State v Bradley Cooper - 3/24/11

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I wasn't able to hear all the testimony this afternoon and now I'm replaying part 2 of the last witness today - gosh, why can't i think of his name - and the video gets to 35:38 and freezes. I've refreshed and closed and restarted, everything...but it won't go past 35:38. Has anyone else had trouble? Is it just me or is it WRAL?

Same thing happened to me either yesterday or day before -- it got darker, froze, and this buzzzzz came on and no matter what I did (and I tried this, that & the other, I had to give up), it would hang up at the same spot at about the same time yours did. Haven't tried it tonight.
Yes this capability exists as do MANY others. Doesn't change dialing the main number to access voicemail as the most common way to check it using a non-cisco phone. It's just a basic common function.

I do agree with RPD in his above post. (I added a bit to his thoughts.) The sudden need to check it on a Saturday morning before 7 a.m. while on his way to the store only 2 miles away (short car trip) seems out of the ordinary. How many "out of the ordinary" things are needed? I know, I know. Actual evidence. I feel like we're getting closer to that.
Yeah, I had been assuming landline meant RJ-11 plug-in, but I looked. Lochmere was already on TWC DIGITAL, meaning it would have been setup for both, so I was like....dammit.

There is no way this is not what it is.

I still stand behind the idea that he committed second degree murder, but if the state points out that this would have taken some planning, they have 1st.

(I still disagree with that)

However, I remember one of the old roommates talking about his being very thorough with his gadgets and to ME, if I were in his shoes, my brain would naturally go to it's habitat if I had just killed someone and I would scramble for this scenario. It also solves the Asterix versus PBX ideas because technically, he was treating it like a Cisco "test" call. No alarms there from a VOIP guy. He just dialed in, punched his extension, his passcodes and essentially "called himself". Voila. Call from dead wife.

But where the hell were his children? At home alone? Dammit.

So disappointing. Also, because of the "newness" to our area of digital phones, etc, I bet the LUDS are for crap from that time period.
That doesn't address my thoughts on 'why no food in the house' though? The detective asked Brad 'why there was no food in the house?' And I'm wondering that too. Why no supplies in the house? And why did he have to go out for milk when therre were already two kinds of milk in the fridge? If the child awoke at 4:00 a.m. wanting milk, what did he do between 4:00 and 6:30 when he finally did go to the store? That's 2 1/2 hours of what, crying? I can more likely understand you going to the store at 4:00 then waiting till 6:30. Most kids would have cried themselves back to sleep in 2 and half hours. JMO

Hmmm...perhaps they had some of the milk she liked and used it up at 4:00am. Went out to get some for breakfast. No food in the house? Perhaps Saturday was grocery shopping day? Perhaps they eat out a lot and don't keep a stocked pantry?

The way I have been thinking is that he either had to script it, or has some method to remote control it. I have even wondered about some kind of telnet capability on the phone. I know my Q blew up once and there was a command prompt screen, and while the Q, and by extension the Blackjack is a , it does have networking and is based on the Windows OS, it would not be outside the realm of possibility to use those to trigger another device, and I am sure the phone systems have telnet access.

He would not have had a lot of way to do anything fancy with his actual cisco IP phone. Regardless of his knowledge the access on those phones is restricted and monitored. If he was on a Cisco test network or used a different system altogether than yes he would have more available to him there.
Gotta remember that Brad and Nancy kind of jumped into marriage, so that she could come with him to the US so he could take the Cisco job. I don't think Brad's parents came to the quick shot wedding, did they?

I read here long ago about it. I remember it said that at work in Canada, Brad liked "showing off" Nancy at work. You know, she looked so much more fresh and young back then. I think her life style aged her. Especially: alcohol, stress, sun.

What is it about some guys and women that way? Do they need adoration? That feeling of new "love" with all the adoration they crave? Eh. It's too "complex".

I'm not so sure BC got that love while he was growing up, and that always hurts & shows in different ways with different people. Yes, complex, and sad for everyone.
I figured it out. Dammit. He did it.

I was about to post the solution. It's so damn simple, you guys will not believe it. But then you guys went off talking about Jason Young again.....KIDDING.

Seriously, though. I realized that my former wife (a Cisco employee who worked from home) had one of their phones.

You can use the Cisco phone system to access it via third party control. Plugging the phone into the land-line jack would allow the access you need to the LUDS. You dial into the system using a admin username and passcode, bypass the normal phone protocols (as if you are "testing" a phone). I am fairly certain I can find a link explaining how they closed the records hole that there once was.

I have seen her dial me from her Cisco phone (as I am walking up the steps, for instance, when she does not realize I am there) from her living room, but it shows as her office line in RTP. I have also seen her forget to re-direct the lines and she'll have a cell phone in her hand that shows as her office (and once or twice, her home) #.

The key will come from someone who accessed the Unified Applications Environment and I don't think it will show just that he faked the call, but that he faked the directed number as well. (It didn't go from the home phone to a personal cell phone, but it went from the Cisco phone to his Cisco Cell Phone and therefore wouldn't get flagged on the network. It would be set-up for his WFH days. However, it would need to dial out on the TWC line, which was just a matter of swapping out the cables. So, the phone actually dialed out on the home line (Cisco Phone) to his cell phone (Cisco Cell) which was forwarded to his personal cell. Hence the multiple records. And by the way, records on the Cisco network in 2008 for a VOIP engineer with the right credentials would have been a big black hole.) Why do I think this is it? Because it shows pre-meditation in how damn complicated it is, I think. Hence the lack of an open-murder indictment.

Crap, I was on his side too. But apparently, he did it.

But seriously, why check the voice mails for a Cisco office at 6:40 on a Saturday morning?

Yeah, I knew all that. I just didn't want to insinuate that I was smarter than the rest and be a show off with my stellar technical knowledge.... NOT!! ROFL :floorlaugh: I sure hope when this testimony comes out that somebody can explain it in terms that the average joe can understand cause I'm like "What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?" I'm so confused and dizzy from all the phone conversations here I need a stiff drink. LOL!! Damn, y'all some smart people!!
Hmmm...perhaps they had some of the milk she liked and used it up at 4:00am. Went out to get some for breakfast. No food in the house? Perhaps Saturday was grocery shopping day? Perhaps they eat out a lot and don't keep a stocked pantry?


Nancy hadn't gotten her weekly allowance. Not sure how much grocery shopping she would have been able to do. (yes I know she made some money earlier in the week from painting).
The state has video footage of him leaving the hotel and none of him returning (along with the keycard issue). That's not as difficult a leap as saying someone had the potential to spoof a call without showing proof that he did. Especially since it essentially answers the question of guilt or innocence.

And a car similar to his was seen in the neighborhood as I recall.
Same thing happened to me either yesterday or day before -- it got darker, froze, and this buzzzzz came on and no matter what I did (and I tried this, that & the other, I had to give up), it would hang up at the same spot at about the same time yours did. Haven't tried it tonight.

It's doing it tonight too. Part 2 made a very sad sound and then hung itself. Part 3 seemed to just die. Very sad.
It sounds to me like he covered that in the days that she was missing. He was putting his car into the garage.

What I'm saying is - if someone happened to be driving by or just awake at that time and saw/heard him pulling the car into the garage, closing the garage door and THEN running the "grocery errands". How would he explain that?

What if just one neighbor said - Yeah, I heard something, looked outside and noticed BC pulling his car into the garage at 5 ish AM.

ETA: both cars were in the driveway that night, right? Has that been established?
Yeah, I had been assuming landline meant RJ-11 plug-in, but I looked. Lochmere was already on TWC DIGITAL, meaning it would have been setup for both, so I was like....dammit.

There is no way this is not what it is.

I still stand behind the idea that he committed second degree murder, but if the state points out that this would have taken some planning, they have 1st.

(I still disagree with that)

However, I remember one of the old roommates talking about his being very thorough with his gadgets and to ME, if I were in his shoes, my brain would naturally go to it's habitat if I had just killed someone and I would scramble for this scenario. It also solves the Asterix versus PBX ideas because technically, he was treating it like a Cisco "test" call. No alarms there from a VOIP guy. He just dialed in, punched his extension, his passcodes and essentially "called himself". Voila. Call from dead wife.

But where the hell were his children? At home alone? Dammit.

So disappointing. Also, because of the "newness" to our area of digital phones, etc, I bet the LUDS are for crap from that time period.

Ok again, simply, no it does not work that way. You cannot simply plug a Cisco IP Phone into a TWC network and make it do anything. Cisco VoIP engineer hoodoo-voodoo super secret access, also simply not true.
Ok again, simply, no it does not work that way. You cannot simply plug a Cisco IP Phone into a TWC network and make it do anything. Cisco VoIP engineer hoodoo-voodoo super secret access, also simply not true.

Actually, it is true. I am reading about it right now.

It isn't super duper voodoo hoodoo. It's an engineer testing a phone.

I found four different ways to do it. (FYI, TWC is what they were tapping with the CISCO IP phone, unless you think the magic Cisco net came drifting down from the sky to give him access. That was their only internet service to the house, right?)

The reason I went down this "rabbit hole" is because I sat in court today and realized one of the "un talked about devices" was a CISCO SPA3102 Adapter/Router Combo.

Check it out, then argue with me after.
Someone mentioned that Brad said it could be done.

Wondering if that meant he had the phone and access to do it with.

And, if yes, can it be traced that that is what he did?
What I'm saying is - if someone happened to be driving by or just awake at that time and saw/heard him pulling the car into the garage, closing the garage door and THEN running the "grocery errands". How would he explain that?

What if just one neighbor said - Yeah, I heard something, looked outside and noticed BC pulling his car into the garage at 5 ish AM.

ETA: both cars were in the driveway that night, right? Has that been established?

Once he left to dump her, I don't think he returned to the home until after the first trip to HT.
Actually, it is true. I am reading about it right now.

It isn't super duper voodoo hoodoo. It's an engineer testing a phone.

I found four different ways to do it. (FYI, TWC is what they were tapping with the CISCO IP phone, unless you think the magic Cisco net came drifting down from the sky to give him access. That was their only internet service to the house, right?)

First of all a Cisco IP Phone is an end device which needs to establish a connection to a call manager in order to place a call. Where exactly do you think this call manager would reside on the TWC network to allow the call directly from the landline?
Yeah, I had been assuming landline meant RJ-11 plug-in, but I looked. Lochmere was already on TWC DIGITAL, meaning it would have been setup for both, so I was like....dammit.

There is no way this is not what it is.

I still stand behind the idea that he committed second degree murder, but if the state points out that this would have taken some planning, they have 1st.

(I still disagree with that)

However, I remember one of the old roommates talking about his being very thorough with his gadgets and to ME, if I were in his shoes, my brain would naturally go to it's habitat if I had just killed someone and I would scramble for this scenario. It also solves the Asterix versus PBX ideas because technically, he was treating it like a Cisco "test" call. No alarms there from a VOIP guy. He just dialed in, punched his extension, his passcodes and essentially "called himself". Voila. Call from dead wife.

But where the hell were his children? At home alone? Dammit.

So disappointing. Also, because of the "newness" to our area of digital phones, etc, I bet the LUDS are for crap from that time period.


While I have not been sure of the details, something along these lines is what I have been thinking all along. BC is a sharp guy with this VOIP stuff, and while I don't know the IOS for the VOIP stuff, I do know that it is, at the heart of it, a computer. Where there is a computer, there are programs, and where there are programs, there are ways to make them execute commands according to a schedule. BC, being a whiz of the highest order with the VOIP stuff no doubt knows all the ins and outs and test methods of these systems, and works for the company. He (likely as I have not seen proof) has switches, phones, all kinds of networking goodies already @ home, and strangely enough, on the morning his not-so-darling wife happens to be murdered, the dutiful husband while out selflessly picking up groceries at the store not once, but twice in the morning gets phone calls from home while he is on his cell. Thereby PROVING that she must have been home and alive in order to place those calls.

Hunh, I ain't buyin' it. Too convenient, and that has been bugging me all along. His strongest witness is those phone calls, and since I know he COULD fake that, it shoots the whole thing for me.

Thanks for the insight, I know it was a LIGHTBULB moment.
Remind me why we don't thinkONe he used NC's vehicle to dump the body?

One reason given -- no trunk to hide the body. (Her car could have had one of those rollback privacy things, though.)

Another reason was that her car was on the left side of the garage & the cleared area of the garage was on the right.

Third reason is the Blue Meanies...
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