State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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Oh my, do I feel stupid. I asked you if you were from Maryland without checking your location. Duh! This is an example as to why I do not post much. Also your ID, TXProfessional should have been a good clue, you think.

Lilly12, I answered your question upstream--also commented on football. Raised in Maryland, but adopted the great state of Texas as my beloved home.
A person's own moral code however is no excuse to Play women. There is a difference between seeing other people and playing them. Even Lisa had a problem with his inappropriate flirting and constant texting of other women when he was supposed to be in an exclusive relationship with her. Unfortunately for Travis, he played a psychopath and did not take the signs as a reason to stop. Being with a person in private and bad mouthing them to others as he did with Jodi was probably what broke the camel's back.

Travis did not 'play women'. Lisa Andrews' real feelings were made clear when she testified. I think Deanna's testimony was revealing as well.

Being a bit of an immature flirt and being a 'player' are two different things. He didn't play with or prey on women. He was just being a healthy young man. The fact that there was no X-rated anything on his computer speaks volumes to me.
Re Chris and Sky Hughes. I'm sorry for Travis that he felt he had to justify himself and his choices to these friends. Maybe if he felt he wouldn't be judged, just accepted and supported, he would have been able to confide in his friends about JA's increasingly scary behavior and have received good advice to run like heck away from her.

I'm not blaming is all on JA, but I' m sad for Travis he felt so isolated when it mattered most.
While you may feel that way, IT simply is not true. They are doing everything they can to save her life. To them it is serious. You may not like them but they are doing a great job considering what they have to work with. A liar, an admitted killer and oh yea,, She is half nuts too...

If they are allowed to have it they should. There is not always a clear vision to the end of the trial from the beginning. It is full of twists and turns..

ETA: Saw your codicil upthread.. No sweat!

The Defense can have this new expert on stand all day tomorrow. I just hope JM doesn't put on yet another expert to counter this new Defense expert. JM's case is strong. He doesn't need it.
A person's own moral code however is no excuse to Play women. There is a difference between seeing other people and playing them. Even Lisa had a problem with his inappropriate flirting and constant texting of other women when he was supposed to be in an exclusive relationship with her. Unfortunately for Travis, he played a psychopath and did not take the signs as a reason to stop. Being with a person in private and bad mouthing them to others as he did with Jodi was probably what broke the camel's back.

I disagree. I don't think he played Jodi in the way you mean. They were having a purely sexual relationship and she knew he was dating other people. There hasn't been any evidence that he was promising her exclusivity while secretly dating other woman. She never said that; she testified that they kept being "friends with benefits" while they were both seeing other people casually. She was perfectly aware of what was going on. I don't recall any testimony of him badmouthing her behind her back -- he seemed to be perfectly willing to tell her what he thought of her.
Unless this "doctor" has extensive experience with individuals in the immediate aftermath of being shot in the same way Travis Alexander was, it's very unlikely his testimony will be relevant. JSS should not permit it---but will.

It sounds like Dr. Geffner has been standing in the wings to rebut Dr. D's testimony and prop up ALV. When the DT saw an opening with Dr. Horn's rebuttal testimony stating that it was 'probable' that TA was incapacitated after the gunshot wound, they decided to 'double down'. It's ridiculous to pit a neuropsychologist against an M.D. pathologist! If the DT was serious, why didn't they hire one of the top guns, Michael Baden or Henry Lee, to refute Dr. Horn. Obviously, they didn't feel that JA's lies were worth the $$$.
Actually, you're right. She will continue to drag Travis threw the mud. And she will tweet and trace pictures from magazines and one day she will be forgotten about. (I hope). :please:

You don't think so? Because I bet if this chick gets LWOP it is not the last time we hear from her. She will do everything she can to be heard. She will have her army of crazy followers doing her bidding for her.. Just like that Donvan.. person.

She will not be silenced.
Travis did not 'play women'. Lisa Andrews' real feelings were made clear when she testified. I think Deanna's testimony was revealing as well.

Being a bit of an immature flirt and being a 'player' are two different things. He didn't play with or prey on women. He was just being a healthy young man. The fact that there was no X-rated anything on his computer speaks volumes to me.

ITA. Not to mention that Lisa even admitted she was very young and naive at the time. I mean, she thought he should be able to control his... tumescence!!

Travis was a normal man. He wasn't playing anyone. He was experimenting and trying to find the right woman.
I don't think it's necessary for Juan to put on another witness. My thought is that the surrebuttal by the DT reeks of desperation and not to mention Dr. Geffner's rep. I have no doubt Juan will handle him and handle him well on cross.

Maybe it's reverse psychology. If Nurmi insists on his witness and the judge approves JM's witness, maybe the defense team will back down. Otherwise, this could go on till Christmas. :banghead:
It sounds like Dr. Geffner has been standing in the wings to rebut Dr. D's testimony and prop up ALV. When the DT saw an opening with Dr. Horn's rebuttal testimony stating that it was 'probable' that TA was incapacitated after the gunshot wound, they decided to 'double down'. It's ridiculous to pit a neuropsychologist against an M.D. pathologist! If the DT was serious, why didn't they hire one of the top guns, Michael Baden or Henry Lee, to refute Dr. Horn. Obviously, they didn't feel that JA's lies were worth the $$$.

Because they couldn't get anyone to refute Dr. Horn's testimony. Everyone knows he's right and JA's version is full of poo-poo.
I've been doing this so long, I have it down to a science. I can cheat ... And alternate stuff so it stays and smells like I've been cleaning daily!

A few tips...

Dump bleach in the toilets.. Quick swish, close the lid.

Spray all window sills and door frame with furniture polish.



Done... 20 minutes tops!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks for the tips, appreciate it. I also use those wax tarts. The one I am using at the moment, spells like cupcakes. Smells yummy in here.
A person's own moral code however is no excuse to Play women. There is a difference between seeing other people and playing them. Even Lisa had a problem with his inappropriate flirting and constant texting of other women when he was supposed to be in an exclusive relationship with her. Unfortunately for Travis, he played a psychopath and did not take the signs as a reason to stop. Being with a person in private and bad mouthing them to others as he did with Jodi was probably what broke the camel's back.

I believe that a person's own moral code would keep someone from being played or participating in activities or situations that don't feel 'right'. No one can play me without my being front and center. Fool me once, kind of thing.
Personal accountability is a huge concept. If anyone, male or female acts in ways that make me question my value to them, it's up to me to step away.
And I think from what we've heard and seen (shudder!), JA was in it up to her pigtails... Travis had more moral fiber than most young men when it comes to dating and seeing women. Being characterized as a player is all JA's got. He was popular and seen as a good catch. It's so distasteful to keep hearing and reading the DT spin it to make Travis seem so much less than he really was.
JA had her eyes on what she saw as the prize. A good looking man, who she was sure was going to be her husband. Money, success, popularity. Like a leech, she was going to ride Travis's success and station in life for all it was worth. IMO
Hoping this shows up. We could all use a laugh on this final day before the trial kicks off again.


I give's a cute picture regarding Jodi and her diary, but I can't figure out how to post the pic....LOL
ITA. Not to mention that Lisa even admitted she was very young and naive at the time. I mean, she thought he should be able to control his... tumescence!!

Travis was a normal man. He wasn't playing anyone. He was experimenting and trying to find the right woman.

Not only that, but Jodi doesn't seem like a naive girl. I'm pretty sure she understood what their relationship was. She obviously wanted more from it than he did but she knew what his intentions were. She might've thought she could change his mind again. But regarding TA playing JA, you can't "play" someone if you've made them aware of the fact that you're not looking to be in a committed relationship with them.
Re Chris and Sky Hughes. I'm sorry for Travis that he felt he had to justify himself and his choices to these friends. Maybe if he felt he wouldn't be judged, just accepted and supported, he would have been able to confide in his friends about JA's increasingly scary behavior and have received good advice to run like heck away from her.

I'm not blaming is all on JA, but I' m sad for Travis he felt so isolated when it mattered most.

I don't necessarily think he felt isolated or judged. They seem like they were good, accepting friends who were just at a different point in their lives than TA. They had advice for him, they saw signs, and they pointed these things out. That's what friends do.

I think TA judged himself more than anyone. I think he really hated that he was going against what his religion taught. He probably was ashamed so he didn't really confide in people about it.
How can this go to the jury if the DT expert is on Wednesday! And we all know nurmi doesn't move with alot of speed. How will this Jill be able to testify? Because closing arguments are for THURSDAY? Is it realistic to believe it will come together.?
O/t did y'all see the judge inn the Zimmerman case. She ain't no joke and works weekends.

I saw the Judge and wished we had someone like her in this case....the trial would have been over a long time ago!!

I believe the def will use up as much time a JSS allows them to....
Napoleon had self-feeding water and food bowls. Also, one of Travis' roommates moved in just a couple of weeks prior to the killling, and may have known how Travis operated his day-day life.

You would think that his roomates would wonder about the dog penned downstairs, and pup probably got hungry and thirsty, and his family seems so close to him. I'm not suggesting anything but it's just very odd indeed.
ITA. Not to mention that Lisa even admitted she was very young and naive at the time. I mean, she thought he should be able to control his... tumescence!!

Travis was a normal man. He wasn't playing anyone. He was experimenting and trying to find the right woman.
I agree and I think he was starting to feel the pressure to find the right woman, get married and start a family. I think some people may mistake that urgency for 'womanizing'. :twocents:
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