State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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Maybe they should of let Travis deal with Jodi on his own; otherwise he wouldn't have to hide their relationship. jmo

I am so glad they kicked her out. Who knows what she would have done to them if they had allowed her to stay on. If only Travis had not been so naïve. :(
I have only seen one brother, and thought there was only one, at the trial.

They were there on the first day of trial or so. There is also a half brother that attends as well sometimes. Big family.
Still, they could of talked to Travis without the presence of Jodi in the house. That is disrepecful imo.

The fact that Jodi was supposed to be asleep somewhere else in the house when they started the conversation is disrespectful to you?

The Hughes showed way more respect to Jodi than I would have. I would have had the same conversation with Jodi standing right there. The fact that she was lurking outside the door is just creepy crawly.

If I am afraid or worried about the safety or well being of one of my friends, I speak up. I don't care who is there or where we are.
There'd probably have already been a verdict by now if it wasn't for all this surrebuttal non sense.

The slow DT has dragged this on for longer than be. I don't know maybe this is their only time on tv who knows. But I'm not worried martinez kicks butt
Thank you for this post. It must be so frustrating for them to have to deal with this when they are doing their best to stand up for their friend after what the defense has done to assassinate Travis' character and reputation. This is just as hard on Travis' close friends as it is his own family. They are all Jodi's victims, imo.

Thank you for these comments. The judicial system in our country was to make sure everyone received a fair trial using the laws as they are written. The system was never designed to do character assassination on the victim without proof just so the defense could win the case. I have never since CA seen the defense stoop this low. Everyone should be outraged by the conduct of the defense team. Everyone.
thanks!! i just hope we get done tomorrow. the judge should stick to what she told the jury. i even hope JM dismantles this new hired gun so badly he doesn't call dr. hayes. enough already. why would the jury believe some last minute, hired gun psychologist's opinion over that of dr. horn, who's conducted thousands of autopsies? that's ridiculous.

sounds to me like they couldn't find an ME to refute dr. horn, so they're trying to use this clown for something he's not even qualified to testify about. and i'm sure JM will make that point.

God, I sure hope so! The DT couldn't even find an actual medical doctor to testify to this so they scoured the ends of the earth and then begged for a surrebuttal.

This is insanity!
Maybe they should of let Travis deal with Jodi on his own; otherwise he wouldn't have to hide their relationship. jmo

But didn't she come back to confront sky, wanted to know why sky didn't like her?
The slow DT has dragged this on for longer than be. I don't know maybe this is their only time on tv who knows. But I'm not worried martinez kicks butt

thanks!! i just hope we get done tomorrow. the judge should stick to what she told the jury. i even hope JM dismantles this new hired gun so badly he doesn't call dr. hayes. enough already. why would the jury believe some last minute, hired gun psychologist's opinion over that of dr. horn, who's conducted thousands of autopsies? that's ridiculous.

sounds to me like they couldn't find an ME to refute dr. horn, so they're trying to use this clown for something he's not even qualified to testify about. and i'm sure JM will make that point.

I agree. And I just don't see the DT being succinct tomorrow, it won't happen. They will still try to drag out this new witnesses testimony. I can only pray that the judge grew a humongous pair over the long weekend and keeps them on task. I know she announced the schedule, but that don't mean nothin' to the DT. They could care less. Oh maybe they finish up the very end of the afternoon and give Juan a very generous 20 or 30 minutes, such is their M.O.

There's no way this guy is of any benefit to Jodi, none. Such a desperate last attempt to save her...
CH said on Dr. Drew ast night the Sky has a "6th sense" and did not have a good feeling around Jodi. One must wonder if she was forcing herself all over Travis... as she did this regularly apparently.

We have no idea what led up to them feeling the need to talk to Travis that night, do we?
This is part of what the judge said to Janson during the sentencing in the Jason Young trial. Wouldn't it be wonderful to hear JS say something similar?

"The evidence suggests the assailant was overcome by anger and rage," Stephens said. "This woman wasn't just murdered. She suffered a beating the likes of which we seldom see," he added. "The assailant struck her over 30 times with a weapon of some sort, and she was undoubtedly unconscious after the second or third blow. But it would appear that the evidence suggests the assailant continued to beat her until he was exhausted. Only then did he stop beating her, because he didn't have the strength to strike her anymore."

Read more here:

I followed the JY case too - I was SO glad to see him convicted! Finally, justice for Michelle and Rylan. I hope Travis (and his family and friends) get justice too.
I understand that it must be difficult for anyone related to or friends with anyone involved with a crime/trial that is discussed here, but I think there is an inherent risk when those so very closely involved read public forums. No matter who you believe there are going to be things posted that will strike a nerve to be sure.
No one here attacks or trashes. That is not permitted by the owner, admins or mods. If this forum seems harsh, I strongly recommend no one ever search out other sites. This is an open forum where we are allowed to share our feelings openly as long as we follow the rules. Unfortunately, there are going to be some posts that are not supportive of all sides.
When I post, I try very very hard to not respond to the poster, only the post. But I do appreciate that I am allowed to post my thoughts and feelings honestly. All are welcome here and that is incredible to me also.
I never intend to offend anyone. Well, TBO, I have posted some very strong digs at JA, and I'm not sorry. But I post honestly.
With that in mind, I never wish to feel censored other than by the rules of the forum.
Just like in local newspapers, some often wonder why families read the forums there, and then are very upset by some of the things they read there. It's not an easy thing to do.
I am so glad that the Hughes were spoken so highly of by someone who knows them personally.
We all have many questions and there won't be any answers to some of them.

Thank you for this post. Simply put, we are here to express our opinions not be told what our opinions should be. Otherwise, there would be no discussion on this case or on any of the others we have discussed in the past or in the future. This is not a facebook support page for anyone, it is a place to discuss our take on the trial.
Maybe this is a stupid thought.. But don't car rental places have lowjack on their cars? OR GPS? So they can find them??
this makes me happy happy happy
look what awaits you jodi

Arias, 32, would spend 23 hours a day in a cell on death row at Perryville state prison. She would join three other women on death row in the Lumley Unit.* One of those women awaiting execution was convicted by Arias’ prosecutor, Juan Martinez. (There are also 121 men awaiting execution.)
The cell where Arias would spend the rest of her life is 12 feet by 7 feet, 2 inches — slightly more than 86 square feet.

She will not be allowed contact with any other prisoner and her cell would have only a toilet, sink, bed and mattress, according to the Arizona Department of Corrections.
Maybe this is a stupid thought.. But don't car rental places have lowjack on their cars? OR GPS? So they can find them??

Good point, they do here .. even cheap ones - I know because I got caught out going outside of the 500km radius once.
OK ok... :seeya:

I get what you guys are saying. I guess Travis and Jodi were there for a visit from out of state. And, yes, Jodi creeped them out that night.

No, it isn't. There are many things in retrospect I wish I could go back and change. Hindsight being 20/20, etc.

People don't generally skulk around in the dead of night playing cloak and dagger games. If I thought you represented a danger to my children (as Chris indicated Sky feared, also), you would leave my home that night. I would tell my friend hotel's on me but that scary creepy chick GOTS. TO. GO.

You as a normal person would not be friendly with anyone who would be rude to another person for the sake of being rude.

We've all bitten our tongues and feigned having a pleasant time in the company of people we don't like. When someone sets off alarms, the Rules of Etiquette go out the window.
But didn't she come back to confront sky, wanted to know why sky didn't like her?

Yes she did and was asked to leave again, only to come back and stare down another guest in the kitchen after being thrown out. Stalk much Jodi?
Hello Websleuther's. Took a bit of a break but reading here.

Soooo...will it be sleepy Nurmi or peppy Wilmott tomorrow???

Glad to see Juan will have a sur-rebuttal witness to the defenses sur-rebuttal of the rebuttal...YES. this trial is ridiculous.

It does have to END as some point...doesn't it?? :waitasec::waitasec:
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