Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #7 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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It is my understanding that the discoloration of the corpse is lividity. My thinking is the probable cause is the result of being run over by the brother...out of lurkdom :)

Lividity is a purple/blue color not red.
I didn't see any pics of DT or TT dropping their backpacks. You saw this? Do you have the link? I thought LE didn't show the video because that was considered vital evidence. I'd think LE would keep that evidence close to the vest in order to insure that nothing essential leaks out to the public or the suspects.

I want to know whether there are other people involved too, but at this time, all I've heard and read is that DT claimed it was only he and his older brother TT. Should we accept DT's words at face value? Probably not, but at this point, until LE finds any links between the brothers and terrorist organizations, I think we have to.


I have not seen any evidence yet of "DT or TT dropping their backpacks" although it is purported by authorities to exist. I have seen photographs that show that DT (and TT) each carried a backpack before the explosion and, after the explosion, DT was not carrying a backpack.

Here is a link to the photographic evidence that shows that DT (and TT) carried a backpack before the bomb explosion.


Here is a link that shows that DT was not carrying a backpack after the bomb explosion.

*snort* Good one!! :spit:

I truly don't think anything she says will be considered truthful by the people who matter here (ie the people building the legal case). She's proving herself to have a big case of pants on fire.

I agree, I don't think anything she says is truthful. Maybe it's not so much her realising they were involved, but realising their goose is cooked and going into damage control to cover for the younger one. It's easier to blame the one who can't fight back than it is to justify the actions and take responsibility for the younger one.

Not that I don't think older siblings have a huge influence on younger ones. I am 32 and I have 27 and 23 year old brothers. I know I could still convince my brothers of anything and they would tag along, do my bidding, what ever I asked of them really. They would do anything I asked of them, despite their age or fear for themselves. Lucky for them they still have a sister who realises this and would do anything in the world to protect them and never lead them astray.

I had another thought before. I wonder if the younger one was more involved that he would like is to believe. That is why mother is in CYOA mode and why he litteraly threw his brother under a car. Maybe he thinks he can get a better deal without his brother spilling the beans. I dunno, the whole thing is confusing and just down right crap.
Thinking about how they got away:
Hopefully, LE has the surveillance footage in the blocks around Copley Square and can go back and see the two leaving the area and possibly coming back together or meeting anyone else after the blasts.

Russia felt TT was talking to or meeting with terrorists. Investigators have to dig much deeper.

NOTE: IMO, No American should have to pay for his lawyer and defense. The family in Russia can sell that apartment (in Russia) that they bought for the brothers to stay in when they came for visits. That family seems to come up with money for all kinds of things...let them pay for his legal representation and fees.
Lividity is a purple/blue color not red.

The graphic photo shows gunshot wounds to Tsarnaev’s body as well as a large thorocotomy incision on his chest. Additionally, portions of Tsarnaev’s face and right shoulder reflect a discoloration that Wolfe termed “purplish lividity.”

Dr Richard Wolfe is the chief of emergency medicine...and you are right...normally lividity is a darker purple blue, however, it can be a cherry reddish color if the person was exposed to carbon monoxide as was this individual when he was dragged underneath the car.
IMO, there is absolutely no way that these two self centered creeps got all the plans together in one week.

They had lots of weapons and ammo.

They had to have had practice runs to test the detonations. (So they would know where to stand to see the results of their evil handiwork without getting injured.)

They needed to learn how to make the bombs and buy the parts/and ingredients.

They made upwards to half a dozen pressure cooker bombs. (They used two 4/15/2013, threw one on Friday and a few more were found in the apartment.)

Then there were the pipe bombs and homemade grenades.

What about the circuit boards (not just the two used 4/15 but the others as well which were used and found during & after the shootout.) These circuit boards were said to have been elaborate.

They had to know how long the race would last and what were the optimum times
and locations to get the most exposure while doing the most damage.

They needed to learn how to pack those bombs in a way in which they wouldn't accidentally explode as they strolled their way through Boston.

Then their get away...was someone waiting to pick them up or did they park their car nearby, take the subway, what?

They needed to map out their path of destruction.

This definitely took much more than a week and much more time training to plan and implement this attack. Plus there is the suggestion that before they were found by LE they were planning their next stop - NYC.

This is one WS member who does not believe one thing this little terrorist has suggested.

A simple thank you was not enough. I believe you are 100% correct and I will go further and say I DO NOT believe for 1 minute that this was planned by only these two. There HAS to be more involved.
The graphic photo shows gunshot wounds to Tsarnaev’s body as well as a large thorocotomy incision on his chest. Additionally, portions of Tsarnaev’s face and right shoulder reflect a discoloration that Wolfe termed “purplish lividity.”

Dr Richard Wolfe is the chief of emergency medicine...and you are right...normally lividity is a darker purple blue, however, it can be a cherry reddish color if the person was exposed to carbon monoxide as was this individual when he was dragged underneath the car.

That to me looks like a burn. Road rash (no, it's too uniform)
or maybe the bomb he threw at police burned his face.
The redness from CO2 isn't that red, at least what in my experience.
Me too, had the exact same impression including the smirking.

My feeling is these two were fully committed (as their actions show!)
and were taking real personal satisfaction from it.

It's hard for someone outside them to understand it! It would be easier
walking up on a live King Cobra on the street!

I felt sure he was smirking. Imo
Andrew Kitzenberg who was on the Today show with his account was an eyewitness to the Watertown shootout. He live tweeted these pics from his apartment:


Of interest are pics of both the jacked SUV and the green Civic and a pic of DT barreling down on the police subduing his brother on his way to breaking through the police barricade.
Andrew Kitzenberg who was on the Today show with his account was an eyewitness to the Watertown shootout. He live tweeted these pics from his apartment:


Of interest are pics of both the jacked SUV and the green Civic and a pic of DT barreling down on the police subduing his brother on his way to breaking through the police barricade.

Wow! That is awesome!
Just logged on --I'll go back and read the thread for today more thoroughly, but this caught my eye. I thought the same thing...How in the world was he able to get up and on the edge of the boat like that? And then what, did they just walk up to him? it's pretty incredible that it worked out that way, especially considering his wounds.


Plus didn't they say he was fading in and out around the time of the capture. Didn't one source say something like "they finally just walked over and pulled him out like a bag of laundry".

I always heard that pic of him on the boat was taken by the owners surveillance camera (but yes the tarp being open does seem odd).

My memory isn't so good but are we 100% sure we first saw that boat pic AFTER he was captured? Or did it show up the night of the boat siege?
That to me looks like a burn. Road rash (no, it's too uniform)
or maybe the bomb he threw at police burned his face.
The redness from CO2 isn't that red, at least what in my experience.

i think the redness is traumatic asphyxia. it happens in crushing chest injuries. it would make sense if the brother did in fact run over him.

ive seen the picture. the big gash is most likely when they cracked his chest to either directly shock or massage his heart. they make an incision and then use rib spreaders.

hope this helps
Andrew Kitzenberg who was on the Today show with his account was an eyewitness to the Watertown shootout. He live tweeted these pics from his apartment:


Of interest are pics of both the jacked SUV and the green Civic and a pic of DT barreling down on the police subduing his brother on his way to breaking through the police barricade.

I can't believe how good these photos are.
Thanks for sharing!!!
Plus didn't they say he was fading in and out around the time of the capture. Didn't one source say something like "they finally just walked over and pulled him out like a bag of laundry".

I always heard that pic of him on the boat was taken by the owners surveillance camera (but yes the tarp being open does seem odd).

My memory isn't so good but are we 100% sure we first saw that boat pic AFTER he was captured? Or did it show up the night of the boat siege?

Sorry I don't have time to go back and find the link at the moment, but up thread were comments by the Watertown police chief. He did get up on his own power and was sitting on the boat in that pic. They asked him to raise his hands to make sure he wasn't armed or wired which he did manage to do although he was very weak. At that point police pulled him down from the boat. The police approached him with shields. To the best of my recollection.
Andrew Kitzenberg who was on the Today show with his account was an eyewitness to the Watertown shootout. He live tweeted these pics from his apartment:


Of interest are pics of both the jacked SUV and the green Civic and a pic of DT barreling down on the police subduing his brother on his way to breaking through the police barricade.

Those are great pics. I didn't fully realize that TT apparently committed suicide by cop....running down the street straight at them.
i think the redness is traumatic asphyxia. it happens in crushing chest injuries. it would make sense if the brother did in fact run over him.

ive seen the picture. the big gash is most likely when they cracked his chest to either directly shock or massage his heart. they make an incision and then use rib spreaders.

hope this helps

Thank you! That is it. OK now I am good...I could not figure it out.
I knew the chest wound was a life saving measure because of the location and iodine/betadine...
That settles it for me.
Those are great pics. I didn't fully realize that TT apparently committed suicide by cop....running down the street straight at them.

I agree and I bet the brother thought if he ran
over TT the bomb would explode and kill him as well.
Didn't work if that was the plan.
just heard Alan Dershowitz on CNN saying in all probability a trial would not be held in Boston, more likely Springfield. duh, I hadn't thought about the venue. I know very little about that part of the country. can any of our MA posters give their opinions? how different/similar are the two cities? I realize that the state is small in comparison to many others. TIA to any who are willing to educate me

Springfield is about 2 hrs west of Boston and about an hr north of Hartford. It's a pretty diverse city...not as wealthy overall as Boston, definetly smaller. But I would such culturally very similar. MA like you mentioned is not very big, so when it comes to something like this, regardless of the city, the Boston pride feeling is certainly state wide. My point of reference is a life long MA resident who lives pretty much directly in btw Boston and Springfield.
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