The Anthony Backyard *REVISITED*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thank you SO very much for that information. It is amazing you know so much. I am impressed! I have another question, if you don't mind. What would have had to have been "left" in the trunk for those flies to still be in there after the body was removed? A lot of mass, just a small bit of something on the back trunk or is it impossible to say? I guess I am asking is if the flies would continue to lay eggs in a tiny bit of decomposing matter in the trunk or would it have to have been more substantial? Also, in order for the smell to have "stuck around" in the car the entire time it was at the tow yard there would have to have been something left behind in the car from the body, correct? Just having a dead body in a car without leaving anything behind (fluid, decomposing matter, etc.) wouldn't necessarily result in the car smelling as bad as it did when it was picked up from the tow yard, correct? (Sorry if my questions don't make sense...) I appreciate your input!

I would "guess" there still had to be some decomp in that trunk, but if the flies were in the larvae stage (unhatched) and had moved away from the body as they do when the body was taken out then they could have hatched later and of course been in the trunk because they would have had no way to get out. They could have been feeding off what was left in the trunk.

As for the smell, that smell premiates and stays in EVERYTHING. You would have the seats, carpet and anything else which could pick up odors still with the odor. Not to mention, even a SMALL area of body fluids, or decomp puts out a terrible smell.
I would "guess" there still had to be some decomp in that trunk, but if the flies were in the larvae stage (unhatched) and had moved away from the body as they do when the body was taken out then they could have hatched later and of course been in the trunk because they would have had no way to get out. They could have been feeding off what was left in the trunk.

As for the smell, that smell premiates and stays in EVERYTHING. You would have the seats, carpet and anything else which could pick up odors still with the odor. Not to mention, even a SMALL area of body fluids, or decomp puts out a terrible smell.

Thank you very much! So it is safe to assume if she was spending any amount of time in her car with that smell she would have to be taking frequent showers and washing her clothes to get the smell out of them, even if she hadn't come in contact with the body on that particular day (I assume since around the time she was claiming the dead animal smell in her car.) Also, would we have any idea of knowing if the smell that was in the car when she had it in her possession would have been stronger or weaker than what it was when the car was towed?
Ok, So by going with your calulations that would put the body in the trunk of the car on June 24th, the day Casey would not let GA into the trunk to get the gas cans. That does not mean that Caylee had to have been killed on that day but that she was just placed in the trunk. There is no way, IMHO, the girl road around from the 16th or 17th with a dead body in her trunk. It would have smelled a lot sooner than the 27th. This makes sense to me because Casey dumps the car 3 days later on the 27th becasue of the smell.

Now my question is this: If Casey moved Caylee on the 24th from one hiding place to the trunk and on the same day hide her again, could some leaking fluids [Yuk] from the body end up in the trunk result in the same result of 22 days for full adult fly to come out of the trunk on July 15th?

Or is the Blow fly only attracted to the flesh [Yuk, Yuk] of a dead body?

Of course Casey may have kept Caylee in the trunk from the 24th to the 27th [early AM] and becasue of the smell moved her at that time and dumped the car.

Yes, I believe there were leaked fluids and most likely some dropped flesh in there. My guess has always been she had her in duffel bag for easy carrying, which would have kept the shedding of the skin contained, but not the fluids.
The blow fly is only attracted to flesh, that is why it would have been SO important to have grabbed a few of those when they opened that car. A lot could have been solved with that.

I am thinking there might have been some larvae in the trunk still when LE got that car. If so they could have some very interesting info for the trial. I believe GA tried to clean up the mess KNOWING what it was, but even someone in LE might not think about the blow flies.
Thank you very much! So it is safe to assume if she was spending any amount of time in her car with that smell she would have to be taking frequent showers and washing her clothes to get the smell out of them, even if she hadn't come in contact with the body on that particular day (I assume since around the time she was claiming the dead animal smell in her car.) Also, would we have any idea of knowing if the smell that was in the car when she had it in her possession would have been stronger or weaker than what it was when the car was towed?

That is a good question. My first guess would be stronger, but if there was much decomp in the trunk with high temperatures, it might stay about the same and that might be why the car was dumped. If she thought the smell would go away and then it didn't after getting rid of the body, then the car had to go.
Yes, I believe there were leaked fluids and most likely some dropped flesh in there. My guess has always been she had her in duffel bag for easy carrying, which would have kept the shedding of the skin contained, but not the fluids.
The blow fly is only attracted to flesh, that is why it would have been SO important to have grabbed a few of those when they opened that car. A lot could have been solved with that.

I am thinking there might have been some larvae in the trunk still when LE got that car. If so they could have some very interesting info for the trial. I believe GA tried to clean up the mess KNOWING what it was, but even someone in LE might not think about the blow flies.

I, too, am hoping there might have been some larvae in the trash bag that LE was able to retrieve from the trash at the tow yard!
I'm still suspicious about them searching the backyard for Caylee.

I snipped this from a letter purportedly from Mark Nejame to a websleuther, post 276 - Nancy Grace 10-10-08 thread:

"It is not within them though
to go on search teams that are looking to dig up a Caylee that is no longer
with us. For them to do this would be for them to surrender to themselves
and to the Universe that Caylee is no longer with us. Today they simply
cannot do this."

So he's claiming George and Cindy cannot search for a dead Caylee because they are not emotionally ready to do that. Yet they went poking around their backyard BEFORE the police came to search looking for a dead Caylee. Does anyone else see a CONTRADICTION here?

That is a good point..........I didn't catch that.
I, too, am hoping there might have been some larvae in the trash bag that LE was able to retrieve from the trash at the tow yard!

I thought about that too. If there were some which had moved away from the body, that would have been a logical place. I just hope they checked it. Many of the police dept are not well versed enough yet in the insects in post mortem to know to do it.

I have said from the beginning of this those flies were the key to the date of death if anyone knew and had the equipment to do the work. I am assuming in Orlando they do have the labs and did it. Just the adult fly alone would prove a body in the trunk. You can also get DNA from WHAT they were feeding on, which most people don't know.
That's why I'm having a problem with all of this decomp evidence.

If in fact they have decomp from Caylee why do they need her body?

Isn't the decomp considered her body in the eyes of the State?

In the Stepha Henry disappearance in S. FL, the suspect's car was finally located and CSI said her blood was found in the car ... enough of it that she could not have survived.
Her blood and the amount was considered her body and the suspect was arrested for murder. Stepha's body has never been found.

If there is decomp of Caylee in the trunk of that car and her mother is the last known person to be with her, why wasn't KC arrested the moment the test results indicated that Caylee was deceased?

Why wasn't she taken into custody for murder right then on the spot?
Why the need for a grand jury?

That's why I'm having a problem with all of this decomp evidence.

If in fact they have decomp from Caylee why do they need her body?

Isn't the decomp considered her body in the eyes of the State?

In the Stepha Henry disappearance in S. FL, the suspect's car was finally located and CSI said her blood was found in the car ... enough of it that she could not have survived.
Her blood and the amount was considered her body and the suspect was arrested for murder. Stepha's body has never been found.

If there is decomp of Caylee in the trunk of that car and her mother is the last known person to be with her, why wasn't KC arrested the moment the test results indicated that Caylee was deceased?

Why wasn't she taken into custody for murder right then on the spot?
Why the need for a grand jury?


I think timing is everything in a case like this. They knew she was confined to her parent's home and wouldn't be going anywhere, they needed to run additional test to "iron clad" their evidence and gather additional information, timelines, witnesses, etc. and they wanted to have all their ducks in a row before the arrest because things start moving rather quickly once the actual arrest is made and charges are filed (right to a speedy trial, discovery, etc.) I also think they were hoping to recover a body before they state their case so that anything that might be discovered with such a find will not discredit their theory. IMHO.
That bush could have been dug up, the hole made deeper, something put in the hole and the bush put back in...

You think her body is still there? I think if it had been buried in the yard the dogs would have gone nuts in the backyard instead of just indicating that there was some sort of traces of decomposition lingering in the yard. From what I understand from reading about cadaver dogs...they can easily find a tiny piece of decomp matter in a container buried underground.
That's why I'm having a problem with all of this decomp evidence.

If in fact they have decomp from Caylee why do they need her body?

Isn't the decomp considered her body in the eyes of the State?

In the Stepha Henry disappearance in S. FL, the suspect's car was finally located and CSI said her blood was found in the car ... enough of it that she could not have survived.
Her blood and the amount was considered her body and the suspect was arrested for murder. Stepha's body has never been found.

If there is decomp of Caylee in the trunk of that car and her mother is the last known person to be with her, why wasn't KC arrested the moment the test results indicated that Caylee was deceased?

Why wasn't she taken into custody for murder right then on the spot?
Why the need for a grand jury?


Under Florida law it has to go to a GJ for capital crimes.

I think they are putting the pieces together for the cause of death. They want the body to determine that. It also could be if they took larvae from the trunk, they have the DNA evidence of Caylee and any drugs which were used in the death. Like I said before most people don't understand if they have the maggots, they have not only the DNA but if there were any drugs in the body.
You think her body is still there? I think if it had been buried in the yard the dogs would have gone nuts in the backyard instead of just indicating that there was some sort of traces of decomposition lingering in the yard. From what I understand from reading about cadaver dogs...they can easily find a tiny piece of decomp matter in a container buried underground.

If it is there, it was MOVED back there after it was searched. That would actually be a good plan to hide a body, since it was already searched and there would be the least likelihood of it being found.
That bush could have been dug up, the hole made deeper, something put in the hole and the bush put back in...

I have always wondered about that bush.........the best place would be to move the pavers under the storage buildings, place the body in a sealed container, and bury it. Then place the pavers over it and the storage building on top.

The swimming pool would work in that too because it is an above ground pool. Drain down the pool enough to manipulate the liner, dig down, place the sealed container, and cover it. Then refill the pool.
I have always wondered about that bush.........the best place would be to move the pavers under the storage buildings, place the body in a sealed container, and bury it. Then place the pavers over it and the storage building on top.

The swimming pool would work in that too because it is an above ground pool. Drain down the pool enough to manipulate the liner, dig down, place the sealed container, and cover it. Then refill the pool.

But when would she have had the time ? That baffles me. And why didn't Mr. & Mrs. Fussbudget Anthony notice anything? Weird.
But when would she have had the time ? That baffles me. And why didn't Mr. & Mrs. Fussbudget Anthony notice anything? Weird.

I don't think SHE did it. That girl is way too lazy for such manual work. I suspect when GA was doing all the "yard work" it was done.
I have always wondered about that bush.........the best place would be to move the pavers under the storage buildings, place the body in a sealed container, and bury it. Then place the pavers over it and the storage building on top.

The swimming pool would work in that too because it is an above ground pool. Drain down the pool enough to manipulate the liner, dig down, place the sealed container, and cover it. Then refill the pool.

If they thought the Pool had been drained, they could easily have checked the water bill, it most definetly would show more water usage.........

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