Terri's friends want to distance themselves after being dragged into investigation

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She can't have it both ways - the child was well enough to go to the gym with her, but cranky enough that she drove around for a long time. Why take a cranky baby anywhere? Why go to the gym that day?

Something just isn't right about this story - it's bizarre.
She can't have it both ways - the child was well enough to go to the gym with her, but cranky enough that she drove around for a long time. Why take a cranky baby anywhere? Why go to the gym that day?

Something just isn't right about this story - it's bizarre.

Maybe after driving around and perhaps morning antibiotics and some tylenol, the baby was no longer cranky? Maybe she was ready for a nap and could sleep while Terri worked out?
Whatever it was Terri did it seems to have worked since Kaine didn't mention the baby being cranky and ill when he got home; he could work and she could sit with her laptop and they felt up to going to get ice creams when Kyron got home (presumably with the baby with them) so I'm taking it for granted that neither had to spend a lot of time soothing a sick child during the afternoon.
Whatever it was Terri did it seems to have worked since Kaine didn't mention the baby being cranky and ill when he got home; he could work and she could sit with her laptop and they felt up to going to get ice creams when Kyron got home (presumably with the baby with them) so I'm taking it for granted that neither had to spend a lot of time soothing a sick child during the afternoon.

I wonder what the daycare workers at the gym had to say about baby K that day?
Maybe after driving around and perhaps morning antibiotics and some tylenol, the baby was no longer cranky? Maybe she was ready for a nap and could sleep while Terri worked out?

Talk about a "red herring". K's reputed earache has absolutely nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance. Nor does it have anything factual to prove TH's whereabouts during a supposedly crucial time.

More to the point, this "timeline" gives no insight into Kyron's whereabouts during the period of 8:45 and roughly 10:10. Where was he? It is dismaying and inconceivable to me that a 7 yo child can leave his school and noone noticed.
Talk about a "red herring". K's reputed earache has absolutely nothing to do with Kyron's disappearance. Nor does it have anything factual to prove TH's whereabouts during a supposedly crucial time.

More to the point, this "timeline" gives no insight into Kyron's whereabouts during the period of 8:45 and roughly 10:10. Where was he? It is dismaying and inconceivable to me that a 7 yo child can leave his school and noone noticed.

Yes, it's the 8:45 to 10:10 timeframe and who Kyron left the school with and how that I'm most concerned about. That's where it all begins. Hard to figure out the rest without knowing that.
It occurs to me that given TH's obvious sexual prowess, she could well have been having a little tryst during those 90 minutes of rural road travel. It also occurs to me that her "alibi" for those same 90 minutes is incredibly lame, which certainly would have occurred to her, if she premeditated Kyron's murder. I have wondered if the reason for her failed LDTs was to cover up something like that. Then again, what's worse?

Respectfully edited and BBM. Now that's a sickening thought - that TMH would take her toddler with her for some hanky-panky :blushing: Stranger things have happened, I'm sure.
Not responding to anyone in particular, but something is bothering me.

It seems like the only one who "didn't cooperate" had her name released to the media. By Kaine, Desiree, and Tony in that letter. The other two have not been "outed" in the same way.

It occurs to me that DeDe did nothing more than stand on her rights as an American citizen. And who's to question that, especially since she watched TH go through what she's going through in the media? I'd keep my mouth shut, too...media at my door? "Dunno who I am. Sorry...".

The only way it came out was in the release with K, D, T....and they didn't release the names of those who "cooperated." In other words, they're rewarded by having their names kept out of the media (for now) because they chose to do something, and DDS chose to maintain her rights as a citizen and chose something different.

This kind of thing bothers me no end. It's evidence that K, D, and T are willing to use public pressure, and "set the media hounds loose" on someone they don't like/feel isn't cooperating. We saw it with TH, and we're seeing it again. Who is next? I find this to be basically wrong. If LE put the info out publicly, that's different. But these are grieving parents, and angry - rightfully so - but I see the anger driving some behavior which to me is just downright dangerous. I have full pity for them, but I wish they'd stop.

Maybe I'm just naive, or too principled, or whatever. But we have rights for a reason; if one chooses to not speak to LE, that's fine. I am not the morals judge, I really am not. I don't know what I'd do, because I've never been put in a position to do so. But this just reeks of manipulation, and of isolating TH, and of destroying a person - or persons - and that bothers me no end.

Let the chips fall where they may; and they are. But I don't think that K, D, and T should "help" the chips along...if that makes sense.

And of course, I'm also being somewhat hypocritical - I have not refrained from looking at info re: the friends, but I am not willing to publicly castigate them just because K, D, and T say so...I will wait for LE to come out and say "thus-and-so is a suspect, and so-and-thus is an accomplice" before beating someone who may very well have NOTHING to do with this in the court of public opinion.

Please don't kill me for this post...:angel:

Herding Cats
Not responding to anyone in particular, but something is bothering me.

It seems like the only one who "didn't cooperate" had her name released to the media. By Kaine, Desiree, and Tony in that letter. The other two have not been "outed" in the same way.

snipped by me...


Logically I can understand where you're coming from, but when a child enters the equation, all bets are off. I think anyone - especially an adult and especially someone who knew the family and Kyron - MUST come forward when asked. There just isn't another option for me. Kyron's "rights" trump everything. It's as simple as that.

As for the family releasing her name, it appears very apparent that this police department wants them to do some of the dirty work. And, I think they are tired of Terri's silence. In my opinion, this was a great move. They need to find their son and Terri's lack of helping to do so speaks volumes to me. I think the gloves just came off in this battle.
All bets are not off because a case involves a child...rights are still rights, no matter what the crime. That kind of thinking is why people across the internet world feel Terri should be tortured, etc. and forced to talk.

And has LE said that Dede refuses to cooperate? And are D&K now the official authorities on who is and is not cooperating?
All bets are not off because a case involves a child...rights are still rights, no matter what the crime. That kind of thinking is why people across the internet world feel Terri should be tortured, etc. and forced to talk.

And has LE said that Dede refuses to cooperate? And are D&K now the official authorities on who is and is not cooperating?

IMO "not cooperating" to them means they think this person knows something and she's not telling. Whether she actually knows anything relevant to Kyron's disappearance doesn't really matter. All that matters is they believe she does.
Not responding to anyone in particular, but something is bothering me.

It seems like the only one who "didn't cooperate" had her name released to the media. By Kaine, Desiree, and Tony in that letter. The other two have not been "outed" in the same way.

It occurs to me that DeDe did nothing more than stand on her rights as an American citizen. And who's to question that, especially since she watched TH go through what she's going through in the media? I'd keep my mouth shut, too...media at my door? "Dunno who I am. Sorry...".

The only way it came out was in the release with K, D, T....and they didn't release the names of those who "cooperated." In other words, they're rewarded by having their names kept out of the media (for now) because they chose to do something, and DDS chose to maintain her rights as a citizen and chose something different.

This kind of thing bothers me no end. It's evidence that K, D, and T are willing to use public pressure, and "set the media hounds loose" on someone they don't like/feel isn't cooperating. We saw it with TH, and we're seeing it again. Who is next? I find this to be basically wrong. If LE put the info out publicly, that's different. But these are grieving parents, and angry - rightfully so - but I see the anger driving some behavior which to me is just downright dangerous. I have full pity for them, but I wish they'd stop.

Maybe I'm just naive, or too principled, or whatever. But we have rights for a reason; if one chooses to not speak to LE, that's fine. I am not the morals judge, I really am not. I don't know what I'd do, because I've never been put in a position to do so. But this just reeks of manipulation, and of isolating TH, and of destroying a person - or persons - and that bothers me no end.

Let the chips fall where they may; and they are. But I don't think that K, D, and T should "help" the chips along...if that makes sense.

And of course, I'm also being somewhat hypocritical - I have not refrained from looking at info re: the friends, but I am not willing to publicly castigate them just because K, D, and T say so...I will wait for LE to come out and say "thus-and-so is a suspect, and so-and-thus is an accomplice" before beating someone who may very well have NOTHING to do with this in the court of public opinion.

Please don't kill me for this post...:angel:

Herding Cats

Damage control in advance
All bets are not off because a case involves a child...rights are still rights, no matter what the crime. That kind of thinking is why people across the internet world feel Terri should be tortured, etc. and forced to talk.

And has LE said that Dede refuses to cooperate? And are D&K now the official authorities on who is and is not cooperating?

Well, we'll have to agree to disagree, Clu. I just can't fathom putting my rights before helping to find Kyron. Why? If you have nothing to fear, why? Furthermore, wouldn't you want to help in any way you could? I believe most of us on here would. I can understand Herding's concern, but the main reason this is becoming "big" news is b/c DeeDee won't talk. I know we have our rights, but once again I'll ask you: Would you really stand on your rights just to make a point and not help this family? I would give anything to be able to do something!

For the record, I never said a word about the other things you referred to, nor would I. I also believe that LE could very well be letting the family know what to say/do. They won't do it, so blame the family. MOO.

OT: I LOVE your avatars!! How do you get the kitties to change all the time?
I am just wanting to know if LE said that Dede refuses to cooperate, that's all. Or if only D&K have said it.

I have a lot of photos downloaded of cats, some of my kitty and some of other kitties, and change them from the User CP section on WS. I usually change them every day, depending on my mood.
I am just wanting to know if LE said that Dede refuses to cooperate, that's all. Or if only D&K have said it.

I have a lot of photos downloaded of cats, some of my kitty and some of other kitties, and change them from the User CP section on WS. I usually change them every day, depending on my mood.

I'm afraid I can't answer that. I do my best just to keep up wth reading and I never can remember where things are located! I'm sure someone will know. I can only get on WS mainly in the summer, so I'm not as fast as you guys. But I really appreciate all I read. By the time I catch up and want to answer, about 10people already have!!

I wondered if you were changing those photos, but I didn't think so. I will have to go looking for some new ones!

One more thing: I get very bothered by things like the Richard Jewell case, etc. I don't like the media going after those who have done nothing and cooperate with LE. This case is different. We have never, not even once, heard from Terri. Even people like Marc Klaas come right out, knowing they are suspects. They have a greater need to find the child. This is what is missing here and why I said what I did. It makes NO sense if you have nothing to fear. I just can't get past that.
I have not made any decisions yet about who's right and who's wrong, who's guilty and who's not, who's telling the truth and who's lying. I feel that we have only heard one side of this story - mostly what we've heard from Desiree and Kaine.

I'm sorry for these parents who don't know where their son is or whether he's alive or not. The "not knowing" is probably more painful than whatever the truth might be because that would at least allow for closure. At this juncture, they can only guess, speculate, hope, pray, wonder, question, etc. but there are no answers and no resolution. That said, I'm not ready to jump to any conclusions about what is really going on here. jmo

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