Sunday 6/2/13 on True Crime Radio - Elaine Redwine

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The only reason I found the 3 iPod story strange is because he does not live there for one and so if it at his normal home I get that but its odd he went on 3 different trips (this is a assumption due to you don't need more than 1 iPod at a time ) and randomally just left them behind.And if he was that careless who would lend him another one ,let alone another 2 ?! - plus he also has his iPod touch as well .

some kids have things they keep at the other parents home, some kids don't.

I know of kids who have been made to leave things at the other parents place and other kids who have had things mysteriously disappear so they can't take them home.

in this case I'm going to take it as they were at MRs home for unknown reasons, IMO they are not important unlike Dylan and the missing iPod touch
I got the impression they were hand me downs, but maybe I'm wrong. I also think that it's possible they were not working -- I don't think the warrant says one way or the other. I think some people (like me) kind of throw malfunctioning electronic devices - cell phones, iPods, etc., in a drawer, hoping they'll somehow cure themselves.

But why take broken iPods all the way to his dads home ?

There is more than likely nothing to this and totally innocent , I just found it a little strange :D

First bolding - I'm pretty sure that the FBI has people capable of handling this sort of thing.

I'm pretty sure you'd be right

Second bolding - It's possible that I'm a little sensitive about the use of "irresponsible," given that we are, in all likelihood, talking about a deceased child, but that's certainly not the first word that comes to my mind. At least not in terms of Dylan.

I agree, it's astonishing to me, the use of that descriptive "irresponsible" for a missing, and possibly deceased child

big snip~~~
my response red

just my :twocents: tho...
But why take broken iPods all the way to his dads home ?

There is more than likely nothing to this and totally innocent , I just found it a little strange :D

Not answering your post, but using it because you mention all the iPods.
Okay, so MR argued, and argued and argued and argued about the texting so I just have to throw this out there.
Since MR seemed to have a real problem with DR constantly texting his friends, time that ate into his "father - son" time... maybe MR confiscated each and every one of them when DR came for visits.
Hence on the last visit, when DR pulled out his new iPod touch, DR said no way am I giving this one up and thats when "all hell broke loose".
The one thing that did confuse me is the talk about the i-pods. EH said one of them wasn't DR's (MR had also said before that they took his) and the other 3 belonged to [names given], but the SW only shows that 2 were taken. Is that because EH was confused about what had been taken or does that mean there is a second page to the list of items taken? The way the items are listed, it looks complete (all of the swabs at the end of the list, other items at the beginning) and I don't believe they sign each page. MOO
Not answering your post, but using it because you mention all the iPods.
Okay, so MR argued, and argued and argued and argued about the texting so I just have to throw this out there.
Since MR seemed to have a real problem with DR constantly texting his friends, time that ate into his "father - son" time... maybe MR confiscated each and every one of them when DR came for visits.
Hence on the last visit, when DR pulled out his new iPod touch, DR said no way am I giving this one up and thats when "all hell broke loose".

But only the i-pod touch can text. The other older ones do not have the ability to text. I think Dylan probably just left them there when he'd return home. 13 yr olds are like that. :wink:
The one thing that did confuse me is the talk about the i-pods. EH said one of them wasn't DR's (MR had also said before that they took his) and the other 3 belonged to [names given], but the SW only shows that 2 were taken. Is that because EH was confused about what had been taken or does that mean there is a second page to the list of items taken? The way the items are listed, it looks complete (all of the swabs at the end of the list, other items at the beginning) and I don't believe they sign each page. MOO

IMO not only a page missing or more of the list, but probable another list from vehicles and another search warrant that was not exposed.
But why take broken iPods all the way to his dads home ?

There is more than likely nothing to this and totally innocent , I just found it a little strange :D

they could have broken while at MRs house if they are broken
But only the i-pod touch can text. The other older ones do not have the ability to text. I think Dylan probably just left them there when he'd return home. 13 yr olds are like that. :wink:

And I'm sorry, my post was kind of being facetious because old tired people are like that :blushing: I've just seen too many excuses tonight for MR.:facepalm:
Not you!

they could have broken while at MRs house if they are broken

Is there something about MR's house that break's ipod's? :D

i am sure we will never solve the mystery of why Dylan had so many ipods and in the scheme of things its not important :D
some kids have things they keep at the other parents home, some kids don't.

I know of kids who have been made to leave things at the other parents place and other kids who have had things mysteriously disappear so they can't take them home.

in this case I'm going to take it as they were at MRs home for unknown reasons, IMO they are not important unlike Dylan and the missing iPod touch

Is there something about MR's house that break's ipod's? :D

i am sure we will never solve the mystery of why Dylan had so many ipods and in the scheme of things its not important :D

ipods can break at any time, I never said they were broken only that it was a possibility.

We agree about them not being important
ipods can break at any time, I never said they were broken only that it was a possibility.

We agree about them not being important

That is correct :D

But what is important is that Dylan fly's in to visit his father and after 9-37pm nobody see's or hears from him again. Nobody has claimed to see Dylan after he goes to Walmart or McDonald's whichever came last . So MR is very much in the hot seat because until proven otherwise he is the last known person with Dylan :cow:
That is correct :D

What is important that Dylan fly's in to visit his father and after 9-37pm nobody see's or hears from him again. Nobody has claimed to see Dylan after he goes to Walmart or McDonald's . So MR is very much in the hot seat because he is the last one with Dylan until proven otherwise :cow:

Exactly. This is what bothers me, what I can't get past in this case. We know now for sure that Dylan had his phone and a Touch that he used for texting. We know he had his chargers for both with him. We know Mark has wi-fi and Dylan had access to it. Plus there is a landline and a computer... Plenty of ways for Dylan to communicate with the outside world.

So why would a kid who clearly enjoys talking with his friends, who from the texts we have seen was very excited and anxious to see his friends, not text them the moment he woke up? Why would he not reply to R's text from earlier that morning asking where he was? According to Mark, Dylan took time to eat breakfast and put on the tv. And yet we are to believe that this boy, who according to his parents was always texting, didn't take a minute to check his texts and tell his friend he had overslept? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Nor does it make sense that he would set off to walk or hitchhike that distance without first calling to see if one of his friend's parents or someone could come pick him up. Especially when, according to Mark, Dylan knew he had a ride to his friend's house as soon as his dad got back from town.

This is what I cannot reconcile in my mind. IMO, there is no way a kid is going to stop his communication with his friends suddenly, and not immediately try to get in touch as soon as he woke up. Not to mention that if he stopped texting so early Sunday because he fell asleep, he should have easily been awake and ready to go when Mark was. This wasn't school or atrip to the dentist, it was something Dylan wanted to do.

All JMO, as always, but to me this interview with Mark (and Elaine) provided answers to questions that close out most of the excuses to this crucial point of no communication after 9:37 Sunday night. We now know for sure that he had plenty of methods to communicate, so why didn't he?
Exactly. This is what bothers me, what I can't get past in this case. We know now for sure that Dylan had his phone and a Touch that he used for texting. We know he had his chargers for both with him. We know Mark has wi-fi and Dylan had access to it. Plus there is a landline and a computer... Plenty of ways for Dylan to communicate with the outside world.

So why would a kid who clearly enjoys talking with his friends, who from the texts we have seen was very excited and anxious to see his friends, not text them the moment he woke up?
Why would he not reply to R's text from earlier that morning asking where he was? According to Mark, Dylan took time to eat breakfast and put on the tv. And yet we are to believe that this boy, who according to his parents was always texting, didn't take a minute to check his texts and tell his friend he had overslept? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Nor does it make sense that he would set off to walk or hitchhike that distance without first calling to see if one of his friend's parents or someone could come pick him up. Especially when, according to Mark, Dylan knew he had a ride to his friend's house as soon as his dad got back from town.

This is what I cannot reconcile in my mind. IMO, there is no way a kid is going to stop his communication with his friends suddenly, and not immediately try to get in touch as soon as he woke up. Not to mention that if he stopped texting so early Sunday because he fell asleep, he should have easily been awake and ready to go when Mark was. This wasn't school or atrip to the dentist, it was something Dylan wanted to do.

All JMO, as always, but to me this interview with Mark (and Elaine) provided answers to questions that close out most of the excuses to this crucial point of no communication after 9:37 Sunday night. We now know for sure that he had plenty of methods to communicate, so why didn't he?

He wouldn't and i am sure that LE would look into Dylan's patten of texting to establish if his sudden lack of phone usage is abnormal which from all accounts it was when Elaine says he was a avid texter . The lack of communication from Dylan from Sunday and up until he is reported missing is glaring :cow:
Is there something about MR's house that break's ipod's? :D

i am sure we will never solve the mystery of why Dylan had so many ipods and in the scheme of things its not important :D

Here at my abode we have to have 8 I pods none are broken but we keep getting the newer ones.

There are many reasons they could be there.
What if MR bought Dylan a new one and he left the older one there. one is Marks and the last one is Dylans newer one. I don't know just guessing here but I don't think it matters!
He wouldn't and i am sure that LE would look into Dylan's patten of texting to establish if his sudden lack of phone usage is abnormal which from all accounts it was when Elaine says he was a avid texter . The lack of communication from Dylan from Sunday and up until he is reported missing is glaring :cow:

Personally I think Mark took his phone from him.
If Dylan never unpacked at all (a presumption) then how did MR seem to know what was in his bag?

When he says he does not believe Dylan is in La Plata county, it makes me recall Casey saying she felt Caylee was close by.
If Dylan never unpacked at all (a presumption) then how did MR seem to know what was in his bag?

When he says he does not believe Dylan is in La Plata county, it makes me recall Casey saying she felt Caylee was close by.

MR went though it after the fact , maybe?

MR looked though it while Dylan went upstairs to bring down the DVD player ?

I am sure he would of had opportunities to go though it if he so wished!

:cow: :cow: :cow:
My kids never unpacked anything they would grab things out of the bag as needed but.....the things taken out never made it back in till it was time to leave.
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