Support Thread: George, Cindy & Lee Anthony

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I have to say, and wow, I'm so surprised I'm saying it, but here goes - they have to be heartbroken. They did everything they could for three years to support Casey, and this is how she thanks them. They didn't help themselves by being so repugnant to everyone. I can't say that I can muster sympathy, but dayum, Casey is one cold, evil, b word to do that to two people left on this earth defending her (and I mean really defending her. I think the defense is just doing a job, not actually defending her so much from an emotional level the way CA and GA did).

I am glad George has done the right thing so far. I never thought he would redeem himself, and I'm still a little leery, but I'm glad he did the right thing on the stand yesterday. Cindy, I have to see it to believe it, but from her body language today, I'm thinking for the first time there might actually be a change in her. I think Casey went way too far in practically demanding through Baez that Cindy choose Casey or the family.

Maybe that is sympathy I feel...a unrecognizable when I think about the A's usually...well, I'll see how they continue to do in court and go from there - unfortunately two days is not enough to get over the three years of carp they put everyone through in supporiting Casey!

I do pray that Lee and Cindy do the right thing, and that George will continue to do the right thing. I seriously cannot be disappointed by any of them one more time! God help me, I actually have hope for them!
I have to say, and wow, I'm so surprised I'm saying it, but here goes - they have to be heartbroken. They did everything they could for three years to support Casey, and this is how she thanks them. They didn't help themselves by being so repugnant to everyone. I can't say that I can muster sympathy, but dayum, Casey is one cold, evil, b word to do that to two people left on this earth defending her (and I mean really defending her. I think the defense is just doing a job, not actually defending her so much from an emotional level the way CA and GA did).

I am glad George has done the right thing so far. I never thought he would redeem himself, and I'm still a little leery, but I'm glad he did the right thing on the stand yesterday. Cindy, I have to see it to believe it, but from her body language today, I'm thinking for the first time there might actually be a change in her. I think Casey went way too far in practically demanding through Baez that Cindy choose Casey or the family.

Maybe that is sympathy I feel...a unrecognizable when I think about the A's usually...well, I'll see how they continue to do in court and go from there - unfortunately two days is not enough to get over the three years of carp they put everyone through in supporiting Casey!

Oh Aedrys - well done and I so understand what you are saying about what it looked like the Anthony's have done up until this trial.

I can't even imagine how heartbroken they are, to first lose Caylee, and then to find out over the process of evidence release, time, and now this latest bunch of carp dumped on them that their "difficult" daughter is just plain evil.

And bless George, he'd had enough and couldn't when it really counted, let the craziness that has held him back for three years, do it any longer. And so he told the truth on the stand. And we saw the love shine on his face when he talked about Caylee - it really touched me to see it despite the accusations that brought him up there.

I have no question that Lee will do the right thing also. We sat stunned when he testified at the last yearing - and thought it was a miracle. Now these ugly accusations have been thrown at his father, I think there will be no holding back when it's his turn.

Cindy is our most difficult one. I think we all fear her being on the stand. But I also think we've seen the line in the sand. Watching her these last two days in the courtroom - I think she's finally arrived where she needs to be. I'm going to guess that when she met with her lawyer and Baez a short time ago, it was to find out what Baez was planning and to beg him not to do what he did. I'll still sit on the edge of my chair when it's her turn, almost as fearful as the rest of you - but I have faith she's finally there and god help her if she is. What a tragedy this is.
You know i'm wondering when the DT knew this was the way the were going to proceed. I really feel for G & C they have been slammed in every direction. Not only have they had their hearts ripped out by losing Caylee. They were just thrown away like trash by the daughter they loved, raised & ruined their reputations defending. Not Only that but by the DT !! although I do realize JB is just a defense attorney and working for his client but how could he have ingratiated himself with this family... passing notes between them, and i believe getting them to spew half the carp they did like relentlessly talking about the amber alert etc and set them up for this fall..

I hope to god they find Strength in each other and can heal enough to enjoy the blessings that are coming to them (thinking of Lee & Mallory and the child to be)
I will be the first to apologize publicly here on this forum to CA..IF she hangs tough and does the right and just thing for her granddaughter. I did apologize today to GA....I am glad he proved me wrong. I hope and pray that Cindy and Lee do the same thing. I also pray that they finally get some answers that will bring closure to their tortured souls. It will take a lifetime to heal, they will always have a huge hole in their hearts. But maybe, just maybe they will be able to see the truth for what it is....and move forward.

In fact, if after tomorrow CA tells the truth...I will change my avatar. I don't think I will feel right poking fun at them anymore. This is real.

I want to support them ,but.......

I'm still waiting for the other shoe to fall. Still not 100% convinced .George did not have to to admit to anything to create doubt.IMO the defense theory is not reasonable doubt,but still.........
Waiting for the rest of the trial.
I can pray for them ,though,and hope they take this opportunity to do the right thing.
Someone on the Astrology Forum posted that IS stated CA was crying in the elevator.We have heard that she is literally leaning on GA.I'm not seeing that in the courtroom,but this may be Cindy's time to start grieving. The walls are tumbling down and there is nothing left for her to do.
I don't mean this in a snarky way,but it would be good to see Cindy grieving for Caylee. She can't avoid it and it's bound to have an impact in the courtroom. She's being hit square between the eyes with the facts and the lies and both are painful.
I have to say, and wow, I'm so surprised I'm saying it, but here goes - they have to be heartbroken. They did everything they could for three years to support Casey, and this is how she thanks them. They didn't help themselves by being so repugnant to everyone. I can't say that I can muster sympathy, but dayum, Casey is one cold, evil, b word to do that to two people left on this earth defending her (and I mean really defending her. I think the defense is just doing a job, not actually defending her so much from an emotional level the way CA and GA did).

I am glad George has done the right thing so far. I never thought he would redeem himself, and I'm still a little leery, but I'm glad he did the right thing on the stand yesterday. Cindy, I have to see it to believe it, but from her body language today, I'm thinking for the first time there might actually be a change in her. I think Casey went way too far in practically demanding through Baez that Cindy choose Casey or the family.

Maybe that is sympathy I feel...a unrecognizable when I think about the A's usually...well, I'll see how they continue to do in court and go from there - unfortunately two days is not enough to get over the three years of carp they put everyone through in supporiting Casey!

I do pray that Lee and Cindy do the right thing, and that George will continue to do the right thing. I seriously cannot be disappointed by any of them one more time! God help me, I actually have hope for them!


I bet Caylee never gave up on them:sunshine:.
To everything TURN, TURN TURN,There is a Season, turn, turn, turn, and a time for every purpose under heaven . . .and I believe George and Cindy are turning toward the truth at last.Painful and agonizing as it is. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this horrendous time, and I know you will do right by Caylee. You will honor her life with your love and the truth.

I know this is hard for you and it is only going to get worse. I want you to remember your answer to a question that was asked of you and that question had to do with Casey covering up some sort of accident and you stated that Casey would not have lied or covered up an accident.

On Tuesday, the world learned that Casey is saying that Caylee died accidentally in the pool on June 16th, 2008. From what I understand, you and George had no idea about how Caylee died until February of this year. The same daughter you were adament about not being able to lie or cover up an accident. You know in your heart that Caylee did not die accidentally. You know that the lies being told surrounding this "accident" are nothing but more lies that Casey is telling in order to destroy you and the rest of your family. Please do not allow her to destroy you, your husband George, or your son Lee any more than she has already destroyed all of you. Casey took Nana's sunshine away. You know it. I know it. Casey knows it. The world knows it.

We know you loved Caylee Marie... Caylee Marie loved you so much. I understand that you do not want your daughter to die for her crime and I can understand that and I am not asking you to do that. What I am asking you to do is allow justice to take its course.

I am sure there are many things you look back on that you wish you could change. Mistakes made. But Casey is where she is at and facing what she is facing because of her own actions.

You need to stand up for Caylee now. Casey has to be held responsible for what she has done. There is no sweeping this under the rug and there is nothing you can do to save her from either LWOP or the DP... but what you can do is start the healing process and do what is right for Caylee.

I'm praying that you do the right thing and hope you can search your heart and see that Caylee would want you to stand up for her. She needs someone in her family to. George took the first step on Tuesday and I will be praying for him to continue on the path of truth. Lee is in my prayers too.

Justice for Caylee!
My prayers for George & Cindy. let your family help you in this time of need.Let them help u with the unbearable load you have on you. Don't try to do this alone.Let your guards down and rest your heads on your Moms,Dads, brothers & sisters shoulders, they will help. Sending you hugs & prayers.
I just said a prayer for Cindy and Lee that they do the right thing and stand up for little Caylee.

I also said a prayer for the jury, that they find her guilty and they recommend the DP.
George, ya did great today on Thursday, May 26 - and we love you as Caylee's angel sits on your shoulder :innocent:

I know was difficult today having folks put to all in public as to issues in families - but dear George - most all of us have many of the same issues as your family - just not discussed. So sorry that you have to have this in public - but do know that those on the jury, as we are too, grieving with you as we share your pains. We have empathy for you that will come through for you and your family!

I was so proud of you showing your humility and humanity the other day - even to the point stating with acceptance that many have gotten caught in gambling and scams. Was great that you that day weren't defensive and was strong and proud by admitting, and moving on. As you what! Next question!

We all have faults and God made us that way. Not to be ashamed, and JB was trying to goad you on stuff today, but know that your higher power will be using these first days to teach you how to be proud of who you are - a human being with faults as we ALL ARE!

Also, it hit me between my eyes today when you prefaced a sentence as "I believe/I believed". I now get it vs. being pushed into a yes or no. You will state facts of course to the letter of the law truthfully, but as to belief, you, as the law even states is needed, "believed" that KC was innocent until proven guilty. Use it and throw it up if you get in the quagmire of JB. I hope that you get a chance to use that significant difference if you have issues as to what the trial led to at the end of today. Stand strongly by that and DO NOT WAVER. That if you believed such, and it perhaps was unreasonable, screw everyone else and stand by that.

God be with you.

George, God Bless You. And my prayer for you is that YOUR prayers be met.
You GO George!

I never thought I'd change my mind or my heart about you, well yesterday did it for me! You have stood for the truth for Caylee and now you will be rewarded--by God, by your community and many other's will also change their mind's and reach out their hearts with support to you so that you can begin to heal from this most horrific of all tragedy's!

Cindy, I pray that you realize George could never have done what she's saying, not to HER, not to his BELOVED grand daughter!

Standing by your husband and finally letting the truth out will bring you true healing and the same heartfelt support and respect! Caylee loved you two so very much, all the video's bear witness to this fact.
Now, she needs you to bear witness for her!

Best of luck, of healing and my prayer's go out to you,

Watching George almost break down as he talked about opening the trunk and being afraid about what he'd find made me cry. George, thank you for speaking for Caylee. I know how hard this must be for you but your courage is much appreciated.

No matter how angry I have been at GA and CA throughout this case's development, my heart does break for them right now. I also am very relieved to see that they appear to be supporting Caylee right now. I think they have personally hurt the investigation and are probably guilty of obstruction. Now that the reality of Casey blaming GA is out there for the jury to consider and the world to judge GA and LA, and yes, CA.........well, I think they are suffering too.
My heart breaks and I'm crying as George describes opening the trunk and praying it is not ICA and Caylee..... split screen shows ICA not shedding a tear and just as cool as can be. How could the jury not be affected?
Wow, my heart aches literally for George and Cindy Anthony. It appears to me that this is a couple who have suffered a loss that no person should ever live through. And while suffering this loss, or losses they are valiantly standing by their daughter, who could blame them? In any case I do not. My heart goes out to them both. I pray for peace and strength while they live through this trying time. I pray for the courage to stand up and do what needs to be done. Most of all i pray that they get some answers, peace and solitude in their life sometime soon!

That big hug is from go through all of JB's meaness for her.
It is my sincere hope that Cynthia Marie Anthony will testify truthfully regarding the full extent of the relationship between Casey Marie Anthony and herself, and whatever conflicts occurred prior to and on the day of June 15, 2008 regarding the care and wellbeing of Caylee Marie Anthony, as well as the ongoing issues of Casey Marie Anthony's lying and stealing (including her non-employment and non-support of her child).

Please Cindy tell the truth. Tell the world that Caylee, in her innocence, let you know that she was not being cared for properly by her biological mother and that you confronted Casey with this. Tell the world what ensued after that confrontation.

Do it for yourself, for your husband, for your son and for Caylee.

Then if Casey is convicted of murder in the first degree, get on the stand and beg for her life. The world will not think ill of you for doing this. Admit and acknowledge that Casey's upbringing possibly contributed to Casey murdering Caylee. But don't blame yourself for Caylee's murder -- that was Casey's decision. Dear God, Cindy, all of us have made mistakes and certainly none are perfect. But for the Grace of God go I, so the saying goes. I believe the only chance you, George and Lee have to save Casey's life is to do this and George has already started the process.

This, with God's Grace, is the only way you can begin to think of healing. Forgive yourself so that you can forgive Casey. It's the only way.
Someone on the Astrology Forum posted that IS stated CA was crying in the elevator.We have heard that she is literally leaning on GA.I'm not seeing that in the courtroom,but this may be Cindy's time to start grieving. The walls are tumbling down and there is nothing left for her to do.
I don't mean this in a snarky way,but it would be good to see Cindy grieving for Caylee. She can't avoid it and it's bound to have an impact in the courtroom. She's being hit square between the eyes with the facts and the lies and both are painful.

What are you expecting to see in the courtroom? One sign of emotion, a shake of the head, a look with a face will have them kicked out. They can't show any emotion in the courtroom ... not a flinch.

I think your wish will come true when Cindy is forced to talk about Caylee on the stand. GA can hardly mention her name without tearing up.

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