Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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@JJenny, reports just came out that he went to Dagestan 2 times. Once for about a month in 2011, then the Russian request/report to the FBI, then the triple murder and finally, TT leaves for 2nd trip January-June 2012.

Makes me wonder where he got his money for travel? Amazing!

ETA: nevermind, taxpayer funded travel!
Wonder who bought them?

A few days ago, I didn't care who bought them.

Today, I care who bought them, because I think it may be significant.

If they were bought by someone who claims to have been in the dark, then I have to wonder why that person didn't question a shopping list of several to half a dozen pressure cookers.
I saw Ashley Banfield on CNN talking about the murders today. said she had just gotten off the phone with one of the victim's sisters, didn't mention his name. the sister said the original case investigators contacted her this week and asked what she knows about her brother's relationship with T, how they met, what they did together, etc. sister told them her brother didn't know T, never met him, they had no connection in any way. sister has an appt at the DA's office this coming saturday. during that report AB said T left the country three months after the murders

Depending on whose sister it was, that could be true. There were three victims. TT was supposed to be friends with one of the victims, maybe he didn't even know the other two.
One minute she says they killed her sons as if they are both dead.
Then she says TT is still alive. Like both are alive.

I don't know if she's in shock or just talking to talk.

Lord knows, I can't pretend to know what she's going through but I don't get this woman at all.
I'm normally very careful not to nit pick the parents at a time such as this, because we simply don't know how we would react.

But this lady is making that hard for me.

Being in denial might at the moment be the only thing that keeps her from breaking down. With all the media attention it might just horrify her that she could be seen publicly at the weakest, saddest, and most shameful moment in her life. She might also be trying to keep feelings of guilt at bay, after all she raised these monsters. She is trying to keep up a strong front. Fighting might be all she knows. Life in that part of the world certainly seems to support that attitude. But of course in this situation, and for outsiders, her behaviour comes across as more and more bizarre and crazy.

I think she should not be trashed. Nobody knows what really goes on in her heart. At the moment she is simply reacting to all that happened: her sons being terrorists, one son dead, the other facing DP, and media all over her 24/7. Not a situation I would like to have to deal with, and half of the time publicly at that. Denial, anger, crazy talk, is understandable imo. She might change after a while.

I am worried that they are going to come here and rally a group of conspiracy theorists, like the 9/11 'truthers' all around them. It will just be a bunch of chit stirring, imo.

Elainera, you are so compassionate. The only two words that come to mind (to me) concerning the mother are Loose.Cannon.

And with the events of the past week or so, I believe she's gone from ludicrous to completely over the edge. I wouldn't put any stock in what she's saying right now. The woman's simply not coherent, and it's obvious to even the most casual reader.

The mother of Dzhokhar Tsarvaev, the 19-year-old Boston marathon bombing suspect, told CNN in a very distraught phone interview aired Tuesday that her sons were framed.

"You know what I think?" she said. "I think now they will try to make my Dzhokhar guilty because they took away his voice, his ability to talk to the world. You know why they did that? They did it because -- because they did not want the truth to come out."

She added: "If they are going to kill him, I don't care. My oldest one has been killed so I don't care. I don't care if my youngest son is going to be killed today. So I want the world to hear this. And I don't care if I am going to get killed too. Okay?"
from the article

State officials confirmed last night that Tsarnaev, slain in a raging gun battle with police last Friday, was receiving benefits along with his wife, Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, and their 3-year-old daughter. The state’s Executive Office of Health and Human Services said those benefits ended in 2012 when the couple stopped meeting income eligibility limits. Russell Tsarnaev’s attorney has claimed Katherine — who had converted to Islam — was working up to 80 hours a week as a home health aide while Tsarnaev stayed at home.

In addition, both of Tsarnaev’s parents received benefits, and accused brother bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan were recipients through their parents when they were younger, according to the state.

Did the mother pay taxes on the money she made at the at home spa/facial business??maybe the tax department need to look into that too...
There was a quote a few pages back (sorry I can't find it) saying that all 4 Tsarnaev/Tsarnaeva siblings had charges filed against them. Is there a link to articles about the arrests of the bombers' sisters?


Sometime yesterday, a member posted Charges against each sister, Bella and Alina, IIRC, each sister had a DV charge and one had a BF or Husband charged with possession of large quantity of marijuana. Now, DT has been officially charged with terrorism and murder and his brother, TT, had the 2009 DV charge. If he had lived he would have the same charges as DT.

You can search the sister's names and the link might be there.
if you have a charge against you and you have a pending court date and you didn't show up and went to another country for a year with no intention of coming back, does that count as leaving the country just because of shoplifting charges?

Also, I don't think we've had any indications that ZT left the US to return to their "homeland" since her arrival on American soil.

Surely when she left the US and failed to return for her court appearance, she would have known that she could not return without dire consequences.
Also, I don't think we've had any indications that ZT left the US to return to their "homeland" since her arrival on American soil.

Surely when she left the US and failed to return for her court appearance, she would have known that she could not return without dire consequences.

but TT did go back at least twice that we know.
Interesting interview with the boat owner who says (contrary to what's been published), he did NOT see blood outside the boat. Two pads were on the ground that he replaced, and then he went back to check on the boat because of a 'nagging feeling.'

Also, he says he does NOT want a new boat:

The 'Slip Away II'...a prophetic name for the boat, perhaps?

I heard his interview too - he say he has a 'canoe' in the garage in lieu
Don't know if this was posted yet but a fellow WSer posted it on FB -- I had to share.

Jeff Bauman delivering Sydney Corcoran's 18th birthday present:


i don't think the mom is going to learn if she's got the idea that "americans are killing muslims" though....
i heard the interview and she sounded like she's super pissed off and a manic...

Perhaps there is a mental illness running in this family? It's possible....
Also, I don't think we've had any indications that ZT left the US to return to their "homeland" since her arrival on American soil.

Surely when she left the US and failed to return for her court appearance, she would have known that she could not return without dire consequences.

It's obvious (to me) that she left the US last summer to avoid being prosecuted for felony larceny. I say good riddance to her. I don't expect she'll return to the US. If she does, she'll be arrested for failure to appear. After that, she'll be prosecuted & convicted for grand larceny.

I think she'd rather stay over where she is, so she can continue to spout anti-US hatred and conspiracy theories about how her precious terrorist sons have been set up by the American government.

As far as I'm concerned, she can stay the hell away.
What a lovely, generous man. Contrast this to the peeps who are fighting for the million dollar reward in CA for calling 911 on Chris Dorner. Hmm... What a striking cultural difference!

AGREE - :seeya:
just coming to post that belimom "the most awesome pic on the internet" I literally choked up and wept tears of joy - they will have a connection and a strength for life! Not to mention support!
Well, he and his wife were getting welfare benefits. So I guess tax payers were supporting him.

And someone close to TT knew full well how his travel was paid for! That is sickening!
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