Stungun marks

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why_nutt said:
That ER nurse if she exists, which I doubt.
She seemed pretty real on television, but then I will admit that sometimes my tv does have 'ghosts'. The two police men who were showing her the photos must have thought she was sort-of real.
Nurses don't have any credentials to make calls on marks of JB's body, IMO. Even a pathologists and ME have been called to task. There's no reason to take a nurse's opinion and use it as a viable source, IMO. And that surely is NOT to discredit a nurse as a nurse is a very valuable occupation. However, to be viewed in the proper prospective.
Lou Smit, himself, feels a stungun was used on JonBenet. He measured the distance between the two marks on her body and noted they were the same as what would have been made by a stungun.

Lou Smit is the Ramsey's greatest law enforcement advocate.

IMO, John Ramsey had ample time to dispose of the the stungun when Linda Arndt allowed JR to leave the house to pick up his mail. Who would think about mail at a time like that and who would make airline reservations to leave Boulder without finding out how one's daughter was mudered?????
tipper said:
Why do you think he left the house to get the mail?

I don't believe John left the house to get the mail. The R's had a mail slot, and that's where I believe JR got the mail. It was originally thought he left, merely because he got the mail, but I think that's been debunked.
haypaula said:
Lou Smit, himself, feels a stungun was used on JonBenet. He measured the distance between the two marks on her body and noted they were the same as what would have been made by a stungun.
Lou Smit is now on record (The LKL Show) as saying he is not sure it was a Taser stungun. The Taser is the ONLY stungun that even comes close to matching the marks on her body. Apparently Smit wised up and now has a problem with the dimensional differences between the marks on her back and the electrode spacing on the Taser.
Additionally, the marks he made on the pig with the Taser look nothing like those on JBR's back.
BlueCrab said:
In the meantime, please consider the fact that the prongs of a stung can simultaneously cause abrasions as well as leave their electrical signature marks on the skin.
BlueCrab, you should give some consideration to Smit's pig test. Smit cooked an unconscious pig with a Taser and the marks look NOTHING like what is on JonBenet. Now, do you REALLY think that JonBenet would have laid there motionless like the knocked-out pig while she was being hit with that voltage?--IMPOSSIBLE!
Steve Tuttle from Air Taser demonstrated the Taser on TV by zapping himself on the arm. It was so painful that even he was unable to hold it in one place while demonstrating it. That should tell you something.
Shylock said:
BlueCrab, you should give some consideration to Smit's pig test. Smit cooked an unconscious pig with a Taser and the marks look NOTHING like what is on JonBenet. Now, do you REALLY think that JonBenet would have laid there motionless like the knocked-out pig while she was being hit with that voltage?--IMPOSSIBLE!
Steve Tuttle from Air Taser demonstrated the Taser on TV by zapping himself on the arm. It was so painful that even he was unable to hold it in one place while demonstrating it. That should tell you something.

Steve Tuttle, who was representing Air Taser and trying to prove that their gun was harmless, held the stun gun against his skin for only about one second during his demonstration on himself. He was trying to prove that the gun left no signature marks on the skin. But the burn marks won't appear on the skin until after the gun is held agsainst the skin for at least 3 seconds, and he knew that. The demonstration by Tuttle was a farce.

The pig was properly anesthesized during the test and not inhumanely "knocked out" in the tests carried out by Dr. Stratbucker and Lou Smit. The signature marks left by the Taser on the pig were identical to the marks on JonBenet. They carried out various stun gun hits on the pig including 48 hits of up to 5 seconds each, and signature marks were left on the pig. The pig also suffered temporary respiration arrest at one point but revived itself after the stun gun hits were stopped.

IMO a stun gun was used on JonBenet. The stun gun hits on JonBenet, judging from the severity of the burns, were likely well over 6 seconds each and perhaps as much as 20 or 30 seconds each. JonBenet's scream was probably a result of the first stun gun hit on her, and the attack most likely took place in the basement where the parents couldn't hear the scream.

I don't know for sure why a stun gun was used on JonBenet in the first place, but if a stun gun was used the motivation was likely pure torture. A stun gun was not used to knock her out and carry her from her bed to the basement. A person who had just been stungunned doesn't sit in kitchen with her attacker and snack on pineapple.

Just my opinion.

BlueCrab, I don't see a reference to burn formation in the Patronix report on the effect of a taser on baby pigs. The report describes the triple Lewis response, which seems to involve capillary dilation followed by the cutaneous flare followed by the formation of wheals.

The bookmark I have for the Taser archives doesn't work. I'll check to see if I have saved any of the other reports in my files.
Wow! My daughter's boyfriend just told me he'd been shot with a stun gun twice. He says the marks looked like two little mosquito bites. He says they were a little bit raised with a tiny bit of irritation around the edge of them. This was the kind of a stun gun where the little prods are pressed up against you.
BlueCrab said:
Steve Tuttle, who was representing Air Taser and trying to prove that their gun was harmless, .
The demonstration by Tuttle was a farce.
Its known as conflict of interest.
Maxi said:
Wow! My daughter's boyfriend just told me he'd been shot with a stun gun twice. He says the marks looked like two little mosquito bites. He says they were a little bit raised with a tiny bit of irritation around the edge of them. This was the kind of a stun gun where the little prods are pressed up against you.

Can he take photos?
Oops, I worded that badly. He didn't just get shot with the stun gun, he just told me he got shot with one in the past. Apparently he and his friends were trying it out on each other. He read what I was posting, and said the marks looked like little mosquito bites. He also said they looked kind of like little burns.

Jayelles said:
Can he take photos?
Toth said:
Its known as conflict of interest.

I do believe this is the first time I have seen you use that particular expression. It is usually one of my favorites when discussing this case.

Tuttle's opinion is a conflict of interest


What about Alex Hunter, the one who "cleared" Burke, etc., the one that people on the RST will quote when it suits them? He was business partners and breakfast buddies with the Ramsey attorneys. Did I miss that when you may have called it a "conflict of interest?"

What about Dr. Doberson, the one hired by the RST to conduct these experiments? Isn't that a "conflict of interest"?

What about "Dr" Ed Gelb, paid by the Ramseys, with their passing of a polygraph? Isn't that a "conflict of interest?"

What about Douglas?

What about Lou Smit?

I guess it only applies to Tuttle who discounts the stun gun.

Sorry for the mixup :banghead:
Great post Barbara!

Like I've said before, if the Ramseys truly believed that a stun gun was used on their daughter and that it would help to "clear" their name - they would have exhumed her body to prove it.
They refused.
I guess you could call that a "conflict of interest"? :crazy:
K777angel said:
they would have exhumed her body to prove it.
"her body"? To you its a corpse, to them its their lovely daughter who should be allowed to rest in peace.
So they can just get on with their lives after a 'proper burial' ? I think to them it's "that child". JMO.
Toth said:
"her body"? To you its a corpse, to them its their lovely daughter who should be allowed to rest in peace.
Huh? I thought the Ramseys were Christians. Don't Christians believe JB is in Heaven?
Toth said:
"her body"? To you its a corpse, to them its their lovely daughter who should be allowed to rest in peace.

There is no such thing as a dead body being aware of "resting in peace" and you know it.
I have had someone very, very dear and close to me die. As a christian - like the Ramseys - I KNOW her body is just a shell left that housed her beautiful soul. Which is now in heaven with God for all eternity.

Had her body not been wracked with cancer and her wish was to donate her organs - would that mean we wouldn't allow our mother to "rest in peace?"
Of course not.
Niether does it fly that that was the real reason the Ramseys declined to exhume her body.
Nice try.
Toth said:
"her body"? To you its a corpse, to them its their lovely daughter who should be allowed to rest in peace.
Yeah Toth that makes a lot of sense. It's better to let your youngest son go through a tormented life with people whispering behind his back and pointing fingers than disturb a corpse. They said they worry about when Burke is 40 years old--I guess they don't worry enough about it to help the kid out.

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