State rests rebuttal case - thread #167

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Dr Geffner is from San Diego and has been to Long Beach, home of ALV, many times. In my opinion I feel sorry for any who needs real help in those areas----they are both quacks in my opinion. I listened to the first hour of Geffner’s video:
1. Dr Geffner was once found by the court in Rourke vs Rourke as being a “Hired gun”. (Not in video)
2. Works in San Diego and has done work in Long Beach, stomping ground of ALV.
3. There is a body of research, but much based in “theoretical foundations.”
4. ABUSE: A pattern of behavior where one partner gets his or her needs met at the expense of the other through the use of power and control, usually has elements of intimidation and often produces Trauma.
5. AGGRESSION: Usually physical but can be verbal or sexual where one person commits an assaultive behavior on the other person.
6. Note-You can have abuse without aggression or aggression without abuse.
7. Note-Mutual abuse where both partners are fighting with each other is rare, what they are talking about is mutual aggression (happens quite often).
8. Pushing, shoving, hitting is not necessarily abuse and does not mean one person is equal in power.
9. So many women do push, shove, and react physically but they really in many cases aren’t the abuser.
10. They (women) can be the victim, just fighting back, or have no power.
11. REAL Abuse has a specific meaning----but people in legal Arena have a different definition of abuse. (WOW)
12. His world abuse is an ongoing pattern of someone trying to intimidate, control, and use power over somebody.
13. In legal world if anyone hits someone else, they would automatically be abuser and be arrested.
14. Says if you hit someone and there isn’t an ongoing pattern of control or intimidate her—that would be aggression and not abuse.
A. Pattern of acts or omissions such as violent acts that may not cause observable injury that adversely affects the psychological well-being of the victim. Arguments alone are NOT sufficient enough to substantiate emotional maltreatment.
B. Psychological violence involves one of the following behaviors: explicit or implicit threats of violence, extremely controlling types of behavior, extreme jealousy, mental degradation (name-calling), and isolating behavior.
C. Property violence by one spouse may constitute emotional abuse if intended as a means to intimidate the other spouse. Property damage includes but Is not limited to: Damaging or destroying other spouses property, hitting/kicking a door or wall, throwing food, breaking dishes, and INTENTIONALLY or RECKLESSLY DAMAGING AUTOMOBILES. Threatening to or injuring children, threatening or actually kidnapping children.

Let’s look at Geffner ‘s Patterns for abuse by males: Not one of these fits Travis
Male Batterers: (None of this fits Travis)
1. High dependency on Partner
2. Low levels of Impulsivity Control
3. Poor Communication skills
4. Family of Origin Violence.
5. Poor Social Skills
6. Hostile to Women
7. Low Remorse

Female Batterers: (7-major themes, 3-minor themes) 10%
1. History of victimization.
2. Identification with masculine gender traits.
3. Problems related to substance abuse.
4. Emotional abuse by partner *** (Blame)
5. Perception of self as dominant in relationship.
6. History of violent behavior.
7. Perception of personal characteristics as aggressive.
8. A woman’s change in her self-identity (via past).
9. Violence as a motivator to get her partners attention.
10. Emotional attachment.

respectfully snipped for brevity

BBM remember, the good dr.'s dear friend ALV claims TA fit these three if not more. :rolleyes:
What worries me is according to these guys a person can dream up a complete fiction and still be diagnosed with PTSD. Without some form of validity testing, every person who wants to claim PTSD can simply lie believably and get the diagnosis they want. This INVALIDATES every true PTSD sufferer. :furious:

In my experience with PTSD - usually there are flashbacks of the event that cause the trauma to be prolonged or relived throughout one's life.
Why Jodi doesnt have PTSD:

While everyone experiences PTSD differently, there are three main types of symptoms:
1. Re-experiencing the traumatic event
2. Avoiding reminders of the trauma
3. Increased anxiety and emotional arousal
Symptoms of PTSD: Re-experiencing the traumatic event
• Intrusive, upsetting memories of the event (no)
• Flashbacks (acting or feeling like the event is happening again) (no)
• Nightmares (either of the event or of other frightening things) (Once a week)
• Feelings of intense distress when reminded of the trauma (no)
• Intense physical reactions to reminders of the event (e.g. pounding heart, rapid breathing, nausea, muscle tension, sweating) (no)
Symptoms of PTSD: Avoidance and numbing
• Avoiding activities, places, thoughts, or feelings that remind you of the trauma (NO)
• Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma (Only those that hurt her)
• Loss of interest in activities and life in general (No)
• Feeling detached from others and emotionally numb (No)
• Sense of a limited future (you don’t expect to live a normal life span, get married, have a career) (No)
Symptoms of PTSD: Increased anxiety and emotional arousal
• Difficulty falling or staying asleep (No)
• Irritability or outbursts of anger-----------Does have anger.
• Difficulty concentrating (No)
• Hypervigilance (on constant “red alert”) (No)
• Feeling jumpy and easily startled (No)


1. ALERT enough to realize Travis was vulnerable, naked, taking shower.
2. ALERT enough to grab knife.
3. ALERT enough to run all the way around to closet to get a gun.
4. ALERT enough to stab him 29-times and NOT get injured herself except for some cuts on hands.
5. ALERT enough to make a devastating deep cut of near decapitation.
6. ALERT enough to remember gun going off, and Travis chasing her, (An impossibility and OBVIOUS lie because she shot in the head and wound was post-mortem).
7. ALERT enough to say she, “did not feel fear” at the time, and then tried to back- peddle.
8. ALERT enough to “Risk going after a gun she thought was unloaded.”
9. ALERT enough to drag him back to the shower and wash off evidence.
10. ALERT enough to grab some towels and clean some things up.
11. ALERT enough to delete the Pic’s. (Takes 4-clicks per per pick to delete, and 5-actual steps for every pic deletion, and several pic’s were deleted).
12. ALERT enough to change sheets, and put camera and bedding in washer).
13. ALERT enough not to leave any blood downstairs to draw suspicion of his roommates.
14. ALERT enough to take gun and knife with her.
15. ALERT enough to get rid of gun, knife, and floor mats of rental care.
16. ALERT enough to keep plate turned upside down as she left Travis’s.
17. ALERT enough to NOT call the police to help Travis.
18. ALERT enough not to tell anyone in Utah what happened.
19. ALERT enough to give excuses/lies to Mr. Burns on why she would be late.
20. ALERT enough to lie and leaves messages on Travis’s phone to cover up. (Why would she call three-days if she remembered by Hoover Dam she did something bad to Travis).
21. ALERT enough that to realize that she had blood on her hands and something bad happened, but told them in Utah she cut her hands bartending.
22. ALERT enough to put gauze on those cuts.
23. ALERT enough to know that everything favored her and nothing was against her in terms of her memory and this trial.
That is exactly what I was thinking. Chris and Sky are letting out a lot of information of her scary bad behavior. She is really touchy about her "reputation" even now. She is so messed up.

Chris stated he will continue to talk until all of the stories are told.
To Jodi that is a lot like the time Travis said he was going to expose her to everyone. That would be right before she murdered him.

Jodi does not take kindly to someone talking about her. I am loving every minute of it becuase she is locked up and can't hurt anyone to make herself feel better. Not even Travis anymore, her story is done.

If by some crazy miracle Jodi walks... Lots of people better lock their doggy doors, built moats around their property and start raising gators!

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first pix - if she didn't blink, I thought my screen froze!!


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Speaking of juror questions, are there any new ones in the basket for this wonderful expert witness? It would be nice to know if the jury appears to be more interested in JW's questions, vs JM's questions. I hope they are so fed up with all this, that they ask no questions!

Beth K is reporting that there are questions in the jury basket.
I say pass 'em all a pack of crackers and a coke and get on with this carp.

Let them eat pizza in the jury box! They can listen and chow down. Defense can eat when their done with this witness;)

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The back seats could be all different after lunch


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Damn wasn't this testimony just fascinating :facepalm:

Is wilmott gonna drone on alllllll day? I though she said today, that's it, done, zip it - finished.

I have no doubt JM will wrap it up in 20 minutes! Bring on closing arguments. I'm "almost" interested in hearing what Wilmott has to say.


OMG! I just got a huge laugh - WTH is the mitigation specialist wearing today!! She sure likes attention.

That relationship is so....odd to me. Getting all handsie in the courtroom, the close-in whispering while petting the killers hair and back. WTHeck is that about?
And I am so angry with Wilmott .. she is really beyond the pale for dragging things out and ruining schedules .. I can't really see us finishing today, I hope I'm wrong, I hoped the judge would give her until lunchtime. Terrible.

Me either. She isn't done trashing Dr. DeMarte, then she will supposedly use him to trash Dr. Horn. That could go until at least 5. Then JM's cross? Then jury questions, then follow-up? Even if they go late, I just don't see this ending today.

I am just now tuning in just in time for the short lunch!!!! From what I have read today , it seems like I did not miss anything.

Has the new guy made any comments to help in the defense of JA?
Is he just hot air trying to get his few minutes of fame?
This is what she's looking like at least 1/4 of the time today:



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