Terri's Armchair Psych Profile

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OneLove, I agree. I have also dealt with alot of teenage girls that have been given NOS type or bipolar diagnosis, when the therapist stated, off the record, that the real diagnosis is most likely borderline personality disorder. These are some of the most unpredictable, difficult, and sometimes downright dangerous persons to deal with, even as teens. It is very hard to get adequate treatment for them and I have often been told that there is no adequate treatment:( Don't know if that is so or not....Part of the reason for the improper diagnosis, to my understanding, is that personality disorders are not typically given to persons under the age of 18.
It was reported by Kaine that baby K was a totally different kid shortly after he removed her from Terri's care. This fact combined with my theory that Kyron was ready to spill some information to Desiree leaves me wondering if maybe he caught on to the old "KOOL-AID TEST" that was taking place in the home. It is blatantly apparent that Terri looks for attention and she'll take any kind... good or bad. I don't believe I would be too far off base to accept the possibility that she was making one or both of those kids sick to get a rise out of people. It has also been stated as fact that she would email Desiree multiple times over the course of a day. Kyron was her vehicle for getting Desiree's attention and baby K was the same for getting to Kaine. I have not heard this possibility discussed yet but I believe it warrants at least some speculation; specifically because of Kyron's recent "spells" and attitude/emotional changes and baby K's quick recovery after her exodus from the home. Thank you in advance for your insights.
Welcome to WS 32!!!! :blowkiss:

Everyone, please bear in mind that this is purely a speculation and we're not starting any rumors. Limit discussion to speculation about Munchausen Syndrome, what is MS and could it be applied in this case?

And welcome our new member while you're here! :)
It was reported by Kaine that baby K was a totally different kid shortly after he removed her from Terri's care. This fact combined with my theory that Kyron was ready to spill some information to Desiree leaves me wondering if maybe he caught on to the old "KOOL-AID TEST" that was taking place in the home. It is blatantly apparent that Terri looks for attention and she'll take any kind... good or bad. I don't believe I would be too far off base to accept the possibility that she was making one or both of those kids sick to get a rise out of people. It has also been stated as fact that she would email Desiree multiple times over the course of a day. Kyron was her vehicle for getting Desiree's attention and baby K was the same for getting to Kaine. I have not heard this possibility discussed yet but I believe it warrants at least some speculation; specifically because of Kyron's recent "spells" and attitude/emotional changes and baby K's quick recovery after her exodus from the home. Thank you in advance for your insights.


Do you mean M's Syndrome by Proxy? That's the one where parents make their kids sick to be a "hero" and to gain attention as the perfect, loving parent. Primarily women who do this.

At this point, I'd doubt it. Usually families with that problem have a long, long record of ER visits, hospital stays, and multiple trips to the doctor with weird symptoms. There's a lot of hysterida and drama, which all revolve around Mama being so loving and so heroic and so careful to rush the child to the doctor. So there wouldn't be descriptions of Kyron as bright, happy, healthy. There'd be long long stories, many of them, about when he had that weird stomach problem and went to the ER and on and on and on and on.

JMO. I'm not a counselor nor an M.D. And, others may see it differently.
I also feel compelled to add that I think there is great relevance to Kyron going missing hours before he was scheduled to visit Desiree. I think he was onto something...he was a bright kid...and he may have made comments in the home to alarm Terri of his "Sleuthing". I wonder if Kaine is aware of any of this or if in the depths of his subconscious he may be aware of some "issue". I would also be curious to see if a trace toxicology would show any markers if baby K had a blood test or marrow sample taken.
If it were Munchausen Syndrome, the person afflicted by the disorder harms him or herself.

Conversely, Munchausen by proxy is defined as: http://my.clevelandclinic.org/disorders/factitious_disorders/hic_munchausen_syndrome_by_proxy.aspx

"A mental illness in which a person acts as if an individual he or she is caring for has a physical or mental illness when the person is not really sick. People with MSP assume the role of a sick person indirectly by producing or lying about illness in another person under their care, usually a child under 6 years of age."

It is interesting to note the mention of 6 years of age in this context. Kyron was 7-1/2.
Welcome to WS 32!!!! :blowkiss:

Everyone, please bear in mind that this is purely a speculation and we're not starting any rumors. Limit discussion to speculation about Munchausen Syndrome, what is MS and could it be applied in this case?

And welcome our new member while you're here! :)

should I include a disclaimer of some sort when I post speculation or new idea?

Do you mean M's Syndrome by Proxy? That's the one where parents make their kids sick to be a "hero" and to gain attention as the perfect, loving parent. Primarily women who do this.

At this point, I'd doubt it. Usually families with that problem have a long, long record of ER visits, hospital stays, and multiple trips to the doctor with weird symptoms. There's a lot of hysterida and drama, which all revolve around Mama being so loving and so heroic and so careful to rush the child to the doctor. So there wouldn't be descriptions of Kyron as bright, happy, healthy. There'd be long long stories, many of them, about when he had that weird stomach problem and went to the ER and on and on and on and on.

JMO. I'm not a counselor nor an M.D. And, others may see it differently.

I agree with you , that is how I have always viewed that syndrom as well.

From all reports that we have heard thus far, it seems to me there was a lot of tension in that family home leading up to Kyron's disappearance and worse after . Which Im inclined to believe is why the baby is different now.
Kaine and Desiree state he was healthy and happy, a good kid, shy but loved school, energetic and loved sports. If he was being made sick, it would have affected every aspect of his demeanor.

Not knowing anything about why Kaine and Desiree would make the statement about baby K being a different child, i can only place it into the psy-ops they've been lodging at Terri all along in hopes of making her so uncomfortable that she'll tell them what they want to hear.
But now i re-read the OP......it's kind of more like Single-White-Female syndrome, where Terri wants to be just like Desiree, even going so far as to ...... disappear her child so they have a way to bond?

Interesting perspective.
But now i re-read the OP......it's kind of more like Single-White-Female syndrome, where Terri wants to be just like Desiree, even going so far as to ...... disappear her child so they have a way to bond?

Interesting perspective.

I think you may be on to something there also...I hadn,t seen it thru that far.
I think it's a very interesting theory. I'll be mulling that over for a bit.
My primary focus with the thread is to assume that Kyron was removed prior to his trip to Desiree and I have been spinning a number of potential reasons why he wasn't allowed to make the trip. I am probably using the wrong language in calling it munch syndrome...how can I change the thread name?
I also feel compelled to add that I think there is great relevance to Kyron going missing hours before he was scheduled to visit Desiree. I think he was onto something...he was a bright kid...and he may have made comments in the home to alarm Terri of his "Sleuthing". I wonder if Kaine is aware of any of this or if in the depths of his subconscious he may be aware of some "issue". I would also be curious to see if a trace toxicology would show any markers if Kiara had a blood test or marrow sample taken.

Welcome 32bears! Thanks for the thought-provoking posts!

I wondered too about the comment that Baby K is totally different, changed for the better these days. It was said almost IMO with a sense of relief. But it didn't fit. Why would Baby K even be mentioned...or her improvement? What was said just before or after that ijn the presser? I don't remember.

I have a grandchild Baby K's age...and I cannot imagine that little one being changed for the better if separated suddenly from my daughter. Nor can I imagine my daughter allowing any force on earth to separate them for that very reason. I think a toddler would have a lot of separation anxiety.

Then there is driving Baby K because she's sick. Telling someone in the store that Baby K is sick. And yes, the older boy being sent away and then Kyron going missing just when he is about to stay with Desiree and Step-Dad who is LE. One might even wonder about the strange quality of Terri's to reinvent her history with Kaine and tell people she was Desiree's cherished friend, just staying with Kaine platonically as the Good Hearted Soul helping out. There's a Hero complex for you.

But we'd have to know lots more. But it's an interesting theory. Anything might be possible in this case IMO.
It was reported by Kaine that baby K was a totally different kid shortly after he removed her from Terri's care. This fact ...
Am interested in this 'fact'. Do you have a link to a mainstream media article that says that Kaine stated this? He may well have, I just don't remember hearing that 'fact' before. So, I would like to see it for myself. Thank you, and welcome.
My primary focus with the thread is to assume that Kyron was removed prior to his trip to Desiree and I have been spinning a number of potential reasons why he wasn't allowed to make the trip. I am probably using the wrong language in calling it munch syndrome...how can I change the thread name?

Go to your first post in this thread and click edit and then click the advanced button to edit the title.

Welcome to WS!
Am interested in this 'fact'. Do you have a link to a mainstream media article that says that Kaine stated this? He may well have, I just don't remember hearing that 'fact' before. So, I would like to see it for myself. Thank you, and welcome.

Kaine and Desiree state it very clearly in one of these last local media PC/interviews. I'm not sure which station...KOIN maybe? I can dig it up later as I have to go run some errands right now.
Am interested in this 'fact'. Do you have a link to a mainstream media article that says that Kaine stated this? He may well have, I just don't remember hearing that 'fact' before. So, I would like to see it for myself. Thank you, and welcome.

It was a response by Kaine in an interview about 2 weeks after he moved out while he was still in the hotel. the interviewer asked how baby K was holding up through all this and he said she was a totally different kid. I'll have to see if I can pick up the link.
Welcome 32! I am in the medical field and as far as MSP is concerned I doubt it. Like previously stated, signs would certainly point to that outcome because of routine visits to the hospital/ER. People in this condition love the medical attention and sympathy given to a caregiver who has a sick child with a undiagnosable illness.
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