Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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I don't have a problem with families who need aid receiving aid. I don't want to see any children starving. I do have a problem with someone who is enjoying the opportunities and benefits of this country repaying their benefactors with anti-American rants, 9/11 truther nonsense and eventually, terrorism. The father picked up auto repair work and the mother ran a home spa. Wonder if they declared that income?

It's be my guess at least the dad's would have had to have been declared. He couldn't fulfill his dream of going into business for himself due to the language barrier, and it's been reported more than once that, while here, he worked $10/hour jobs. So that sounds documented to some extent...(and it would have to be in order to get benefits.) Not sure about the mother's home health spa, but practically speaking, it's doubtful that business was even "profitable" enough to worry about.
Ahh I get it! The mom can play "dumb" all day.
She KNOWS that DT killed TT that is why she does not care if he dies.
DT killed her most beloved son.
She does not care if she lives because one son
killed the other.

Killed because they were muslim my :behind::moo:
So what happened to make her believe that TT is dead? The UK interview earlier today/yesterday now she said that he was alive. Did the US investigators arrive in Russia to question her and her hubbie?
"The only thing we know is that in a global world no war is longer local. And that war can flare up at any time and anywhere."

Norwegian newspaper today. It gives background to the family's and country's history. They family has been "on the run" for 70 years, starting with being deported by Stalin.

This is the history the brothers carry with them.. I'm in no way making excuses for them, I just feel it's important to get the whole picture.

Being born an American or Norwegian is such a privilege that we should be aware and be very grateful for.
I just saw a video on MSM about how to make a pressure cooker bomb. I mean really with, let's just further spread how easy it is to make these things. At least make the next psychos have to Google it geez!!!

No kidding! I found that upsetting as well.
I normally wouldn't agree with all this anger towards the mother but somehow I agree,there's just something about her that makes me think she is the one behind all the madness ....
Now, to get the EXACT dates for that trip...
It seems that it occurred before the summer of 2011 and a few months before his friends were brutally murdered.

From what I've read, it appears there were 2 trips to Russia. The first one, in 2011, was a shorter trip (not sure of dates of that one). The following article seems to have some mix-ups (eg. concerning who was abused by TT in 2009)--but the dates of the second trip mentioned in the article were tracked down by NBC, and are likely accurate:

NBC 4 New York reported Friday that Tamerlan Tsarnaev flew in and out of John F. Kennedy Airport last year and spent six months out of the country, raising the possibility that he may have received terror training abroad.

Travel records obtained by the station show that the 26-year-old left New York January 12, 2012, en route to Moscow. He returned to JFK July 17.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...hroat-slit-unsolved-murder.html#ixzz2RMVrD3hJ
Yes, it is the 2011 trip that I am most interested in.

TT didn't come to the US until he was 16 years old. He lived in Dagestan during some of the most violent periods. His ideologies were probably fairly well rooted before he even came here. I just get the feeling that the family maybe had an ulterior motive for sending dad and youngest son, DT, to the US first. It would be a while before all six of them got back together.

And why did they pick Boston in 2001/2002. We know that one of the 9/11 planes came out of Boston's Logan Airport and that some key extremists were rounded up from the Boston area after 9/11. The aunt being in Canada is also very interesting. Wasn't a terrorist plot, out of Canada, broken up/uncovered on the first anniversary or thereabouts or was that the 10th anniversary.

Hindsight makes me question everything about these parents and their siblings (the immigrated aunts in particular.).
I thought the family of suspects were to be considered victims unless LE named them as a poi or suspect. All they are doing is vociferously supporting their sons, i may not agree with them but they have a language barrier, come from an area where police set ups are close to the norm and cultural differences. You can be fervently religious and not a terrorist. Dad is simply anguished and i have seen nothing to point to him as a poi and same with mom. They don't believe their sons are guilty...well that doesn't make them guilty too
In that 80s style photo of mom ZT, dad AT, baby TT and the other uncle, dad has on some kind of a military uniform. The picture reminds me of some 1970s/80s counter-revolutionary stuff. ZT, is always muggin' for the camera. Seems like she needs to be the center of attention.

BTW, about those calls that TT supposedly made to all the relatives, mom, uncle, and aunt, while in the midst of his police chase, I want to see the cell phone records. I don't believe that either. OK, shoot a campus Police Officer, stop for gas, hijack a car, drive around for ATMs and snacks, drop off the carjack victim and pick up the Honda and oh, call moma, auntie and uncle. Oops, gotta go toss a pressure cooker and cover DT. Don't worry we are fine, DT is right here with me...

I Call BS on the phone calls amidst the chase. BTW, that's more money unless he took the time to use an international phone card.
I thought the family of suspects were to be considered victims unless LE named them as a poi or suspect. All they are doing is vociferously supporting their sons, i may not agree with them but they have a language barrier, come from an area where police set ups are close to the norm and cultural differences. You can be fervently religious and not a terrorist. Dad is simply anguished and i have seen nothing to point to him as a poi and same with mom. They don't believe their sons are guilty...well that doesn't make them guilty too

Initially, she was given the benefit of the doubt but her actions over the past nine months have not been stellar. Her story changes from hour to hour even before she admitted that TT was dead. Don't have much to go on with the father but the mother just keeps on talking and stirring the pot/fanning the flames of hatred, conspiracy, and political frame jobs.

It is very hard to continue to give her the benefit of the doubt.
I would normally completely agree with you Silky but someone mentioned earlier in the threads that ZT reminds him/her of a russian Cindy Anthony version and I totally agree.Something just seems so fake about her ,my heart would normally break for a mother that lost her sons and found out that hey were responsible for something so sinister but I somehow don't believe her.She talked to TT about cats last time she talked to him??? c'mon.I don't even believe she is truly religious.What person of any religion goes into a fancy departement store and steals all these cltohes? It makes no sense,she's a hypocrat.I just have this nagging feeling she knew what her favorite TT was up to and she obliviously does not care about DT .....I feel bad if I'm mistaken and she is a victim in all this but there's too much Cindy Anthonyesque pushing herself in the center of attention IMO...
Initially, she was given the benefit of the doubt but her actions over the past nine months have not been stellar. Her story changes from hour to hour even before she admitted that TT was dead. Don't have much to go on with the father but the mother just keeps on talking and stirring the pot/fanning the flames of hatred, conspiracy, and political frame jobs.

It is very hard to continue to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Yep ... we don't have to sleuth Z out ... she's the one putting herself so totally "out there" in the MSM, in a very bizzaro fashion at that.
Catching up, haven't looked for news yet, but will.

I must agree that mom tops Cindy Anthony.

The only thing that comes to mind with her is Greek Myths and Shakespearian Tragedies.

With the most recent comment about DT, while I know she is just pulling more histrionics, I am surprised he was not the one calling the shots...
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