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But in my own opinion I think the last night JB slept in her bed was Dec 23th, cause JB slept in BR's room on the 24th to wake up early on Christmas and there was very litte creatine/unrine on the sheets...And I agree with one poster here when they said the bed and pillow look like she might had watched T.V on the 25th cause some say JB wasn't feeling good on Christmas Day...

I think you might be right,Ravyn.First time I watched the pictures of her bedroom I came here and asked around "Is this how LE found it?" because it really doesn't look like someone just got out/was sleeping&taken out of that bed.

Now looking at the 911 call..Now PR stated before finishing the note she ran to JB room then call 911 but in the call PR told the dispatcher that the note says S.B.T.C and victory I want to know if she didn't read the note and John wasn't caught on the tape other than saying we are not talking to you..How did PR know the ending of the note..
Now looking at the 911 call..Now PR stated before finishing the note she ran to JB room then call 911 but in the call PR told the dispatcher that the note says S.B.T.C and victory I want to know if she didn't read the note and John wasn't caught on the tape other than saying we are not talking to you..How did PR know the ending of the note..

1997 January 1 - CNN Interview
John and Patsy Ramsey

Patsy Ramsey: "I didn't -- I couldn't read the whole thing I -- I just gotten up. We were on our -- it was the day after Christmas, and we were going to go visiting, and it was quite early in the morning, and I had got dressed and was on my way to the kitchen to make some coffee, and we have a back staircase from the bedroom areas, and I always come down that staircase, and I am usually the first one down. And the note was lying across the -- three pages -- across the run of one of the stair treads, and it was kind of dimly lit."

"It was just very early in the morning, and I started to read it, and it was addressed to John. It said "Mr. Ramsey," And it said, "we have your daughter." And I -- you know, it just was -- it just wasn't registering, and I -- I may have gotten through another sentence. I can't - "we have your daughter." and I don't know if I got any further than that. And I immediately ran back upstairs and pushed open her door, and she was not in her bed, and I screamed for John."

I can understand why in that situation (despair and panic,if she tells the truth) you don't have the patience to read a 3page rn.You just wanna know how it ends.
But in honestly it shows that R's had to touched the RN cause PR said it was on the stairs and JR said he laid it on the floor so where are the fingerprints now this seems odd that no fingerprints was found except where PR handed the RN to the officer...
But in honestly it shows that R's had to touched the RN cause PR said it was on the stairs and JR said he laid it on the floor so where are the fingerprints now this seems odd that no fingerprints was found except where PR handed the RN to the officer...
That seems odd to me, too, Ravyn. If she really did apply make-up and fix her hair before going downstairs, as she claimed, she either had residue from the beauty products on her hands, or, more likely, she washed her hands and applied lotion. It was December in Colorado. I'll be that she had umpteen bottles of lotion and moisturizer on her vanity, any and all of which would have made it nearly impossible not to leave fingerprints. But then, I don't really believe that story, anyway.:)
Hey Bessie, that is right about make-up residue I forgot about that so just wondering how can this be over looked by anyone...
I have to agree with C.Wecht on this one.I mean ,she applied her make up,she fixed her hair,she got dressed,she found the note,she looked into JB's room,she ran into John,she called 911....all this in how many minutes?Come on,PR doesn't sound like a woman who spends 5 min in the bathroom in front of the mirror.IMO
I know all this in 7 minutes she was sure speedy I don't think so just a other thing that puts a loop hole in this case....
Who was playing Santa in the R's house?

12-26-1996 Search Warrant Page 12:

Window grate (9GRV)
Bag containing Santa Claus swift ornaments (76BAB)
Santa Claus suit (77BAB)
Note (78BAB)
Fingerprints of victim (79BAB)
Fingerprints - hand drawing (80BAB)
Birthday card (82BAB

Now playing Santa I don't know but most likely someone close to JB might be the same someone that told her she will get a visit from Santa on Christmas night and I don't think it was the intruder....
Now playing Santa I don't know but most likely someone close to JB might be the same someone that told her she will get a visit from Santa on Christmas night and I don't think it was the intruder....

My thoughts exactly.Might be nothing.But again too many strange coincidences in this case.
My thoughts exactly.Might be nothing.But again too many strange coincidences in this case.

I agree on the coinidences in this case..And other thing that strikes me odd in the Bonita Papers it say JR flew the business jet with JB casket in back now I know some people can be cool and calm but I couldn't drive a car much less a plane if my lil girl just got murder a couple days before..But that is just me and my opinion...
Now since the R's was lawyered up within 48 hours how can they say they was being railroaded

It's never their fault.Remember,a friend of theirs who was a lawyer advised them so.But why two separate lawyers?
IMO because(and SD was right about it as well):

VINCENT BUGLIOSI. FORMER PROSECTOR, LOS ANGELES The strongest evidence against the Ramseys in this case, as I see it, is nothing that directly implicates them. But the implausibility that anyone else committed these murders. But paradoxically - paradoxically, the strongest evidence that I've just pointed to, by its very nature, is the weakest evidence against the Ramseys.

ELIZABETH VARGAS (interviewing) Why?

VINCENT BUGLIOSI Because even if we come to the conclusion that JonBenet was not murdered by an intruder, the inevitable question presents itself. Which one did it? And a prosecutor can't argue to a jury, ladies and gentlemen, the evidence is very clear here that either Mr or Mrs Ramsey committed this murder and the other one covered it up. Even if the DA could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that JonBenet had to have been murdered by at least one of her parents, there'd be no case to take the jury unless they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt, which one did it. (IMO that's almost impossible in this case without a confession and I don't see JR doing it)
ELIZABETH VARGAS Why couldn't it have been Burke Ramsey, Patsy and John's son? He was the third person in the house that night.

VINCENT BUGLIOSI It certainly could have been. But, if it were, then certainly the parents would know about it. The question is, why wouldn't they release that information? It's not like they're protecting them from a life in prison. He's 9 years old. And in Colorado he could not be punished at all. There'd be no legal consequences. The only thing is, he'd get medical help that he obviously would need.

ELIZABETH VARGAS Let's go through some of the evidence that we have been told was presented in this June meeting. First of all, the ransom note. How much weight does that carry in a court of law?

VINCENT BUGLIOSI Well, it carries weight, obviously. But it's not conclusive. Don't get me wrong. It's good evidence. It's not conclusive evidence. It's not going to carry the day. Even if it did carry the day and you could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Patsy Ramsey wrote the ransom note, that doesn't mean that she committed the murder.

ELIZABETH VARGAS You have characterized this case as a nonphysical, circumstantial evidence case. What do you mean by that?

VINCENT BUGLIOSI Well, physical circumstantial evidence—eg, fingerprints, blood, bullets, hair matchups—usually is the very strongest kind of evidence in a criminal case. But nonphysical, circumstantial evidence cases, as the Ramsey case, almost always are the toughest to solve, the most difficult to get a conviction of because we're talking about things like an inappropriate remark.

ELIZABETH VARGAS Hiring separate lawyers, not giving.


And I LMAO when I heard that only 1% of Alex Hunter's cases went to trial.I agree with those who say he was scared to take this to court.
The writting on JBR picture like Christmas 1996 this photo taken a few hours before JB death does anyone here know you wrote them on the pics just wondering...
The writting on JBR picture like Christmas 1996 this photo taken a few hours before JB death does anyone here know you wrote them on the pics just wondering...

What I was wondering does anyone knows if this two pictures could have been on any of the Ramsey's sites....
Now I wonder if Melody Staton statement came to play cause of PR asked why didn't I hear my baby..I find it strange MS kept her mouth shut at first...
Now I wonder if Melody Staton statement came to play cause of PR asked why didn't I hear my baby..I find it strange MS kept her mouth shut at first...

She said she was reluctant to get involved. When she did mention being awoken by a chilling child's scream, she was caught up in the mess that was the JB investigation- that's when she changed her story to say that maybe she didn't physically hear a scream, but maybe it was just the "negative energy" emanating from JonBenet. (her words). Later, she once again admitted that she had, in fact, heard a scream.
The Stantons moved away from Boulder- most likely because of this case.

During the investigation, tests were done by LE at the house to determine whether Mrs. Stanton could have actually heard a scream coming from the basement of the R home. There was a vent pipe in the Ramsey basement, in the area near the wineceller. It was determined that a scream COULD have been heard from across the street, where the Stantons lived, as well as in the parents' third floor bedroom.

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