The Anthony Backyard *REVISITED*

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I agree with you, but when did the dog search occur? Do we know?

Also, I find myself wondering where KC stashed the body if it was not in the back yard at some point? Consider . . .

June 16: GA sees KC and Caylee
June 18: Shovel borrowed/car backed into garage
June 24: Gas cans reported stolen. George in KC's trunk, no smell noted.
June 25: First known instance of "smelly car" cover story emerges (to Amy)



George changed his tune on the whole recovering-the-gas-cans scene. As described to LE it didn't go down like he described to Greta. You may want to read Lee & George's latest statements to LE. Involves something to the effect of Casey getting to the trunk before him, getting them out and including something like, "Here are your f'n gas cans!".
I'm a believer that Caylee might have drowned in the pool. I think Cindy was likely forever nagging at Casey on being more careful with Caylee around the pool. Perhaps constantly having to remind her to remove the ladder when they finished swimming, because she kept forgetting etc. Let's say...Casey fell asleep for a couple hours, and awoke to find Caylee in the pool, obviously very dead and beyond saving, Casey may have paniced knowing her parents worse fear of this happening because of her carelessness did indeed.

Or Casey planned to chloroform her so she couldn't resist and drown her in the pool to torment Cindy. Convince Cindy she left the ladder up and her carelessness led to Caylee's death. She chloroforms her, no clue how much to use, Caylee dies and the drowning plan goes right out the window. Now she has a dead body and no plan on how to get rid of it or explain it (thus leading to the assanine story that obviously had no forethought).
I agree, I think if she was buried there it would be obvious to the family and the LE. But I winder if there is a bottom the the play house or is it just sitting on the ground... I wonder if she was placed in the house for a bit until Casey thought of what to do.

Maddy I recall reading a post from someone on this forum, that has the very same playhouse for their child, and they said it doesn't have a floor.
...when did the dog search occur? Do we know?


From pg 87 of the first set of 400pgs docs released the cadaver dog search of G&C's backyard commenced @ 1900, on Thursday, 7/17. The same page details G&C's account to the LEO that obtained their permission to perform the K9 search of checking out the backyard, incl. the playhouse & sheds.

Page 50 of 400pgs docset 2 details K9 unit (Gerus') search of the Pontiac @ 16:42, on Thursday, 7/17.
George changed his tune on the whole recovering-the-gas-cans scene. As described to LE it didn't go down like he described to Greta. You may want to read Lee & George's latest statements to LE. Involves something to the effect of Casey getting to the trunk before him, getting them out and including something like, "Here are your f'n gas cans!".

Thanks for the clarification! There is so much information, and in these forums you really have to dig for the details, as it is surrounded by so much speculation, opinion, and theory. Not to mention there are dozens of threads and links to follow.

I don't follow this case on hardcore basis like some, meaning I don't read all the links, follow all the threads, watch the live feeds, and so on, so it is easy to get the facts/statement mixed up.

If what you say is true, and I believe you when you say you read it, then my next question would be - assuming I don't have facts mixed up again - this:

Why wait so long to create the "cover story" for why the trunk smelled so badly? The first instance I see of that is the day after GA recovered his gas cans.

Also, regarding GA, if the trunk smelled so badly later - so much so that it was described as a "wave" and filled the garage - then I wouldn't think GA would need to get very close to be able to smell something.
Or Casey planned to chloroform her so she couldn't resist and drown her in the pool to torment Cindy. Convince Cindy she left the ladder up and her carelessness led to Caylee's death. She chloroforms her, no clue how much to use, Caylee dies and the drowning plan goes right out the window. Now she has a dead body and no plan on how to get rid of it or explain it (thus leading to the assanine story that obviously had no forethought).

So many good theories. I hope we do learn what really did happen to this little girl.

From pg 87 of the first set of 400pgs docs released the cadaver dog search of G&C's backyard commenced @ 1900, on Thursday, 7/17. The same page details G&C's account to the LEO that obtained their permission to perform the K9 search of checking out the backyard, incl. the playhouse & sheds.

Page 50 of 400pgs docset 2 details K9 unit (Gerus') search of the Pontiac @ 16:42, on Thursday, 7/17.

Again, thanks for the information.
Does anyone know what the meaning of each color on the flags are? Yellow for for something...??? Sorry if it has been asked. Did scan the thread but did not see any definitions. :) Thanks
I really would like a specific thread with all the information about the backyard. KC is not the type to me to dig up bamboo in her spare time so the shovel issue always bothered me.

I too, thought the bamboo digging was weird and this was before we knew anything else about her. Now knowing what we do, that bamboo thing is BS. jmo
I agree, this is EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS. Think about this: a beloved 2 year old that you raised as your own is missing. So, on a hunch that she might be dead, you start digging around in your backyard? You personally want to take the chance of finding her body yourself? Are you KIDDING ME? Who in their right mind would want to dig up the decomposing body of a loved one? ?

I know:eek:
Why wait so long to create the "cover story" for why the trunk smelled so badly? The first instance I see of that is the day after GA recovered his gas cans.

Also, regarding GA, if the trunk smelled so badly later - so much so that it was described as a "wave" and filled the garage - then I wouldn't think GA would need to get very close to be able to smell something.


Some things to consider that may be involved, and there should be plenty of WS's here more knowledgable to correct me where I am (certainly) in error:
  • Bacteria grow exponentially. IOW, they double in population over time, hence, the byproducts of bacterial decomposition => odor can come on quite rapidly.
  • Movement of a corpse disturbs the tissue and tends to release fluids/vapor=>odor vs. not being disturbed
  • IF there was chloroform in the trunk, over time it could dissolve the plastic bag(s) which may have held the body, hence, a sort of sudden release of the fluid contents & odor. Also, some fluid would likely diffuse through a plastic bag at a slow rate anyway.
  • If enough nutrients remain (e.g. tiny tissue fragments, etc.) the decomp continues on a microscopic level even after the corpse is gone, hence, the odor might reappear.

All, IMHO, and I am certainly NOT an expert in these matters. Just applying a little of what I do know and some of what I've read from other posters. In fact, posting these points may draw some experts to comment/correct, which would benefit us all, IMHO. :)
I agree, this is EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS. Think about this: a beloved 2 year old that you raised as your own is missing. So, on a hunch that she might be dead, you start digging around in your backyard? You personally want to take the chance of finding her body yourself? Are you KIDDING ME? Who in their right mind would want to dig up the decomposing body of a loved one? Instead, if you had a hunch that your daughter disposed of your grandchild in your own backyard, wouldn't you call in the police and BEG them to search your backyard while you stayed away?

You would start digging in the backyard yourself only if you wanted to find the body in order to remove it from your property, cover up a crime, and dispose of it in a place where it is less likely that it would be recovered.
Suspicious and criminal.
I still say that bush that was moved should be dug up...Let's see just how deep that hole is..
I know I watched a case on Tru TV about LE using some tool that can xray underground. they found a body under a patio in the backyard of a house. the lady had been killed years earlier and thehusband buried her and poured a patio over her. So why don't they just use this tool to exray the A's whole back yard? it's not that big of a back yard. i just think it is strange that the dogs hit on the backyard and they did not dig. They should get a warrant to let Tim in there i bet he has one of those tools (no clue what it is called).

I found it VERY strange the day Tim said TES wanted to search the Anthony's back yard again, they turned on him completely. Cindy even went down there. If she is in the backyard, she is under one of the storage buildings. They said in Greta's interview there were 3 of them. I also wondered if they could have drained the pool and buried her under there then refilled it.

The very best place to place a body LE is looking for is somewhere which has already been searched and GA would know that.
Cadaver dogs do NOT HIT ON BODILY FLUIDS. They hit on putrricene and cadaverene which are specific chmicals that area created from decomposing huyman flesh. Bodily fluids are meaningless to them.

You are completely correct. They won't even hit on a dirty diaper which has decomposed poop in it.

That was what CA was trying to convince Greta of.........she kept saying how it was likely GA sweat and blood from working out there. SUREEEEEEEEEEEEEE
This is exactly what I believe happened. If Caylee had drowned in the pool, why not call 911? I've heard of several cases here in Florida where children have downed in pools and nobody is brought up on charges. The parent gets distracted for a few minutes and the next thing they know their child is at the bottom of the pool. Theses are tragic accidents.

Here is why I figure she could not make this work. She had chloroformed Caylee to "put her out" so she COULD drown her and then make it appear as an accident. Only, Caylee over-dosed from the chloroform and so she could not use the "she accidentally drowned" plot because a child who is not breathing cannot inhale the water into the lungs and therefore cannot drown. NOW she was flipping out. She may have even used the chloroform on Caylee unexpectedly IN the back yard, and laid her down right where she did that-near the playhouse where Caylee was perhaps playing, while she went to put the ladder on and open the gate, etc, and by the time she came back to pick her up and do the deed, she realized that Caylee was not breathing and was ALREADY dead. NOW she was in a fix, because there was NO WAY to get water into the lungs of a dead child. Here is where her whole plan may have gone awry, because she did not expect Caylee to DIE from the chloroform...

Just a theory...:confused:
For those of us who like visuals, flags indicating where soil samples are/were taken and where the dogs hit.

Please note, this is not a new photo, it is from the original backyard search.


See the pavers with the white wooden frame around them in the pic? The playhouse was sitting on them, IIRC. Now, Caylee was getting bigger, so why put the white wooden frame down with the pavers on top of the soil because at some point she would have been too big to fit in there to play?

I still say that a hole could be dug, a container could be placed in there, then lime and even fertilizer and/or other chemicals placed as well to obliterate any odor.

IMO, George very well knows where little Caylee is buried - maybe deep under the playhouse, or maybe deep under the dirt where he moved the hibiscus bush.

I am just saying that if Tim Miller of TES cannot find Caylee's body in the areas he searches, then I hope and pray that LE can get a search warrant to look at the Anthony's backyard again. Tim Miller WILL find Caylee's body whether in the back yard, out by the airport, or J. Blanchard Park! I have great faith in them!
What we have to keep in mind here is that decomposition does not start immediately. So poor little Caylee had to be in the backyard for a certain period of time, if the hits are not from items that might have been in the trunk which had the decomp in it. It's frustrating that we don't know exactly what happened - and I don't think we ever will.

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