Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #10 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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The carjacking was the robbery at 7-11. There was no run of the mill robbery.
I thought that came out as part of what DT told investigators?

Ah yes I remember now, but wasn't it claimed by the media to be via one of those unnamed 'official sources'. I usually 'file' all such stuff under 'to be confirmed'.
I did not get that feel (CNN implying password)

Now, I do not facebook, handbook,footbook,anklebook !!

Would it be typical for best friends to have each others facebook logins. Like do you all have others that know your facebook logins?

I know 2 people's login. No one knows mine but three people know where to find it if I die. Also, if they had access to his laptop and he had a saved password, all they had to do was open facebook. The computer/smartphone doesn't know who is typing.

Nobody knows my fb password, but Just K is quite right: when I recently had to bring my pc (pc as in personal computer, not pressure cooker! lol) for repairs I made sure to delete all passwords stored in my browser. Browser fills it in automatically when I open fb (or any other site where I use a password, for example here). They could have easily changed things on his fb page when they went to his dorm and took the laptop (as they allegedly did).
The carjacking was the robbery at 7-11. There was no run of the mill robbery.

That's not correct. There was an attempted armed robbery of a 7/11 which was first claimed to have been done by TT/DT but the store owner later stated that it was not them (per CCTV footage). The 'carjack' (if it happened) was entirely separate and in a different location. I seem to recall that the 7/11 was stated to be on or near the MIT campus. If so, it begs the question as to what 'disturbance' in that area SC was responding to, and who actually shot him.

So many questions, so few answers.
"The document also quotes one of the friends saying that Tsarnaev appeared to have cut his hair short when the two saw each other on the campus the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth on April 17, two days after the bombing. The timing of that apparent effort at a changed appearance is significant; the next day the FBI made photos of the bombing suspects public"


BUt, at that point hadn't LE already started to imply that we have video, and may release it to ask the public.

In a way it makes sense that he would try to alter physical appearance!
Watched Greta tonight. She had her usual legal panel of Bernie Grimm, Jim Hammer and Ted Williams. They seem to think the Feds will stack charges on the three friends, accessory after the fact to murder and terrorism and conspiracy to commit murder and terrorism and basically every charge they can think of that could fit. Ted's comment made a lot of common sense: "Why on earth would anybody involve themselves in the biggest crime in the country by hiding evidence if they weren't trying to protect themselves?"
This is what was reported at least by 4/19 here are afew of the posts about it..in real time as the story was changing:

Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #6 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*
Views: 42,810
Posted By believe09
They DIDNT rob a 7-11. They carjacked an SUV...

They DIDNT rob a 7-11. They carjacked an SUV there. The robbery at the convenience store was the carjacking.
Forum: Crimes in the News 04-19-2013, 10:10 PM
Replies: 1,266
Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #5 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*
Views: 52,416
Posted By believe09
The robbery at the 711 was the carjacking. ...

The robbery at the 711 was the carjacking.

POTUS is cautioning folks not to jump to conclusions and he appears to be pointedly stating not to ethnically profile.

04-19-2013, 09:48 PM
Replies: 1,266
Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #5 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*
Views: 52,416
Posted By Just K
So, the car jacking AT THE 7-11 was the robbery!

So, the car jacking AT THE 7-11 was the robbery!

Forum: Crimes in the News 04-19-2013, 01:51 PM
Replies: 1,651
Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #4
Views: 83,420
Posted By hockeymom
I've heard that it has not been confirmed that...

I've heard that it has not been confirmed that they were in fact involved in the robbery.

There was no robbery,it was a carjacking at 7/11. No money was taken.

But 'Danny', the alleged carjack victim states it happened when he pulled over in Brighton Avenue to answer a text. No mention of a 7/11.

You can read his amazing claims here:

It's my understanding that DT was the one with the haircut, not TT.

I wonder what kind of hair DT had before since it still doesn't look short. As for TT, he had a beard at some point of time, then shaved it, although I am not sure on the timeline of that.
There was a report a couple days ago that DT shared a cell phone with one of the guys arrested today. So they seem quite friendly I would say. More than just casual friends for sure.
Nobody knows my fb password, but Just K is quite right: when I recently had to bring my pc (pc as in personal computer, not pressure cooker! lol) for repairs I made sure to delete all passwords stored in my browser. Browser fills it in automatically when I open fb (or any other site where I use a password, for example here). They could have easily changed things on his fb page when they went to his dorm and took the laptop (as they allegedly did).
Ummm huh you getting your pc tuned up? Boy amazing how an acrynym now has a totally new meaning!
There was a report a couple days ago that DT shared a cell phone with one of the guys arrested today. So they seem quite friendly I would say. More than just casual friends for sure.
I heard that too but IDK!
well, I found some more inconsistencies in the official complaint against the three friends. In one paragraph it states the three went to DT's dorm room around 6:00 PM and watched a movie for a few hours. But in a later paragraph it states that DK texted AT at 9:00 PM, while he was out shopping, and told him to meet him and AT at DT's dorm. This document appears to have lots of mistakes....UGH!!!!!

There's also an inaccuracy with the address in the location where DT was captured in the covered boat. The complaint against DT states he was captured 67 Franklin Street in Watertown and complaint against the other 3 friends states DT was captured at 62 Laurel Street in Watertown.

The criminal complaints are not consistent.
Yes, a casual friend would never risk their future by hiding or destroying evidence in a Federal case/investigation of terrorism.
I did not see the specific segment that Elainera saw but, Jeff Toomey, a legal guy, has been commenting on this case since the very beginning for CNN. He has been on Anderson Cooper's second show this week (all week) 10 PM EDT, 7 PM PDT. And I have heard him state the same thing. His explanation makes sense to me but I couldn't possible restate it.

I would google him and see if there is a transcript available.

Thanks, i.b.nora! Good idea; I have a link to CNN transcripts--I'll check there, first.
IIRC, it occurred either in the middle of the night or sometime before his capture on live stream when video/audio wasn't edited, yet. The story was moving a mile a minute.

I think you might be remembering the twitter account where someone using his name was tweetings to the effect "You killed my brother, I'll kill you all". I am not sure it was ever established if that was actually DT or just a troll.
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