State v. Bradley Cooper 4-12-2011

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Further thought: is it possible that Brad logged on Nancy's Mac computer, using Nancy's login account, to try and show it was HER looking for jobs in Edmonton, as if she were still alive? Looking at searches she would do. Half marathon was HER thing. Or even perhaps to make it look like she took off to Canada? flight info, etc.
I agree!!!!!!!! And I was curious, do we really know that NC cut him off from sex? Unless I am mistaken, we just know they didn't have sex. However, Brad was the one having the affairs. It is very common for a cheating spouse to lose all interest in sex with their married partner if they are getting it on the side. For all we know, he likely had little interest in her. And for NC having Crohn's and two little babies to take care of, on her own, it wasn't the most pressing issue for her at the time. Again, we don't know that she was unwilling to have sex, just that it wasn't happening.

I'm curious just how many serious character flaws have to be displayed before those who 'just don't think Brad could be a killer' or words to that effect, might have second thoughts on the matter? We aren't talking about little indescretions here, we are talking serious *character flaws* IMO.
Really? I used to babysit my friends kids once a month or so while watching his TV or surfing the web on his computer. Between naps and letting them watch a cartoon or 2 you can have a considerable amount of free time where you are in the same room with them but don't have to provide any kind of immediate care.

I love the implication that I am a friend of BC's it almost fits. I am bald and work in computer networking lol.

I only started posting here to point out the way CPD handled the computers and phones was clearly not up to standard law enforcement procedures for digital evidence in a murder investigation.

Hopefully we can start watching this trial again soon!

Where you watching kids who just lost their Mum and knew something was not right ?

What implication, I don't see one in my response to you, you lost me on that one.

As to the computers, the FBI said they were handled properly according to the training that was provided to them and within FBI practice. What else is there to say about it ?
Those quite simply do not sound like searches from someone that just murdered their wife.

Well of course they don't,
Being the smart tech Brad is, he knew his computer would be seized. Still strange searches for a guy that was planning to play tennis all morning and then spend time alone while Nancy and the girls were at the pool.
Just like the early am flurry of cell vm calls...smokescreen.
Further thought: is it possible that Brad logged on Nancy's Mac computer, using Nancy's login account, to try and show it was HER looking for jobs in Edmonton, as if she were still alive? Looking at searches she would do. Half marathon was HER thing. Or even perhaps to make it look like she took off to Canada? flight info, etc.

Makes perfect sense!!!!
I think it's very possible that Brad was trying to make it look like Nancy was using the computer that morning. He had no idea when her body would be found and he wasn't planning on reporting her missing until at least the next day.

So he sits down at her Mac, starts doing the kinds of searches she might do, and for the things that she was thinking about and planning. Half marathon in VA Beach, looking for jobs in Canada, flights to Canada. I bet he thought he could make it look like she was still alive after 8am on Sat July 12.
Power washing the house cause it is going up for sale because NC isn't coming home and BC is looking for a new job. Getting out of CARY and all those nosy friends.



Did he have buds??!! Seriously tho, yes, I bet so.

I did know he had friends. If anyone thought it was I, I hate to dissapoint that person. I have never met NC or BC. I am not sure I would have cared for either one of them to be honest. But I surely am sorry she is dead. Such a tragic loss so early in life.
It would be interesting to see if there was a pattern of how often BC looked on the internet for places to go/things to do with his children as well as early Saturday morning cell phone usage.
I think it's very possible that Brad was trying to make it look like Nancy was using the computer that morning. He had no idea when her body would be found and he wasn't planning on reporting her missing until at least the next day.

So he sits down at her Mac, starts doing the kinds of searches she might do, and for the things that she was thinking about and planning. Half marathon in VA Beach, looking for jobs in Canada, flights to Canada. I bet he thought he could make it look like she was still alive after 8am on Sat July 12.

But dontcha think the 6:40 alibi call would have scheduled later, if that were the case?
Brad Cooper was not signed up to run the VA Beach half marathon. That was an activity Nancy was supposed to do with her girlfriends, and it did not involve Brad.

Well hey, now that *she's* not going, seems like a good place to hook up with some hot babe's.........:banghead:
Good question JTF. Maybe he only thought about it after coming home and then decided to put some searches on there that make it look like something Nancy would do.
Plans were already established for the kids and Nancy to go swimming around 1pm with their mother. Meeting up with HP at the pool. Those plans had not been canceled or altered as of the morning of July 12. Nancy never went running. She was dead and discarded before 7am.

He thought he'd have some time to kill, until those pesky friends started looking for nancy so quickly.
I'm curious just how many serious character flaws have to be displayed before those who 'just don't think Brad could be a killer' or words to that effect, might have second thoughts on the matter? We aren't talking about little indescretions here, we are talking serious *character flaws* IMO.

I agree with you one hundred percent!!! I think it is disgusting and vile that he was spying on her, particularly because he was the one who spent so much time trying to convince her she was crazy and vindictive for believing HM. I was in an abusive marriage, and yes he was violent, and was eventually arrested for strangulation charges. Like Brad, he was a serial cheater and tried to convince me I was crazy. And at the same time, he had spyware on me for the computer, spyware on my cell phone, and basically knew everything I said or did. And he would let me know in subtle ways.
For example, coming home from work and saying, have you heard from so and so lately, the exact day I had talked to them, and then smile smugly.
It is the worst feeling in the world.

I believe whole-heartedly that he was most-likely dropping hints to Nancy that he knew things he shouldn't know, hence her suspicions and fears. Despite what many people may believe, BC]was abusive to NC IMO. I wish more people really knew what these kinds of relationship looked like from the inside, not the outside. And when you are in this kind of controlling environment, it impacts your own behavior, thus, why Nancy probably has been criticized for her own behavior late in the marriage.

She had every right to be angry as she was, because he had tried to make her think she was crazy for HM. For over one year!! Didn't we hear yesterday he even went as far to suggest he would file a defamation lawsuit against HM? (Hope I am right on that.) Unless someone has an intimate knowledge of what it feels like to be worn down like this, they should refrain from any judgements on her half of a bad marriage.

It was a known fact he had a history of bad and emotionally abusive relationships. In fact, I think according to her affadavit, can't remember her name, he "stalked" his last girlfriend prior to NC, and scared her so badly she moved.

BC didn't do these things because of a bad divorce, he did them because he is a scary control freak. IMO
What was he doing looking for recreational opportunities? I had not heard any plans to visit any of this fun stuff before.

Believe he did mention he searched for these things in the depo.
Really? I used to babysit my friends kids once a month or so while watching his TV or surfing the web on his computer. Between naps and letting them watch a cartoon or 2 you can have a considerable amount of free time where you are in the same room with them but don't have to provide any kind of immediate care.

I love the implication that I am a friend of BC's it almost fits. I am bald and work in computer networking lol.

I only started posting here to point out the way CPD handled the computers and phones was clearly not up to standard law enforcement procedures for digital evidence in a murder investigation.

Hopefully we can start watching this trial again soon!

BBM- you are 100% correct - you can even have sex in a closet with your wife's best friend while babysitting three small children. Way to go, Brad! You are super dad!
You mean that one Brad told LE about before they told what the body was clothed in, right?


Kinda like JA telling LE that NC left her car and cell phone at home before she went over and saw that they were there?
So, Brad said he was upstairs in his office doing Cisco work and google searches when he got back from HT. Nancy was alone downstairs before she left at 7AM

Nancy's MacBook was downstairs in the kitchen area.

How could he be upstairs on his work computer checking e-mail and surfing and still use her computer downstairs for these searches?

Right Maddie, maybe he did want it to appear Nancy was using the MacBook.
If so he is busted big time.
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