Suspect #2: Mark Smich *Charged* 1stDeg Murder 22 May 2013

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1081 Montrose Abbey Drive on Google Maps.

Look familiar, everyone? We all saw that picture of DM.

This Google imaging was taken back in September 2011. Therefore some things may be different one and a half years later. See date bottom left of image. It's hard to see but it's there in white. HTH for some who question if this is the same house in the Nova picture. Still reading to catch up.
I feel that FB page is dreadful. People really shouldn't be posting in their real names IMO, too dangerous, plus the whole idea is not right for those involved--neither the Bosma's nor the criminals and their families. IMHO

Indeed. Already that FB page is filling up with loonies, atrocious spellers, and people ready to light torches and grab pitchforks. Makes Websleuths looks like a polite forum for petunia gardening! :)
Yes, I'm aware of all the threads, but the DM thread is called "Dellen Millard: Innocent Dupe? Alternative Theories" and I'm I don't have any theories other than he's guilty as charged, given all the evidence I've seen. It's confusing enough just following three threads.

Jay, if you just go to the top of the page, click on "Timothy Bosma" to go the main forum index, wherever you see the thread titled like this:

Canada -Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #8 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

that is a general discussion for all matters that don't necessarily fit into the other more specifically titled threads. (For example, the #8 is the most current one, #7 is the previous thread, right on back to thread #1)

That young lady (CD) was interviewed on Global News Toronto tonight outside of MS's house. She seemed to be pretty distraught at the news of his arrest, she said he was a "great guy" and that she had been the one who introduced MS to his current gf. I expect the story will be up online shortly.
This is kind of old news but some sleuths were wondering about Dellen's farm property... the property is approx 100acres. Here is a link showing the property lines. Use InternetExplorer. Just zoom into the farm area on Roseville Road. Click View->Imagery and choose 2006 ortho. Most folks saw the google images. The google streetview images were from 2009, the red trucks showing were from the previous owner. He also didn't own the property across the street with the grass runway.

IMO he bought the property in 2011 for recreational use, there is no house on the property, just the barn. The tracks in the dirt look like he used that part for his motorcycle/off road use. I believe someone mentioned he used the forest area for paintball. Then in July 2012 (coincidentally around the time LB disappeared), he purchased the incinerator... even though he didn't have farm animals
Indeed. Already that FB page is filling up with loonies, atrocious spellers, and people ready to light torches and grab pitchforks. Makes Websleuths looks like a polite forum for petunia gardening! :)

Alas, the loonies, atrocious spellers, and people ready to light torches and grab pitchforks will always be with us! "The sun shines upon all alike"
That young lady (CD) was interviewed on Global News Toronto tonight outside of MS's house. She seemed to be pretty distraught at the news of his arrest, she said he was a "great guy" and that she had been the one who introduced MS to his current gf. I expect the story will be up online shortly.

Denial before acceptance.
This story goes around and around.

When Googling the phone number posted on the Kawasaki Ancaster phone book page I didn't find much, but I did find a number with everything the same except the area code. It was for a fax number for a--get this--avionics company at the Waterloo airport!!

IMO I'm not sure if it is connected having a different area code.

I searched who the president of that company was and got his name, but didn't find anything interesting. Just now I read here about (CD) on that FB page, checked her FB friends and see a bunch with the last name of the president.

Now, get this, one of these young friends of hers has a photo of ASHES as his timeline header!!! It is dated March, but nevertheless creepy.
Creator of the page is also calling for DM to be charged with murder. Says DM is putting it all on MS and that's wrong!

So, you know, clearly knows ALL the facts of the case.

The fb account is no longer there. Here's hoping LE are onto the creator of that fb account. Seems obvious they know something about this case. Time for LE to do some IP tracking. Tomorrow may bring in suspect three; here's hoping. I feel confident now LE know who is involved. It was just a matter of time to track the suspects. As I mentioned in my previous post, LE probably waited until MS left his mother's residence and then made a positive ID, arresting him just shy of his house.

I am just guessing on this, but assume this was the case and their reasoning for not putting out names or pictures to the public. I did find it odd and a risk LE wasn't asking for the public's assistance, but now this makes sense. They probably knew where the suspect was and it was just a matter of time before he left the residence. I wonder why they did not go to the door asking to speak to MS? Could have been his mother was away and no action coming or going from the house. Might have been a high risk situation, not knowing who else was involved and inside the house? Way to go LE! Also if LE would have been asking the public for assistance and releasing names, I guess it was highly probable the suspect(s) were following the news reports and thought they were pulling off a crime which LE didn't know who the perps were. This may have led MS to feel safe enough to leave his mother's home. :floorlaugh: If this was the case, he was WRONG...gotcha MS. MOO
Continuously following this case and here is the way i see it so far.

Just my opinion here:

1) Dellen is the mastermind. He realized from the start that MS and suspect #3 will probably come across as the "thugs & troublemakers".

2) DM's only chance is to try the "unwilling participant" defence. Try to build a case around these two thugs threatening him and forcing DM to burry evidence, etc. Tough but probably the only viable option.

3) DM is fully aware that his financial means will likely buy him the best defence out of the 3+ suspects. He needs to see what the other suspects say to LE before forming his defence, hence the "silence".

4) MSM reports indicate oddities in DM younger years. (Eating dog biscuits, colder personality, etc.)

5) MS seems to have had several very close friends who are standing up for him and are very vocal about it. (Based on FB and MSM interviews). People don't just jump in the public eye defending an accused murderer the day he is arrested unless they truly believe him to be a "good guy"! This tells me that this guy probably does have feelings and emotions. Remorse will eat him up and hopefully that leads to a full confession on whatever his involvement was. Reports of Mark Smich being drunk during his arrest early in the morning also point towards a guilty conscience.

6) DM being the older guy with money and means to do fun things (i.e. drugs, parties, trips, Baja races, etc.) should have no problem exerting influence over younger guy(s). Based on old FB pictures, it looks like DM has known MS for several years, meaning they met when MS would probably 22-23 if not younger.

7) Premeditation is quite evident. Even just based on what we know (Other test drive, throw away cellphone, truck in trailer, etc.) They obviously wanted that type of me this is clear. If you plan to commit a robbery/car jacking and you kill someone in the process, its still murder!

8) The real question is did they mean to kill Tim from the start? I am afraid that we may never know the truth here. It's possible that they planned the murder from the start, even if DM was the mastermind, it wouldn't be the first time that someone with a dominant personality is able to convince others to participate in a murder. On the other hand, maybe the plan went completely sideways, they killed Tim accidentally in a tussle and panicked, tried to cover it up and left a ton of evidence in the process.

9) As mentioned by LE previously, (paraphrasing): "Forcible confinement that leads to a death of the victim is enough for a 1st degree murder charge".

10) Looking forward to LE identifying the 3rd suspect. Hope very much that prosecutors don't cut ANY deals early on here.
I hope it's OK to post this (got it from one of the earlier threads ... sorry I can't remember who posted it originally).


Awwww, gee whiz. That's too bad. If you remember, you be sure to let me know.
What I'd like to know is, how did DM and MS come into association?

Hard to say for sure but I'd be willing to guess that DM handpicked MS (et al) to take part in this all for various reasons:

1. MS already has a criminal record whereas DM does not
2. Based on the gangsta/faux snuff video, MS is clearly a wannabe and I'm betting would be easily "bought" by the likes of DM. I think DM is a master manipulator, very conniving and cunning and a wannabe like MS, already known to police, could very easily be coaxed; be it with money, promises of help with making the videos so he can be a big star, or just the opportunity to act out being a real gangsta (kill someone).

I'm sure that DM figured if worse case scenario and the jig was up, who would stand a better chance.......Mr Silver Spoon DM with his piles of money and top notch legal team or an unemployed, deviant, low-life wannabe rapper who based on his role in that video has indicated an interest in the macabre and simulated murder/torture/gruesome violence.
Hard to say for sure but I'd be willing to guess that DM handpicked MS (et al) to take part in this all for various reasons:

1. MS already has a criminal record whereas DM does not
2. Based on the gangsta/faux snuff video, MS is clearly a wannabe and I'm betting would be easily "bought" by the likes of DM. I think DM is a master manipulator, very conniving and cunning and a wannabe like MS, already known to police, could very easily be coaxed; be it with money, promises of help with making the videos so he can be a big star, or just the opportunity to act out being a real gangsta (kill someone).

I'm sure that DM figured if worse case scenario and the jig was up, who would stand a better chance.......Mr Silver Spoon DM with his piles of money and top notch legal team or an unemployed, deviant, low-life wannabe rapper who based on his role in that video has indicated an interest in the macabre and simulated murder/torture/gruesome violence.

Is there a possibility that they met through grassroots media production? Or, through online gaming?
typical. the girlfriend (or was it wife?) of the alleged killer of sierra lamar (there's a thread for her in the missing forum) did the same thing all over several fb pages... #total denial

I think it's more understandable (though still screwed up) for a wife/GF/immediate family member to be in denial because I think deep down it's a coping mechanism, but also....if they were to believe that their loved one was a horrible murderer/rapist/etc, then they'd have to feel guilt about having 'missed the signs', or that they were so duped by someone they loved.

But this chick, she's merely a friend (she claims MS has a girlfriend).

Maybe it's just me and my age/life experience (mid 40s) but I think that anyone is capable of anything, and even our close relatives, we never truly know what goes on behind closed doors. Just because people are nice and smiling and social and have lots of friends, that has no bearing whatsoever on the evil that they're capable of behind closed doors/when nobody is watching. Look at spouses who are in denial when they come to find out their spouse has been cheating, many are in denial and simply don't believe it. Sometimes we think we know people so well when we don't at all. Some people have really deep, dark, evil skeletons in their closets yet they put on a great act. I don't personally put anything past anyone these days, JMO.
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