the office-window. As far as prints? She said herself she would've worn gloves and probably did until she started playing around with his camera which was ALSO in his office.

She probably told Flores they had sex in the office in case any DNA would've shown up.

I don't think the State has this right. But the bottom line is, she deserves the DP regardless.

Except their is no evidence she came through that window. I would imagine that included anything that might have been disturbed such was dust on the window sill. That is one way they can tell. Travis lived in the desert and trust me no matter how clean you are there is always a thin layer of dust. I might imagine that window with the screen was not considered because there was no evidence anyone entered the home from that window.

I agree about the office because we know they found his wallet in there minus the rent money given to him by the roommates. So she was in there. jmo
In this demonstration model using his camera, the memory card does not fit.


Why did Connor say they found the memory card (separate) in the wash machine. Then Melendez saying, it was intact in the camera?

And someone PLEASE tell me why some evidential-photos didn't contain time-stamps.

I thought I remembered him saying it was a piece of the camera and not specifically the card.
From the way Jodi acted nervous when Flores brought up computers, carrying on that Travis' computer had a buggy virus and hers was broke...she was up to something. Either hiding or wanting them to look. I think she looked on his computer while he was asleep, never stopped her before from snooping.
(I wish some of you ladies could have examined the camera and computers, better whizzes than the cops are!)

CHRISTOPHER: Bonjour. Yes.



PINSKY: OK. Mark, go ahead.


OK. That`s Russian. But, all right. Julie, can I ask you. Was there -- did you ever know at all Travis to be violent with her or with any one? Is there any truth to this at all? He seems like such a wonderful, peaceful, loving guy. Did you ever see any side of his different?

I have no idea if she is French or Canadian...
But they were speaking French on air.

She is an odd woman!

and ewww I saw the tan mom pics...
it ranked up there with JA's pics.
In this demonstration model using his camera, the memory card does not fit.


Why did Connor say they found the memory card (separate) in the wash machine. Then Melendez saying, it was intact in the camera?

And someone PLEASE tell me why some evidential-photos didn't contain time-stamps.

I didn't hear Heather Conner testify to finding the memory card separately.

IIRC she testified that the door came off and separated from the camera.

As for the missing dates/timestamps, I posted my opinion last p.m.: [ame=""][/ame]
I am still laughing about how the rumor started here regarding Judge Larry Scheidlin and TanMom........... made my night. I needed to laugh.
I thought of you and your avatar yesterday when we had lunch at Babes Chicken Dinner House. You have to love dinner plate size chicken fried steaks, sharing size bowls of gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans. You have a choice of local honey or sorghum for the buttermilk biscuits and save a place for homemade pies.


Please keep in mind when talking about Chris Hughes, think of what he does. He's trying to sell you something. That's what his job is. They never turn that switch off.

In a way, that's how Travis was. He was very charming and as a motivational speaker, a lot of people thought of him in that respect. He did his job in such a way, you came away from his speech and say "Wow, he really spoke to me". I'm not saying that's a bad thing and it reflects nothing of who was is personally. He seemed genuine in the way he treated people. I wonder if the way he spoke to others (both personally and in motivational talks) was what attracted JA to him. Not so much of who he was or what he represented, but this image in her head that he spoke to her in a way that she believed all his focus was on her and not it was just the way he treated everyone.

When he moved on with his life, she couldn't comprehend that his focus wasn't on her if it ever was at all. So don't judge Mr. Hughes too harshly, he's been waiting to speak out and defend his and his wife's actions for some time now.
Arias was very surprised to hear about that third roommate being home earlier. Why? Because if Arias came through the garage door as she said, she would've seen his car.

IMO she came in through the office-window. As far as prints? She said herself she would've worn gloves and probably did until she started playing around with his camera which was ALSO in his office.

She probably told Flores they had sex in the office in case any DNA would've shown up.

I don't think the State has this right. But the bottom line is, she deserves the DP regardless.

Gloves: It was very weird she mentions to Flores something like... if I ever was to kill someone, I'd wear gloves... who would think to say that?
Also, she went into that elaborate description of the youtube video on the interrogation video- that was a red flag to me too. Over-explained that whole scenario- people dancing with boxes on their heads, she thought it was stupid, etc went way too far into that.
Re: PPL .. does the fact that Chris was 'above' Travis mean that some of whatever Travis earned went to Chris?
From the way Jodi acted nervous when Flores brought up computers, carrying on that Travis' computer had a buggy virus and hers was broke...she was up to something. Either hiding or wanting them to look. I think she looked on his computer while he was asleep, never stopped her before from snooping.
(I wish some of you ladies could have examined the camera and computers, better whizzes than the cops are!)

I think she tried to load some *advertiser censored* or pedo things on his computer and security stopped her and that is why there was a virus warning when LE turned on his computer.
Originally Posted by Sulamith
BBM Oh my, she was a trip, IMO. I watched that interview twice. Her accent/looks reminded me of a character in the movie White Oleander.

Mark Eiglarsh and Dr. Drew spoke to her in French.

What do I know LOL! I lived most of my life in Texas and California and a bit in Oklahoma and year in Germany!!
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