Suspect #1: Dellen Millard *Charged* 1st Deg Murder 15 May 2013 #2

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Here is an article I hadn't seen previously, I found this comment interesting as it differs from information I had read previously...sorry if this has already been posted, but I don't believe it has.

I had thought it was stated that DP expected disclosure at the Aug 1st court date, so could we expect more to happen with DM on this date? MOO

New to me, thanks

It's not clear to me if DP/Leitch are talking about disclosure re: LB and WM, or not.

FULL disclosure will not happen for a long time, but perhaps we will get a few more tidbits on Aug 1
New to me, thanks

It's not clear to me if DP/Leitch are talking about disclosure re: LB and WM, or not.

FULL disclosure will not happen for a long time, but perhaps we will get a few more tidbits on Aug 1

Re-reading, it is not clear, however my guess is there can't be any disclosure about something DM has not yet been charged with. JMO
Personally, I don't think they gave a hoot about what the media was all about. Just got on with their shopping, chopping, whatever it is they do with their days.

If I was a murderer who thought I had already effectively dealt with the disposal of a body on my remote acreage, and the only thing that could connect me to that missing person now was his truck, I would want that truck hidden .. inside a trailer anyplace other than my hangar or any address directly connected to me. With my mother out of town or wherever, that's the plum place to take it because if LE were looking for an addy for me, they have the hangar and lots of other addresses in my name, they would not connect me to somebody named MB in Kleinburg. Great spot to put it until such time as Mom comes back and I can have some time to think of how else to deal with this item.

Why would I dump a body anywhere else when I have remote acreage that people do not normally visit and an incinerator to effectively deal with the body? No visible truck in my possession and a pile of ashes way the hell out in the country where nobody will ever see them.

I kinda regret getting that tattoo though.

I knew that tat was gonna be trouble for ya.:floorlaugh:
Personally, I don't think they gave a hoot about what the media was all about. Just got on with their shopping, chopping, whatever it is they do with their days.

If I was a murderer who thought I had already effectively dealt with the disposal of a body on my remote acreage, and the only thing that could connect me to that missing person now was his truck, I would want that truck hidden .. inside a trailer anyplace other than my hangar or any address directly connected to me. With my mother out of town or wherever, that's the plum place to take it because if LE were looking for an addy for me, they have the hangar and lots of other addresses in my name, they would not connect me to somebody named MB in Kleinburg. Great spot to put it until such time as Mom comes back and I can have some time to think of how else to deal with this item.

Why would I dump a body anywhere else when I have remote acreage that people do not normally visit and an incinerator to effectively deal with the body? No visible truck in my possession and a pile of ashes way the hell out in the country where nobody will ever see them.

I kinda regret getting that tattoo though.

Excellent post Sillybilly!!!!!:seeya:
Personally, I don't think they gave a hoot about what the media was all about. Just got on with their shopping, chopping, whatever it is they do with their days.

If I was a murderer who thought I had already effectively dealt with the disposal of a body on my remote acreage, and the only thing that could connect me to that missing person now was his truck, I would want that truck hidden .. inside a trailer anyplace other than my hangar or any address directly connected to me. With my mother out of town or wherever, that's the plum place to take it because if LE were looking for an addy for me, they have the hangar and lots of other addresses in my name, they would not connect me to somebody named MB in Kleinburg. Great spot to put it until such time as Mom comes back and I can have some time to think of how else to deal with this item.

They most definitely would know IMO that MB was his mother. They (LE) have links to your whole family not to mention associates in many cases. They would not have to look far to find someones mother .... IMO

I think whoever put it there knew MB was away and like you say he had many other properties to choose from...not least multi unit dwellings which he could have used the parking lots of.... him being the owner.

Why would I dump a body anywhere else when I have remote acreage that people do not normally visit and an incinerator to effectively deal with the body? No visible truck in my possession and a pile of ashes way the hell out in the country where nobody will ever see them.

Apparently this 'remote' acreage was rented out ! This also seems to be the reason attention was drawn to the incinerator because the users of the property went walkabout all over it. You'd think the owner would know his own property was rented out right? JMO

I kinda regret getting that tattoo though. Even if it doesn't have a box around it ??? MOO....also if you were going to murder someone why go to homes with identifying factors laid bare for all to see..JMO...

my response in red..
Thanks for the clarification that it was a conspiratorial type of 'crime'.....

Inside trading /embezzlement.... as in conspiring to extract funds and the like from a business or such, along similar lines.....but sorry if my post was not entirely spot on.... thank you

No problem. It is one of those SEC "white collar" crimes with serious consequences, although it goes on quite often in publicly-held companies. They just don't get caught....
No problem. It is one of those SEC "white collar" crimes with serious consequences, although it goes on quite often in publicly-held companies. They just don't get caught....

I got a speeding ticket once (or twice ;)) ... when I lamented to the officer that there were lots of other drivers going faster then me, he asked "did you ever go fishing?". I said "sure". He then asked "did you ever catch all the fish in the river?".
If you were the murderer...would you not have been tuning into any radio/TV in your vicinity to see what was happening ??? The story of TB went out on Monday I believe. Surely if you were involved in a murder you would be following the progress intently JMO. Like you said the trailer was parked up late Weds night/early hours Thurs morning. By this time the info about a tattoo had been released. Therefore IF you were the murderer you would by now start assuming IMO that LE were onto you. The LAST place IMO that you would place evidence at this point is at yours or your mothers properties.

Also if you had a deceased body to deal with ....why on earth would you take it to your own premises??? Lets assume TB was murdered before being taken to farm.... why not with all the backroads and farmland and numerous cornfields find a place that is away from your property and off the beaten track, to place body? (Not that this would have been ideal for TB's family but from a murder perspective would have made more sense.) If DM was murdered at the farm....I say 'Why'? Again this is like killing someone in your kitchen and putting a head on a spike on your front porch. This is why this all looks so 'perfectly put together' and for a it to look like a set up to me...

Maybe it isn't but to me thats how it looks JMO MOO
Maybe he was afraid he'd be arrested for trespassing. ;)

Seriously, my best answer would be the one Sillybilly already mentioned. Burning was the chosen method of disposal, and based on LE's actions, imo, the incinerator might well have been the chosen implement of disposal. Again imo, the job was botched. Had it been successful, and the ashes properly dispersed, TB's whereabouts might still be a mystery.

One also could argue that a plot to set up an innocent dupe as a murder suspect wouldn't involve burning a body beyond recognition. An intact body in a shallow and slightly inconspicuous grave would make more sense. MOO
Maybe he was afraid he'd be arrested for trespassing. ;)

Seriously, my best answer would be the one Sillybilly already mentioned. Burning was the chosen method of disposal, and based on LE's actions, imo, the incinerator might well have been the chosen implement of disposal. Again imo, the job was botched. Had it been successful, and the ashes properly dispersed, TB's whereabouts might still be a mystery.

One also could argue that a plot to set up an innocent dupe as a murder suspect wouldn't involve burning a body beyond recognition. An intact body in a shallow and slightly inconspicuous grave would make more sense. MOO

Excellent final point Bessie. If you're trying to set someone up you're going to make darn sure the body can be identified and readily (but not too readily) discovered. It would be an awfully elaborate set up IMO. Is anyone aware of any previous cases of set up that were anything like this. I just don't buy the conspiracy theory.
Which warped ideas... do we have proof of any warped ideas? The movies in question are interesting I will agree.... but not warped IMO ,

To me a movie about planning the perfect murder as a form of entertainment conveys a warped idea particularly if emulated in the real world. Is it unusual that I feel that way??
To me a movie about planning the perfect murder as a form of entertainment conveys a warped idea particularly if emulated in the real world. Is it unusual that I feel that way??

Murder by Numbers is not on his FB page, not that I can see anyways. Not sure where that came from. Maybe it's just a theory of what may or may not have happened?


I got a speeding ticket once (or twice ;)) ... when I lamented to the officer that there were lots of other drivers going faster then me, he asked "did you ever go fishing?". I said "sure". He then asked "did you ever catch all the fish in the river?".

This made me laugh because it happened to me once too. Only when I asked what about all the cars that were passing me, he said "you were at the back of the line".:sigh:
In Response to Blomquist
Apparently this 'remote' acreage was rented out ! This also seems to be the reason attention was drawn to the incinerator because the users of the property went walkabout all over it. You'd think the owner would know his own property was rented out right? JMO

We also rent out part of our land to a farmer who grows hay. He is on our property for maybe 3 or 4 days out of a whole summer, depending on whether he cuts the hay once or twice in a season. Usually a few hours/day to cut the hay, then he comes back a few days later to bale it. IIRC the farmer grows corn in DM's field. He would have to come sometime in April or May (depending on the soil conditions) to plant the corn. Most likely after that, he would only come back to harvest in the fall. It may be that due to some bad luck, or bad timing (or both) on DM's part, the farmer just happened to choose to plant the crops while DM was in the midst of his dastardly deed.

MOO, but it seems to me that LE may never have been led to DM if it wasn't for a series of unfortunate events (at least on DM's part), that led them right to DM's door, beginning with the discovery of TB's cell phone. IMHO, I think finding TB's cellphone was THE most important factor in the collapse of DM's house of cards. Were it not for the discovery of TB's cell phone, LE would probably have never found out about test drive #1, and his description of the unique tattoo. The description of the tattoo was a crucial lead as well, as I believe it is what led to DM's arrest. DM's name is released the day after his arrest, which drew attention from his Mom MB's neighbors, in regards to the trailer that suddenly appeared in her driveway a few nights before. I don't think the neighbors would have been so concerned about it, had it not been for the news of DM's arrest.

MOO, but I think DM was just becoming too cocky, as he felt he wasn't the type of person to draw suspicion from LE (no criminal history, fairly well off family, etc.). He hadn't been questioned by LE as far as I'm aware in regards to LB's disappearance and the phone records showing he was one of the last people she spoke with. He also seemed to not draw any suspicion at the time in regards to the untimely suicide of WM. MOO:moo:MOO:moo:MOO:moo:
MOO, but it seems to me that LE may never have been led to DM if it wasn't for a series of unfortunate events (at least on DM's part), that led them right to DM's door, beginning with the discovery of TB's cell phone. IMHO, I think finding TB's cellphone was THE most important factor in the collapse of DM's house of cards. Were it not for the discovery of TB's cell phone, LE would probably have never found out about test drive #1, and his description of the unique tattoo. The description of the tattoo was a crucial lead as well, as I believe it is what led to DM's arrest. DM's name is released the day after his arrest, which drew attention from his Mom MB's neighbors, in regards to the trailer that suddenly appeared in her driveway a few nights before. I don't think the neighbors would have been so concerned about it, had it not been for the news of DM's arrest.

The police already had TB's cell phone info (got a warrant) before they found his actual phone, so they didn't need his phone to trace the phonecalls and numbers. But I agree that the description provided from the first testdrive fella was actually the major breakthrough in this case and DM's big mistake. Who knows if he would have been identified if it weren't for that.
In Response to Blomquist

We also rent out part of our land to a farmer who grows hay. He is on our property for maybe 3 or 4 days out of a whole summer, depending on whether he cuts the hay once or twice in a season. Usually a few hours/day to cut the hay, then he comes back a few days later to bale it. IIRC the farmer grows corn in DM's field. He would have to come sometime in April or May (depending on the soil conditions) to plant the corn. Most likely after that, he would only come back to harvest in the fall. It may be that due to some bad luck, or bad timing (or both) on DM's part, the farmer just happened to choose to plant the crops while DM was in the midst of his dastardly deed.

This is pure speculation of course IMO as we have no facts about this alleged dastardly deed except that a guy has been accused. The fact that the land was rented indicates to me that the land was open to the renters at any time. JMO

MOO, but it seems to me that LE may never have been led to DM if it wasn't for a series of unfortunate events (at least on DM's part), that led them right to DM's door, beginning with the discovery of TB's cell phone. IMHO, I think finding TB's cellphone was THE most important factor in the collapse of DM's house of cards.
I find it strange that these 'unfortunate events' led right to DM's door also .... First of all I find it very odd that a neighbour would question a trailer on a driveway, I am not pointing fingers at this moment merely saying it was uncanny how a neighbour was so alarmed by a trailer on a driveway !!! JMO MOO MB could have been parking up a trailer to move out or taking furniture to storage.... I have a hard time grasping that a trailer would alert a neighbour to call police. JMO

I find it odd that the cellphone was left anywhere to be found ! If you were about to or had just killed someone surely you would dispose of the SIM card, take out the battery and either throw it in a river or bury it.....not leave it where it could be found and found rather quickly as it turned out !!!

Were it not for the discovery of TB's cell phone, LE would probably have never found out about test drive #1, and his description of the unique tattoo.

Yes its very odd isn't it that the cellphone was found so quickly and that it just happened to have a number connected to DM. Of course I don't suppose there were other numbers on TB's phone, just that one ??? I wonder why a murderer would not have blocked his number if he planned on killing someone ??? I also wonder why someone would go to the trouble of getting a so called 'burner' phone (which incidently would not have anyones name attached to it...not a real name anyway) and then be careless enough not to block a call from it and leave the phone that it had called, out there with numbers not deleted for all to see ??? MOO JMO IMO

The description of the tattoo was a crucial lead as well, as I believe it is what led to DM's arrest. DM's name is released the day after his arrest, which drew attention from his Mom MB's neighbors, in regards to the trailer that suddenly appeared in her driveway a few nights before. I don't think the neighbors would have been so concerned about it, had it not been for the news of DM's arrest.

DM was arrested AFTER the neighbours called about the truck as the truck was put on MB's driveway on the Weds/Thurs night (early hours of Thurs) DM was arrested on the Friday was he not? So the neighbours had called in about the trailer on Thursday...a day before the arrest. So whatever reason they called in about a trailer it was nothing to do with the arrest IMO

MOO, but I think DM was just becoming too cocky, as he felt he wasn't the type of person to draw suspicion from LE (no criminal history, fairly well off family, etc.). He hadn't been questioned by LE as far as I'm aware in regards to LB's disappearance and the phone records showing he was one of the last people she spoke with. He also seemed to not draw any suspicion at the time in regards to the untimely suicide of WM.

Well if he was not found to be suspicious in regard to his fathers death or in relation to the disappearance of can assume IMO that he had done nothing to set off any alarm bells IMO. As far as I can see it seems he was/is a well liked guy and has even been described as humble .... we only have a disgruntled ex employee and a possibly jealous ex boyfriend (of LB) that have said anything to smear his reputation as a good guy. Which IMO speaks for itself ! JMO MOO

Responses in orange...
The police already had TB's cell phone info (got a warrant) before they found his actual phone, so they didn't need his phone to trace the phonecalls and numbers. But I agree that the description provided from the first testdrive fella was actually the major breakthrough in this case and DM's big mistake. Who knows if he would have been identified if it weren't for that.

And we still have no idea whether or not DM'd tattoo has a box around it ! If I were the defense I would be sleuthing quite a few people that as yet are not persons of interest. This case is full of holes IMO and everything has been made just way too 'obvious' IMO... It's easier to believe in 'Hansel and Gretel' than this breadcrumb leading story IMO.... and the real players for me have yet to be arrested. JMO MOO
Responses in orange...

I don't think we actually know when, or even if, the neighbours called in a tip about the truck parked in MB's driveway. DM was arrested on Friday, LE was at his Etobicoke house on Saturday and at MB's house on Sunday. Although we can assume someone called it in, it could also have been just the steps that LE followed. Wouldn't the neighbours try to contact MB first to ask about why the truck was there or how long it would be staying, before actually calling the police? Unless, of course, they called because of the arrest.

I don't think we actually know when, or even if, the neighbours called in a tip about the truck parked in MB's driveway. DM was arrested on Friday, LE was at his Etobicoke house on Saturday and at MB's house on Sunday. Although we can assume someone called it in, it could also have been just the steps that LE followed. Wouldn't the neighbours try to contact MB first to ask about why the truck was there or how long it would be staying, before actually calling the police? Unless, of course, they called because of the arrest.


There is a press article about the neighbour FC and a RF and another neighbour who spoke to the press about the trailer. I believe it was FC who called it in....someone posted the link on this site I will try to find it to back up my opinion here.

You would think that a neighbour would, if that concerned about something on someone else s property, try to call her.... but no.... it appears this guy went straight to the police .. I will add 'IMO' here until I find the link from the other thread to validate it.
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