State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-16-2012

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Some things I need to understand:

1) Did Meredith really call Jason Young on Thursday night, Nov 2, 2006? That seems odd and I had not heard this before.

2) No one can explain this, but how could all these people betray Michelle like this?

3) Were Sowerby's and Money's alibi's confirmed and completely checked out?

4) Did I understand MM to say she flew in to Raleigh THAT FRIDAY (Nov 3), the day Michelle was murdered? Or was it the following Friday?

1) Yes
2) No answer.:(
3) I would think so
4) She must have meant Sat. morning, good catch though, Boodles
On In Session they are showing a Cargol testimony. Is that from this trial or the last?
Some things I need to understand:

1) Did Meredith really call Jason Young on Thursday night, Nov 2, 2006? That seems odd and I had not heard this before.

2) No one can explain this, but how could all these people betray Michelle like this?

3) Were Sowerby's and Money's alibi's confirmed and completely checked out?

4) Did I understand MM to say she flew in to Raleigh THAT FRIDAY (Nov 3), the day Michelle was murdered? Or was it the following Friday?


How awful/unlucky/weird is it to have not one but TWO of your "friends" have intimate affairs with your husband??? What kind of people do crap like that??? And, there were probably even more. Plus, how many women did JY flirt with and just didn't get around to sleeping with?

He must have one hell of a side to him that I haven't seen. He does nothing for me looks-wise.
If anyone wants to torture themselves ermm enlighten themselves with MM's testimony from the first trial in June, 2011, here it is.
(Warning: anger and disgust is a likely side effect of watching/listening)

Jason Young trial testimony (Day 5, pt 2)
Part 1 of June 14, 2011, testimony of Michelle Money, a friend of Michelle Young.

Jason Young trial testimony (Day 5, pt 3)
Part 2 of June 14, 2011, testimony of Michelle Money, a friend of Michelle Young.
I'm not positive, but I THINK they did say MM had a rock-solid alibi, she was at home. Florida. This was when the case was in full media spotlight, I believe.

The discussion was about MY's mom coming to live with them and how he didn't want that. I guess it's just me, when I lost my husband, all of my kids wanted me to come live with them. Course, I get along with all of the SO's.

On that note, I have a dear friend who's daughter was in a knock-down, drag-out abusive relationship for 8 years. The first thing her spouse told her is, 'No one knows what goes on in this household.'.................... It took her 8 years and almost her murder, before she got up the nerve and determination to divorce him. Course, he was in jail for a year for attempted murder. :(

Scott Peterson told an interviewer, 'No on knew what went on in our relationship, except Laci and me.' Later convicted of murder.

I know someone else who was in an abusive relationship, their spouse wouldn't let them talk about anything to do with the marriage.....This was a man, btw, sometimes it's not always the husband, but reversed, including the affair.

I know Linda was a bit outspoken as far as JY went and how he treated MY. But the couple did have loud, loud arguments with Linda in the home. It would be almost impossible to stay out of those disagreements at all. She was put in the middle!...and sometimes, even if you don't say anything, it's the fact that you're aware of the situation that the abuser doesn't want to let out. Kind of destroys their 'good guy' image.

I know all won't agree with this, but it is my opinion, and that's ok. It's just been what I've observed, fwiw.


I disagree that Jason Young fits the profile of an abuser. An abuser isolates his victim and prevents contact with family and friends. Michelle's family visited often and so did her friends. He requested Michelle not have her mother visit so often and also expressed concern about Meredith being left out of their mother's plans for the holidays.

To me, that's not putting the mother in the middle, it's the mother putting herself in the middle and for whatever reason, Michelle was unwilling or unable to ask her mother to remove herself.

All this discussion on the hotel room being fixed to not close, and why didn't the hotel clerk who put the bill under the door notice? It seems to me these types of questions are pointless.

Q:Why would someone configure the door to not need keypad entry
A: To camouflage ins and outs

q: Why would someone camouflage their hotel room door entries and exits
A: They have something to hide.

Q; what did he have to hide the night of 11/2
A: Drugs?? Adultery??? Murder????

It is a fact that was testified to that there was no record of the key being used to open the door between check-in and the maid opening the door. And we know JY testified to "propping' the door open so he would need to use the key to re-enter.

But, 2 trips were made to his room in the middle of the nite/am.

One to put his hotel receipt under his door, and the other to hang a newspaper on his doorknob.

Neither time was his door noticed to be open, ajar, or unlocked .
How awful/unlucky/weird is it to have not one but TWO of your "friends" have intimate affairs with your husband??? What kind of people do crap like that??? And, there were probably even more. Plus, how many women did JY flirt with and just didn't get around to sleeping with?

He must have one hell of a side to him that I haven't seen. He does nothing for me looks-wise.

It's always like that though, isn't it? The old phrase, keep your friend close, keep your enemies closer, always rings true. We saw the exact same thing in the Cooper trial. Someone who was once a close friend to NC winds up sleeping with her husband. And it's usually not a one time thing, but multiple times.

I think this happens a whole lot more than you think. Only difference is not everyone winds up murdered afterward.
Just watched the clip of Cargol describing how he assaulted her to forcefully take her ring. Now I can definitely make the leap to Jason being capable of murder.
I disagree that Jason Young fits the profile of an abuser. An abuser isolates his victim and prevents contact with family and friends. Michelle's family visited often and so did her friends. He requested Michelle not have her mother visit so often and also expressed concern about Meredith being left out of their mother's plans for the holidays.

To me, that's not putting the mother in the middle, it's the mother putting herself in the middle and for whatever reason, Michelle was unwilling or unable to ask her mother to remove herself.


Isolating the victim from friends and family is but one of the hallmarks of an abuser. If you don't believe he fits that one, there's plenty more to choose from. He absolutely hits enough of the bullet points to qualify as an abuser.
I disagree that Jason Young fits the profile of an abuser. An abuser isolates his victim and prevents contact with family and friends. Michelle's family visited often and so did her friends. He requested Michelle not have her mother visit so often and also expressed concern about Meredith being left out of their mother's plans for the holidays.

To me, that's not putting the mother in the middle, it's the mother putting herself in the middle and for whatever reason, Michelle was unwilling or unable to ask her mother to remove herself.


That is true, we have to remember Shelly Schaad had come over that nite to watch tv and have dinner with Michelle.

Jason did not try or attempt to discourage her visit.
But, 2 trips were made to his room in the middle of the nite/am.

One to put his hotel receipt under his door, and the other to hang a newspaper on his doorknob.

Neither time was his door noticed to be open, ajar, or unlocked .

They could of just ignored it although I'm surprised nobody would had seen that. I'm more interested in how the cameras were being monitored throughout the night. Could they not tell immediately when the camera was unplugged? How bout when the camera was turned up?
Isolating the victim from friends and family is but one of the hallmarks of an abuser. If you don't believe he fits that one, there's plenty more to choose from. He absolutely hits enough of the bullet points to qualify as an abuser.

I don't believe Young fits any bullet points to qualify as an abuser.

Wow, she was so very hurt by this whole thing because the media and LE showed up at her house and it negatively affected her. Oh my gosh, this is really unbelievable. Whoever said she was shallow was really on point. This woman is not dealing with reality.

Where's the hurt over the LOSS OF her 'friend'?

P.S. I LOVE the way Becky Holt is phrasing these questions...and MM doesn't even get it...

If these people are to be believed, they never had a moment of curiosity about the investigation, nor a moment to discuss between any of them what possibly could have happened to their friend. C'mon.
Isolating the victim from friends and family is but one of the hallmarks of an abuser. If you don't believe he fits that one, there's plenty more to choose from. He absolutely hits enough of the bullet points to qualify as an abuser.

Thank you thank you thank you. It sounds as though you are knowledgeable about abuser characteristics.
It's always like that though, isn't it? The old phrase, keep your friend close, keep your enemies closer, always rings true. We saw the exact same thing in the Cooper trial. Someone who was once a close friend to NC winds up sleeping with her husband. And it's usually not a one time thing, but multiple times.

I think this happens a whole lot more than you think. Only difference is not everyone winds up murdered afterward.

Maybe so...

As an adult, I have one best girlfriend.....I trust her with all of my heart. It's sad that Michelle probably trusted her friends, too.

I guess there is a lot to be said about not joining a sorority.
I disagree that Jason Young fits the profile of an abuser. An abuser isolates his victim and prevents contact with family and friends. Michelle's family visited often and so did her friends. He requested Michelle not have her mother visit so often and also expressed concern about Meredith being left out of their mother's plans for the holidays.

To me, that's not putting the mother in the middle, it's the mother putting herself in the middle and for whatever reason, Michelle was unwilling or unable to ask her mother to remove herself.


I believe he fits the profile of an abuser and he certainly has violent acts in his past with other women that we have heard about today.

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