Talk on the Net/Blogs/Round town about this case - NOT FACTS/RUMORS *merged*

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I can't keep up with all this :) but I am trying. I did not know the carseat was in the car.
I don't know if anyone have seem the movie" Freedom land." about mother who gave her child cough medicine so he would sleep so she could spend time with her boyfriend and then report him missing. i would like to know what kinda movies that Casey watch.
I actually would like LE to talk to the people who helped KC push the car to the Amscot parking lot.

Casey could have lied about 2 people helping her move the car onto the lot. It's possible that she said that to enhance her "running out of gas" story.
I did not see it anywhere. does it fit into thetime frame??????
I don't think the tow guy really smelled the car until GA opened the car, then they found the maggots/smelly trash from the trunk.

LE has the bag of trash & the car seat IIRC
in the tow yard owners transcript - he talks about over the years smelling fish, other stuff that had been left in cars and did say that the Anthony car had a bad smell - think he even went over to it. He said the full extent of the smell didn't hit him until George opened the door. And then he and George smelled the odor. He never said it was from the "pizz or trash" he gives impression that he thought it was a decomp odor.
I would think that them people would came forward by now. there no way they have not heard of this case in orlando.
Question--if the car was out of gas and was towed to the impound lot, Did they have to put gas in it for GA to drive it home? If it had gas in it, then Casey's story is again a lie, and could prove that she dumped for a particular reason. If this was covered before, I apologise--still relatively new here. TIA!
Exactly, he picked her up when she was out of gas, but they never attempted to bring gas to the car right then or at anytime later. Although TL picked her up, she left her purse in the car, and only brought chicken nuggets and freeze pops to TL's house?

KC was telling different people different things about the car and needing to get gas, etc. in order to set up her cover story. She never intended to go back for that car, she wanted it stolen.

(she wanted it stolen) IDK.....*if* you want your car stolen do place it where you Mom drives by twice everyday, & keeping asking for help to retrieve it ?? & do you leave it sitting ther with NO GAS ??
Question--if the car was out of gas and was towed to the impound lot, Did they have to put gas in it for GA to drive it home? If it had gas in it, then Casey's story is again a lie, and could prove that she dumped for a particular reason. If this was covered before, I apologise--still relatively new here. TIA!
read somewhere George got in car, said it needed gas, went to his car and got gas cans
Thanks, okiedokietwo--I always have felt that she was setting the scene for the car to be jacked, what with the purse on the seat, etc. but the gas thing was bothering me.
(she wanted it stolen) IDK.....*if* you want your car stolen do place it where you Mom drives by twice everyday, & keeping asking for help to retrieve it ??

Why did she only ask people who were too far away or too busy to help her retrieve the car? Why not ask people in her family? How about asking her dad to help her? Her brother? TL when he picked up her up? She made it appear that she was trying to get the car. Don't forget the stories she told TL about the car when he was up in NY. She only asked people she KNEW were unavailable to help.
I believe that she expected the car to be stolen quickly, and wasn't thinking about her mother passing by every day--if that was indeed the case--because she didn't expect her mother to see it.
Thanks, okiedokietwo--I always have felt that she was setting the scene for the car to be jacked, what with the purse on the seat, etc. but the gas thing was bothering me.

Who is to know that it really had no gas?
(she wanted it stolen) IDK.....*if* you want your car stolen do place it where you Mom drives by twice everyday, & keeping asking for help to retrieve it ??
Ok Ok - right. So going by that I don't think Casey put Caylee in that dumpster as some are saying. Caylee is somewhere else. So Casey puts the car there and parents find the car and then the story from Cindy would be "poor Casey ran out of gas looking for Caylee was having to borrow cars so she could look for Caylee". Maybe Casey had all these plans, you know 1.left her with the nanny 2. they took her from me at the park 3. Cindy finds the car - I was driving and was carnapped (spell) and Caylee was in the car 4. ?
Ok she was telling everyone she ran out of gas but that story would fit one of her stories. She could use the story about she's been looking for Caylee for a month, oops, oh wait, that is the story she is using.
Did George try to start the car without pouring gas into the tank first?
That's another thing.....if you want your car stolen, do you leave it sitting with no gas ??

so true! this is why i wonder exactly how much gas she had when she left for that last drive and how many miles this got her to and from in those last hours early am 27th. i don't think she intentionally ditched it to be stolen, but rather ditched it because of the smell. I do however think that she drove somewhere that last drive to dispose of the body and didn't quite make it back to tone's thereby "ditching" it to hide the smell, etc. she prolly thought if she left it for a few days the smell would dissipate?? i mean where in her life at that time did she have an area she could air out the car. if we knew how much gas she had to begin with before she ran out that would give some indication as to how many miles (roundtrip) she could have possibly travelled to ditch the body.
I don't remember from the audio. Think he just got in and said it needed gas?

The manager said GA had trouble starting the car, checked the gas gauge and saw it was on E. GA then immediately went to get the gas cans.

Since the car had been sitting idle for over 2 weeks, likely it just wouldn't start at first because of that fact alone.
Me way there was a corpse in that trunk for 11 days, in the FL'd be able to smell it for blocks.

and keep in mind Casey tried three times to retrieve the car from amscot.....
no way she'd want that car back if it smelled that bad.

I think it's likely that Casey wanted to get that car back because it DID smell that bad and she knew that if her parents or LE ever got a whiff of that car, and she couldn't produce Caylee, there'd be a lot of questions.

I think she was trying to retrieve it for the purpose of permanently getting rid of it. With all the water in Florida, I think she may have tried to push that car into a deep pond.

Sometime in August, LE conducted a diving drill on a retention pond near the Anthony home. They didn't find a body, but they did come up with three abandoned cars.
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