Tempo Restaurant: What Happened There?

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It did appear she was heading through the mall quickly like she had a destination. Was Tuel's the last video? If so, there's not a whole lot of the mall left beyond there, correct? We don't KNOW she was headed to Tempo but what else was beyond the last video?

I am still very much of the opinion that HG had a destination as we see her on the videos on the DM. What that was, I'm not certain about (obvs).

But as for what is beyond that last video at Tuels that we see-- not a lot. Only about a block and 1/2 before you turn down towards Tempo. And there are only about 2 or 3 minutes between the time stamp on the video and the drinks purchased by JM... Even accounting for some clock differences, there is no way IMO she went anyway between the video and Tempo. And there would be no reason for her to have had one of those locations between as her intended destination. She did not in any way seem distressed in the Tuel's video IMO. She seemed, again, like she was maintaining a very brisk pace with purpose.

AFAICT, her gait and stride do not change at all between the Sal's vid and the Tuel's vid. If feel like if she was walking quickly at Sal's b/c she was still lost and just wanted to get the heck out of Dodge, once she "befriends" JM, she'd have slowed down. Again, she did not seem in distress to me there.

Let's go with the theory he caught up to her, said something of the equivalent of "Hey, you look lost? Need a ride- I used to be a taxi driver and I can get you home. How about a beer first before we leave- I've got a tab open at Tempo's.... etc. etc." I'm not saying he said any of those things, but I'm just saying, he had to have said SOMETHING to her and she didn't run away from him, but kept going in the same direction, and in the same fashion. In this scenario, why the rush? She's got a ride. She'll get a drink first. No rush. I'd slow down if it were me.

Also, if he was a parasite to her and she wanted to get him off of her, she could have slowed down and gone over/waited for/talked to one of the many people we see walking near her in the Tuel's vid. Or she could have still even walked briskly to one of them, crossed to other side of mall, etc.

I think she had a destination and I suspect it was Tempo's. JMO
I am still very much of the opinion that HG had a destination as we see her on the videos on the DM. What that was, I'm not certain about (obvs).

But as for what is beyond that last video at Tuels that we see-- not a lot. Only about a block and 1/2 before you turn down towards Tempo. And there are only about 2 or 3 minutes between the time stamp on the video and the drinks purchased by JM... Even accounting for some clock differences, there is no way IMO she went anyway between the video and Tempo. And there would be no reason for her to have had one of those locations between as her intended destination. She did not in any way seem distressed in the Tuel's video IMO. She seemed, again, like she was maintaining a very brisk pace with purpose.

AFAICT, her gait and stride do not change at all between the Sal's vid and the Tuel's vid. If feel like if she was walking quickly at Sal's b/c she was still lost and just wanted to get the heck out of Dodge, once she "befriends" JM, she'd have slowed down. Again, she did not seem in distress to me there.

Let's go with the theory he caught up to her, said something of the equivalent of "Hey, you look lost? Need a ride- I used to be a taxi driver and I can get you home. How about a beer first before we leave- I've got a tab open at Tempo's.... etc. etc." I'm not saying he said any of those things, but I'm just saying, he had to have said SOMETHING to her and she didn't run away from him, but kept going in the same direction, and in the same fashion. In this scenario, why the rush? She's got a ride. She'll get a drink first. No rush. I'd slow down if it were me.

Also, if he was a parasite to her and she wanted to get him off of her, she could have slowed down and gone over/waited for/talked to one of the many people we see walking near her in the Tuel's vid. Or she could have still even walked briskly to one of them, crossed to other side of mall, etc.

I think she had a destination and I suspect it was Tempo's. JMO


I have a theory. . .IF, like I believe, those two women in the Sal's video relieved Hannah of her phone, she could have been trying to catch up to them to confront them and get her phone back. Hannah is reportedly seen entering the mall near Fellini's at 1am. According to Google maps it is a 2min walk to Sal's, but it takes her 6mins and she's near speed walking. We are missing at least four minutes there. What happened?

If we follow that theory, I think JM could have approached Hannah under the guise of helping her. I think during the Tuel's video Hannah could have been telling JM the story about the women. I think JM could have said something like he's a regular on the mall. He thinks he knows who she's talking about, and the women hang out at Tempo. I think they would have hurried off to Tempo to catch up to the women. Once there, JM orders the drinks and they looked for the women or waited for them to show up. Once Hannah had that drink it is over though.

Btw. . .Versed! I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier? :doh: I think that could likely be what JM used to drug Hannah.

All MOO. . .speculation, etc. :moo:
Bad news guys.

Coming back from Urbanna oyster fest last night I noticed a strange noise that got louder the longer I drove.

It appears my right front wheel bearing is shot, taking it to my Dads tomorrow to replace it...... but I dont think I want to drive 120 miles round trip to C-Ville like that tonight.

Gonna have to reschedule for next Friday or Saturday night.

Sorry again.

I am still going...been looking forward to it all week but this has to take precedence.
Bad news guys.

Coming back from Urbanna oyster fest last night I noticed a strange noise that got louder the longer I drove.

It appears my right front wheel bearing is shot, taking it to my Dads tomorrow to replace it...... but I dont think I want to drive 120 miles round trip to C-Ville like that tonight.

Gonna have to reschedule for next Friday or Saturday night.

Sorry again.

I am still going...been looking forward to it all week but this has to take precedence.
Oh, sadness!
I'm sorry about your car. There goes my night, too! :) I was excited for the insiders look :)
Oh, sadness!
I'm sorry about your car. There goes my night, too! :) I was excited for the insiders look :)

Me too!! Now I'll have to go find a plan B for my night as well :noooo: :D
Bad news guys.

Coming back from Urbanna oyster fest last night I noticed a strange noise that got louder the longer I drove.

It appears my right front wheel bearing is shot, taking it to my Dads tomorrow to replace it...... but I dont think I want to drive 120 miles round trip to C-Ville like that tonight.

Gonna have to reschedule for next Friday or Saturday night.

Sorry again.

I am still going...been looking forward to it all week but this has to take precedence.

Thanks for the update Zapped!

p.s. You could always call a Taxi!! JK!
Thanks for the update Zapped!

p.s. You could always call a Taxi!! JK!

BBM: Wow, that made me lol. Hate to hear about your car. Best wishes...keep us updated on the repairs, and thanks for being willing to head that way so we can get the 'inside scoop.'

BBM: Wow, that made me lol. Hate to hear about your car. Best wishes...keep us updated on the repairs, and thanks for being willing to head that way so we can get the 'inside scoop.'

No problem.

Its a relatively simple repair...and by simple I mean it could take 30 minutes......or it could take a few hours if the bearing is stuck on the shaft and we have to beat/grind it off.

It'll be done tomorrow afternoon one way or another.

And youre very welcome.

Whichever day I end up going next weekend Ill make sure to get there early so I can take plenty of pics.
Well, that's a good question. I personally think they meant at Tempo, but the way in which it was released via the media made it appear as if they meant McGrady.

I went back over the first few days of the search. I have a motto, after following so many cases. We can't just go by what we are told, but we have to carefully watch LE behavior and read between the lines. Sooooo . . .

Sunday Sept 14th:
-Hannah is reported missing at 4:34pm
-LE is searching with bloodhounds around UVA Corner, and nothing of significance is found

Monday Sept. 15th
-Hannah's phone records and computer are being searched
-LE is searching the 14th and Wertland area
-Hannah is reportedly last seen at 12:15 at a party
-the hallway pics of Hannah are released

Tuesday Sept 16th
-LE puts search on hold because of new leads via tips
-LE reports they have video
-Search is moved to Grady and eastward
-LE gets tip of Hannah being at the DM
-LE is also searching near UVA hospital (Wha?!!!! Yep, that's right.)
-The report of the Fairfax/MH suspect sighting is released along with the sketch. (To me, this is clearly a sign that LE had already identified JM. There was no sighting. They just wanted to get the sketch out there because they already knew who and what they were dealing with.)

Wednesday Sept 17th
-At 7 am it's reported that there is a witness and video of Hannah with an unidentified woman on the DM.
-By 9:30am it is reported that search and rescue are all over the DM area.
-It is reported that the last text message from Hannah came from the wrong area.
-Reports of SAR with bloodhounds on Water Street near the parking garage.
-Anchorage farm is searched (Did you hear THAT? They are not trying to ID JM, they are already searching Anchorage Farm!)
-Parker Slaybough reports "breaking news" that LE has video of Hannah walking into a pub at 1 am.
-Presser. . .parents fear "foul play" and LE releases McGrady video.

later on the 17th

-LE has reportedly located WG. Says Hannah was walking with black man
-LE releases Sal's video
-LE releases Tuel's video
-LE says there is no woman and it is Hannah's reflection in the Tuel's video (which WS posters were madly posting at the time that that clearly wasn't true. Sleuthers were all over the man with dreads. ;) )

Thursday Sept 18th

-Reported that police will release more video
-Reported that police won't release more video
-Reported that police are pulling more video, but we will have to wait. . .
-And wait
-several reports that the POI is NOT on any of the videos
-reports that the man with dreads is not a POI and has been cleared
-LE says they want to talk to second male, but give no description
-At 4 pm LE gives description of POI black male, who is not on any videos. . .shaved head. . .etc
-$50,000 reward is announced
-reports that a sketch of POI is coming soon
-Vigil held for Hannah

Friday Sept 19th

-reportedly sometime after midnight a search warrant is executed on Jesse Leroy Matthew Jr's car.
-search warrant for apartment and phone executed shortly after search of car.

Anywhoo. . .that's where I kind of stopped. I think in hindsight it's quite clear how far along LE was in their investigation, what their media strategy was and the motivation behind what they released when.

Sooo. . .MOO. . .LE didn't need the public's help IDing JM. They were already way beyond that when the released the DM videos and all the silly "POI is NOT on any videos. . .It's a woman. No wait, it's Hannah's reflection" nonsense. So why release those videos at all? There were much better pictures of Hannah, so it didn't have anything to do with recognizing her. I think the only explanation was because JM was already under surveillance and they wanted to stress him. They wanted to lead JM to believe that they weren't on to him YET, but they were getting there. LE was hoping if they rattled him, he would lead them to Hannah.

By Tuesday the 16th they put the Fairfax sketch back into circulation and they went sniffing around his place of employment.

On Wednesday the 17th LE searched Anchorage Farm and released the videos that clearly show JM close up, circling around to drop in behind Hannah, and then walking right along side of her.

On Thursday the 18th, LE put the public in a holding pattern. . .and waited and watched for JM to make a move.

MOO!!!!! :moo:

This is an awesome timeline, and soooo helpful but my interpretation is different. I think police's minds immediately went to the MH case as potentially linked. But I do not think they knew that HG had been with JM at that point. I think they just thought, "two vulnerable women disappeared in town, and maybe these are linked," but were still very puzzled by HG's movements that night. I think the re-release of the composite was because they were hoping that if she had met with foul play, that the composite would shake loose some leads. Also, they had alerted the news media to their interest in talking with WG before they realized that WG was trying to contact them. Otherwise, if they thought MH was linked to JM and the woman raped in 2005 was linked to MH via DNA, I would hope they'd have been a little more proactive about getting him charged.
This is an awesome timeline, and soooo helpful but my interpretation is different. I think police's minds immediately went to the MH case as potentially linked. But I do not think they knew that HG had been with JM at that point. I think they just thought, "two vulnerable women disappeared in town, and maybe these are linked," but were still very puzzled by HG's movements that night. I think the re-release of the composite was because they were hoping that if she had met with foul play, that the composite would shake loose some leads. Also, they had alerted the news media to their interest in talking with WG before they realized that WG was trying to contact them. Otherwise, if they thought MH was linked to JM and the woman raped in 2005 was linked to MH via DNA, I would hope they'd have been a little more proactive about getting him charged.

For some reason, I find it annoying that so much effort was put into trying to tie HG's disappearance to MH. When you go back and read the articles about finding Hannah, all of them have several paragraphs about MH's case. I know it's important to catch a killer of a cold case, but if you really think they're linked, you'll get him without distracting attention from the missing persons case. I don't think HG was the top story and focus, and I think she should have been. Maybe I'm seeing this all wrong, but it rubs me the wrong way.
This is an awesome timeline, and soooo helpful but my interpretation is different. I think police's minds immediately went to the MH case as potentially linked. But I do not think they knew that HG had been with JM at that point. I think they just thought, "two vulnerable women disappeared in town, and maybe these are linked," but were still very puzzled by HG's movements that night. I think the re-release of the composite was because they were hoping that if she had met with foul play, that the composite would shake loose some leads. Also, they had alerted the news media to their interest in talking with WG before they realized that WG was trying to contact them. Otherwise, if they thought MH was linked to JM and the woman raped in 2005 was linked to MH via DNA, I would hope they'd have been a little more proactive about getting him charged.

ALthough I appreciate your interpretation, Skigirl, I have to go along with Hambirg 100%!
This isn't an alley; the photo is looking down 5th street directly in front of the entrance of Tempo. The light fixture is a public street lamp. As it doesn't seem that Charlottesville has any public cameras, it's doubtful that there is a camera attached to it. The street lamps may be recently installed since they don't appear in the Street View photo from just in front of Tempo, but do appear if you move in Street View to the corner of 5th and Water St.

Edited to add:
Streetlamps aren't visible here: http://www.instantstreetview.com/2fb3tqz1wmti6z1y1zokz2u
But are here: http://www.instantstreetview.com/2fb3mnz1wmtegz2crzlqz0

There are dates on both of these images. The image without the street lamps is dated 2008. The one that has the street lamps is dated 2012.
Hambirg, that had me wondering, too, why we don't see HG texting while supposedly making that 1:06 final text, when that was also the time given for when we see her on video passing Sal's Pizza.

So then I thought....what if she had lost her phone in the area of 14th and Wertland before her journey to McGrady's etc, and whoever had found it composed that last message lost 14th & Wertland (we don't know the exact words, do we?). To alert where the phone was lost to whoever was texting Hannah's phone?

That could explain another thing that had puzzled me, which is why we don't see her holding up and referring to her phone like you would imagine if she had been using the phone's gps navigator. Hmmm.....something to ponder?

Bravo, slowpoke! This is one thing I value about all those who sleuth here. Everyone's mind analyzes things a bit differently. I have not seen anyone else propose this possibility that someone other than Hannah or JM may have sent that text.

If Hannah accidentally dropped her phone during her long walk, and circled back in an attempt to find it, that might account for some of the unexpectedly long time intervals it took for her to get from point to point during her journey toward the DM.

Thanks so much for proposing this possibility!
Quote Originally Posted by hambirg View Post
Well, that's a good question. I personally think they meant at Tempo, but the way in which it was released via the media made it appear as if they meant McGrady.

I went back over the first few days of the search. I have a motto, after following so many cases. We can't just go by what we are told, but we have to carefully watch LE behavior and read between the lines. Sooooo . . .

Sunday Sept 14th:
-Hannah is reported missing at 4:34pm
-LE is searching with bloodhounds around UVA Corner, and nothing of significance is found

Monday Sept. 15th
-Hannah's phone records and computer are being searched
-LE is searching the 14th and Wertland area
-Hannah is reportedly last seen at 12:15 at a party
-the hallway pics of Hannah are released

Tuesday Sept 16th
-LE puts search on hold because of new leads via tips
-LE reports they have video
-Search is moved to Grady and eastward
-LE gets tip of Hannah being at the DM
-LE is also searching near UVA hospital (Wha?!!!! Yep, that's right.)
-The report of the Fairfax/MH suspect sighting is released along with the sketch. (To me, this is clearly a sign that LE had already identified JM. There was no sighting. They just wanted to get the sketch out there because they already knew who and what they were dealing with.)

Wednesday Sept 17th
-At 7 am it's reported that there is a witness and video of Hannah with an unidentified woman on the DM.
-By 9:30am it is reported that search and rescue are all over the DM area.
-It is reported that the last text message from Hannah came from the wrong area.
-Reports of SAR with bloodhounds on Water Street near the parking garage.
-Anchorage farm is searched (Did you hear THAT? They are not trying to ID JM, they are already searching Anchorage Farm!)
-Parker Slaybough reports "breaking news" that LE has video of Hannah walking into a pub at 1 am.
-Presser. . .parents fear "foul play" and LE releases McGrady video.

later on the 17th

-LE has reportedly located WG. Says Hannah was walking with black man
-LE releases Sal's video
-LE releases Tuel's video
-LE says there is no woman and it is Hannah's reflection in the Tuel's video (which WS posters were madly posting at the time that that clearly wasn't true. Sleuthers were all over the man with dreads. )

Thursday Sept 18th

-Reported that police will release more video
-Reported that police won't release more video
-Reported that police are pulling more video, but we will have to wait. . .
-And wait
-several reports that the POI is NOT on any of the videos
-reports that the man with dreads is not a POI and has been cleared
-LE says they want to talk to second male, but give no description
-At 4 pm LE gives description of POI black male, who is not on any videos. . .shaved head. . .etc
-$50,000 reward is announced
-reports that a sketch of POI is coming soon
-Vigil held for Hannah

Friday Sept 19th

-reportedly sometime after midnight a search warrant is executed on Jesse Leroy Matthew Jr's car.
-search warrant for apartment and phone executed shortly after search of car.

Anywhoo. . .that's where I kind of stopped. I think in hindsight it's quite clear how far along LE was in their investigation, what their media strategy was and the motivation behind what they released when.

Sooo. . .MOO. . .LE didn't need the public's help IDing JM. They were already way beyond that when the released the DM videos and all the silly "POI is NOT on any videos. . .It's a woman. No wait, it's Hannah's reflection" nonsense. So why release those videos at all? There were much better pictures of Hannah, so it didn't have anything to do with recognizing her. I think the only explanation was because JM was already under surveillance and they wanted to stress him. They wanted to lead JM to believe that they weren't on to him YET, but they were getting there. LE was hoping if they rattled him, he would lead them to Hannah.

By Tuesday the 16th they put the Fairfax sketch back into circulation and they went sniffing around his place of employment.

On Wednesday the 17th LE searched Anchorage Farm and released the videos that clearly show JM close up, circling around to drop in behind Hannah, and then walking right along side of her.

On Thursday the 18th, LE put the public in a holding pattern. . .and waited and watched for JM to make a move.


I think now it's obvious the whole purpose of the wrong description of the POI at the DTM was to keep JM at bay while they got the warrants. How long does it take to get a warrant? I would think at least 24 hours.
I think now it's obvious the whole purpose of the wrong description of the POI at the DTM was to keep JM at bay while they got the warrants. How long does it take to get a warrant? I would think at least 24 hours.

It depends what evidence they have to obtain the warrant. A warrant can be got in less than 30mins if the evidence is there to get one and everyone along the chain is available. I have a family member who would be along that chain, and have seen it happen, even on holidays. LE calls the DA's office, DA's office gives the ok and then calls the judge who gives the ok. LE gets the warrant to search.

I think in this case, LE didn't have the evidence they needed. I think it's why they tried so many tactics to rattle JM. They had to watch and wait, but eventually they saw something that gave LE enough probable cause to take to the DA and the judge.

Don't misunderstand me. I think LE absolutely knew JM was their guy. . .but they didn't have the proper evidence yet. I would LOVE to know what it was that LE claimed a "neighbor" tipped them off to about JM's car in the middle of the night. I really hope it was something like JM carrying something that was obviously Hannah's out to his car. . .or removing it from his car. Maybe he was out there at midnight with a vaccuum cleaner, some bleach and some Febreeze. Whatever it was, it puts a smile on my face to know that JM waited till the night to sneak out and was caught at it anyway. :D
Personally, I think the ladies JLM high-fived at the mall are innocent of any wrongdoing.

EARLY on in this case JLM was seen on the mall video and someone interviewed at the DT mall said he was a regular there and kind of annoying but harmless.

Whoever that person was I bet they wish they could take back those words now.

IIRC this was before the search warrant was issued for JLM's car and before he was officially considered a suspect by police. We didnt even know his name at that time and referred to him as DG (for dreadlocks guy), many of us were still looking at WG (or CWG if you prefer) as the prime suspect.

LE initially said the person seen walking beside HG was just her reflection in store windows..... until observant sleuthers here proved otherwise.

For all we know those ladies were there every night walking/powerwalking as part of their exercise routine and JLM high-fived them to show support/recognition from one athlete/mall regular to another.

It might even have been an unconscious habit of his from his time spent playing football as Ive seen plenty of coaches and players do that on a regular basis just watching the occasional NFL game.........or Waterboy as the case may be :giggle:


Getting back to Tempo, I dont think he had an open tab there based on Coy Barefoots article that stated JLM ordered and payed for two beers a minute later.

IMO he had already decided to leave Tempo because of the rejection from the two women earlier as well as the rebuke by the British man for bumping his wife. JLMs presence at the DT mall tends to back that theory up as he could have simply gotten some air outside the restaurant and saved himself a walk.

Of course, he could have been angry at these perceived snubs as well, and walked away to cool down.

If JLM had not run into Hannah when he did he very well could have went to another bar with more action or driven home that night.

The intensity with which JLM focused on HG in the mall video is terrifying and so is the possibility that she may have become the target for all that pent up rage.He chose to take Hannah to Tempo because he knew it was close and because it was still fresh in his mind IMO.

If he does indeed have a narcissistic personality as others have surmised, he may have taken her there to rub it in everyones faces as well.
Personally, I think the ladies JLM high-fived at the mall are innocent of any wrongdoing.

EARLY on in this case JLM was seen on the mall video and someone interviewed at the DT mall said he was a regular there and kind of annoying but harmless.

Whoever that person was I bet they wish they could take back those words now.

IIRC this was before the search warrant was issued for JLM's car and before he was officially considered a suspect by police. We didnt even know his name at that time and referred to him as DG (for dreadlocks guy), many of us were still looking at WG (or CWG if you prefer) as the prime suspect.

LE initially said the person seen walking beside HG was just her reflection in store windows..... until observant sleuthers here proved otherwise.

For all we know those ladies were there every night walking/powerwalking as part of their exercise routine and JLM high-fived them to show support/recognition from one athlete/mall regular to another.

It might even have been an unconscious habit of his from his time spent playing football as Ive seen plenty of coaches and players do that on a regular basis just watching the occasional NFL game.........or Waterboy as the case may be :giggle:


Getting back to Tempo, I dont think he had an open tab there based on Coy Barefoots article that stated JLM ordered and payed for two beers a minute later.

IMO he had already decided to leave Tempo because of the rejection from the two women earlier as well as the rebuke by the British man for bumping his wife. JLMs presence at the DT mall tends to back that theory up as he could have simply gotten some air outside the restaurant and saved himself a walk.

Of course, he could have been angry at these perceived snubs as well, and walked away to cool down.

If JLM had not run into Hannah when he did he very well could have went to another bar with more action or driven home that night.

The intensity with which JLM focused on HG in the mall video is terrifying and so is the possibility that she may have become the target for all that pent up rage.He chose to take Hannah to Tempo because he knew it was close and because it was still fresh in his mind IMO.

If he does indeed have a narcissistic personality as others have surmised, he may have taken her there to rub it in everyones faces as well.

Your post is excellent! I too have thought all along that the high five at the mall was just a casual acknowledgement and that he did not know those two women. And your last comment of JLM taking Hannah to Tempo to show her off, and to "show them" so to speak, might just be spot on, IMO!
Don't misunderstand me. I think LE absolutely knew JM was their guy. . .but they didn't have the proper evidence yet. I would LOVE to know what it was that LE claimed a "neighbor" tipped them off to about JM's car in the middle of the night. I really hope it was something like JM carrying something that was obviously Hannah's out to his car. . .or removing it from his car. Maybe he was out there at midnight with a vaccuum cleaner, some bleach and some Febreeze. Whatever it was, it puts a smile on my face to know that JM waited till the night to sneak out and was caught at it anyway. :D

Respectfully snipped: T TA! "the neighbor" as in, JMHO, the van parked nearby with recordable surveillance trained on this vehicle and apartment building. Ha! LE I believe will deserve so much credit for their hard work in stopping this monster. I don't think any part of this was left to chance, including "losing" him to flee to TX. I am betting the vacuum cleaner will be revealing too. IDK & JMHO.

Zapped- "Waterboy", totally hilarious, Thanks!
I think now it's obvious the whole purpose of the wrong description of the POI at the DTM was to keep JM at bay while they got the warrants. How long does it take to get a warrant? I would think at least 24 hours.

Hmmm...but why did LE keep up the case of "mistaken" identity once they had the search warrant? This bogus info is repeated in several different MSM sources on September 19th.

Obviously, they knew it was JM at this point, one would hope :p

The search began at 5 am, so they would have requested the warrant at least the prior day it seems.

The search began around 5am and occurred, Longo said, when three people were at home inside. One of the people in the residence matches the description of the person of interest in the case— a heavyset black male in his 20s, 5’10-5’11” with close cropped hair—but officers had no probable cause to make any arrests, Longo said.

source: http://www.c-ville.com/police-search-car-apartment-possibly-related-person-interest/#.VF-DPvnF8r5

What I also find curious is that LE says they had no convo with JM prior to his "voluntary" visit to the police station on Sept 21. Look closely at the "Wanted" poster for reckless driving that was released to the public on Sept. 23


The date under his mug shot is September 19th! There are also conflicting reports on where the "reckless driving" occurred. More LE pressure tactics I assume.
Hmmm...but why did LE keep up the case of "mistaken" identity once they had the search warrant? This bogus info is repeated in several different MSM sources on September 19th.

Obviously, they knew it was JM at this point, one would hope :p

The search began at 5 am, so they would have requested the warrant at least the prior day it seems.

The search began around 5am and occurred, Longo said, when three people were at home inside. One of the people in the residence matches the description of the person of interest in the case— a heavyset black male in his 20s, 5’10-5’11” with close cropped hair—but officers had no probable cause to make any arrests, Longo said.

source: http://www.c-ville.com/police-search-car-apartment-possibly-related-person-interest/#.VF-DPvnF8r5

What I also find curious is that LE says they had no convo with JM prior to his "voluntary" visit to the police station on Sept 21. Look closely at the "Wanted" poster for reckless driving that was released to the public on Sept. 23


The date under his mug shot is September 19th! There are also conflicting reports on where the "reckless driving" occurred. More LE pressure tactics I assume.

September 19th was the day JLM went to the DMV for a new drivers license!

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