The Box From Hell (BFH) - #1

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Am I falling behind? Where is the mention of Dunav River? Who is Ingrid?

Looking for the "Little Tito" letter, I found not only that, but two more letters which fill in a little information about Seka (all three are attached).

There was also an empty envelope with a piece of adhesive tape obscuring whatever address was on it. I keep coming across this thing, but couldn't read the address because of the tape. Then I thought of holding it up to the light and could clearly see the typed address:

George L. Brody
Otis Hotel
1156 Sutter Street
San Francisco, California 94109

This is the first time we've had a middle initial for Brody. Because it was hidden under inch-wide adhesive tape, it might be a real initial.


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Thanks for the clarification. Like most of the theories advanced, it was mere speculation.
Joe, given GW and GB's usual mode of operation, it was not only justified, but also pretty funny!
Is it possible that Seka sent the postcard for GW instead of GB? She addressed it to GW's PO Box. She signs the postcard with "Love". The letters to her family are handwritten by GB and were probably dictated by GB.

I think it's quite possible they were meant for GW. I was wondering about the University of San Francisco and its proximity to Presbyterian Hospital. Could she have been a student who had to go to the emergency room? I don't think she would have hung out in the Tenderloin.

Also, judging from at least two examples, GB would scribble out letters in huge handwriting and GW would then type them. Take a look at the "corrected" punctuation on the one typed letter with a note by GB. And GW was an English major. The arrogance never wavered.
Hummm, that's interesting. Maybe Brody was trying to play matchmaker. I have to say, the letter to Seka's parents was most bizarre. If my dad would have received a letter like that from a man trying to "swoon" me, he would have locked me up and thrown away the key. The letter just screams psycho.

I agree. The more we read about GB the further and further he gets out there. I mean really out there. Even stranger how he tries to manipulate with fear - conspiracy theories - and how peoples lives will just fall apart without his hand in them. He certainly had a grandious (sp?) image of himself. It saddens me for GW..... and makes me want to beat the *&^ out of GB. He was so tiny looks like he would have been easy to whop.

Though, I'm not entirely sure how Seka could have been involved with Anna's disappearance. I get the impression she was young, maybe a little gullible and polite. Did her best to remain on a friendly basis but when she realized he was a nut job did her best to get herself as far away from his as possible. Especially being from another country. Though, that is just my initial gut impression.
Am I falling behind? Where is the mention of Dunav River? Who is Ingrid?

Sorry, this was my mistake. I was really tired last night.

Dunav is the Serbian name for the river Danube. Danube is mentioned in one of G's letters.

I should have said Sigrid, not Ingrid.
Sorry, this was my mistake. I was really tired last night.

Dunav is the Serbian name for the river Danube. Danube is mentioned in one of G's letters.

I should have said Sigrid, not Ingrid.

KS, thanks for the explanation about the Danube. I really understand how this case can fatigue you at times. Your offer to place a message on a message board would be a great idea. I would like to help you with what information to put out there. You can e-mail me at the address listed below.
Sorry, this was my mistake. I was really tired last night.

Dunav is the Serbian name for the river Danube. Danube is mentioned in one of G's letters.

I should have said Sigrid, not Ingrid.

Aaah Ha. Thanks for clearing up that little mystery.
Looking for the "Little Tito" letter, I found not only that, but two more letters which fill in a little information about Seka (all three are attached)...[/B]

This is VERY interesting.

Now we know Seka wrote G from Skradin, a small tourist town in Croatia. I would conclude her family had a beach house in Skradin. I actually know someone who also has a beach house there.

She then wrote to G from Belgrade after her vacation ended.

I wonder what Seka meant by "Write to me as soon as you get this letter." and sent two letters one after another. Why the urgency?
And G replying "...SF will have a red carpet out for you."
It sounds as if she needed something from G in order to return to the US: an Affidavit of Support (which used to be a requirement even for visitors)? A place to stay? What do you think?

Maybe Seka did work in a restaurant while going to college. Maybe Mike asked who was G while G was in the restaurant?

It seems to me G knew quite a bit about Yugoslavia and Communism. Maybe he had visited there?

Annasmom, if you come across any other letters, please post them. We may be able to get more helpful information from them.

Karen or are both good places to start, though you need a (paid) subscription to view profiles for both. Also many people register, but never complete a profile. I have found a couple long lost 1st cousins in Sacramento, CA this way. I have a subscription to if you need a look up.

Thank you so much. That would be great.
This is VERY interesting.

Now we know Seka wrote G from Skradin, a small tourist town in Croatia. I would conclude her family had a beach house in Skradin. I actually know someone who also has a beach house there.

She then wrote to G from Belgrade after her vacation ended.

I wonder what Seka meant by "Write to me as soon as you get this letter." and sent two letters one after another. Why the urgency?
And G replying "...SF will have a red carpet out for you."
It sounds as if she needed something from G in order to return to the US: an Affidavit of Support (which used to be a requirement even for visitors)? A place to stay? What do you think?

Maybe Seka did work in a restaurant while going to college. Maybe Mike asked who was G while G was in the restaurant?

It seems to me G knew quite a bit about Yugoslavia and Communism. Maybe he had visited there?

Annasmom, if you come across any other letters, please post them. We may be able to get more helpful information from them.

Dear KS, you are giving us some really valuable information here. Even if Seka was not directly involved in Anna's disappearance, obviously she could tell us something about Brody if we could find her. I am not sure whether GW ever traveled through that part of the world, but as I mentioned before, the place where he worked for a year near Thessaloniki was very close to the border of Yugoslavia. If we put together the dates on the correspondence with Seka, it looks as if the Georges were involved with her to some degree for about two years, which is extraordinary for them. Many times, GW would try to get someone to join him in his adulation of GB, and when they resisted, he would break off relations with them.

You asked me previously if GB spoke with an accent; no, he was definitely a native American speaker, though his language was very old-fashioned and rather peculiar, probably originating somewhere in the northeastern United States.

I'm afraid that's all the letters we have. The papers were very heavily edited by GW before his death. I am surprised that we have as much correspondence as we do. The fact that all this remained in the files must indicate something, but I do not know what.
I forgot to mention, there seems to be a famous *advertiser censored* star that goes by the name Seka who would have lived in the area at the time. But she's from VA. b. 6-13-42

The *advertiser censored* star Seka was asian. At least that is what I have heard from people who know about such things. Not that I would have any personal knowledge about this. No, really.... :liar:
The *advertiser censored* star Seka was asian. At least that is what I have heard from people who know about such things. Not that I would have any personal knowledge about this. No, really.... :liar:

There must by 2 Seka *advertiser censored* stars...LOL The Seka I'm referring to is definitely not Asian. Though, I did get her birth date wrong...she was born April 15, 1954. She is a tall blonde bomb shell...definitely not "little". :crazy: I see she lives in Kansas City, MO now. My old home town...Not a cow town anymore...LOL
Dear KS, you are giving us some really valuable information here. Even if Seka was not directly involved in Anna's disappearance, obviously she could tell us something about Brody if we could find her. ..

Thank you for the answer.

In the meantime, I found out Skradin is a small town with the population of about 4,000. Generally, people spend one month during the summer in their beach houses. In a small town like that, regular summer visitors usually know each other.

I think it would be a good idea for me to contact the local government office in Skradin and find out if there is a local paper in which we could publish an article. I feel almost sure some of the older people would remember a Serbian family with one son and a daughter named Seka who used to spend their summers in Skradin. I could also ask them for additional advice.

Annasmom, would that be OK with you?
I agree. The more we read about GB the further and further he gets out there. I mean really out there. Even stranger how he tries to manipulate with fear - conspiracy theories - and how peoples lives will just fall apart without his hand in them. He certainly had a grandious (sp?) image of himself. It saddens me for GW..... and makes me want to beat the *&^ out of GB. He was so tiny looks like he would have been easy to whop.

Though, I'm not entirely sure how Seka could have been involved with Anna's disappearance. I get the impression she was young, maybe a little gullible and polite. Did her best to remain on a friendly basis but when she realized he was a nut job did her best to get herself as far away from his as possible. Especially being from another country. Though, that is just my initial gut impression.

Cubby, I couldn't agree more. If Brodys behavior had not been so damaging to Waters it would have been judged as simply ridiculous and dismissed as laughable. As it turned out, this sad symbiosis left Dr. Waters with nowhere to turn when the old man died. It is indeed sad to ponder G.W.s state of mind as he sat in that hotel room on his last day. I think that lonliness and despair did him in as much as the cyanide.
Though, I'm not entirely sure how Seka could have been involved with Anna's disappearance. I get the impression she was young, maybe a little gullible and polite. Did her best to remain on a friendly basis but when she realized he was a nut job did her best to get herself as far away from his as possible. Especially being from another country. Though, that is just my initial gut impression.

I agree that Seka was probably not involved with Anna's disappearance. I am hoping she might have some helpful information just from being friends with G. She might have heard or noticed something.
Thank you for the answer.

In the meantime, I found out Skradin is a small town with the population of about 4,000. Generally, people spend one month during the summer in their beach houses. In a small town like that, regular summer visitors usually know each other.

I think it would be a good idea for me to contact the local government office in Skradin and find out if there is a local paper in which we could publish an article. I feel almost sure some of the older people would remember a Serbian family with one son and a daughter named Seka who used to spend their summers in Skradin. I could also ask them for additional advice.

Annasmom, would that be OK with you?

Absolutely, yes!
I agree that Seka was probably not involved with Anna's disappearance. I am hoping she might have some helpful information just from being friends with G. She might have heard or noticed something.

I agree. In the letters to Seka, Brody was ticked off at her for telling something to might have been something totally meaningless, or it could have been something about Anna. I agree she needs to be found where ever and who ever she is.
...this sad symbiosis left Dr. Waters with nowhere to turn when the old man died. It is indeed sad to ponder G.W.s state of mind as he sat in that hotel room on his last day. I think that lonliness and despair did him in as much as the cyanide.

This is an excellent observation. After years of systematically rejecting family and friends so that Brody alone would be his support structure, finding himself completely alone must have been devastating.

I am reminded of the main character in Kurt Vonnegut's novel Mother Night: At one point in the story, the character just stops in his tracks while walking down the street. After several hours of standing in one position, a policeman asks him why he is just standing there. The character explains that he had lost everything that his life was built around and could not think of a single reason to move in any particular direction. Waters seems to have reached that same level of isolation and dispair.
I agree. In the letters to Seka, Brody was ticked off at her for telling something to might have been something totally meaningless, or it could have been something about Anna. I agree she needs to be found where ever and who ever she is.

I agree. She may have additional info on GB- who he was, his history etc or some direction in that way.
There must by 2 Seka *advertiser censored* stars...LOL The Seka I'm referring to is definitely not Asian...LOL

Crap! You are right. I guess that I will never win at Trivial Pursuit - *advertiser censored* Edition.

Back in the mid-1980's, I worked for a printing company in Los Angeles that produced VHS video boxes for many "adult" movie companies. I remember the name "Seka" and somehow connected it with an Asian actress that was popular at the time, but I must have been combining two different people into one person in my mind.
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