Sunday, 6/9/2013 Radio Show

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I have a question for the moderators. I'm asking openly because I assume I am not the only poster with this question. Since Mark endorsed Find Dylan First aka FDF, does this change what FaceBook pages we are allowed to discuss? I am asking if we are now allowed to link and discuss both Facebook pages, FMDR and FDF?

:) TIA

Remember, Tricia's True Crime Radio is not affiliated with except that Tricia owns the radio show and is a partner on WS. The rules on the show and in the show's chat room do NOT automatically coincide with the rules here.

That being said, Salem will need to answer that question for you. I just wanted to make sure everyone understands why some things are discussed on the radio show and may or may not be allowed on WS. :)
I am on my iPhone so when its a long post its hard to quote and scroll .

With regards to Elaine coming out and saying she felt MR was guilty , what would you of had her done ?

IMO - she was upset , hurt and angry that her son had vanished and the person that was last with him was being evasive (IMO) . I can understand her trying to put pressure on MR from the get go in the hopes ( if guilty) he would fold . This is my understanding of it .

I believe that the weight of your suspicion is not as great as the mother of any missing child(not just ER) stating they know a specific person has done something. People follow that thinking the mother knows best(I guess the same could be said if a father were to do this.) I don't think MR asked for LE to tell him he failed miserably, but that he is attempting to be open in regards to what is going on. So, should he have just kept his mouth shut on that issue and allowed someone else to say that? Wait, someone else did release his results before he did. MR has repeated stated that he is being stalked and harassed, if true, did he ask for those people to do those things to him? No, he didn't. He could be harboring resentment that he cannot do the things he may want to for his child. This is what I speak of when I say I weigh consequences. A domino effect was started the minute ER said to the media that she knew MR was somehow involved in this. Does anyone know of the first account in the media when ER said something about MR's involvement? Again I do not fault her for having suspicions, I question the course of action she has taken from the beginning in regards to the role it has played in this case and the various actions of others. Media is a power tool and it should be used wisely and with consideration for the potential damage or helpfulness it can play. I think, in putting in the media that MR was involved somehow, it has more people focused on MR(and putting pressure on him) than actually looking for Dylan somewhere else. Again, if MR is not involved in any way, then how those statements have played a role in this, the focus is centered on the wrong person. Focus should have always been on Dylan, not MR. At this point in time 7 months have been wasted for people who could have been doing other things than focusing on MR, if MR is not involved.
I am on my iPhone so when its a long post its hard to quote and scroll .

With regards to Elaine coming out and saying she felt MR was guilty , what would you of had her done ?

IMO - she was upset , hurt and angry that her son had vanished and the person that was last with him was being evasive (IMO) . I can understand her trying to put pressure on MR from the get go in the hopes ( if guilty) he would fold . This is my understanding of it .

I agree. It was right, IMO, for ER to go public with her suspicions. I say that, even though I'm still on the fence.

ETA: I also think its important for MR to know and understand her suspicions and he may, I don't know.
I believe MR is a suspect and possibly, THE suspect.
I am not accusing him, by believing this. I would like nothing more than to have the belief deep down, that he is innocent and just in a horrible position. But nothing he has said or done, and, more important, IMO, nothing LE has said or done, leads me to think he is just a victim of his own garbled words.

I can't change my focus until I believe LE has done so. But I have never ruled out some other scenarios as being possible.

I totally agree, so in the mean time I can not support a support page for MR.
If I get sold a bracelet to help find Dylan and then in the end that money has to be used for MR's defense.....boy would I be madddddd!:jail: JMO
I don't think ER's assertions have as much to do with public perception as all that. I think if you combine her assertions with a lot of other factors is when her feelings and statements begin to have credence. I for one did not assume Mark's involvement when I first heard Elaine's words. As far as I knew she could have been a lunatic that was spewing nonsense. But when later added to Mark's behavior, the divorce and custody issues, LE's obvious (imo) interest in Mark, the polygraph, other family members' opinions, the communication facts, ........then Elaine's words began to coincide with everything else. I think those of us that have looked hard at the information and been immersed both intellectually and emotionally find it hard to hear that just because we come to a different opinion means we are small minded enough to just take Elaines word for it.
I am on my iPhone so when its a long post its hard to quote and scroll .

With regards to Elaine coming out and saying she felt MR was guilty , what would you of had her done ?

IMO - she was upset , hurt and angry that her son had vanished and the person that was last with him was being evasive (IMO) . I can understand her trying to put pressure on MR from the get go in the hopes ( if guilty) he would fold . This is my understanding of it .

A fair question, and this is what I think I would like to think I would do if ever in her situation. I would have expressed my reservations to LE, and only to LE. I may have even attempted to confront MR about it, calmly(as I have already expressed I do not think that her 'loudly' direct approach is how to go about what she was trying to achieve) in a private setting, not put him on blast in the media about it. It's LE job to solve the case details, gather evidence, etc and as far as the general public's involvement it should be to keep an eye out for Dylan if he is seen, and to call in tips if they know anything at all in regards to his disappearance. This is probably why LE does not release all the details of a case, because it really does hinder their investigation. They have their own tactics about finding out things and when the general public becomes too involved(I think stalking a person would be too involved) it hinders their investigation. In some cases pressure may be needed, but it's up for LE to decide what is needed to help THEIR investigation, other times they may need the person they are looking at to get comfortable. How can they possibly get comfortable when they are always on their guard?
ER speaking out about her suspicions have nothing to do with my own doubt about MR. He has managed that all by himself, with the help of LE, IMO, making a point to correct his assertion about LD test and that they are still investigating his movements and that ER was where she said she was.

IMO, it is easy to say what one would do, until you are in that position. If ER had had nightmares, for example, of MR harming or hiding Dylan prior to this date and all of a sudden, he is gone, while with his dad, I think I would speak out loud and long. I would want everyone to be aware of MR and try to remember if they had seen his truck, or him, or he and Dylan that day. I would not be worried about how I came off sounding.
Is this the hoodie described in the search warrant?


link for picture

Considering this picture was taken in 2009, I don't think so, but it is a hoodie.
No comment in particular. I was simply stating the name Bowman is seen quite frequently to this very day in Dylan's case. I believe if you look at some comments on FDF you will find the husband of Kimberly posts on FDF and Kimberly herself hits the "like" button on some admin posts.

Is following a case(IE reading about it or discussing it) the same as being involved with it? The only evidence I see before me with what you posted, is that she is still following the case, not that she is "active" or "involved" at her previous level.
I am so confused right now .

Me too. There seems to be a lot of OT posts going on that I can't seem to reconcile with the radio show. For that reason, I'm closing this thread until one of our assigned mods for this case are here to sort through things.
I have a question for the moderators. I'm asking openly because I assume I am not the only poster with this question. Since Mark endorsed Find Dylan First aka FDF, does this change what FaceBook pages we are allowed to discuss? I am asking if we are now allowed to link and discuss both Facebook pages, FMDR and FDF?

:) TIA

No, it does not. We are not allowing anymore facebooks at this point in time. Facebook has turned into a dangerous game with irresponsible posters on both sides of this case and we are not going to allow WS to be used as a format for such nonsense.

Hope that answers the question. As you can see, I am really frustrated with all this facebook competition stuff and I have no idea, whatsoever, how it helps find Dylan.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #52[/ame]

I thought this post was interesting taking into consideration that MR is to contact LE each week.
Okay. So anyway, you’re not liking the movie, and is Dylan watching it or what’s going on?

Well, there was a lot of things going on at that particular time, I mean Dylan had grabbed his computer. He was interacting with uh…Facebook, um… I know that he also has a lot of games that he plays on the computer and that, so he could have been doing that for some period of time, um… Obviously at some point he was texting, communicating with his friends, there were times when we were talking and trying to better get am idea again of what we were gonna’ be doing for Thanksgiving. We had talked about going to my brother’s house. Um….you know, just…just little things like that. You know there would be times when we would start getting back into the movie and nothing was being said.

IMO - It does seem like there was not a whole lot of interaction between them. MR has already said Dylan was distant and they watch a movie which is a anti-social :cow: and then Dylan is texting and on his computer as well.

All reasons why i could see tension building as the night progresses . As much as MR tries to come across as "Mr Understanding" i think it was not the visit he had envisioned.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #52

I thought this post was interesting taking into consideration that MR is to contact LE each week.

I'm confused, AAS. What do you see as the relationship between my post, and MR saying on the radio show that he agreed to contact LE once a week?

If he goes on the road as he says he's planning, as well as normally since goes on the road for work (IIRC he mentioned traveling to CA and NM as 2 examples), can he not call in to LE to keep his agreement?
IMO - It does seem like there was not a whole lot of interaction between them. MR has already said Dylan was distant and they watch a movie which is a anti-social :cow: and then Dylan is texting and on his computer as well.

All reasons why i could see tension building as the night progresses . As much as MR tries to come across as "Mr Understanding" i think it was not the visit he had envisioned.


This is also roughly the same time he told M. Blasius that he was pacing in the kitchen, right?
I'm confused, AAS. What do you see as the relationship between my post, and MR saying on the radio show that he agreed to contact LE once a week?

If he goes on the road as he says he's planning, as well as normally since goes on the road for work (IIRC he mentioned traveling to CA and NM as 2 examples), can he not call in to LE to keep his agreement?

'police can ask you not to leave the area or the state, or even tell you not to leave the area or the state'

contact could require a face to face attendance at the LE office couldn't it?
Was anybody else baffled about MR spending time on trying to get Elaine to change "The Warriors" name. Seriously , priority's here!

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