Suspect Drew Peterson #5

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At a guess based on Brodsky's interviews with media, DrewP's defense is going to be that he carried the weapon while working and that makes it ok. The state hasn't stated their position other than it is an illegal weapon.

My guess on the supeona issue is that DrewP is looking for further proof that he did carry the weapon at work and that the department was aware of it.

That would be a weakness in the state's case. Because it might make the judge waver on the illegality of the weapon. So they (the state) are continuing with the stand that the weapon was illegal and will try to ignore the issue that the department was aware that he was carrying it. As such they will try to prevent any proof that the department was aware of the weapon being used from entering the court. Their stand would be that it doesn't matter that the department knew, it isn't a part of the case- the gun was still illegal.
I don't think they will find an okay for that weapon or the charges would have never been brought against him. That would make the ISP, DA and BBPD look incompetent if they didn't know what weapons were registered to each employee. They would have triple checked their records before they brought these charges..particularily in light of what Drew is suspected of doing to his last 2 wives.
I don't think they will find an okay for that weapon or the charges would have never been brought against him. That would make the ISP, DA and BBPD look incompetent if they didn't know what weapons were registered to each employee. They would have triple checked their records before they brought these charges..particularily in light of what Drew is suspected of doing to his last 2 wives.

ITA! I'm sure the ISP and BBPD checked records prior to bringing charges.
Thomas Peterson, the oldest son of Drew Peterson, testified before the grand jury today - June 26, 2008. The younger son, Kristopher, will be testifying at a later date.

The younger son, Kristopher, will be testifying at a later date.

:woohoo:Wish I was a fly on the wall

Guess DP felt comfortable enough now to let them testify. Wonder why????
This could have a bearing on this case:

Court won't allow statements by killer's victim

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that a murder victim's prior statements cannot be used against her killer because it would violate a defendant's constitutional right to confront witnesses who testify against him.
So glad to hear that Thomas was able to be giving testimony to the GJ yesterday. I am sure he was in there for quite a while and had lots of info. I hope he told the whole truth. I also hpe his lawyer, who Drew paid for, was told to wait outside the GJ hearing room. Otherwise Drew will know every question they asked. I am sure he and Brodsky grilled him after he returned home. I hope he had the guts to stand up to Drew and not let info slip.
I saw it! If Ashley is going to post the emails DP sent to her and her responses to him, I bet LE is going to be very interested. DP may be stalking young females via the net. :eek:

Since the webcam is on the internet connection via BPD..could that be a violation of it's use..or do retired LE get to still use the address..anyway they want?
Since the webcam is on the internet connection via BPD..

There is no indication that his webcam is on a BPD server or in any way connected to the Bolingbrook Police Department. 'bpd' is part of his screen name, she blocked out the rest. Anyone could call themselves 'bpd' or use it in their screen name.
There is no indication that his webcam is on a BPD server or in any way connected to the Bolingbrook Police Department. 'bpd' is part of his screen name, she blocked out the rest. Anyone could call themselves 'bpd' or use it in their screen name.

Thanks Nora..I couldn't figure how he could get away with that.
Why can't I remember who Ashley is? I've been racking my brain trying to remember... can anyone clue me in? Thanks!
There was an Ashley that wrote a letter to him and dropped it in his mail box. But according to this Ashley's blog she is not that person. She evidently met him over the internet, that 's my best guess at this point until she divulges more info.
Thank you, I had searched all over this forum and could only find the mailbox girl. Wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything! :)

I haven't had time to go through all the threads but, has anyone seen this yet?

ROFL!!! No I hadn't seen it! Love it!

Ok, using bpd as a part of his screen name- showing he is 'trustworthy', he is a retired police officer, 'reassuring' to those who might be squimish about meeting someone from online.

Showing kids, "family" man, again showing how trustworthy, how family oriented he is.

Playing with the stuffed animal- showing how 'soft, non-threatening and sensitive' he is.

The posted email is from April. He was going to propose to her on "Oprah"- 5 months after Stacey went missing, DrewP is legally still married. The girl that got called to the GJ, she also said DrewP proposed to her. Based on the date on the above email and the date that she was interviewed by police- both were talking to DrewP and hearing the same things about the same time. LOL, I guess if you ask enough women to marry you and just keep asking, eventually you might find one that is willing to say yes. He is definately looking though, pulling out all the stops for seduction.
Thomas Peterson, the oldest son of Drew Peterson, testified before the grand jury today - June 26, 2008. The younger son, Kristopher, will be testifying at a later date.

Sounds like the judge decided the boys had to testify, DrewP probably didn't have anything to do with it.

Ok, Thomas testified this week, I wonder if Kris will testify next week? It would make sense to see the boys last, once everyone else has testified. That way they know what questions to ask the boys, not likely they will come up with further questions and have to call them back.

Somehow I think these two are the last. Once Kris testifies, I cannot think of anyone else or any other reason to hold off, no other witnesses to call. So perhaps the end is getting near, decision time?

A lot is going to depend on these boys testimony. If they go to the GJ and say oh yes, Stacey and Dad argued and Stacey stormed out of the house and didn't come back and Dad didn't leave- it will be hard for the GJ to indict-even with Cass's testimony that one of the boys told her he was babysitting the kids that night.
Heard tonight that the 15 year old son is subpoenaed to testify for some "special grand" jury about the disappearance of Stacy and the "accidental" drowning of his mother. This could prove interesting! Hope the Peterson is behind bars soon!

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