Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #6 *SUSPECT APPREHENDED*

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What is the motivation for convincing the parents? To make us feel better? To make the charges more substantial? To remove doubt from our minds?

I have no motivation to convince them of anything. Aunt is the one demanding to be convinced.
Well, if FBI's goal in quesioning the older brother was to prevent setting off bombs on the steets of Boston, then it appears they failed misearbly.

"The Russian state news agency RIA Novosti quoted the father of the Tsarnaev brothers recalling the F.B.I.’s close questioning of his elder son, “two or three times.” He said they had told his son that the questioning “is prophylactic, so that no one sets off bombs on the streets of Boston.”


And this is not the first failure like this.
Not assuming,I have a question mark,just wondering. That's why I moved it to the PP. I think its worthy of discussion. Based on my own experience with my children,to encourage diversity, a lot of the foreign students are paying nothing or very small amounts. Meanwhile, US citizens are paying full price. Like I said,a better topic for the PP.
As for what I want to know about the consulate van,I just thought it was strange that it was not being reported,but I guess it must be standard procedure. I have never had any dealings with embassys and stuff so I thought having a van pick you up was odd. I guess not.

not if they find out your visa has expired.
or you don't have a green card.

We have traffic stops near me.
If you are illegal they point the car to a boat ramp parking lot. Tell you to lock it up and step in the van.

We have stops often not during the busy lake months so much
and they profile BIG time...

sounds to me like these people were only found because they were looking for JT and TT either they were involved, chose not to follow the rules or spoke no english... They were outside in their cars when everyone else was told to stay inside.
Really does anyone need to convince the family that their boys are murderers? One is dead, the other's life is over. There is no love for these two on earth, except from their parents. Let them have it.

What is the motivation for convincing the parents? To make us feel better? To make the charges more substantial? To remove doubt from our minds?

As the case unfolds, we will learn the truth and the parents opinions won't matter.

In this case it will not make a difference, but I did see an American Muslim leader on TV this morning. (I have seen him on whenever there is something like this going on). He is adamant that the moderates in the Muslim community be more vocal in their stance on opposing radicalism in their religion. He mentioned parents, inparticular. If your child is showing signs, do something about it. Get help,talk to someone,don't just let it go.
I guess,I would view it as if one of my kids got involved in a cult. I may not be able to do much,but I would do everything in my power to get them out of it.
I hope this is not "political"...but if the FBI looks into someone living here on a visa as our guest...and they have indications through their terror-loving links on social media, or their emails to radical Imans, or anything that shows approval of terroristic practices..THAT GUEST should be sent home...immediately.
Yes and most western converts ARE women because the Koran and Islam are very fair and attractive to females. Women received "equal rights" 1400 years ago whereas the West didn't catch up until the last century.

It varies widely depending on the culture, many Muslim majority countries have some VERY strong women, the women are often in charge of the household and even in charge of the finances.

Years ago I had an Afghan hairdresser, very very gracious woman that fled with her children and husband during the war with Russia. She told me that in Afghanistan the WOMEN controlled the household finances and before she was married her groom had his money transferred into her name.

I respectfully disagree with almost everything you wrote here. As far as your Afghan hairdresser, she lived in Afghanistan when the country was under secular rule. Under the Taliban, things have changed, to say the least. Read the outstanding book "A Thousand Splendid Suns", by Khaled Hosseini, for insight into what life is like for Afghan women.

A Thousand Splendid Suns - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To get back to the topic of the thread, Chechnya might be the most macho place on the planet. One in five marriages are started when a wife is stolen. Yes, stolen!

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-10913297

I recall reading, in a link earlier in this thread, that at least one of TT's and DT's sisters was in an arranged marriage.

Maybe some women would prefer such an existence. I'm not judging. It seems to me, however, they are not interested in obtaining "equal rights" as we understand them in the West.

They likely didn't publish a message because they hoped to carry out more bombings.

I don't doubt that they left some type of message/manifesto though, either written or through what will soon be known associates or the surviving suspect himself. I do doubt whether it would be politically correct/convenient for the government to share the message with the public.

I think Washington is all over this and controlling all of the information that goes public from this point on.

I also question the morgue photos super fast timely release, darn fast that, and possibly quite intentional. That body would have been overseen by very few people, leaking a photo that fast to several sources without authorization seems unlikely. I can't help but think the message is: See! One is dead, be happy and move along!!!!

I think it was leaked on purpose. The first thing I always hear is prove it.What if the morgue was blown up next? They forever could not prove the man was dead.
I have no question in my mind, but I "see" dead people so...
They took more care with this terrorist than some me who are murder victims.
At least they did show his genitals y'know? semi respectful.
He according to his religion is to buried asap.

""I would not be willing to do a funeral for him," said Imam Talal Eid of the Islamic Institute of Boston, a community services organization that frequently arranges funeral prayers and burials in the region. "This is a person who deliberately killed people. There is no room for him as a Muslim. "

no one wants him. except the aunt...
and parents probably.
I respectfully disagree with almost everything you wrote here. As far as your Afghan hairdresser, she lived in Afghanistan when the country was under secular rule. Under the Taliban, things have changed, to say the least. Read the outstanding book "A Thousand Splendid Suns", by Khaled Hosseini, for insight into what life is like for Afghan women.

A Thousand Splendid Suns - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To get back to the topic of the thread, Chechnya might be the most macho place on the planet. One in five marriages are started when a wife is stolen. Yes, stolen!

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-10913297

I recall reading, in a link earlier in this thread, that at least one of TT's and DT's sisters was in an arranged marriage.

Maybe some women would prefer such an existence. I'm not judging. It seems to me, however, they are not interested in obtaining "equal rights" as we understand them in the West.


Don't think I got an answer for this when I asked before,is the widow of TT,the same person he beat?(or whatever domestic violence he performed),or was that a different girlfriend? If someone different,I sure would like to hear from her.
Did the FBI miss a chance to stop Tamerlan Tsarnaev?



It is my opinion that their picture could have been shown as early as tuesday. If the older brother was talked to 2 years ago by the fbi I would think they had him in their radar with in hours of the bombing, much less the eye witness,Jeff. The president met with the saudi's(unscheduled) on wednesday morning to apologize for the wrongful arrest of the saudi guy,(but said it was about syria) Then goes to boston for the memorial in the morning. Then the picture/video is released at 5:00, less then 6 hours they are in a gun fight. So yes I think this could have been stopped. I do wonder if their description/picture was handed out to the boots on the ground at the marathon.

You need to remember the law only allows the FBI to investigate somebody so far. It's what keeps them from prying open our mailboxes and looking inside, it's what keeps them from going through our sock drawer when we're not at home.

They can look at his phone records, social media and poke around a little bit in his life but this is all surface stuff.
They cannot by law do a deep investigation into his life without a reason. If they don't find something that looks funny on the surface then that's as far as they can go.
Really does anyone need to convince the family that their boys are murderers? One is dead, the other's life is over. There is no love for these two on earth, except from their parents. Let them have it.

What is the motivation for convincing the parents? To make us feel better? To make the charges more substantial? To remove doubt from our minds?

As the case unfolds, we will learn the truth and the parents opinions won't matter.

JMO, it is not a matter of convincing the parents at all.

The parents full well know their boys did this. Sorrow or not.

It is a matter of making them stop shifting blame, however, again, IMO, that will never happen. They will always claim someone else did, they were set up, and so on. Even if they are shown all the evidence in the world.

Not meaning to be harsh, just being honest.
From Norwegian newspaper, Dagbladet:

"Washington Post writes that the images of the reaction to 19-year-old when the first bomb explodes will be a "very incriminating evidence", much more than the public knows, the newspaper said, quoting Gov. Deval L. Patrick in the State of Massachusets"

Interesting. Have any of you seen those pictures and could you provide with link? Pictures might have been published in the "crowd sleuthing" process...

Was he happy/smiling/cheering?

Here's the actual piece from the Washington Post (bbm):

The work was painstaking and mind-numbing: One agent watched the same segment of video 400 times. The goal was to construct a timeline of images, following possible suspects as they moved along the sidewalks, building a narrative out of a random jumble of pictures from thousands of different phones and cameras.

It took a couple of days, but analysts began to focus on two men in baseball caps who had brought heavy black bags into the crowd near the marathon’s finish line but left without those bags. .....

.... Patrick said the images of Suspect No. 2 reacting to the first explosion provided “highly incriminating” evidence, “a lot more than the public knows.”

"Leuprecht said it would be a “significant game changer” if evidence eventually concludes that Tamerlan left his U.S. home, got terrorist training abroad and returned to unleash a strike on U.S. soil. That’s a radicalization model that has yet to be seen in North America, he said. Past homegrown extremists have gone off to train and unleash violence abroad. In July 2012, for example, a 23-year-old amateur boxer from Toronto, William Plotnikov, was killed by Russian security forces while fighting with Islamist rebels in Dagestan."

The exact trajectory of Tsarnaev’s journey into radicalism is still emerging, but it first surfaced in 2011 when he somehow entered the radar of the Russian security services. It accelerated in late 2012 upon his return to the United States from a six-month visit to the Caucasus, when friends and relatives noticed a new religious and political fervor.

You need to remember the law only allows the FBI to investigate somebody so far. It's what keeps them from prying open our mailboxes and looking inside, it's what keeps them from going through our sock drawer when we're not at home.

They can look at his phone records, social media and poke around a little bit in his life but this is all surface stuff.
They cannot by law do a deep investigation into his life without a reason. If they don't find something that looks funny on the surface then that's as far as they can go.

I posted this on the Political Pavillion page because I think it is more suited for that,but not sure how much the FBI can do with anything viewed as Islamic terrorism. Those terms are scrubbed from the FBI training manual.
Any further comment may want to go down to PP
I hope this is not "political"...but if the FBI looks into someone living here on a visa as our guest...and they have indications through their terror-loving links on social media, or their emails to radical Imans, or anything that shows approval of terroristic practices..THAT GUEST should be sent home...immediately.
The father came to the US asking for political asylum, how then were both parents and TT able to travel back to their homeland? Did the political situation change making it no longer a threat for them to return? Wonder if they were granted political asylum?
Well, that would depend on the terrorist and the act. Usually these nutters have an agenda and a message they are trying to send-and use a purposeful terrorist attack to send their crazy azz message.

It may seem senseless to sane people, but in the post-it note cluttered bunkers that extremists call brains, it makes perfect sense. :(
None of it makes sense if don't attach the message to the crime. From a terrorist's POV, without a message, the operation's a total fail. Rather, it's no more than a senseless mass murder. IMO
I hope this is not "political"...but if the FBI looks into someone living here on a visa as our guest...and they have indications through their terror-loving links on social media, or their emails to radical Imans, or anything that shows approval of terroristic practices..THAT GUEST should be sent home...immediately.

Pretty sure they do now. After the fact.
What I want to know is IF people he knew here, knew why not turn him in?

What was he gonna do? Slit their throats and spread marijuana on them?

Pretty silly, huh? To me it points to the act being the work of the two brothers with perhaps the assistance of a handful of inexperienced young locals like themselves. More seasoned ciminals wouldn't have pulled off a crime of this magnitiude so close to home. IMO

Silly yes but with the way this thing played out with crowd sourcing on the net and half the world playing where's Waldo I don't think there's a place in the US they could have got away with it.

Funny comment came from one of #2s teachers who admitted he recognized the suspect when pics were released (CBS news)

When asked why he didn't call the authorities when he saw the pic on TV his response was he was such a nice kid I didn't think it could be him.
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