The 911 Call, LE Radio Call & Police Report

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Well, in Caylee's case they waited a month before reporting her missing, so a delay of a couple of seconds for a polite greeting would hardly make any difference... :behindbar

Sorry to go so OT,(belongs on a completely diff thread,and case.... I know) but who is 'they'? While I don't know all the details of Haleighs case, I do know the Caylee case well. KC waited a month.(and probably never would have made the call herself) Unless she has MPD/DID, there is no 'they' in the equation. Its 'she' .And even then it was her mom that made the call, not her.
My point being that the 1st 911 by CA call had no urgency. But there was urgency and lack of friendly greeting by CA the minute KC told her caylee was taken by the nanny, which fits the FBI 911 profile of an innocent party.
Wheras, when KC got on the phone, even after a month, she DID use a polite greeting.

Back on topic-
Has anyone been able to isolate the background talk by RC other than what is in the transcript? Alot of his speech is inaudible on the transcript. I'm sure LE has been able to determine what he said, but have any websleuthers figured it out yet?
Hi Patty G. I have never had the pleasure of talking with you before so I want to say Hi.

Second, I think the problem is that the issue of RJ and where he was was already represented to us by many, many people in this case. We heard it in many interviews, by the mother and the father both. When NG was interviewing the Sheffield side of the family early on they were asked if RJ was in the bed with Haleigh, Crystal herself said yes. She was told RJ and Misty were in the bed together and Haleigh was on the toddler mattress. Crystal admits there were two scenario's being questioned but never at anytime stated that she thought RJ was anywhere but in the trailer.

There are certain facts and statements we have that are confirmed. It appears that because of strong feelings for Ronald and Crystal whichever protective side certain statements are being questioned and re questioned over and over. Whether RJ was in the home or not should be something that is settled and not my opinion and personally I feel like I really don't belong on these threads anymore because I do not have a I feel like since I do not think Crystal OR Ronald have involvement I am the odd man out and frankly I just don't know what to do about it anymore.

Don't you even think about leaving us, girl! We need people from all beliefs and theories to balance things out. Anyway, you are on the same side as all of us are, Haleigh's side.
I think at this point with information that Misty has "supressed" (uh huh) it is a fair assumption to say it could have been anyone, but definately someone who would know Misty and Ron. Have a key. Knew their habits. I don't think some pervert won the lottery and happened upon an open door and just decided to see if someone might have a child laying around to steal. let alone boldly sneak into a room where an adult was sleeping. And you know...if you were a purp and you hadn't been inside the Cummings. You would go to the little girls room first and say...."huh, thought she might be in here" and then you would go....okay well guess I'll sneak back outside, must be at her grandma's. You wouldn't just go directly into the master bedroom and say....Ah Ha! there's the toddler mattress....oh crap...where is she.....oh she's sleeping next to TWO PEOPLE. Well they look sound asleep....Snatch...
Concerning the 911 tape. The first thing that stands out is both R & M establish alibis. This is the first concern. The next concern is to establish good parents. Neither of these two tactics have changed.

Ron did not know Haleigh birthday and got embarressed....covering it up with his standard bravado.

Ron worried me more than Misty that night. When he got on the phone, he was of no value and whined like a liitle girl. He was not understandable....However; the second he walked away he was clear as a bell, yelling, "Why'd you let them stole my daughter, Botch? no whining, no crying....perfectly clear. He does this throughout the interview in the morning. Either he was very high on drugs or he is mentally disturbed. To fluctuate the way he does and the hysterics he displays is no where near normal. He took no action on that phone and he took no action helping the LE when they arrived. He is passive concerning information and prefers to let females take care of the situation. I suggest he notified his mother much earlier as he knew he would need her to talk for him.
He is an immature, hysterical person (not ususal in normal men), who imo, needs to be on psych meds.

Misty lives in a fantasy world, not good at knowing reality from her wishes. She denies RC ever spoke badly to her. Even after a month, she lacked the ability to come to terms with his behavior. She is delusional and lacks tools to get by in this world.

But most telling to me was the day a.fter when She and ron walked and hugged each other all day. If RC knew she was lying by what he observed, his behavior makes no sense, no sense at all. AT this point, he sould have been putting distance between them not closeness. This suggest to me that he knows or is suspicious of what happened but doesn't care, Misty is his new priority.
Concerning the 911 tape. The first thing that stands out is both R & M establish alibis. This is the first concern. The next concern is to establish good parents. Neither of these two tactics have changed.

Ron did not know Haleigh birthday and got embarressed....covering it up with his standard bravado.

Ron worried me more than Misty that night. When he got on the phone, he was of no value and whined like a liitle girl. He was not understandable....However; the second he walked away he was clear as a bell, yelling, "Why'd you let them stole my daughter, Botch? no whining, no crying....perfectly clear. He does this throughout the interview in the morning. Either he was very high on drugs or he is mentally disturbed. To fluctuate the way he does and the hysterics he displays is no where near normal. He took no action on that phone and he took no action helping the LE when they arrived. He is passive concerning information and prefers to let females take care of the situation. I suggest he notified his mother much earlier as he knew he would need her to talk for him.
He is an immature, hysterical person (not ususal in normal men), who imo, needs to be on psych meds.

Misty lives in a fantasy world, not good at knowing reality from her wishes. She denies RC ever spoke badly to her. Even after a month, she lacked the ability to come to terms with his behavior. She is delusional and lacks tools to get by in this world.

But most telling to me was the day a.fter when She and ron walked and hugged each other all day. If RC knew she was lying by what he observed, his behavior makes no sense, no sense at all. AT this point, he sould have been putting distance between them not closeness. This suggest to me that he knows or is suspicious of what happened but doesn't care, Misty is his new priority.

Mornin Whisperer, lol....let us first begin on a pleasant note. I agree with you 100% that Misty lives in a fantasy world, I also think that she lacks many abilities that she needs to get by in this world. I blame this on her parents who could have finished their job at preparing their child for life outside the home before they allowed her to leave the nest. As Judy Sheindlin would say....she wasn't done cooking yet.

I take issue with the portion of your post that I bolded. I know you believe that Ronald is involved in Haleigh's disappearance but in my opinion he should still be considered a victim alongside Crystal because he is the father of a missing child. Law Enforcement has not labeled him as a suspect and has gone so far to couple him with Crystal and state they are NOT suspects. I find it very difficult to understand how statements such as " He was of no value, and he whined like a little girl"...can be posted in a public forum such as WS. I thank God...and I mean that in every literal sense.....that I am not in Ronald or Crystal's shoes. If for heavens sake I ever have to deal with the loss of a child in my lifetime, I hope that no-one says I whined like a little girl, or that I was of no value.

My son(13) broke his arm last summer playing in the pool....I was standing at the sink doing dishes and watching him play. I heard him scream bloody murder and I couldn't get to him fast enough. He walked toward me with his arm hanging limp at his side, compound fracture in his forearm....both bones. My son, my life, my everything.....looks at me and says....hold it together mom, it's just an arm...I have another one. I was of no value to him...My 17 year old daughter had to drive us to the ER, I just kept swallowing my lunch looking at his bone sticking out of his arm. No value......I am talking about an arm. You were talking about a child.

I search for your posts because I enjoy the intelligent responses, but when I read yours above I had to respond. There are many things both Ronald and Crystal can be blamed for and held to account for. I just wish that we could give Haleigh the dignity that she deserves by biting our tongues when discussing her Mother and Father, who I believe she loves very much.
Concerning the 911 tape. The first thing that stands out is both R & M establish alibis. This is the first concern. The next concern is to establish good parents. Neither of these two tactics have changed.

Ron did not know Haleigh birthday and got embarressed....covering it up with his standard bravado.

Ron worried me more than Misty that night. When he got on the phone, he was of no value and whined like a liitle girl. He was not understandable....However; the second he walked away he was clear as a bell, yelling, "Why'd you let them stole my daughter, Botch? no whining, no crying....perfectly clear. He does this throughout the interview in the morning. Either he was very high on drugs or he is mentally disturbed. To fluctuate the way he does and the hysterics he displays is no where near normal. He took no action on that phone and he took no action helping the LE when they arrived. He is passive concerning information and prefers to let females take care of the situation. I suggest he notified his mother much earlier as he knew he would need her to talk for him.
He is an immature, hysterical person (not ususal in normal men), who imo, needs to be on psych meds.

Misty lives in a fantasy world, not good at knowing reality from her wishes. She denies RC ever spoke badly to her. Even after a month, she lacked the ability to come to terms with his behavior. She is delusional and lacks tools to get by in this world.
But most telling to me was the day a.fter when She and ron walked and hugged each other all day. If RC knew she was lying by what he observed, his behavior makes no sense, no sense at all. AT this point, he sould have been putting distance between them not closeness. This suggest to me that he knows or is suspicious of what happened but doesn't care, Misty is his new priority.

Bolded BM. Some interesting observations, Whisp. Totally agree with you on Ron's unusual passive nature, often letting females handle situations. I'm guessing his Mom's been doing this for some time, and it works for both of them.

As for Misty, while she may be delusional, I think she has adapted as needed in her life, and is at this point a master at some of her skills which started out as coping skills, and she has refined them to quite an art, playing the victim, poor me I'm only 17, how much more can I take, role. She's fairly effective at it. While she may be only 17 in true years, she's very adept at coping.

And last, and most troubling was the day after H went missing, when as you say M and R went around hugging each other, quite the opposite of what would be expected, then the marriage. I have no idea how to explain that one!
Elle, good morning, I don't want to speak for Whisperer but I think she pointed out that instead of worry, anger, frustration, he whimpered and whined. This is unusual for men in my experience. I know the last time film was shown of him on Nancy G. he was crying, but no tears ran down his face. His behavior or reaction does give one pause. I'm glad your mind remains open and you are thinking hard about all this. It is my observation and experience that something just does not fit and because of his demeanor and actions, I think he is involved, I really hope I am wrong. JMO
One thing that I noticed that I realy hadn't paid too much attention to before was he went from being totally inaudible (whining, pretend crying) when on the phone with dispatch to immediately cussing Misty when he handed her the receiver (or phone) to speak with dispatch again...JMO
Elle, good morning, I don't want to speak for Whisperer but I think she pointed out that instead of worry, anger, frustration, he whimpered and whined. This is unusual for men in my experience. I know the last time film was shown of him on Nancy G. he was crying, but no tears ran down his face. His behavior or reaction does give one pause. I'm glad your mind remains open and you are thinking hard about all this. It is my observation and experience that something just does not fit and because of his demeanor and actions, I think he is involved, I really hope I am wrong. JMO

Good Morning Porcinegranny! :)Haven't you ever heard the term....all cried out? I know the clip you are speaking of and I can remember quite a few of Crystal when she was whimpering and crying and wiping a tissue under her eyes but they weren't wet. Should I assume she was faking her tears or should I give the mother of a missing child the benefit of the doubt in that circumstance? Usually I agree with a lot of posts that Whisperer makes, they are very very intelligent. When I read the latest post about Ronald whining like a little girl I was a little taken aback by it and felt the need to respond to it. The only two choices...according to Whisperer..... that we have to chose from is that Ronald is high on drugs or mentally disturbed. Well I choose mentally disturbed because he has just arrived home from work and his daughter is gone. I feel like Ronald and Crystal both have taken quite a beating over the past few months and since I consider myself one of the few people on this forum that have not chosen a side I responded to Whisperer's post.

I do honestly understand your feeling though, you feel like everything you have learned leads to RC, I respect that and will pray you are wrong....:)
No, everything I have learned leads to Misty. RC's behavior makes me ears stand up. We have recently been told tht RC suspected Misty and married her to keep her close. At what point did he suspect her? Because he was very close to her and had his arm and hands on her soon after (hours) Haleigh is gone.

Texas Mommy just left a video a few posts back in which Sheriff Hardy addresses the crime. Seems like it took place one day later. He told the media that RJ was sleeping in a different area of the house (maybe his room) and Haleigh was sleeping with Misty. This is the fourth version of sleeping arrangements...wouldn't the parent, at this point, take a step back and hold this girl at a distance? I'm sorry if you disagree and want to give him a break, but IMO, he has shown no interest at putting Misty under a microscope.

Many are making excuses for his behavior thinking he married her for alturistic reasons. I say he married her to stay out of prison. His cliche about the enemy being held close doesn't fly with me. Though cute and people bought it, it has no merit. The excuses made for this man/child are over the top IMO.

You don't marry the enemy, you turn them in to LE...
Elle, good morning, I don't want to speak for Whisperer but I think she pointed out that instead of worry, anger, frustration, he whimpered and whined. This is unusual for men in my experience. I know the last time film was shown of him on Nancy G. he was crying, but no tears ran down his face. His behavior or reaction does give one pause. I'm glad your mind remains open and you are thinking hard about all this. It is my observation and experience that something just does not fit and because of his demeanor and actions, I think he is involved, I really hope I am wrong. JMO


Not in mine but I have had some experiences that you wouldn't even want to walk in SO I guess I understand where Ron is at, his pain is very much like MEN in my life Handled the Pain they were feeling. Maybe just once put the shoe your foot and tell us how you would feel? WHINING crying SCREAMING swearing what ever the Pain was that bad and still is.
Mornin Whisperer, lol....let us first begin on a pleasant note. I agree with you 100% that Misty lives in a fantasy world, I also think that she lacks many abilities that she needs to get by in this world. I blame this on her parents who could have finished their job at preparing their child for life outside the home before they allowed her to leave the nest. As Judy Sheindlin would say....she wasn't done cooking yet.

I take issue with the portion of your post that I bolded. I know you believe that Ronald is involved in Haleigh's disappearance but in my opinion he should still be considered a victim alongside Crystal because he is the father of a missing child. Law Enforcement has not labeled him as a suspect and has gone so far to couple him with Crystal and state they are NOT suspects. I find it very difficult to understand how statements such as " He was of no value, and he whined like a little girl"...can be posted in a public forum such as WS. I thank God...and I mean that in every literal sense.....that I am not in Ronald or Crystal's shoes. If for heavens sake I ever have to deal with the loss of a child in my lifetime, I hope that no-one says I whined like a little girl, or that I was of no value.

My son(13) broke his arm last summer playing in the pool....I was standing at the sink doing dishes and watching him play. I heard him scream bloody murder and I couldn't get to him fast enough. He walked toward me with his arm hanging limp at his side, compound fracture in his forearm....both bones. My son, my life, my everything.....looks at me and says....hold it together mom, it's just an arm...I have another one. I was of no value to him...My 17 year old daughter had to drive us to the ER, I just kept swallowing my lunch looking at his bone sticking out of his arm. No value......I am talking about an arm. You were talking about a child.

I search for your posts because I enjoy the intelligent responses, but when I read yours above I had to respond. There are many things both Ronald and Crystal can be blamed for and held to account for. I just wish that we could give Haleigh the dignity that she deserves by biting our tongues when discussing her Mother and Father, who I believe she loves very much.

With all due respect, that statement is true... he did not offer anything of value on that 911 call, wouldn't even give the operator Haleigh's date of birth, alternately threatening to shoot someone and whining "I don't know!!!!" So I agree with the bolded statement.
Your post was well thought out, though, and I do agree for the most part. However, it would have been of benefit to both him and the dispatcher if Ronald had not had a hissy fit thinking they should have been there instantly. And he did hang up twice. He was the parent, Misty was just the babysitter... yet she did try to relay information better than he did, even though she wasn't accurate with some of it.
Whining and crying are two separate things. The point I didn't make is he fluctuates rapidly between a high pitched whine and a perfectly clear tone of anger.....very unusual behavior. It is called hysteria. To come in and out it like I witnessed is not normal. In the middle of his crying you could ask a question and he will come of the cry long enough to answer and go back in....not normal.

His mood is eratic. Combine this with a temper and you are standing if front of danger IMO.
Whining and crying are two separate things. The point I didn't make is he fluctuates rapidly between a high pitched whine and a perfectly clear tone of anger.....very unusual behavior. It is called hysteria. To come in and out it like I witnessed is not normal. In the middle of his crying you could ask a question and he will come of the cry long enough to answer and go back in....not normal.

His mood is eratic. Combine this with a temper and you are standing if front of danger IMO.

Well back in March during my tragedy We had victim advocates and she told me that I would experience different emotions because I thought wow i was just screaming and crying and now i am like stone can't move do anything. She says it is the body knows when to shut down when to react when it can't handle no more and I trust her and believe in her she has got me threw a tough time in my life and I wonder if this is what Ron is doing. Hell the whole darn bunch are suffering. Why pick on just one lets discuss all of them and see what emotions each had. It isn't going to do any good, that is how each person reacts to stress . I for one am not going to sit here and tit for tat each emotion. More time needs to be spent on helping to find haleigh not attacking posters and the families.
Well back in March during my tragedy We had victim advocates and she told me that I would experience different emotions because I thought wow i was just screaming and crying and now i am like stone can't move do anything. She says it is the body knows when to shut down when to react when it can't handle no more and I trust her and believe in her she has got me threw a tough time in my life and I wonder if this is what Ron is doing. Hell the whole darn bunch are suffering. Why pick on just one lets discuss all of them and see what emotions each had. It isn't going to do any good, that is how each person reacts to stress . I for one am not going to sit here and tit for tat each emotion. More time needs to be spent on helping to find haleigh not attacking posters and the families.

But it isn't how YOU handle your life. This is about the disappearance of a child, whose step-mother is a person of interest in that disappearance.
Kittylyn, I take alot of honor in myself in being able to discern people, especially emotions, the root and source of them, etc... with divine guidance. I've seen videos, heard 911 calls, and at times you could tell if something wasn't right. Most can't fool others, but a few can. Don't even know why we're discussing this, but okay I'll flow with the go. Ron sounded shocked, and re-acting with raw emotions of fear, fright and anger. There's a clip of him, and he's really weeping, bent over.

Now in his latest interviews, he appeared to me to be reserved and sternly cautious of every word that proceeded out of his mouth. We have theorized the possibilities why, and one day we'll know that truth also. It's hurtful to read a man that as far as we now is a victim in the worse of ways, being described as a whiner. People nurturing these type of thoughts cause harm to the male personna, causing them to have no where to turn in their time of need and brokeness. There is no shame in showing how you feel.

I want Ron to remain strong and not re-act, his children and family need him to keep it together as they go through this heart wrenching time.
Again, and without hope of ever putting it as eloquently and succinctly as Whisperer can is not the male having the emotions that is the cause for concern. It is the extreme emotions in a short span of seconds that is cause for concern. The pendulum does not swing so rapidly naturally, even in an unnatural situation. And before there is another list of "walk in his shoes" synopses, this is something that everyone has had experience in. Every person has suffered loss.

Extreme emotional swing responses in a short period of time is cause for concern.
My emotions sky rocketed from nano to bulls eye in one breath when I learned at three in the morning my 27 year old husband was killed in an automobile accident along with his older brother. I have never in all my days heard or saw to be true in what I'm reading here on this thread about a man's feelings. May Ron not be touched in anyway by the firey darts til all truth be known concerning his beloved Daughter Haleigh.

During the 911 call, we now have more clarity as to why Ron called Misty the B word that I don't condone, shame on Ron for that, but knowing they had been fighting, long divisive weekend, Haleigh missing, he actually acted pretty tame cuz if it had been me, the walls of that mh wouldn't be standing today.
But it isn't how YOU handle your life. This is about the disappearance of a child, whose step-mother is a person of interest in that disappearance.

And I understand what you are saying but... who has right to state how Ron Reacted. Where u there? No and i bet he has a victim advocate also, that has been trained and taught the same things my victim advocate has been trained,so i will stick to what i want to feel and express. its only jmo anyway.

She is not a person of interest that is how some want to read in to it,I am not going to sit her and tit for tat with any poster. I give that to the ones that want to. I guess i need to add to my ignore list it is such a great feature here.
My emotions sky rocketed from nano to bulls eye in one breath when I learned at three in the morning my 27 year old husband was killed in an automobile accident along with his older brother. I have never in all my days heard or saw to be true in what I'm reading here on this thread about a man's feelings. May Ron not be touched in anyway by the firey darts til all truth be known concerning his beloved Daughter Haleigh.

During the 911 call, we now have more clarity as to why Ron called Misty the B word that I don't condone, shame on Ron for that, but knowing they had been fighting, long divisive weekend, Haleigh missing, he actually acted pretty tame cuz if it had been me, the walls of that mh wouldn't be standing today.

I know Kool it is getting so bad that It is beyond even discussing with them. And I am so sorry about your husband. xoxoxo and ITA with everything you have wrote here. Thank you!

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