Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #8 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Patrick administration refuses to release Tsarnaev brothers' records


The Patrick administration clamped down the lid yesterday on Herald requests for details of Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s government benefits, citing the dead terror mastermind’s right to privacy.
On cellphones, the Federal Communications Commission would not say whether either brother had a government-paid cellphone, also citing privacy laws.

On housing, Cambridge officials and the family’s landlord ducked questions on whether the brothers were ever on Section 8 assistance.
Taxpayers — already on the hook for Tsarnaev’s court-appointed attorneys in the terror plot — continue to pay his mounting medical bills at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

The public also paid for Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s attorney when the Russian national successfully fought criminal charges in 2009 that he battered a former girlfriend
I don't want to be upsetting anyone as I have literally shed tears over images I've seen the past weeks.. it is so horrifying what happened. But the more I dig into Dzohkar the more unreal it gets to me..

The media is giving so much incorrect information (nothing new though) and a lot of things just.. don't match up in my mind.. sure they had Dzohkar admit he did it, but on pen and paper.. they can release any sort of information they want, we'll never know the truth.. and in the end we were only shown 2 pictures released by the FBI, why didn't they release the video of him dropping the backpack at the scene? Maybe for the trial.. I'd still love to see the video though to put some peace on my mind.

I mean check his twitter and all of his friends that last tweeted with him, literally all of them are convinced he was framed and they're all stuck in some kind of nightmare.. now I'm not saying he was framed, but for some reason I'm finding it hard to label him as a terrorist at the moment with just the two pictures we've seen (although I've actively made posts and pictures connecting him to the bombings myself)

My heart sank a little when I heard Dzohkar scream in this video
"Coming out! Chill out, chill out! We didn't do it!" like 4 times in a row while being shot at.. :/ one of his friends confirmed on twitter that's Dhokhar screaming, you never know for sure though.

0:35 We didn't do it! 0:40 We didn't do it! 0:45 We didn't do it!
Actual Footage Boston Bombing Suspects Fire Fight With Police, Watertown - YouTube

Screaming "we didn't do it!" while tossing homemade grenades at police, and returning gunfire with them....shortly after (or before, I forget) assassinating an officer in his car, and car jacking a taxi driver.....umm....yeah....they seem TOTALLY credible to me. Not.
I saw this pic and it struck me in several ways. For suck a bad boy , who after throwing bombs everywhere and shooting around like he was in Iraq (!) with his hands here he sure seems like he is being a good boy and cooperating with cops (Hishands are up?)

Do you think he was dead in this pic - I saw a identical pic a bit wider out and that caption was lying in the street dead. On that one I thought gosh it looks (same thing the hands being up like that) that he was trying to "push off" being dragged by car?

Too soon to tell, though I believe a guy who'd blow up innocent people at a sporting event would have no problem cutting the throats of three people who crossed him.

The authorities ARE re-investigating if there's a connection, though. So I'm content to wait and see.

From the same Washington Post article linked above about the gun with missing serial number is this paragraph (see rectangle):

Had to use screenshot this time because article is now taken down. :confused:
Anyone find it interesting that the three slayings took place on the 12th. I visualized the three of them getting into huge arguement on the 11 of Sept (about USA) and out comes the knife?
Yep. And I'm not so sure we can throw all the blame on the media about their 'reporting.' The police chief clearly said there had been "an exchange" of gunfire. That means two opposing parties.
Actually I find the police making errors in reporting much more "acceptable" than the media. That is theie core obligation: get it right before you get it out.

Walter Cronkite has been rolling in his grave since last Monday!

Jon King had a horrible day!
Well, I'm supposing that at least explains why LE was theorizing that the MIT cop was killed b/c DT and TT needed another gun. It substantiates that they did indeed only have one gun (in addition to handmade firepower).

The theory was that the MIT cop (Sean) had been killed for his gun--but that the plan backfired on them because his holster had a locking mechanism on it, and they couldn't get the gun out of it.
The way I understood the shooting of MIt was that they , understandably, believed he was there to arrest them after the campus shooting.
Someone was asking earlier about how long TT had a beard and how long ago he cut it off... I found this:


Sounds like he could have come back from Russia with it because of timing or started growing it shortly after returning.

This article also states:

RE:Tamerlan arrived on his own around 2004. The family was granted legal permanent residence in the U.S. in March 2007, a law-enforcement official said.

legal permanent residence : Entitled to welfare if they meet criteria. All this hysteria that they were on welfare is bewildering. Whe they applied they were not terrorists (!) the were a family that met criteria.

This is no different than the countless citizens, who are on welfare, who commit hideous crimes. The same thing can be said about the "buzz" that the money was used for drugs , bombs etc.

Millions of american citiizens are abusing our entitlement programs - daily. The stuff that bothers me is lots of dialog is like because they are from that part of the world (you know what I mean).
If DT didn't have a gun in the boat (despite NYT reporting he had a rifle) then he sure couldn't have attempted suicide. That claim was bogus.
Dont , however think it was reported (was it )that he tried to kill himself, they accurately reported that that was a big concern that he might.
^^^ So...does this mean we've been hacked? Or is it just a slow night for the mods and they're having a ilttle fun? ;)

~ ~ ~

Agree with you there, jjenny!
Boy now I am getting coo coo ! When you asked this I thought great the FBI was on here seeing if they were posting!
I wonder if he is booked on a commercial flight?
Hey at least , not yet, he cant pack a "Small" kinife - that stuff IMO is the dumbest thing I have heard. Huige problems going on around the world and they are having senate hearings (!) about letting knives back on planes.

It would almost make sense (not really!!) if they served anything on a plane that required forks knoves and spoons anymore!!!!!!!!
I think it has been widely reported TT went twice, the first time in 2011 after his friends death and again in 2012. Do you have any links for the information on his mothers travels? I hadn't seen where she had Gina back and fourth multiple times. Thanks.

Hmmm... Re your post above shows 1 THANKS at this moment in time as Knitty. The number 4,294,967,295 is the highest number achieved using 32-Bit. Wonder why it showed up here...

The Following 4,294,967,295 Users Say Thank You to ThinkHard For This Useful Post:

I'm wondering, did you maybe try an attachment or .exe file that didn't take? Trying to figure out what prompted the number... Something exceeded 32-Bits, which would be when that number would show.
Thanks time for the link.

Richard Medeiros, who lives in the house behind the suspects, says that six months or so ago, Tamerlan, after being clean-shaven, grew a beard.

He said he must have shaved it only recently. “That’s why I did not recognize him in the photos,” he said.

bbm,That to me was a big red flag.jmo

Argh. The gun reports.

We have reports stating multiple guns, and reports saying one. Driving me crazy. Also, didn't the man in the apartment say, and have pictures, of both brothers shooting at the police? I'm going with the multi gun reports.

Oh, and weren't rounds fired before LE got to the boat?

I'm still confused about the video showing the gunfight when Tamerlan & Jahar were in a fight with police...
I hear ya! I am still trying to figure out who the guy was that had his clothes blown up running from the scene.
We saw Jeff Bauman with his injuries...
We didn't see people with injuries.

This guy was there and obviously was affected! Where is he? What happened to him? Who was he?

I believe there are 240 victims. Why this guy in paritucular, exactly? We aren't given information on every victim.
Screaming "we didn't do it!" while tossing homemade grenades at police, and returning gunfire with them....shortly after (or before, I forget) assassinating an officer in his car, and car jacking a taxi driver.....umm....yeah....they seem TOTALLY credible to me. Not.

Well.. if it were a false flag they'd be giving false information obviously, for all we know that officer could be an actor or a fake identity, it sounds surreal I know.. I'm just trying to make sense out of it how a 19yo perfectly normal guy could get involved with something like this.

This is a witness that saw Tamerlan getting shot, she didn't hear return fire, she does say she heard two different type of guns though and also no explosions were heard. She saw Tamerlan get hit by a police SUV and then shot multiple times. I don't know the credibility of this interview but this is the kind of stuff that doesn't appear on the news. Instead they are saying they were throwing pipe bombs all over the place (the more sensational the better?). I'm always having a hard time believing media..

Screaming "we didn't do it!" while tossing homemade grenades at police, and returning gunfire with them....shortly after (or before, I forget) assassinating an officer in his car, and car jacking a taxi driver.....umm....yeah....they seem TOTALLY credible to me. Not.

Add to this, I don't hear anything even resembling "we didn't do it."
Well.. if it were a false flag they'd be giving false information obviously, for all we know that officer could be an actor or a fake identity, it sounds surreal I know.. I'm just trying to make sense out of it how a 19yo perfectly normal guy could get involved with something like this.

This is a witness that saw Tamerlan getting shot, she didn't hear return fire, she does say she heard two different type of guns though and also no explosions were heard. She saw Tamerlan get hit by a police SUV and then shot multiple times. I don't know the credibility of this interview but this is the kind of stuff that doesn't appear on the news. Instead they are saying they were throwing pipe bombs all over the place (the more sensational the better?). I'm always having a hard time believing media..


It was not a police SUV. The younger one was in SUV and is alleged to have run over TT while trying to escape.
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