State v Bradley Cooper - 3/24/11

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Driving around in Nancy's car was too risky. Their cars were right out there in everyone's face, anyway. Plus, if he had used Nancy's x5, she would be visible in the back of the SUV, if he got stopped, unless he did a great job of wrapping her up.

Remember the goofy movies about the family that goes on a long vacation, with old grandma in the car too, and grandma dies but no one noticed? She was riding around sitting up, dead, and didn't they eventually wrap her up and put her on top of the station wagon? I don't think Brad wanted that.

Brad would have felt comfortable in his car. And, there are cameras at places like HT, in the parking lots. I don't remember if that's the case here. He'd want to be seen in his car.Maybe his little BMW was quieter, too. ETA: AND, his little BMW could possibly have fit in the garage if he so wanted it to.
Well, Calgary123, I'm surprised you aren't on the list to testify.

I remember several who knew Brad in the past, rather intimately and posted on WS back in the early days of the murder.

Early twenties. That's when lots of mental problems start to bubble up. I'd love to know how his brain works in that respect. Some people are just wired wrong, and some people have problems related to past. You never know.

Did anyone ever post anything about Brad's family? Curious to know more about his family life, growing up, parents, sibling/s, ect.?
If the scenario of him dumping the body during the first trip to HT is true, then he probably wouldn't have wanted to cell phone on his body or in his car so LE couldn't ping it later and tie the location to the scene? That's just my thought.

Good point. It would be even more suspicious if he received the 'home' call then turned off the phone (obviously to avoid ping tracking)
WOW, I have known how cell phones work since the technology first came out, and I have been very aware that they can keep track of where you are, but for some reason I had not even thought about him having a phone with him on the dump trip. HE would have known this, and might have had enough presence of mind not to take it.

Me, I usually always have mine with me as a habit, but some folks are different. I just try to develop habits so I don't have to stop and look for my keys, phone, wallet, etc. I always have it with me, so if I have my pants on, I have my other stuff too. If I happen not to have my pants on, I have more problems than not having my phone!

Keeps reinforcing our theory of : Body dump, then HT for milk, home for some quick techie work and to grab phone, and back to the store.
Hi folks! I thought things went well for the State today with the phone information. I am kind of surprised the shoes aren't being discussed so I must have missed something. I *thought* two pairs of shoes were found and presented as evidence and referred to as Nancy's new shoes and old she went running barefoot on Saturday morning?? I thought this was very significant but I am new to this sleuthing business.
I thought about that, too. But I have no idea if a phone can be pinged on a location it no longer is at...

Pinging is kind of a poor choice of a term for what is happening, and it is not that this functionality was designed to purposly track where you are, well, it is, but not for snooping reasons.

Each cell site is responsible for an area around its location. How large the area is varies a bit depending on terrain, congestion of users, and other factors, but it is responsible for say, a 2 mile area around it. It has a number of channels that it can handle calls on, and when you place a call, you are assigned 2 channels, one for talk, the other for listen. This is all well and good if you are moving slowly or standing still, but it changes if you move out of your cell. Or, let's say you are in a cell area and someone calls you, how does your phone ring?

There is a control channel that each phone registers with the nearest home or roam cell tower. This is how the cell company knows where to ring your phone, and it can find you in the cellular network. This control channel also handles the handoff of the call you are on as you move between cell sites in your car. If you have ever been dropped on a call, it can be due to the cell site you are handed off to not having enough available channels to handle your call. Since the control channel is tracking your phone, it can be used to triangulate your location, or with E911 it can determine your location more accurately by using the GPS functions in the phone.
Hi folks! I thought things went well for the State today with the phone information. I am kind of surprised the shoes aren't being discussed so I must have missed something. I *thought* two pairs of shoes were found and presented as evidence and referred to as Nancy's new shoes and old she went running barefoot on Saturday morning?? I thought this was very significant but I am new to this sleuthing business.

She was found barefoot...that in itself is telling.
Hi folks! I thought things went well for the State today with the phone information. I am kind of surprised the shoes aren't being discussed so I must have missed something. I *thought* two pairs of shoes were found and presented as evidence and referred to as Nancy's new shoes and old she went running barefoot on Saturday morning?? I thought this was very significant but I am new to this sleuthing business.

A runner can have any number of pairs of shoes. What made it suspicious for me is that Brad didn't mention any other shoes. He never said, "Well obviously she's wearing the pair she prefers since she went running." It's like it wasn't in his brain because it didn't happen. It seems like it should have been automatic. When I was processing the information today my husband was away from home and I thought about what I would do. Process of elimination would let me know what he was wearing and I would tell a detective that a particular pair was the next most worn since he was wearing the favorites.
He said at home...just back from the first HT trip

Here's a scenario....

He comes home from the first HT trip and she sends him back out but says take your phone in case I think of anything else need. He calls the phone to find it. Locates it. Checks voice mail and then goes back to the store.

Someone get SG a phone with 3G! :)

heh! You'd never know I work in the industry by my phone. I simply refuse to pay the monthly fees because I don't use my cell phone enough to justify doing so. I have VOIP at home. Unlike Brad, I don't get anything for free, and the discount I could get is craptastic. Sooo...I instead use a pay as you go plan with a simple cell phone (this vendor has nothing fancy), and spend no more than $80/year.
Well, i'm sorry.

No need to apologize. See, if they had computer entries showing him entering and leaving his hotel room at a time when he couldn't because he was heading to or in Raleigh killing Michelle, then that would be a good comparison. Then we could have a discussion about how he could have spoofed the system into thinking his keycard was used. Propping the door open doesn't require spoofing and is reasonable for anybody to understand how that would work.
Lol no, former roommate. You can search my name to find my prior comments when the story first broke in 2008.

Yes, Calg, I remember some of our WS discussions -- you added a lot to our talks... A bit of an odd dude, but brilliant. Not you, but BC!

I've known only a couple of those types myself from my IT career -- and I mean the ones wa-a-a-ay up there -- socially sometimes a bit inept, and sometimes short on feelings, reactions, and insight -- they don't have the taste or the time for that -- but amazing in those techie ways. Their eyes just light up and they see these things (before the rest of us do). And they tell you about that stuff thinking that everyone else understands it. ouch.
heh! You'd never know I work in the industry by my phone. I simply refuse to pay the monthly fees because I don't use my cell phone enough to justify doing so. I have VOIP at home. Unlike Brad, I don't get anything for free, and the discount I could get is craptastic. Sooo...I instead use a pay as you go plan with a simple cell phone (this vendor has nothing fancy), and spend no more than $80/year.

I'm right there with you. I use a tracfone.
Here's a scenario....

He comes home from the first HT trip and she sends him back out but says take your phone in case I think of anything else need. He calls the phone to find it. Locates it. Checks voice mail and then goes back to the store.


If the state cannot prove for certain he rigged the phone calls, this is the scenario I will go with.
Here's a scenario....

He comes home from the first HT trip and she sends him back out but says take your phone in case I think of anything else need. He calls the phone to find it. Locates it. Checks voice mail and then goes back to the store.


I can't believe he had to call a Cisco main number to access his voicemail. If so, Cisco seems to have had an antiquated system in 2008 and I find that hard to believe.
heh! You'd never know I work in the industry by my phone. I simply refuse to pay the monthly fees because I don't use my cell phone enough to justify doing so. I have VOIP at home. Unlike Brad, I don't get anything for free, and the discount I could get is craptastic. Sooo...I instead use a pay as you go plan with a simple cell phone (this vendor has nothing fancy), and spend no more than $80/year.
It's not the voice minutes I need, its the 3G capability for e-mail and web I could not do without while out and about. Lifeline to keep up with this forum in the field. Can't wait for 4G, cause streaming video sucks on 3G.
That's what I use too. Tracfone. For everything else I use a netbook or my iPod Touch, but if I don't have access to wifi (hint-hint) I'm S.O.L. I have a wireless network at home and there's one at work too.

Believe me, I'd LOVE a fancy cell phone with all the bells & whistles. But I refuse to pay the cell/data monthly fees.

It's not the voice minutes I need, its the 3G capability for e-mail and web I could not do without while out and about. Lifeline to keep up with this forum in the field. Can't wait for 4G, cause streaming video sucks on 3G.

Oh I get it, yes I do. I am very tempted to get a 4G MiFi when that becomes available with the new Novatel MiFi, so I can have any of my gadgets online when I'm out and about, but do I really 'need' it? Not realllly. Do I want it? Oh yeah. But the money I save I use to buy other expensive toys (like Nikon camera lenses, which are $$$$)
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