Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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No. She's all about her. If you listen it is all me, me, me. She's loving the attention. JMO.

Besides that, she's not coming back here to go straight to jail. No way. So, she is there, no one is going there, nor would the U.S. pay attention to any more of her acting up. It would clearly be a pathetic ploy for more attention.

She does run the danger of someone from her country killing her, she is talking too much.

that's true....
wonder how she's paying for her extended stay in Russia.....
is she on welfare again?
I have read all NTSB final reports on aviation accidents some on industrial,marine,rail. Let’s say I am a NTSB fan and move on!

They are an amazing organization. You get second to second knowledge of what was going on. The NTSB investigates industrial disasters. That is there mandate by law.

From the instant that story broke I thought terrorism. Goodness, Waco in that week, McVeigh in that week (fertilizer bomb). Boston that week.

This bothers me so. IMO, they knew it was terrorist related from the onset. They keep maintaining that it was an accident. To have media keep saying this is not terrorist related and have ATF leading the investigation is so , historically not the way it has been handled.

In Lockerbie, and TWA 800 the NTSB arrives, THEN after their prelim if the NTSB/FBI has concerns as it relates to criminal or terrorist activity NTSB THEN turns those cases over to the FBI/ATF- not the other way around as in this instance.

In addition, to be this far out and we are not even getting little tid bids of hunches maybe this caused it maybe this is atypical. NTSB is very careful in the initial weeks about speculating – HOWEVER stuff starts swirling about as it relates to hypothesis. NOT HERE. (Typically takes about 2 years for major aviation disasters).

To date I have not even heard a hypothesis. A notion. A qualified theory or explanation. Nothing.

In addition guys, When NTSB turn it over when they suspect criminal or terrorist activities the NTSB drops back to number 2. They have a body of expertise that is amazing.
In both Lockerbie and 800 the only thing that changed was hierarchy. NTSB goes to second in control - criminal or terrorist has never translated to NO NTSB involvement. Only the bosses change and then the two agencies work TOGETHER.

As far as I know the NTSB has not been there, nor been asked to assist. At the ONSET of a disaster NTSB mobilizes Go Teams. It is an accident first; NTSB gets on scene in hours. . Never happened here.

Moreover, if it was just a flat out explosion that might lead to industrial disaster sure - – but a “fire” burning for some time prior to big bang! Leads me more to arson (terrorism –Waco/Fertilizer) IMO.

By that I mean a small fire set IMO so as not to be seen and put out before it ignited the main tanks.

Also, the city is 20 miles from Waco. In the middle of the worst terrorist attack on our soil, in a town 20 miles from Waco, in the same week the abovementioned happened.

IMO they are waiting for news cycle to calm down before “mentioning “terrorism. Then they IMO will wait longer and move more toward terrorism. Then after more time state definitively terrorism. BY then half a year has gone by.

A lot of unpractical protocol stuff (IMO) going on here

Something is rotten in Denmark!

And we all know the got does not ever do anything like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!………………
As far as mentioning terrorism or not, IDK. These were just 2 guys, probably are connected to a group either large or small. No way the bombing could be identified as terrorism before anyone knew who did it, or before they (or now just 1 of them) is fully interrogated, and everything they have been doing has been looked into.

Also, saying terrorism before knowing causes mass hysteria. Don't need that, if it is later found to just be some regular, disgruntled young man or woman.

Also again, may want to leave any connections out of media in order to track any others involved without tipping the hand too far.

That's all if looking at this as some big conspiracy. I don't go for the big conspiracy myself. :eye:
If he was bringing his friends' cars into the mechanic and always paid cash, I am going to guess he inflated the actual cost and was pocketing the difference.

Yeah that smells odd to me. When I get my car fixed I take it myself. One of my friends doesn't act like the mechanic broker and take it for me and my friends.
and always paid cash. Things that make me go hmmmmmm.
I dunno' how they are paying for anything, but would like to know.

maybe the IRS should check into whether they are evading taxes...and the welfare department should check into whether they have falsified information to get welfare money....
maybe the IRS should check into whether they are evading taxes...and the welfare department should check into whether they have falsified information to get welfare money....

I've a feeling all that is about to happen. Everything, and I mean everything, will be looked into.

Not that anything can be done about it except issue open warrants for if they ever return as far as parents go. DT can be served if anything was up, also TT's wife if anything is up there.
I've a feeling all that is about to happen. Everything, and I mean everything, will be looked into.

Not that anything can be done about it except issue outstanding warrants for if they ever return as far as parents go. DT can be served if anything was up, also TT's wife if anything is up there.

was just thinking...if DT & TT's friends are all wealthy....maybe that has caused DT & TT's self esteem to be low as they are relatively poor and lives in a "dump"? and thus feel like it's all because they are muslims that things are treating them right and blah? (following the mother's theory)
was just thinking...if DT & TT's friends are all wealthy....maybe that has caused DT & TT's self esteem to be low as they are relatively poor and lives in a "dump"? and thus feel like it's all because they are muslims that things are treating them right and blah? (following the mother's theory)

May have contributed to that, but there would be much more running deeper and much longer.
Boston bomb suspect's aunt: Mosque won't bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev

A Boston-area mosque has refused to hold a funeral for Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the dead suspect in the attack on the Boston Marathon, his aunt said Wednesday.

American authorities have told the family that they can have Tsarnaev’s body, and an uncle approached the mosque to request a burial and funeral but was declined, said the aunt, Patimat Suleimanova.

Earlier this week, Imam Talal Eid of the Islamic Institute of Boston told The Huffington Post: “I would not be willing to do a funeral for him. This is a person who deliberately killed people. There is no room for him as a Muslim.”

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Tuesday, in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on immigration legislation, that her agency knew of the suspect's trip to Russia even though his name was misspelled on a travel document. A key lawmaker had said the misspelling caused the FBI to miss the trip.

Napolitano's disclosure came as news to Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who told the secretary that it contradicted what he'd been told by the FBI.

"They told me that they had no knowledge of him leaving or coming back, so I would like to talk to you more about this case," Graham told Napolitano.
She said that even though Tsarnaev's name was misspelled, redundancies in the system allowed his departure to be captured by U.S. authorities in January 2012.

But she said that by the time he came back six months later, an FBI alert on him had expired and so his re-entry was not noted.


It makes sense not to bury TT anywhere in America, but, the denouncing is an eye opener on the thought process. Could at least have a very private funeral service and cremation (if cremations are allowed). Of course I agree it would be better to take him home.
It makes sense not to bury TT anywhere in America, but, the denouncing is an eye opener on the thought process. Could at least have a very private funeral service and cremation (if cremations are allowed). Of course I agree it would be better to take him home.

As far as I can tell, cremation is not allowed. Ship him back to Russia.
Maybe it was the mother that brainwashed TT first and then TT brainwashed DT?

Could be more generations involved.

Not directed at you four seasons:

It occurs to me that maybe we should not call it "brain washing" anymore, as this is their way of life and beliefs. They are no more brain washed than anyone else from that stand point. If that makes sense.

Basically, don't give them excuses for being who they are and what they did.
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