Terri's friends want to distance themselves after being dragged into investigation

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Just catching up on all of this. I've read the debate back and forth on DeDe.

All I want to say is, she isn't talking, Terri isn't talking, and Kyron is still missing. I just wish someone who knew something would talk and help him get found. The fact that these two are waving the "Rights" banner to remain silent just pisses me off to no end.

I know they have rights. I am hearing a lot about all of the rights they have. And I get sick of hearing, in every case, the rights of all people in those cases and how those people have the right to use their rights to protect themselves. Well you know what, they shouldn't have done the crime in first place or gotten involved with someone who did a crime. Then there wouldn't be anything to have to protect.

And you know whose rights I never hear about in any of these cases? The victim, who has no more rights if they're dead, little rights if they are alive. It's all about the OTHER person's rights and honoring them. I get so sick of that. It seems like justice runs so slowly because of being cognizant of rights. But I also know that we'd be uncivilized without them. Deep down, I know we have to have rights, even for criminals. Honestly, I am not against having rights, I am against people shielding themselves and saving their own asses with their rights.

I am also against kids constantly not having any rights. And being hurt and murdered, sometimes not even found because of it. And I get tired of watching the people who did things against them get all the rights in the world, rights the victims were never afforded in the first place.

So yeah, let them have their rights you know where while Kyron is still out in the cold somewhere. I hope they both sleep well at night with all of their rights as their blankets. I don't know if either is guilty or innocent, but I'm not liking what I'm hearing either. They obviously, though, only care about THEIR rights, and don't give a crap about Kyron's.

I do sincerely hope DeDe is cooperating in some way. Letting Kyron lay out there and rot (I believe he's dead, sadly) just nauseates me. And if she is innocent, then refusing to cooperate is not in her best interest. No matter if she's well within her rights, it still makes her look bad and like she's involved.

I know I've never been near a murder investigation myself and I hope to God I never am. Maybe them I'll appreciate rights more. But from where I sit, it's repugnant to me that these two are invoking their rights while Kyron is still out there missing. I would tell the police everything I know and take a poly. I would do anything possible to either clear myself as a suspect or bring this poor child home. I would not sit there, surrounded by my rights, and let this child get lost in all of it. That's just not right to me.

Maybe I'm jaded from all of the cases I've seen and all of the rights invoked. All I know is I just want Kyron found and justice served for him. I am for his rights over everyone else's here. And if people aren't going to talk to just protect themselves, that's sick. After all, and the biggest irony here, is that Kyron couldn't protect himself from what happened to him.

BRAVO!!!! <high five> :clap:
Just catching up on all of this. I've read the debate back and forth on DeDe.

All I want to say is, she isn't talking, Terri isn't talking, and Kyron is still missing. I just wish someone who knew something would talk and help him get found. The fact that these two are waving the "Rights" banner to remain silent just pisses me off to no end.

I know they have rights. I am hearing a lot about all of the rights they have. And I get sick of hearing, in every case, the rights of all people in those cases and how those people have the right to use their rights to protect themselves. Well you know what, they shouldn't have done the crime in first place or gotten involved with someone who did a crime. Then there wouldn't be anything to have to protect.

And you know whose rights I never hear about in any of these cases? The victim, who has no more rights if they're dead, little rights if they are alive. It's all about the OTHER person's rights and honoring them. I get so sick of that. It seems like justice runs so slowly because of being cognizant of rights. But I also know that we'd be uncivilized without them. Deep down, I know we have to have rights, even for criminals. Honestly, I am not against having rights, I am against people shielding themselves and saving their own asses with their rights.

I am also against kids constantly not having any rights. And being hurt and murdered, sometimes not even found because of it. And I get tired of watching the people who did things against them get all the rights in the world, rights the victims were never afforded in the first place.

So yeah, let them have their rights you know where while Kyron is still out in the cold somewhere. I hope they both sleep well at night with all of their rights as their blankets. I don't know if either is guilty or innocent, but I'm not liking what I'm hearing either. They obviously, though, only care about THEIR rights, and don't give a crap about Kyron's.

I do sincerely hope DeDe is cooperating in some way. Letting Kyron lay out there and rot (I believe he's dead, sadly) just nauseates me. And if she is innocent, then refusing to cooperate is not in her best interest. No matter if she's well within her rights, it still makes her look bad and like she's involved.

I know I've never been near a murder investigation myself and I hope to God I never am. Maybe them I'll appreciate rights more. But from where I sit, it's repugnant to me that these two are invoking their rights while Kyron is still out there missing. I would tell the police everything I know and take a poly. I would do anything possible to either clear myself as a suspect or bring this poor child home. I would not sit there, surrounded by my rights, and let this child get lost in all of it. That's just not right to me.

Maybe I'm jaded from all of the cases I've seen and all of the rights invoked. All I know is I just want Kyron found and justice served for him. I am for his rights over everyone else's here. And if people aren't going to talk to just protect themselves, that's sick. After all, and the biggest irony here, is that Kyron couldn't protect himself from what happened to him.

Great post!

And what about Terri's "friend" who went through the search of her home and the 5 hour polygraph ordeal?

Wasn't she worried about her "rights"? I guess not as she had nothing to hide.
Kyron's family now puts the public pressure on 43-year-old Dede Spicher, one of Terri Horman's friends whom they have said is hampering the investigation. But here's where this gets even more interesting:

Spicher's father, Don Spicher works for Klamath County - the same county that took the lead on the expanded search for Kyron.

However, the sheriff there assures us Deputy Spicher is part time and only works summers for marine patrol, and had nothing at all to do with the search and rescue operation. Even so, "he has to be very careful that he's not walking the edge, helping his daughter potentially avoid apprehension or in anyway hinder this case," McCain said.

We spoke to DeDe's cousin Saturday. He said his uncle is an honorable man who DeDe looks up to. Her cousin said that if the deputy asked DeDe to cooperate she would.

I can't think of the last case I've reviewed where anyone was cleared outright until the case was solved. Not. One. Person.

If there is a statement put into the press which points out that someone believes I'm not cooperating enough to their liking with the police and then the threat that if I don't cooperate to their satisfaction, they will pursue civil actions against me, I'd have my lawyer tied to my hip for however long it takes me and I'd not say a damn thing.

I agree with you. The parents statement makes it clear.

She has not only been in close communication with Terri but has been providing Terri with support and advice that is not in the best interests of our son.

Additional information provided shows that she is refusing to cooperate with law enforcement, she is also going as far as to suggest to others that may have information regarding Kyron's disappearance, not to cooperate as well.

IMO, the parents statement makes it clear that they want Terri isolated and alone. If you continue to befriend her, you are not working in the best interest of their son. If you are not working in what we believe is the best interest of their son, we will publically pressure you into doing what we want. However, that tends to backfire.

IMO, the statement NEVER said that LE said DeDe is not cooperating. It clearly says "additional information provided" shows she is not cooperating with LE.

IMO, DeDe continued to be Terri's friend so she is not cooperating with LE as far as the parents are concerned.

IMO, the parents seem to have taken on speaking out for LE. In doing so, I'm starting to wonder if maybe the parents are projecting their wants and/or beliefs onto LE.
Does anyone really know if DD is refusing to cooperate? Maybe I've missed something, but the only thing I've seen saying that came from Kaine & family.

As for "she must be guilty of something because they searched her house, and had a search warrant"--well, two other people are in the same boat. Are they guilty of something too?

It's become apparent that anyone who displeases Kaine is going to be published by being attacked in public.

As for that ridiculous, tacky "news story" about her lying because they ambushed her and she reacted--that's not journalism. Not even close.

If you're under stress and involved--however--in a mess like this, and suddenly a stranger claiming to be a reporter shows up and ambushes you, you have no obligation to speak to them. As for denying who she was, that could literally have been a panic reaction.

But, even if that was all she could think of to say, does that make her guilty of a crime? One of my good friends a few years back got tired of religious folks banging on her door and trying to evangelize her.

So one day she told them that of course she'd love to learn about their religious beliefs, and in return she would share hers. Then she cheerfully told them she was a witch, and that she was holding ceremonies that Sat. night around her big oak tree, and she'd look forward to having them as her special guests. (She had a wicked, wicked sense of humor!)

She never got hassled again. But she lied. She's not a witch. So, is she a criminal too? Nah.

DD should have just slammed the door in their faces w/out saying anything. Alas, many people, especially women, are too trained to be "polite" and feel they have to say something.

I'm aware this won't be a popular post, but that's OK by me. I just truly am tired of the circus atmosphere, the focus on all kinds of things that aren't Kyron, and I'm really really tired of anyone being found guilty without an arrest or without any evidence tendered. I suspect that her lawyer knows how to use the "witch hunt" to his advantage, and probably already has strategies for use of the public scourging not only in a primary case, but also in an appellate appeal should she be arrested, tried, and convicted.

All this smearing from KH, and the media circus, long-term, will aid the defense, IMHO. Everyone would have been better off had KH just done the normal "please let our son come home" media type stuff instead of going to war via press release and conferences. JMHO, and it's worth exactly what you paid for it--0.00 :)
I am beginning to think that anyone who knows Terri or likes her even a little bit should have an attorney on retainer, for fear of Desiree and Kaine naming them in the press. I am really not liking that they are doing this, though clearly, most people do. I don't think they need to call people out by name; they could still be effective by pleading with anyone close to Terri to please help in any way possible. Threatening lawsuits is not the way to "make friends and influence people", so to speak, it tends instead to make one dial up a lawyer. And anyone close to Terri is well aware of what has become of her life since she has been scrutinized; I'd talk to LE but not without talking to my lawyer first and not without him/her at my side. This case is simply too bizarre; being innocent may not be protection enough.
I am beginning to think that anyone who knows Terri or likes her even a little bit should have an attorney on retainer, for fear of Desiree and Kaine naming them in the press. I am really not liking that they are doing this, though clearly, most people do. I don't think they need to call people out by name; they could still be effective by pleading with anyone close to Terri to please help in any way possible. Threatening lawsuits is not the way to "make friends and influence people", so to speak, it tends instead to make one dial up a lawyer. And anyone close to Terri is well aware of what has become of her life since she has been scrutinized; I'd talk to LE but not without talking to my lawyer first and not without him/her at my side. This case is simply too bizarre; being innocent may not be protection enough.

I know what you mean....but I can't to rule out the possibility that LE is asking them to do it...
The family must really believe this DS woman knows something since even Tony the homicide detective has his name included in the threat of civil suit. Even if it's just Terri's state of mind or things she was telling people before Kryon went missing, all could be useful. I say it's time to put on the gloves and come out fighting for Kyron. Kyron hasn't been found so it's time to get tough.
I know what you mean....but I can't to rule out the possibility that LE is asking them to do it...

I do not believe for one minute that LE has asked them to do any of this. If LE asked them to do this, they are working on behalf of LE so they would become "de facto agents" of LE. "De facto agents" are held to the same standards and/or laws as LE.

IMO, if they are speaking on behalf of LE, LE would publically clear them as either persons of interest or suspects. As it as, at this time, LE has not ruled them out. That makes me question that they are being told to speak out by LE.

IMO, LE is allowed to lie during question. They could have lied about Terri and the MFH during question as an investigative tool. I could see them lying to see how quickly it was believed. In a happy marriage, it would take a lot of real evidence for a husband to believe his wife tried to hire someone to murder him. If someone claims their marriage is happy but are too quick to believe it, it would suggest they are lying about a happy marriage.

IMO, we have no idea if the information credited to LE came from LE. We have no idea if they are actual facts or lies used for investigative purposes.

IMO, every time someone says "LE" told them, you need to add in the word "alledgedly. "A" says that alledgely LE said that alledgely Terri hired a MFH. A double "alledgely" does not make a fact to me.

IMO, until LE publically state that they have given the parents permission to speak on their behalf, I cannot believe they did.
They likely got a subpoena to search. That means it's involuntary.

They would not need one if it were me. I'd invite them in to search for anything that may help find a missing baby.

I agree with you. You sound like you raised your kids to do right. If LE contacted me about a missing kid, I'd give DNA, let them search my records, do a LDT, whatever, without speaking to an attorney first. And I am an attorney myself. (Of course, this is assuming I had nothing to do with a kid's disappearance).
Sure, no one has to cooperate but gosh! We are talking about a precious boy here who has not been in his own bed for weeks. A vulnerable little kid who is without his parents. I would want to assist in any way in bringing the child home to his parents. The faster they could clear people who were not involved and focus their case, the better chance they would have at finding the child.
I know LDTs are not always accurate but if innocent, I would feel confident that I would be cleared. LDTs are only one tool LE uses. I guess my own rights and risks would not be paramount in my mind at such a time. The missing child's would be.
A missing kid is one of the absolute worst things in the world. Not helping would be reprehensible.



Who in their "right" minds would not want to cooperate with LE in the case of a missing child. You would have to either be GUILTY or on some sort of power trip to claim your constitutional rights with total disregard for a childs life. That is BS. If I were served a warrant to search my home for information that might lead to finding a missing child and I was INNOCENT, I would not only let them in, but I would serve them coffee as well. I would take a polygraph..no problem. I would give them any and all information I had and I would sit in an interrogation room for as long as it takes. And If it were my child, I would never, ever give up the search for them biolgical, step, nephew, friends child.....never!
And, if my father were LE...wow, even more would I cooperate.

DS's father...wow, that poor man. He looks so distraught. I feel for him being dragged into this. Poor guy.
I am beginning to think that anyone who knows Terri or likes her even a little bit should have an attorney on retainer, for fear of Desiree and Kaine naming them in the press. I am really not liking that they are doing this, though clearly, most people do. I don't think they need to call people out by name; they could still be effective by pleading with anyone close to Terri to please help in any way possible. Threatening lawsuits is not the way to "make friends and influence people", so to speak, it tends instead to make one dial up a lawyer. And anyone close to Terri is well aware of what has become of her life since she has been scrutinized; I'd talk to LE but not without talking to my lawyer first and not without him/her at my side. This case is simply too bizarre; being innocent may not be protection enough.


It seems to me that they've *called out* only the one person who has already made it clear that honey's gonna get nowhere....so they're bustin' out the vinegar. Those who have cooperated with searches, ldt's, etc. haven't been called out, or even named. In fact, we haven't even heard much about MC since the sexting scandal broke and he turned over his info. Imo, everyone who is likely to cooperate is out of the eye of the storm, and only those who have not --TH and DS--remain there. Their choice. To bad, so sad, imo...
For one thing, we don't know if she voluntarily let them search her home (I would never ever let cops in without a search warrant); perhaps it was considered uncooperative for her to decline letting LE search her home without a warrant. We need to see those warrants if there are warrants.


The article linked above assumes there were warrants and quotes a source as saying the warrants are sealed.
I don't see it as uncooperative to consult with or retain an attorney before going for an interview or taking a poly etc. I'm not sure if that's what people are saying?
I for one would say "bring on the madness" "bring on the mob" bring on whatever is necessary to find a missing child. If my home has to be searched, if my computer needs to be searched, if my yard needs digging up...do it. Even if my entire family needs to be sleuthed out...
If a day ever comes that I put myself above any missing child, someone just go ahead and shoot me.

Attack me in forums, attack me in the public... If I had nothing to hide, I'd not worry in the least about the public.

It seems to me that they've *called out* only the one person who has already made it clear that honey's gonna get nowhere....so they're bustin' out the vinegar. Those who have cooperated with searches, ldt's, etc. haven't been called out, or even named. In fact, we haven't even heard much about MC since the sexting scandal broke and he turned over his info. Imo, everyone who is likely to cooperate is out of the eye of the storm, and only those who have not --TH and DS--remain there. Their choice. To bad, so sad, imo...

I agree with you, I have no pity for these two who are not fully cooperating. They are making themselves look worse, not anyone else.
I don't see it as uncooperative to consult with or retain an attorney before going for an interview or taking a poly etc. I'm not sure if that's what people are saying?

It takes 1 day...max...to retain counsel to assist an innocent person in cooperating with an investigation. DS's home was searched last week and I'm sure the ldt was requested before yesterday and was declined, since the other *friend* already did hers. And in the videos since then, ds has not appeared to be cooperatively inclined. jmoo

So, is she compliant with the law? Probably. Is she *cooperative* in any real sense? Definitely not.
It takes 1 day...max...to retain counsel to assist an innocent person in cooperating with an investigation. DS's home was searched last week and I'm sure the ldt was requested before yesterday and was declined, since the other *friend* already did hers. And in the videos since then, ds has not appeared to be cooperatively inclined. jmoo

So, is she compliant with the law? Probably. Is she *cooperative* in any real sense? Definitely not.

What did she do in the videos that indicates to you she's not inclined to cooperate with LE? Just curious.
I for one learned the hard way. I talked to the police and almost everything I said was twisted to fit what they wanted it too. I was lucky they found out the truth before they had the chance to arrest me. I will never talk to the police for any reason again with out my lawyer being there. Not even if it were something as simple as a jaywalking ticket. I learned that lesson real fast.

I had the opposit happen to me when I was read my rights and questioned about a certain crime. I was very truthful with police and when they read my my rights, I told them I had nothing to hide. The police then drove me to the police station, where a witness was waiting to identify me.....well, the witness said it wasn't me...on the way home, the officer and leutenant (sp?) thanked me for my cooperation and then treated me to lunch.....yeah, for real. So, for me, I felt at the time that the best thing was to fully cooperate and it paid off, never heard anything more from police, and I still see the officer sometimes and he has always remembered me and says hello. I never gave them any attitude, I just wanted to clear my name and that is what happened......they were very professional before I was cleared and very nice after i was cleared. The crime was an assault that a friend of my brother commited and they were in a similar vehicle to mine. my brother was not involved either.

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