State rests rebuttal case - thread #169

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Even if I believed that it wouldn't have incapacitated Travis - which BTW I don't - if you had just been shot in the head... through the sinuses... don't you think the pain alone would basically stop you from whatever you were doing? Imagine the pain that would be involved. I imagine the victim would fall to the ground holding their head and pretty much be down for the count.

THIS has been on my mind right from the start and I don't remember hearing it mentioned in court. The pain alone would have stopped TA if the shot was first. He would have felt like his head exploded and the last thing he would be doing is cursing at JA and chasing her in the hallway.

Stick a fork in her, she's done.
I have my tomato raincoat on!

As unlikable as she is, for her to be taking on a case like this is damm near impossible. She knows it, and I have to in some minuscule way admire the fight she has in her. Do I like the fight she is fighting? Heck no, but she is doing her job.

In our Justice System every one deserves a JW. I imagine she has learned alot from this trial and will continue to serve and do a better job and have more conviction doing so.

That being said, she's no Juan Martinez(obviously) and we all have hated on her for representing JA. But again she is doing the job she was given and is representing our Constitutional rights.

Beyond that, may she in her heart know that her defendant is a cold blooded murderer and reflect upon that as she moves forward in her career.

So very true. She took a very impossible case on, and she has done a great job in defending her very guilty client.
There will be an appeal at the least if convicted

An appeal will be NOTHING like this. It's mostly pleadings, and it's all legal argument. There will be no witnesses, no evidence, nothing.

I think Travis is going to get justice at this trial and his family will thus never have to go through something like this again.
If I hit my head hard on something (accidentally walk into something), I am stunned. I can't imagine being shot with a bullet. Whether the bullet hit anything major (except MAJORLY the brain!), the pain, profuse bleeding, and fear of imminent death would be enough to stop me....

Just this afternoon, I was feeding my cat and I bent down to put her food on the floor, when I came back up, I slammed my head into the kitchen island and I was dizzy and disoriented for a few minutes. It hurt like hades. I have a massive headache now.
I was surprised at his income. I don't find anything too suspicious about the institute being billed and he just receiving his salary. My only concern - why? WHy would he do this?

because the defense team lied to him. and he thought he was discrediting a bad psych witness from the pros. side.
Juan has to clean up the most silly, ridiculous messes in this trial. :facepalm:
I haven't been able to watch today - How's it going?? Do you think that this Dr G is helping the defense? I saw something about there being 2 more witnesses?? Help me please??
If I hit my head hard on something (accidentally walk into something), I am stunned. I can't imagine being shot with a bullet. Whether the bullet hit anything major (except MAJORLY the brain!), the pain, profuse bleeding, and fear of imminent death would be enough to stop me....

They have said it looked like the bullet went thru the sinus cavity...well dang, I have sinus headaches that lay me out...there is no way I would be able to go after someone after being shot there!!
Here comes a big boom.
He got involved in the case last November, didn't know he was going to testify in this case until a week and a half ago

and he knows nothing about the case until a week and a half ago? <------ that's what he testified earlier!
I sure hope the Judge sticks to her guns about staying cause JA is doing the "YAWN".
I'm pleasantly surprised the judge is sticking to her timeline.
Jodi just yawned, so now I know she is bored with saving her life.
Just this afternoon, I was feeding my cat and I bent down to put her food on the floor, when I came back up, I slammed my head into the kitchen island and I was dizzy and disoriented for a few minutes. It hurt like hades. I have a massive headache now.

don't go to sleep for 24 hours!!!!

j/k. what part did you hit? the back? do you have a bump? if you get disoriented or drowsy get someone to take you to the ER.
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