State rests rebuttal case - thread #169

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Ok, I like how Dr. Drew can say stuff about Juan when how MANY of his patients are dead now, do to suicide? WTF kinda "DR" is he? He should stfu and go interview more teen moms. Seriously.
You know I am stumped as to why the DT didn't put this guy on instead of the other 2--something is not right about that decision. MOO

He was retained in November!

My guess is it's strategy. They wanted the surrebuttal so they could get the last word even though burden of proof is on prosecution. An ambush, IMO. JM had little time.
He was notified in November about this case. Why? Darn JM was going there. He has to know something about this case and I think the only reason he decided to come to testify now was because of JW lies. Me thinks Dr. G should have watched Dr. DEMarte's testimony. He probably would not have come to court.
Yikes! You guys move fast!! LOL!

more pictures..

Also, does someone know 'where' I can post all these pictures in one place for people that are interested - you know, a no discussion thread - just pictures?? TIA! :seeya:

eta - I "think" the first picture is Tanisha!


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The doctor is barking up the wrong tree with the BPD rebuttal. But he may have a point with the gunshot through the brain:

Phineas Gage is often referred to as one of the most famous patients in neuroscience. He suffered a traumatic brain injury when an iron rod was driven through his entire skull, destroying much of his frontal lobe. Gage miraculously survived the accident, but was so changed as a result that many of his friends described him as an almost different man entirely.

The Accident

On September 13, 1848, the then 25-year-old Gage was working as the foreman of a crew preparing a railroad bed near Cavendish, Vermont. He was using an iron tamping rod to pack explosive powder into a hole. Unfortunately, the powder detonated, sending the 43 inch long and 1.25 inch diameter rod hurtling upward. The rod penetrated Gage's left cheek, tore through his brain, and exited his skull before reportedly landing some 80 feet away.

I’m not saying Little Missy is telling the truth about the order in which she did things. It’s probably the opposite of what she’s saying. But I go with evidence, and people, apparently, can move - and more - even though they have serious damage to the frontal lobe.
Wild About Trial 2 @WildaboutTrial2

Counsel is at the bench. Jurors not back yet. Media section has cleared out pretty much except the die hards. #JodiArias
I wish they'd take the dinner break so I could take a bath, put on jammies and make some coffee. Now we'll know what it's like for our European and Australian members. :seeya:
I normally watch the trial via Wild About Trial, but today I had trouble from the get-go trying to get onto the site at ALL because it kept timing out. I'm assuming they were overloaded. So I went over to abc15. I've been watching it there all day EXCEPT that it keeps dropping the video, seemingly at a regular interval (15-20 min, maybe?), as if it's just making sure I'm really watching it, even if I click on it in between the drops. Does it ALWAYS do that or is it a result of also being overloaded?

I've been doing OK today at Radar. I usually use them becuase of their clear and large feed when you are not in full screen.

I'll leave this here...

In case you would like to give it a try. Hope that helps. :seeya:
I was surprised at his income. I don't find anything too suspicious about the institute being billed and he just receiving his salary. My only concern - why? WHy would he do this?

Guessing: Because his friend ALV was upset about how she was treated; Because he was misled by the DT; because that's how he makes money : shrug :
I normally watch the trial via Wild About Trial, but today I had trouble from the get-go trying to get onto the site at ALL because it kept timing out. I'm assuming they were overloaded. So I went over to abc15. I've been watching it there all day EXCEPT that it keeps dropping the video, seemingly at a regular interval (15-20 min, maybe?), as if it's just making sure I'm really watching it, even if I click on it in between the drops. Does it ALWAYS do that or is it a result of also being overloaded?
Just think....Jodi will never own a beautiful piece of jewelry, dance to a live band, wear a wedding gown, spend a day at a spa etc etc
Frantically trying to catch up and it seems I can between here and HLN. Juan is Juanderful. I luv him dearly. It's time. Lay it down with the Defense witness.
Well it sure looks like Dr. G manipulated the "experts" on Dr. Drew. They all like him and feeling bad that bad boy Juan was bullying him. This all in all may have been his role, to be the likable witness that DS and ALV were not, leaving Juan looking bad.
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