Support Thread: Tony & Leonard Padilla

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Sep 13, 2003
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This is a thread for those who support the Padillas. No negative comments will be allowed. You can voice your opposite opinion on several other threads.

I wanted to start this thread for Tony and Leonard Padilla because I can imagine they are feeling down tonight.

Tony and Leonard were mislead by Casey IMO. I believe she told her lawyer that if she was out she would help the Padillas find Caylee.

Casey got out, and shut her mouth.

Leonard and Tony are victims of Casey's vicious lies. They join a long list of people in this world.

Tony and Leonard were mislead by Jose Baez IMO. Did he tell them not to believe any of the reports in the media about Casey's behavior? That would make sense. "Believe me, I am her lawyer, the reports are exaggerated. She is being crucified. She needs help to find her child." Can't you just hear Casey's lawyer convincing the Padillas that all the reports in the media were total exaggerations? Don't you think it is possible that Baez appealed to their heart by convincing them that all Casey needed was good people to step up to the plate and help her?

All of this is speculation of course.

No matter what, the Padilla's hearts were in the right place.

Like many of you I believed (at first) that Leonard Padilla was only looking for publicity for his new show. This is not the case.

If Leonard and Tony Padilla were shallow people they would have pulled up stakes and left as soon as those reports were released. Instead, the first thing Leonard did was go on Nancy Grace and take the heat.

Tony Padilla came to Websleuths on his own to answer the tough questions.

I know they are not perfect and I do not agree with everything they do, but I can tell they are sincere and truthful in their dealings concerning this case.

I want to thank Tony and Leonard for what they have done, for trying their best and believing what we all wanted to believe, that Caylee was alive.

It is rare in this day and age to see people admit they made a mistake. It is very refreshing to say the least.

This thread is to let the Padilla's know that not everyone wants to get in their face about the Anthony case. Many people believe in them, understand what they are trying to do, and thank them for it.
I tend to agree with you Tricia. I didn't see anyone else going out on a limb when jail clearly wasn't making Casey talk. I tend to respect the fact that they thought out of the box, said what they were going to do..and most importantly DID it. Let's also not forget TP helped by contacting Cindy to get TES on the case with the help of our fellow WS's.

They have helped keep this story alive and keep Caylee's precious face all over the media. Yes, it has also kept Casey's face in the media spotlight but at this point who cares about her?

They both have every reason to hold their heads..and hats HIGH.
I do think they really want to find Caylee and their heart was in the right place. What I would love to see is bail revoked now and her back in jail... Casey has a long trail of misled people behind her and no one can figure out her GPS!
Heh guys-
I know it's been gut-wrenching, nerve-wracking, and exhausting. I am sorry that all you hoped for looks so bleak. Please take care of your good hearts and spirit.

I posted this on another thread earlier.
I appreciate that the Padillas and their team had the nerve and decency to come into what was obviously, from day one, a convoluted, sordid, highly manipulated, and unstable situation, for the sole purpose of saving a small, defenseless child. It is my understanding that Tony and Leonard were asked to lend their particular talents and resources to this unfortunate and disturbing event. They may have responded as a personal favor to someone who wanted to see it resolved, Caylee found; someone trusted them to do what they do best, and to hang in there through the slime and BS, that has come along with it.
They both, from what I've read and seen, are worldly people, genuine and with a sense of humor, who have had to be much more appalled and frustrated and irate than any of us. Even when surrounded by sycophants of all persuasions, they didn't quit, even when the bottom was pulled out from underneath them. They have endured enormous criticism and ridicule, in the interests of finding Caylee. Anybody who thinks LP did this for publicity needs to think again, IMO.
We don't know what all has gone on. Thank goodness for the Orlando Sentinel coming forward to petition for the release of documents.
Tony said the other night- remember, Leonard doesn't search for deceased people- he searches for the living. Well, now he's taken on a gruesome and sorrowful chore. He hasn't backed out, he hasn't abandoned the effort to find Caylee. I am grateful to him, Tony and their team. I am thrilled that they have called the Anthony's bluff and are bringing in TES.
My heartfelt thanks go out to both of them, their families, and their team.
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We do appreciate anything and everything you are doing to find Caylee. And I'm sorry that this is looking more like a homicide case. I feel for you, I really do. And I appreciate the lack of BS Leonard showed on NG and the fact he admitted what he was truly faced with. Definitely showed strength of character.
My hopes was that the Padillo's would find Caylee & collect the reward.

Everyone has to realize Casey is a total liar. She could care less about anyone but Casey.

Tonight on Nancy Grace I seen the face of a man who looked totally defeated & used. A man who wanted to find little Caylee! Who hoped beyond hope for a happy ending.

To come here & answer all the tough questions besides look for Caylee shows your character & we all here at WS appreciate what your doing.

I pray for Caylee! TES is awesome & hopefully with all the teams set in place this will get resolved & Caylee will be found.

Thank you for your help & dedication!
Thank you Tricia - I echo every word that you posted. Leonard and Tony, you both
have pulled on my heart strings. May you have a tremendous feeling of pride for
yourselves, I do......
The way Lenord ate some crow today by his own doing shows the make of a real man.

Good job Lenord and are both real men in my book.

Any big mouth can say they are right about anything but it takes a man of values to fess up and say "hey...I may have made a mistake."

Again you have all of my respect.

You know I was very upset about casey being bailed out and I voiced that opinion...somewhere on this board...but only because I felt she didn't deserve to be bailed out.

I truly do feel though that LP & TP are good decent men who did this for all the right reasons. It is sad when you can see the train coming down the tracks towards people you know are going to get hurt and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

You guys will no doubt be affected by this but while you may be a little worse for wear, you can take heart knowing that what you did was out of compassion and empathy for a little girl who deserved that slim chance that maybe she was alive and her mother just might fess up once she was out of jail. And that was worth it.:)
I also wanted to express my thanks to the Padilla's. I think you are both men with big hearts and I admire what you tried to do in this case.
Tony, I hope you will continue to be an active member of this website.
Thankyou Tony, Leonard, Rob, and all of the unknown team members who have given your time, money, energy, and expertise to search for Caylee Anthony. I believe that your efforts will still be effective in helping to solve this case. It is good to see that there are still people in this world who are willing to do their part to make a difference in this world.

Hang in there. I know that no matter what, you will bring Caylee home.
Leonard and Tony did something that is rare in this day and age.

1) stopped what they were doing
2) dropped everything
3) left loved ones and all that is familiar behind

to help a total stranger.

This act of kindness and decency gained my respect immediately. I think what they did is amazing.
I think you're a sweetheart Leonard!
During the first couple of times I saw you give interviews, before Casey was bonded out, I thought for sure you were just saying you bought the kidnapping story so that you could fool the family and Casey into giving you information. Then when she got home and it was apparent that you and your team weren't going to get any info much less a conversation with Casey and yet you still kept talking about the kidnapping theory I was shocked! And I realized that perhaps in this case your'e a nice guy to a fault.
I found this youtube video about you letting homeless people camp on a piece of your property.
I wish you all the best Leonard you're a class act my friend!
This is the third time I have tried to write this post. There are so many things I would like to say, but to keep it short, I will say THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. So many others have said just about all there is to say and I agree, you are definately a man of character! You made people see what it is to have hope again, even against all odds. This is a wonderful thing ya'll have done. So please tell your staff thank you from all of us!! (p.s. please put your hat back on and toothpick back in, it was a part of who you are, and that should be good enough for anybody!)
Take Care,
Thank you Tricia for making this thread.

I've shown my support since they got involved and have believed in them from the start. I have so much respect for these guys, as they stepped up to the plate and took the challenge that no others would do and put their hearts in it.

I believe Baez knew what he was doing by misleading them and I feel Baez cares nothing about finding Caylee. Casey got her guy, someone who cares only about her.. "his girl"...


Keep on keepin' on!
I have already written in several places here today that I really think Tony and Leonard were trying to do a good thing and I applaud them for it. I do believe they were duped by Baez and the Anthony's and I can understand why Leonard thought as he did altho all the evidence we at websleuths have had at our hand showed a different direction. But Leonard had me believing that maybe I was wrong and I was hopeful just like he was until I read the 400 + pages word for word. I think it takes a big man to admit they were duped and probably wrong. You guys have big hearts but were just one more victim of Casey. God bless you both. I applaud you both but I do hope that Tony revokes his bail bond. Casey doesn't need to be thinking that anyone is believing her lies any further and that she can continue to lie and dupe and make everyone a victim in her path. She deserves to go right back in the slammer since she isn't upholding her end of the bargain. I echo all of Tricia's words!
To the two Mr. Padillas:

The sadness I feel about the new revelations can't be anything compared to your own sorrow and frustration. If the elder Mr. Padilla feels little Caylee is no longer of this earth, neither, heartbreakingly, do I.

I posted early on that there are still good, compassionate people in this world. You have shown yourselves as such. Out of the goodness of your hearts, you left the comfort of your normal lives and entered into sheer madness to try to help a toddler come home - only to find obstacle after unexpected obstacle in your way.

You are gentlemen and scholars.
I admire you and applaud you.
Mostly, right now, I feel for you.
To Tony, Leonard, and the Padilla Posse:

Kudos!! I think you all have done what you set out to do even if it isn't working out according to plan. You won't get any negative from me. You gave us all a good lesson in constitutional rights, putting yourself out there for a cause, and letting the chips fall where they may because of your beliefs and principles.

This isn't over so I don't want you to give up. Take a deep breath and regroup. There is still a little girl out there somewhere who deserves to be found. Since her mother isn't going to help, Caylee needs everyone else to put all their efforts into finding her.

Tony, thanks to you, Blink, and Tricia...Tim Miller and Texas EquuSearch are meeting with the family and I have great hope that they will set up the grid searches very soon. You will be amazed at their resources, their people, and their drive to do what they do every single day which is to bring home the missing.

Leonard, I could feel your heart breaking as the reality set in on this case today. I know you honestly believed in what you were doing and where little Caylee may be. We see hope fade every day around here as cases go from one week to a month to a year and it never gets any easier. I guess that is why some of us seem cynical and less than caring to the outside world in dealing with such cases. We aren't, but we have run across more than enough Casey Athonys to see the red flags early on. We are used to looking for the missing, murdered, and forgotten children to give them back their names and bring them home to their families after some creep took them away.

I hope this case will make you look at the hundreds of thousands of missing children in America and realize you can make a difference for them. Don't let this case be your last to use your expertise in bringing home a child or bringing awareness to the cause. I see how you have given Caylee a voice out there and kept her face in the news. Please give the others a voice, too. Maybe you have found your true calling, Cowboy.
we probably know more about this case than alot of what you hear of on tv (in fact stuff we uncovered long ago is finally being shown on nancy grace i noticed).

the padillas were probably not aware of what we already knew about how casey is, and really thought they were helping. maybe we knew how it would turn out, but we shouldn't have expected that they would be privy to all the info we uncovered when they got into this because they probably didn't have time to read every post and realize we knew alot of what was in that report already.

their opinion could have been formed from really believing they could find caylee.

i feel bad for them. if this scenario is the case.

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