Suspect Drew Peterson #5

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I would assume that they would have had the police and labs on early in the hearings. Family members other than the kids also testified early on, as did DrewP's taking the 5th. Then there were the neighbors and friends and the pastor, and later the attorney. Now both kids have testified. Do they have experts testify in the GJ? If so they probably testified at the time the evidence was entered.

I would think that is it. Now it is decision time. I would expect that they will probably take some time to review what they have heard in testimony and review the available evidence, then vote.
According to the article Christine posted in media, the way DrewP talks about his son Kris he sounds a little bit rebellious. Kris came home from the GJ with a headache. That makes him sound a little conflicted. Was he conflicted because he knew what he had to say was going to make his Dad sound bad? Or was he conflicted because in some ways he wanted to say a different version of the truth than what he was told to say?

According to DrewP, Tom's testimony was easier and he made the GJ laugh.
Have you seen Ashley's latest offerings on Drewpy Drew? That pic of him with no top on? Ugh! She also shows an email with a matching IP to the IP's on those Adult websites and some more chats. In one of them he is talking about how she could be the most famous woman in America if she goes out with him. I need a sick bucket:bang:
The only person I can think of who we haven't heard about is Tom Morphey. There's been no report of him testifying before the grand jury. We know that Tom Morphey is in some sort of protective custody or seclusion someplace where DP and JB can't find him.

In this age of technology, where it's becoming common place to have a video link between locations, I've wondered if the grand jury DID hear testimony from Tom Morphey, but it was via video link from his location to the grand jury chambers?
The only person I can think of who we haven't heard about is Tom Morphey. There's been no report of him testifying before the grand jury. We know that Tom Morphey is in some sort of protective custody or seclusion someplace where DP and JB can't find him.

In this age of technology, where it's becoming common place to have a video link between locations, I've wondered if the grand jury DID hear testimony from Tom Morphey, but it was via video link from his location to the grand jury chambers?

Yeah, I had actually forgotten about him. Wouldn't the pros. want to put him on early because his testimony would be one of the most important pieces of the case? The video link is a possibility, but another possibility is that they snuck him into the courthouse. There is always a back way into the courthouse, and into the courtroom (for instance the judges entrances). Since he is police protection it would be likely they would take special precautions to get him into the courthouse.
LOL, on DrewP. He says this is all a croc, he says he doesn't like the media, he says that he hates people always wanting to know what he is doing. And he sends out 'press releases' saying yes, he is going to show up at his court hearing!
Yeah, I had actually forgotten about him. Wouldn't the pros. want to put him on early because his testimony would be one of the most important pieces of the case? The video link is a possibility, but another possibility is that they snuck him into the courthouse. There is always a back way into the courthouse, and into the courtroom (for instance the judges entrances). Since he is police protection it would be likely they would take special precautions to get him into the courthouse.

Yes.........that's a good possibility too. An unmarked police car pulling up to the entrance where the judge might enter the courthouse would probably work.

I think Tom Morphey's testimony is crucial, and I'm sure he must have testified at some point in the proceedings.
Drew Peterson went to court today on the gun charge. Joel Brodsky asked that the gun charge be dismissed. The judge is going to give his decision on July 30th.
July 30th: Will this be before or after the Grand Jury decides on the indictments? LOL
I'm thinking that if the GJ is going to indict, it will probably be this week or next. I think they are done with witnesses, now all that should be left is to review the evidence and testimony. I would think that most know how they are going to vote by now.
I would hope after all that testimony, but they have to finish up with the Stebic case and another one...don't they? Will all of their indictments be handed down at once or will they do it as they finish each case?
I dunno. It didn't register with me that the grand jury indicted him on the weapons charge until yesterday's article. They've been busy.
I dunno. It didn't register with me that the grand jury indicted him on the weapons charge until yesterday's article. They've been busy.
Good point, Chico. They really have been busy! Remind me to move if ever I am called to sit on the GJ! LOL
I would hope after all that testimony, but they have to finish up with the Stebic case and another one...don't they? Will all of their indictments be handed down at once or will they do it as they finish each case?

I think each case is considered least that's how they do it here. If they've heard all the testimony in one case, and they're ready to discuss their findings and conclusions and take a vote on that particular case, then it's done. They will continue to hear testimony in other cases, like the Stebic case. They do it as they finish as case.

Did the governor sign the hearsay bill? If he hasn't signed it yet, making it law, that's the last thing that may hold up an indictment.
I think each case is considered least that's how they do it here. If they've heard all the testimony in one case, and they're ready to discuss their findings and conclusions and take a vote on that particular case, then it's done. They will continue to hear testimony in other cases, like the Stebic case. They do it as they finish as case.

Did the governor sign the hearsay bill? If he hasn't signed it yet, making it law, that's the last thing that may hold up an indictment.

I wouldn't bet on this hearsay bill. The Supreme Court struck down California's and I'm willing to bet someone will challenge Illinois' hearsay bill if/when it is signed into law by the Governor.
Hey! Did you all see this? It's in the media link.

Once AGAIN, Drew and Brodsky are proven :liar:s.

Oh, my, my, my...........what will the neighbors think?:rolleyes:


Friends Say They Kept Drew Peterson's 'Secret Gun'
Peterson's Attorney: There Is No Such Gun


Peterson's attorney, Joel Brodsky, has denied there was such a gun.

He mocked Ric Mims, a former friend of Peterson's, on CNN's "Nancy Grace" show after Mims said Peterson showed him the gun, saying, "Hey [the police] didn't find this one." Mims said Peterson was "chuckling."

On the show, Brodsky called the claim "simply another fabrication of slick Ric Mims."

"He's trying to sell another story to the National Enquirer now that he's run out of money," Brodsky added.

But other friends of Peterson, Len Wawczak and his wife, Paula Stark, say Peterson signed the folding gun over to Paula Stark the day after the State Police pulled Peterson's firearm owner's identification card.

Stark and Wawczak made the admission after being confronted with a State Police evidence receipt for a Ruger .357 Magnum revolver and a North American Arms .22-caliber revolver seized from their home March 19. Stark's name is on the receipt.

The couple said the .22 is the folding gun Mims spoke of on the "Nancy Grace" show.
Any rational person knows that Drew Peterson is an absolute liar. I can't wait for this stuff to be brought out in court. The more lies he tells and the sneakier he can be shown to be, the better for the prosecution. Keep talking Drew you blithering, slithering idiot.

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