Support Thread: George, Cindy & Lee Anthony

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I haven't always approved of how the Anthony's handled things but my heart has always hurt for them.
They loved that little girl so very much and watching them on the stand is gut wrenching. They are simply broken.
I pray they survive this trial and are able to come to terms with the loss of both their girls.
They are doing great. Lee could have been stronger on the stand, I'm not sure if he was just very nervous. It must be quite intimidating.
I'm pleased to see that George, Cindy, and Lee are united in their quest for justice for Caylee. They loved their granddaughter/niece dearly. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
Talk about riding the fence. Lee couldn't remember (without being refreshed) of the most significant event in his life??? Save s*** sister or tell the truth about the one who cannot be saved. Did he or didn't he? Only he and ICA know for sure. He should:
1. Tell the truth.
2. To thine own self be true.
3. Be a man for Caylee.

AS ALWAYS: Just my *advertiser censored**toot opinion!
Lee did an excellent job today and I am sure that is how he had to view it to get through the day. He has been turning in circles for the last few years trying to help everyone he loves, in particularly Caylee. I believe he is a wonderful support for his mom and dad and needs everyone’s support, whether you like what he does or doesn’t say. I respect his honesty and understand his hesitation.
I have ALWAYS had empathy for the grandparents. This fact made me very unpopular among many circles that I travel in. I also admit that my life is not so different from the A's life. Sadly we have many things in common even sharing the month and the year of what I call.. the great black sadness.
I will not go into great detail about our loss or my families dysfunction for that is not what this thread or post is about. Except for me to stress that I KNOW fist hand what it is like to CO-Parent grandchildren with a mentally unstable daughter.I know the underlying tensions that CO-parenting wreaks upon all parties involved. Sadly I know the utter soul crushing pain of loosing a much loved Co parented grand child. Though I was not,thank GOD,thrust into a media frenzy.
I have always pointed out What the heck would YOU do if in CA's shoes?
If,God forbid, the same exact thing happened in your family Would you
Scream at you daughter I KNOW you have killed my grand baby!
No I do not think any mother would. At least not at first.
I have always ,from the very start, prayed for CA and GA. Sometimes for their son too I would send up prayers. I will continue ,for the rest of my life, to send prayers to this family.
I am SO VERY SORRY that your personal grief is an open book for ALL the world to peer into. I pray that soon you will not have to be so invaded. I pray that peace will settle around each of you like your favorite soft blanket and cradle you in warmth and love as sweet as an innocent child. I pray that you can still fill the love of your grand daughter. The love you have for her and the love she has for you is the string that binds you FOREVER. I pray that you KNOW this and find solace in that sweet fact. I pray that you are each able to forgive yourself. It is SO easy to beat yourself up with the I should have,I could have and why didn't I's. I detest that part of the grieving process. I pray that your mind is able to cast these untrue negative self destructive thoughts far way from you & that they never return . I pray that you heal and that the deep scars that you will always carry with you will only serve to remind you of LOVE. For if you did not love your daughter and your grand baby SO much,, well then this terribly tragic time would not have bothered you at all.
I pray that you are able to realize that there is a reason for EVERYTHING good and bad. I pray you dont drive yourself to the brink of madness wanting/trying to figure out the reason, for we will never know UNTIL it is our time to meet the maker. I pray that you feel the love and understanding from 100's if not thousands of perfect strangers that send their positive and uplifting thoughts to you.

Beautiful post! :)
Talk about riding the fence. Lee couldn't remember (without being refreshed) of the most significant event in his life??? Save s*** sister or tell the truth about the one who cannot be saved. Did he or didn't he? Only he and ICA know for sure. He should:
1. Tell the truth.
2. To thine own self be true.
3. Be a man for Caylee.

AS ALWAYS: Just my *advertiser censored**toot opinion!

I too think LA held back just enough to "ride the fence"! After seeing how George & Cindy's testimonies just crushed them, and to then have Lee ask to sit in the courtroom, I was in hopes that it was to support his parents since KC had no remorse over what she'd put them through....but, now I must wonder if he didn't do it for another reason.

I'm not saying the past few years haven't been hard on him. But, if George & Cindy can find the strength to get through it, surely he can! None of you may agree with me but, my opinion is that he is borderline hostile witness....can't tell me he doesn't remember any of this. Even his demeanor was different, his other interviews/testimonies, etc. have been very jovial & lighthearted...especially when it came to KC & her lies.

Lee, I know you don't want to live with the fact that your words may have sent your sister to jail for life or worse, the DP....but, what about your neice? Doesn't she deserve your loyalty & honesty? Please, please, please follow in your parents footsteps & tell the truth as best you can. Right now you have the publics support & nobody believes the accusations KC has made. I hope you're not doing this with the thought that if you don't say anything to hurt KC, then JB will leave you alone & not pressure you like he did your Dad!

I don't know what I'd do in this situation but I know one thing, I would tell the truth! Lee, you wouldn't be letting KC down but if you don't help Caylee, you will be letting her down and remember, she wasn't old enough to help herself, speak for herself, or fight back against what her mother, your sister, did to her.
I am soooo frustrated with these people on tv. JVM is going on about how the SA is not making a case for murder 1, but possibly manslaughter or some other lesser offense. What is wrong with these people?? Are they just ignoring the duct tape over Caylee's mouth and nose?? How anybody entertains the idea that the duct tape served any purpose except to suffocate her is beyond me. One caller said maybe KC and Caylee got in the pool after GA left the house and Caylee was making gurgling sounds so KC, not knowing what to do, put duct tape over her. GMAB.

JB has totally thrown GA under the bus, into the fire, burned at the stake and in the crosshairs. I just do NOT believe GA had anything to do with Caylee's death, I do not believe he was calm because he was guilty of something. Does anyone else note that on July 16, 2008, everything KC said was with regard to CA, and the conflicts/jealousy/resentment she has with her mother?? She never said anything about keeping GA away. And during the 31 days, nearly everything she shared with close friends (Amy) was about her mother? Sorry, I'm just so irritated with the JVM show right now. I don't think I'll watch her anymore, and I used to really like her.
Aprilraindance -hitting the "thanks" button wasn't enough. Your post brought me to tears. I am also truly sorry for the pain you have suffered.

I watched Cindy Anthony break down on the stand and it seemed to me that she wa not only reliving the 911 call that was being played, but that the full weight of the tragedy was finally upon her. I will admit I was astounded and frustrated at the blind support both George and Cindy gave to Casey. Like many, I wondered when the "aha" moment would come. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that the moment of clarity would come via a further hurt inflicted by their own daughter. Watching both George and Cindy in their testimony on the witness stand makes one want to reach out to comfort them, if only that were possible. George and Cindy, I will continue to pray for both of you to have the strength you need, now, and from this time forward.
I haven't been too kind to the A's in the past. I did for GA for a while. Lee made me angry at the service for Caylee..BUT, this is a family torn apart by the loss af an angel. It broke my heart to see Cindy on the stand. What a love she had for her little Caylee and what a loss she is feeling now that she accepts that her little one is gone. She has gone 3 years looking into the faces of every little girl with big, brown eyes just making sure it's not her Caylee because she could not acccept that she was gone. It has hit her and she is broken! Cindy, may God bless you and your family, comfort you and give you peace to withstand what you are going through at this very hard time in your lives!
I have witnessed for 3 yrs lie after lie after lie form George and Cindy Anthony. My family and I spent the w/e out searching for precious Caylee, while her mother sat in the Orange County Jail.

I have run into Cindy Anthony in Wal-mart. Not once, but twice and walked the other way. I have witnessed George Anthony manning the tent to help find Caylee and have avoided him, and I have seen George driving the billboard around town and laughed.

This past week I have witnessed two Grandparents that are broken to the very core. They have not only lost their only grandchild, they are about to loose their only daughter.

To George and Cindy...I am ashamed of myself. Who am I to judge you? I can not say I know what you are going thru. I don't know and I won't pretend to know. I can't say things will be ok, because they won't.

What I can say is I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the lose of your precious Granddaughter Caylee and I'm sorry your child has put you in this position.

Please know you have so many people praying for you, praying you have the strength to get thru this trial and praying that some way, some how in time you will be able to look back and know what you have done, you have done for Caylee Marie your little angel.

May God Bless You Both!


Part of quote highlighted by me.

I feel bad for the way I prejudged these people during the most horrifying days of their lives. Being three years out of the heat of the moment some of the things I thought I was so sure about now seem so insignificant. I am so sad for all of them. I regret some of the things I may have posted about them back then. I was very judgmental.

Thank you for allowing me to use your words.
Having given this nearly three years of observation and thought, I have come up with the following...

George, Cindy, and Lee,

I pray you will have the courage in this incredibly continuous difficult time in your lives to reflect on your own future, and your own peace of mind, out of love for Caylee.

Yes, we are all human, and we do make mistakes in judgement regarding our children at times. I have children (lots of them) and I know I have felt the need to jump to their defense, not knowing the truth behind the issue at hand.

Being put in your situation, I can only imagine, and pray I never go through it.

I am a new grandmother myself, I have ran your situation through my mind a thousand times....what would I do? of course I cannot say for sure what I would do with all certainty, and I hope I never have to. BUT, I do feel your biggest mistake, that really turned the followers of this case against you is the fact you attempted to accuse innocent individuals, place blame on them, instead of accepting the possibility that in fact Casey was culpable.

I know in these last six weeks or so, that you have learned that in fact your daughter knew the baby died on 6-16-2008, and that has to be devastating for you, my heart goes out to you for your loss, it always has.

Your daughter along with her defense team have formulated a defense that has further devestated the foundation of your family, at this point, I wish for you the comfort that your honesty on the stand will bring absolute peace to your family in the long run.

I am deeply sorry you have had to go through this tragic situation, and will continue to suffer to some degree forever... time will heal some, but never all. Your faith, and your love for one another will in fact get you through this despite the attempts to tear the three of you apart.

My sympathy and regards.
First off, let me just say that I think beyond any doubt that Casey murdered her daughter, and that it was definitely premeditated. It makes me sick that her precious child was so inhumanely extinguished and then dumped like trash. Yes, of course, Caylee is the primary victim in this horrific case, and she deserves justice (which means the DP for ICA in my opinion).
However, I also feel very strongly that George, Cindy and Lee have been victimized by Casey as well. First off, there is no denying that George and Cindy desperately loved that little girl and wanted to believe with every last part of the fibers that make up their bodies that somehow, what has been obvious to most of the rest of the world was not true. That the daughter they raised could not have been so cruel and heartless to her own daughter. . . their beloved granddaughter/niece.
I'm not saying that Cindy and George were the best parents, and I'm not saying they do not have some serious flaws, but I really think for them, they HAD to believe that Casey was innocent, because otherwise they would have had nervous breakdowns trying to deal with 1) the loss of their innocent and beautiful granddaughter, and 2) being forced to realize that their own daughter committed such a brutal and ugly act to rid herself of the responsibilities and obligations that naturally come with being the single parent of a toddler. I do think there are limits in the human mind as far as how much tragedy you can process at a given time.
This family is dysfunctional, and part of that dysfunction is the fact that Casey is a sociopathic monster. Once Caylee was born, Cindy and George would probably be willing to do almost anything to placate Casey to make sure that their granddaughter was safe and near them, which inadvertently only fed the flames of Casey's crazy and selfish behavior. Casey knew she could get away with almost anything, because all she had to do was threaten to take Caylee away from them.
Another point I would like to make is the saying "Denial ain't no river in Egypt". How many of us can even imagine what sort of mental trauma and machinations it would take to wrap our heads around the concept that our own child killed our innocent grandchild? I think we've all met people who are in some stages of denial. . . I know I get really frustrated when I feel like people have their heads up their butts and can't see what the truth is. I just feel like shaking them until they see things the way they really are versus they way they'd really prefer them to believe. I just think they COULDN'T do it at that time. Now they are faced with the reality that they can't deny no matter how hard they try--their evil daughter killed Caylee and lied non-stop about it. ICA was particularly cruel to Cindy. . . she seems to have gotten off on the fact that she not only took away the one person who Cindy probably loved the most, she's got to rub her nose in it by taking away the teddy bear that Cindy had slept with to comfort her in Caylee's absence. I think we all know people who would also react the same way Cindy did. . . . . . she's lost her granddaughter and now she has to watch her daughter possibly get the death penalty for her sick actions. That can't be easy. . . I'll give her the benefit of the doubts for the mistakes she's made.
ICA is one sick and cruel person. And now it seems she's throwing her entire family under the bus, implicating her father and Lee in sexual abuse and saying that George helped her clean up the mess and dispose of poor Caylee's remains. I don't believe any of that. . . I think sometimes sociopaths/narcissists/psychopaths are created even in normal loving families. The Anthony's weren't perfect by any means, but I don't think I can say that it's their fault that their daughter has psychological issues.
Personally, my heart broke for Cindy when I saw her testimony. I think that whole family has been through way too much and of course, it's all Casey's fault. But Casey is still their daughter, so they must feel horribly torn in half. No matter how evil your child is, no parent wants them to be on death row.

My deepest sympathies to George, Cindy and Lee for the loss of Caylee.
They are doing great. Lee could have been stronger on the stand, I'm not sure if he was just very nervous. It must be quite intimidating.

I agree, the whole family is doing an amazing job under the circumstances. It is unimaginable what they are going through.

Regarding LA's testimony. I think it was perfect. He told about the "B" comment, and the unfit mother remark. The fact that he is reserved and not overly enthusiastic about giving the information shows he isn't retaliatory towards ICA for her molestation accusations.

I pray the whole family can find healing and peace when this is over.
I have to admit, during the whole ordeal from 2008 right up to before Cindy took the stand all I could do was focus on trying to figure out what KC did, how could this have happened. After I watched Cindy break down did I realize that there are people mourning this little girl, these are real lives that are smashed, dysfunctional or not. The juxtaposition of a mourning Cindy for the time it took her to give her testimony against the 3 years KC has shown so little feeling has me absolutely floored. I want to hug Cindy and George.
Part of quote highlighted by me.

I feel bad for the way I prejudged these people during the most horrifying days of their lives. Being three years out of the heat of the moment some of the things I thought I was so sure about now seem so insignificant. I am so sad for all of them. I regret some of the things I may have posted about them back then. I was very judgmental.

Thank you for allowing me to use your words.

I also have "pre judged" the Anthonys and actually I do not feel badly about it. Their behavior and personality issues were real. It's who they are and the situation showed the dynamics of this family. And I truly believe that CA has some serious, serious issues and that ICA's resentment of her has some real reasons. But what we are seeing now is also real. I do not think we can deny that they are truly shattered. People feel sympathy for CA and Ga becuase they are finally not supporting ICA but their personalitites have not changed. Having said all that.. Would another set of parents who were without the same issues been able to stop someone like ICA? I doubt it. I think ICA would have been who she is regardless. No matter how you cut is such a sad, chilling and frightening look into the life of a family that produced a killer and al little girl who never had a chance
Cindy and George do and say exactly what 99% of American parents say to their kids when they are fighting... Watch MTV latley? Teen Mom, exact same thing. Yes Cindy was a mom just like all the MOMS we see on teen mom who tell their daughters they are unfit... Because you know what.. They are unfit. Otherwise they would be on their own paying bills etc. Whatever Cindy said to Casey doesn't give Casey the right to murder anyone.
The only normal people you know are the one's you don't know very well.

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