The Anthonys think we're the crazy ones

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Okay, I asked Dante and bumped up that thread.
Everybody's crazy except you and me....... and sometimes I wonder about you. :crazy:
Do you ever remember a time in your life when you were trying to put something over on someone and your nervous laughter betrayed you? I can spot it in an instant when my son is playing a lying game and I know that I did it at one time or another.
Did anyone else get the impression that perhaps LA was given the "You are the CEO of this corporation!"-type advice from GA??!? (IIRC, GA said this to KC during a jail visit). Maybe GA "prepped" Lee for the depo by quoting the same BS cr*p he told KC: (paraphrasing here) "YOU are the BOSS. Law Enforcement and the Attorneys work for YOU." Lee comes across as so arrogant and almost condescending to J. Morgan, you could almost see the "thought bubble" hovering over his big 'ol head----"I am the CEO---I am the Boss---you people are crazy and uneducated, whereas I am an all-knowing and almighty Anthony!!" Ugh. :furious:

Lee was so disrespectful and arrogant throughout the entire depo, I just wanted to smack him on the head when he laughed. Does he think his "#2" does not stink or something???!!! Jmo......
I cam't wait to see the A family gracing the cover of "Mad Magazine" I wonder what song Alfred E. Neuman would compose to desribe this Family?
While watching the video of Lee's depo, the light bulb went off. He is asked something like why would Casey do what Zanny told her to do. He laughs, (so freaky to hear) and says it's "obvious", if someone has your kid, you do what they tell you, continuous laughter and he nearly snorts with scorn at the stupid question.

It dawned on me that the Anthonys think WE are the crazy ones. WE being LE and the public. They think we're all conspiratorial nuts who can't see how obvious it all is and that Casey is totally believable and innocent.

I don't know, maybe I need to switch my light bulb to an eco-bulb. :crazy:

Wasn't that the most disturbed depo? When I heard LEE say 'it's obvious' and laugh, I way! It is horrifying to say the least on how this family unit thinks! It's down right scarey........IMO
Can a whole family be sociopaths???
After trying unsuccessfully to understand them, I've realized that it must be some kind of "cult" mentality.
This kind of brainwashing and " us against the world" is very typical in cults. And guess who is the controller in this cult?
So true. And I find it very interesting that at the beginning, none of us could believe that Casey could tell so many obvious lies and think she could get away with it. It appears obvious to me, that the whole family is the same, and I believe she was taught to lie in her upbringing. Even BC seems afflicted....when they gave him air time, he was saying inconsistent things all the time, assuming we wouldn't notice. It's quite amazing they found a lawyer so similar to them.

ETA. I don't think they think we are crazy...I just think they think we are dumb.

Plus he lies and/or misleads the Judge in court.
You would think that discussing his DEAD NIECE and the potential that his own sister was responsible would make him feel a bit more SOMBER...instead, he seems relaxed and confident and has an almost happy-go-lucky attitude to the entire process...I don't know, but his laughter seems completely misplaced, both in the original interview he did with LE and now in this deposition with J. Morgan...What about this is funny or strikes anyone else as humorous in the least about a tiny little girl who lost her life because her mother wanted "The beautiful life" and felt she could not achieve that with a "snotnosed" kid along for the ride?
Oh my gosh, I agree with you 100%
Wasn't that the most disturbed depo? When I heard LEE say 'it's obvious' and laugh, I way! It is horrifying to say the least on how this family unit thinks! It's down right scarey........IMO
Can a whole family be sociopaths???

Wikipedia calls it Folie a' duex-shared madness!! It can be also Folie a' famile!!:bang:
At times they almost seem like a family of grifters.

I have soooo seriously wondered about this. That this is some elaborate scam by the whole family.

Does anyone know where in Ohio they came from and more on their background???
No we're not crazy, but the A's are "united" (their words) to make us think we are.

They are never going to admit that there is, or ever was, anything wrong in their family. The more any of them are accused of anything, whether it be lying, obstruction of justice, hiding/destroying evidence even murder, the more they feel that everyone is "out to get them". It is a paranoid belief system. They detest any outsider who threatens their warped sense of reality.

I know that watching them is like watching an very bad episode of "The Twilight Zone."

Most times I get the feeling that this is all a bad dream because it is unbelievable how any family can consistently behave this unusual for this long of time.

I know of a family with very similar disfunctions to the A's with lots of "problem" adult children that are always getting arrested, caught lying, stealing, etc.

The parents enable them and believe that LE and everyone else are "out to get" their kids and when other family members try to get them help, they simply ignore what is being said and go on as if they have a hearing problem. They lie to LE and will do anything to cover for their children and get them out of trouble and justify their actions.

I see this exact same thing with CA and GA. When confronted with any sense of truth or reality, they either lash out or just choose not to listen.

It is how they have always lived as a family and the disfunction will never change.

The family that I know have parents that are now in their late 80's and they still believe that their children can do no wrong and everyone is "out to get them."
Your post made me laugh harder than I've laughed in ages!

I want to like LA, I really do. Throughout all of this, I've repeatedly told myself that he's young and he's nervous... but after the CMA speech and the kissing of the bracelets (not once, but twice!), its getting harder and harder.

You'd think that CA would be looking progressively worse - realization that her precious granddaughter is really gone, her daughter is facing life in prison and her husband is suicidal. Instead, she seems to be looking better - more rested, better clothes, new jewelry, a more polished look. I know I'd be in such a deep depression, I could barely talk, much less get all "gussied-up".

One thing for sure, the longer this goes on, the more saner my own family looks!

Mods, if this is in the wrong place, please move. Thanks! :wave:

ITA - on the family looking saner. Same here.

Also, I am a pretty high maintenance girl. I do hair/makeup daily, never go without being properly groomed, BUT I shouldn't say never as when a death occurs -no, some of it slides, that is what big dark glasses, a hat and/or scarf are for! For grief to be so vast that one can't do a depo, the face and all belies that!
I am sure paying the bills is no problem for the Anthony's with all the donations pouring in for the grieving grandparents. Every step of the way Cindy has had new expensive clothes that fit perfectly paralleling her weight loss. So has George. Hairdo's and jewelery cost money. They obviously are not hurting for cash.

ETA I do not think the A's believe the world is crazy. I think they feel that the world is beneath them, you know, the servant class, there to do the A's bidding and dismissed when not wanted. The A's recognize no authority or rights or needs but their own. moo

I also have made note of the A's tailored look, I even questioned myself as to when was the last time I bothered to look as nice as they did in court when I'm fully employed and not in any grieving state? It occurred to me that I'm really behind on treating myself to some self-pampering, because these people are looking better and better each time I see them, but I'm still wearing the same wardrobe I had when I first heard Caylee went missing last July.

As far as LA stating in his depo that he is living at home again - the first thing that came to my mind in order was: 1) Doesn't he have a baby on the way with Mallory? Shouldn't he be getting a place with her if they are so seemingly close? 2) Whose room is LA living in? Does he have his own, or did he take over Caylee's or KC's room? 3) Any money that is floating the A's while they are not working is much easier to share with LA when under the guise of supporting their own home.
So true RevCrim

The A's dont even believe themselves, that's been obvious for a long time. It is why they opposed searches for a non-living Caylee and made no real plea to return her. It seems they failed to convince themselves before selling it to us.Their words and actions have never quite matched up- leaving the public scratching their heads . Chalk it up to poor lying and even worse acting. JMO

Yep, I believe that the root of their anger at LE and the public is the fact that we won't believe what they themselves don't.

I've been around those types, their defense is to make YOU look and feel like the crazy one when you question their actions or words.
Or how borderlines work...Maybe the A's are ALL borderline personalities and all of them have no idea how a "normal" person would react to their antics. All they know, is that the 4 of them understand each other, so why doesn't everyone else!

A borderline parent causes this in her children. They do not call it crazing making for no reason. Their reality is literally different then "normal" peoples.
I have soooo seriously wondered about this. That this is some elaborate scam by the whole family.

Does anyone know where in Ohio they came from and more on their background???

I have asked the same questions!! As I have said before in other threads, Cindy's brother Rick only lives about 15-20 minutes from me and it has often been difficult to not call him and see if he'd be willing to talk...

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