Susan Atkins wants out of jail to die...

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I wonder what ever happened to the baby Atkins had. Knowing she was a mother herself makes what she did to Sharon even more horrible IMO.

As long as shes dead who cares where it happens as long as it happens soon....Im in a imcompassionate mood lately after reading so many horror stories here....she will be just one less to worry about.
from this link:

She gave birth to a baby boy on October 7, 1968 who Manson named Zezozece Zadfrack Glutz. The father of the boy was a University of Mexico study that Susan had met while ‘the family’ was traveling through New Mexico. She lost custody of her son when she was sentenced to death for her part in eight of the nine Tate-LaBianca murders. Her son was 2-years-old at the time. He was adopted and she has never had contact with him again.
I feel very sorry for him. Imagine finding out that She is your mother. I hope he realises that who she is is no reflection on him and his character. I just wish the victims' families would not have to be bothered with this. She should stay in jail. I think if someone is sentenced to life in prison the victims' families should never have to worry about them again. Killers should not be able to hold their the emotions of their victim's families' hostage.
Yikes! I think anyone who thinks it's ok to let this lady out to die needs to think about their own daughters. Imagine your daughter is 8 months preg. right now and someone comes into her home and does this to her? How would you feel about your daughter/grandchilds killer asking for 'mercy'?
Atkins told the grand jury that she stabbed Frykowski in the legs and that she held Tate down while Watson stabbed her. She also testified that Tate had pleaded for her life and that of her unborn child, to which Atkins replied, "Woman, I have no mercy for you." She also denied her earlier statement to Howard and Graham that she had tasted Tate's blood.[citation needed] Prior to the trial, Atkins discontinued her cooperation with the prosecution and repudiated her grand jury testimony, although years later she would state that this testimony was truthful and accurate as to what transpired in the Tate home.[citation needed]

Atkins has claimed over the years that her participation in the crimes led by Manson was passive and that she didn't actually kill anyone. However, in her grand jury testimony she admits to active participation in the crimes.

That about sums it up.

I don't say it out of vengeance, but out of justice for Sharon Tate and that poor innocent baby who has gone ever unnamed (as far as I know). Atkins is already getting more comfort and kindness and peace than she deserves.

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
Susan Atkins will spend her remaining days "out" anyway; she will be hospitalized. If she's released, the State will have no responsibility for her medical care - think about the financial aspect of her case.
Susan Atkins will spend her remaining days "out" anyway; she will be hospitalized. If she's released, the State will have no responsibility for her medical care - think about the financial aspect of her case.

Kind of good point but if shes dying and this far gone, she probably just
needs good pain control at this point. Which is more than her victims got.
To quote Patti Tate....."these people should spend the rest of their lives in prison just the way my Sister will spend the rest of eternity (age 26) in her GRAVE"/ I agree with Patti.......

I admire Mrs Tate for crusading for victims rights. Who speaks for the victims who arent here to speak for themselves? And she got alot of people involved signing petitions, etc. I also saw her have a face off with Tex Watson, she was one determined lady.
That about sums it up.

I don't say it out of vengeance, but out of justice for Sharon Tate and that poor innocent baby who has gone ever unnamed (as far as I know). Atkins is already getting more comfort and kindness and peace than she deserves.

If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Hi angelmom. Here is a link to Sharon's grave. The baby was named Paul Richard Polanski and I believe I read somewhere that he is buried in his mother's arms. :(
I am offended that Atkins would even request to be released... again.. her duty is to die in prison.

That said, if all of her victims families want her to die on the outside, then I would be okay with it. As long as she really was dying, and was no threat to society.

Well see that's just it. Some of her victims can no longer speak. So, until they can rise from the dead and have a vote, I say they leave her where the jury put her.
In CA, all terminally ill prisoners do have the right by law to ask for compassionate leave.

I didn't know that.

That's fine that they have the right to ask for it, but that doesn't mean they should be allowed that request. I personally find that just a waste of time and resources. Once you are sentenced to life in prison, then that is where you should remain unless paroled. Susan Atkins has been continually denied parole so why should she be let out now just because she has cancer.

I have no sympathy or compassion for her.
I didn't know that.

That's fine that they have the right to ask for it, but that doesn't mean they should be allowed that request. I personally find that just a waste of time and resources. Once you are sentenced to life in prison, then that is where you should remain unless paroled. Susan Atkins has been continually denied parole so why should she be let out now just because she has cancer.

I have no sympathy or compassion for her.
I agree 100% if we let her out everyone will want out.
I didn't know that.

That's fine that they have the right to ask for it, but that doesn't mean they should be allowed that request. I personally find that just a waste of time and resources. Once you are sentenced to life in prison, then that is where you should remain unless paroled. Susan Atkins has been continually denied parole so why should she be let out now just because she has cancer.

I have no sympathy or compassion for her.

I understand your view from the compassion standpoint. From a resource standpoint though, it saves us money. If a terminally ill prisoner is released to family, the family must agree to foot all the bill for care.
I understand your view from the compassion standpoint. From a resource standpoint though, it saves us money. If a terminally ill prisoner is released to family, the family must agree to foot all the bill for care.
I do understand that point SCM however, I would be willing to pay myself to keep her in there!:rolleyes: If I had it.
One of articles states that about 10 in 60 terminally ill prisoners are granted such requests. It has to go through a number of different hoops and can get hung up at any level.
Wow, that is interesting. I did not know they allowed that.

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