Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Jeff delivering Sydney's birthday present. So very good to see that and feel the warmth. I must say Jeff looks soooooo much better. I will never ever forget his face!
Now it sounds supicoius. Prior to this bombing no one would be concerned.

getting 1 or 2 won't be suspicious but getting half a dozen at a time will be...
i doubt they got this right the first time...
from the article

State officials confirmed last night that Tsarnaev, slain in a raging gun battle with police last Friday, was receiving benefits along with his wife, Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, and their 3-year-old daughter. The state’s Executive Office of Health and Human Services said those benefits ended in 2012 when the couple stopped meeting income eligibility limits. Russell Tsarnaev’s attorney has claimed Katherine — who had converted to Islam — was working up to 80 hours a week as a home health aide while Tsarnaev stayed at home.

In addition, both of Tsarnaev’s parents received benefits, and accused brother bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan were recipients through their parents when they were younger, according to the state.

Well, he and his wife were getting welfare benefits. So I guess tax payers were supporting him.

I don't have a problem with any American family receiving benefits if their income level qualifies. It would appear those families qualified (until proven otherwise). What...are we supposed to ask people applying if they plan on being terrorists down the road--and deny their children food?

I admire the wife of TT for working her tail off to get off that assistance as well. Both families' financial situation has been discussed in previous threads. I wish this whole 'taxpayer' issue would go to the 'political' thread.
Don't know if this was posted yet but a fellow WSer posted it on FB -- I had to share.

Jeff Bauman delivering Sydney Corcoran's 18th birthday present:



Yay Jeff!!! He's such an awesome guy!!!

And yay Sydney!!! She's an awesome gal!!!

This absolutely warms my heart & brings tears to my eyes! I love this picture!!!
I don't have a problem with any American family receiving benefits if their income level qualifies. It would appear those families qualified (until proven otherwise). What...are we supposed to ask people applying if they plan on being terrorists down the road--and deny their children food?

I admire the wife of TT for working her tail off to get off that assistance as well. Both families' financial situation has been discussed in previous threads. I wish this whole 'taxpayer' issues would go to the 'political' thread.

Since she dropped out of college and her husband doesn't work, sounds like she had to work her tail off. And I am still confused if she lived with her husband or her parents. And where was her child when she thought her husband was babysitting?
I wonder what her parents are thinking.
i think the mother only cares about TT and not DT...
she's saying that she doesn't care if DT is killed or not because TT is dead and she doesn't care anymore...
(watching CNN)
was TT basically her favourite and DT was just like nobody?
I don't have a problem with any American family receiving benefits if their income level qualifies. It would appear those families qualified (until proven otherwise). What...are we supposed to ask people applying if they plan on being terrorists down the road--and deny their children food?

I admire the wife of TT for working her tail off to get off that assistance as well. Both families' financial situation has been discussed in previous threads. I wish this whole 'taxpayer' issue would go to the 'political' thread.

I don't have a problem with anyone who qualifies receiving benefits, either. I fully support my tax dollars going to help folks get a leg up.

I think folks feel a sense of deep betrayal, though, when public assistance is misused - especially if it's misused by a terrorist who killed & maimed people.
TT could have been her favorite-after all, he is the oldest son. Sounds like he is the one she had most in common with, since both of them turned super religious. Younger one never was described as very religious, so apparently she worked hard to turn the older one religious-why not the younger one?
I don't have a problem with anyone who qualifies receiving benefits, either. I fully support my tax dollars going to help folks get a leg up.

I think folks feel a sense of deep betrayal, though, when public assisstance is misused - especially if it's misused by a terrorist who killed & maimed people.

Can you still get welfare if you have your business operating from home?
wonder if she paid taxes on the money she collected from living room facial/spas...
Since she dropped out of college and her husband doesn't work, sounds like she had to work her tail off. And I am still confused if she lived with her husband or her parents. And where was her child when she thought her husband was babysitting?
I wonder what her parents are thinking.

As a parent, I can say that I would certainly be curious and I have no problems asking questions.
i think the mother only cares about TT and not DT...
she's saying that she doesn't care if DT is killed or not because TT is dead and she doesn't care anymore...(watching CNN)
was TT basically her favourite and DT was just like nobody?


Wait - what????

Zubeidat said this????
Well, seeing as Target requires an ID for the purchase of Bic lighters...supposedly because some kid out West made bombs with lighters... and since we can't by psuedephedrine without an ID because creeps make meth with it, then perhaps it's time to require IDs when buying gun powder/firework ingredients & pressure cookers, too.

Then their names would have been in a data base.

I had a horrible thought today...
Re: The fire & explosion in West, TX
What if someone set that fire to cover up the theft of large quantities of fertilizer. News reports said that the fire was suspicious.

Last week we had the bombing, the explosion at the fertilizer plant, the ricin letters to the President and the representative and the Canadian terrorist plot. I can't help but think that these incidences are related in a general sense.
Yay Jeff!!! He's such an awesome guy!!!

And yay Sydney!!! She's an awesome gal!!!

This absolutely warms my heart & brings tears to my eyes! I love this picture!!!

Great photo!

I'm thinking there's a good chance that's Sydney's mom in the foreground (back to camera). She lost two legs in the bombing like Jeff did. The nurses were able to finally get their hospital beds in the same room so they "could hold hands."
I don't have a problem with any American family receiving benefits if their income level qualifies. It would appear those families qualified (until proven otherwise). What...are we supposed to ask people applying if they plan on being terrorists down the road--and deny their children food?

I admire the wife of TT for working her tail off to get off that assistance as well. Both families' financial situation has been discussed in previous threads. I wish this whole 'taxpayer' issue would go to the 'political' thread.

I don't have a problem with families who need aid receiving aid. I don't want to see any children starving. I do have a problem with someone who is enjoying the opportunities and benefits of this country repaying their benefactors with anti-American rants, 9/11 truther nonsense and eventually, terrorism. The father picked up auto repair work and the mother ran a home spa. Wonder if they declared that income?
I don't have a problem with anyone who qualifies receiving benefits, either. I fully support my tax dollars going to help folks get a leg up.

I think folks feel a sense of deep betrayal, though, when public assistance is misused - especially if it's misused by a terrorist who killed & maimed people.

I can understand that. (Don't bite the hand that feeds you...). But if a family is on welfare, they can hardly afford to use that money to buy $400 worth of firepower in one afternoon for bomb-making. Remember, DT and TT's family wasn't into terrorism while they were living here in Boston trying to make ends meet--and collecting on that. And TT himself only seems to have recently gotten extremist, according to the interviews and accounts in MSM. I'd still want his wife to have been able to feed their daughter these past three years.

JMO, but I believe the bombs were funded not with the meager taxpayer aid they were receiving, but more likely either through his sporadic boxing 'wins' or through deeper ties to groups who may have willingly funded this. The trips to Russia last year (and 2011) are still suspicious in that they happened during the period in which he was growing more militant. And now the FBI appears to be waffling about how suspicious things were:

Napolitano says system 'pinged' when Tsarnaev traveled to Russia

Published April 23, 2013 | FoxNews.com

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Tuesday that the government's internal system "pinged" when Tamerlan Tsarnaev left the U.S. for Russia last year, in a statement that appeared to conflict with earlier suggestions that the trip went unnoticed.

The accounts of how closely the Boston bombing suspect, who was killed in a police shootout last week, was followed are sure to raise questions at a closed hearing set for this afternoon on Capitol Hill. The Senate Intelligence Committee has summoned the FBI to explain why that 2012 trip didn't raise alarm, considering the FBI had already looked into his background at the request of the Russian government.

Napolitano addressed the matter during a hearing on immigration legislation before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Napolitano said "the system pinged when he was leaving the United States" for Russia in early 2012. But she noted: "By the time he returned, all investigations -- the matter had been closed."

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., challenged Napolitano, saying the FBI told him they had no knowledge of the trip. ...
Tonight, I noticed that TT's neck was unusually thick. The thought crossed my mind, could he have used steroids? I hope they do blood toxicology on his remains.
I can understand that. But if a family is on welfare, they can hardly afford to use that money to buy $400 worth of firepower for bomb-making. Remember, DT and TT's family wasn't into terrorism while they were living here in Boston trying to make ends meet--and collecting on that. And TT himself only seems to have recently gotten extremist, according to the interviews and accounts in MSM. I'd still want his wife to have been able to feed their daughter these past three years.

I believe the bombs were funded not with the meager taxpayer aid they were receiving, but more likely either through his sporadic boxing 'wins' or through deeper ties to groups who may have willingly funded this. The trips to Russia last year (and 2011) are still suspicious in that they happened during the period in which he was growing more militant. And now the FBI appears to be waffling about how suspicious things were:

I suspect opposing political parties will try to use this terrorist event to try to spin their own political straw into gold. I won't comment any further on the potential political ramifications here.
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