Steven Powell arrested in Washington State

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Not just that - what about his neighbors?

It said there are pictures focused on kids in his neighbors yards, taken from the vantage point of his bedroom. The pictures focus on butts and chests.


These were apparently among the people who were yelling things at Josh when he was doing an interview a few weeks ago. Now they find out this?

When you post bond, Steve, I would probably find somewhere else to sleep at night.

Does anyone know when SP bought the house he is in now? I know it hasn't been all that many years. It might be neighbors at a former house. This happened in 2006-2007.
So, would there be any chance of the Coxes seeing the boys while they're in custody, do you think?

I think so. I would think and hope that the boys would be turned over to their grandparents right away, rather than placed with stangers.

I'm way behind here, so I don't know what has happened in the last few hours.

Doesn't. He have money and real estate?

That I don't know. That would be good, as perhaps it could be obtained in a civil judgment context (and maybe used for the benefit of the victim children). A quick search indicates the homestead exemption in Wash State is $125k. (FYI, that means your home cannot be seized up to that value.) I have no idea what the value of real estate is out there. Just FYI.
Anyone else feel like Josh might off himself at any moment? Sorry for the crude thought.

I hope they are keeping an eye on him.

There are pictures of him leaving the courthouse today on the custody hearing at the link below. He looks pretty bad,IMO.

I don't think he will off himself (too narcissistic), but I'm wondering how far he will go to get his boys back. I honestly believe Susan is dead because he knew she had information that could cause him to have limited visitation with "his boys". I further believe that SP convinced him that he had to do everything in his power to make sure that didn't happen and that "working on the marriage" and showing Susan that he was making an effort to be a good husband was all part of a fascade to make her an unsuspecting victim. JMO
Does anyone know when SP bought the house he is in now? I know it hasn't been all that many years. It might be neighbors at a former house. This happened in 2006-2007.

In the charging documents, it says that the neighbors in the pictures have moved. Police had to get the landlord's name from the current neighbors, and find out from him who lived there in 2006 and 2007. They tracked them down and found out that they did live there during that time, and that they did have two daughters. The police then explained about the pictures; and the mother broke down, and said that she did sometimes leave the blinds open because of the heat.

So, the older girl would be 16ish now. I don't really know if I would tell her, if I was her mom (although I'm sure she'll figure it out).
There are pictures of him leaving the courthouse today on the custody hearing at the link below. He looks pretty bad,IMO.

I don't think he will off himself (too narcissistic), but I'm wondering how far he will go to get his boys back. I honestly believe Susan is dead because he knew she had information that could cause him to have limited visitation with "his boys". I further believe that SP convinced him that he had to do everything in his power to make sure that didn't happen and that "working on the marriage" and showing Susan that he was making an effort to be a good husband was all part of a fascade to make her an unsuspecting victim. JMO


I don't think he will either. Dad's not available to tell him how to do it...

Honestly, I think father and son may just both try to throw each other under the bus.
<vomit and eye/brain bleach alert>

Forgive me for stating what may already be obvious to many of you, but ...
As far as i know, fellas generally don't take pictures of their, er, junk, or pics/video of themselves, er, paying attention to their special friend for posterity. They send these pics/videos to people. Who did he send these pics to? If he has internet friends, what did they send in exchange?

This guy is so sick. What did he do-- stand in front of the cameras himself that he set up for the women? I'm sure Susan felt like crawling out of her skin when he was around...just horrifying!

I don't think he will either. Dad's not available to tell him how to do it...

Honestly, I think father and son may just both try to throw each other under the bus.

Yes it's very possible.

Prisoner's dilemma
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about game theory. For the 1988 novel, see Prisoner's Dilemma (novel). For the Doctor Who audiobook, see The Prisoner's Dilemma. For the 2001 play, see The Prisoner's Dilemma (play).
The Prisoner’s Dilemma, is an aspect of game theory that shows why two individuals might not agree, even if appears that it is best to do so. A classic example of the prisoner's dilemma (PD) is presented as follows: It was originally framed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher working at RAND in 1950. Albert W. Tucker formalized the game with prison sentence payoffs and gave it the "prisoner's dilemma" name (Poundstone, 1992).
Two men are arrested, but the police do not possess enough information for an arrest. Following the separation of the two men, the police offer both a similar deal- if one testifies against his partner (defects), and the other stays quiet (cooperates), the betrayer goes free and the cooperator receives the full one-year sentence. If both remain silent, both are sentenced to only one month in jail for a minor charge. If each 'rats out' the other, each receives a three-month sentence. Each prisoner must choose to either betray or remain silent; the decision of each is kept quiet. What should they do?
If it is supposed here that each player is only concerned with lessening his time in jail, the game becomes a non-zero sum game where the two players may either assist or betray the other. In the game, the sole worry of the prisoners seems to be increasing his own reward. The interesting symmetry of this problem is that the logical decision leads both to betray the other, even though their individual ‘prize’ would be greater if they cooperated.
In the regular version of this game, collaboration is dominated by betraying, and as a result, the only possible medium in the game is for both prisoners to betray the other. Regardless of what the other prisoner chooses, one will always gain a greater payoff by betraying the other. Because in almost all solutions, betraying is more beneficial than not talking at all, all objective prisoners would seemingly betray the other.
In the elongated game, the game is played over and over, and consequently, both prisoners continuously have an opportunity to penalize the other for the previous decision. If the number of times the game will be played is known, the economical aspect of the game lends evidence to the assumption that the two prisoners would betray the other over and over, regardless how many times they play.
In casual usage, the label "prisoner's dilemma" may be applied to situations not strictly matching the formal criteria of the classic or iterative games, for instance, those in which two entities could gain important benefits from cooperating or suffer from the failure to do so, but find it merely difficult or expensive, not necessarily impossible, to coordinate their activities to achieve cooperation.'s_dilemma
Oh yes-I think Josh's best option is to dime out his father.
Whoa! I'm shocked again.

Wow poor girl. May I ask where the mother is in all this? I havent heard or I have forgotten or both lol. Good for the sister to be stepping up and facing the truth. UNLIKE so many other family members of suspects. geesh.

Speaking of JP sister here, I lost the link.
This just made my entire week :great:


Except for the poor, poor children, women, boys--whom ever he violated and Susan's poor Angels. Hopefully now the children can get away from them both and to the Cox household where they belonged all along!
Child *advertiser censored* does not have to be what you think of as adult *advertiser censored*. Any picture of a child that is focused specifically on the child's private area can be considered child *advertiser censored*.

A picture of a child on the toilet, in the shower, in the bathtub which is focused on the private area would be considered child *advertiser censored* in a heartbeat.

This may very well go federal.

If each count is 5 years he may not get more than 5 years... but he COULD. It just all depends...

And with Federal prison you serve almost the entire duration of your sentence. None of this time off for good behavior crap.
I mentioned I think a week or so ago in a post that I thought if they could arrest SP that they will be able to break the case and find Susan. OMG, they did it.
Ummm having spent a period of time 'chatting' I know that there are men out there who are facinated with their own junk. And they seem to believe that everyone else should be facinated too.

So they send them out as kind of a sexual come-on. If he sends her a pic and she doesn't talk to him anymore, he moves on. If she continues talking to them, then they try to engage her into sex exchanges. Sometimes it is done for the shock value, send out the pic and hope that she replys outraged.

It is actually pretty funny. I mean they spend hours doing this. LOL when I would get one I used to have fun with it. (One time guy tried to engage me in sex talk and I asked him for his credit card number. He was shocked. Also had a guy ask me to describe my feet to him.

And no I am not and never was interested in sex talk with strangers (so don't be texting me lol) I just found them extremely funny.

mysteriew, I respect your post and your views nd I realize some may view this as funny, but I'm worried about that..and it scares me for others. People who do that are disturbed, imo....and could be very dangerous. They're matter if they do it in person, behind a camera, on the net or a phone breather. Your lucky nothing ever happened and they didn't' follow thru. It's juvenile at the best in their behavior. IMO
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