The BRAND NEW Zanny the nanny story that KC wrote in jailhouse letters

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I would LOVE to see the interview with MH and Mallory. I'm VERY curious as to why they haven't been released yet. Especially MH, they flew to California to interview him there had to be something there. You know they did a phone interview first and wouldn't have wasted their time if there was nothing to report...
OMG - it just occurred to me that now she is accusing Zanny of doing exactly what SHE was doing to her mother for those 31 days!!! Very, very creepy in my opinion!!!
I just noticed that too after reading your post. :eek:
Casey is using the new Zany story because it explains better why she was at fusion getting drunk and dancing to her hearts content shortly after the 16th. There are dated pictures of the night she was seen laughing, partying and dancing. I'm not sure there is photographic pictures of her partying on later dates.
OMG - it just occurred to me that now she is accusing Zanny of doing exactly what SHE was doing to her mother for those 31 days!!! Very, very creepy in my opinion!!!

And isn't KC starting to sound more and more like Zany everyday????
I'm sitting here reading the letters in the Typed Letters thread, thanks to the wonderfully courageous headbdownstream, butwhatif, Sundance, etc. who are typing these things so we don't have to go blind and insane trying to read Casey's handwriting. :crazy:

So we have how many stories now?
In no particular order:

1) She dropped Caylee off at Zanny's apartment at Sawgrass and when she came back after work, Caylee and Zanny were GONE!

2) She dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass, leaving her with Zanny at the staircase. When she returned after work, Caylee and Zanny were GONE!

3) She and Caylee were at Jay Blanchard Park when Zanny and her big bruiser sister arrived. One grabbed Caylee while the other held Casey back, telling her to read the instructions and OBEY! She gave Casey the instructions and then absconded with Caylee. Casey had X, XX, or *advertiser censored* number of days before she'd see Caylee, depending on who's version was being told by Cindy or KC.

4) Casey told Zanny to please take Caylee for a few days while she gathered their things together because she and Caylee were moving. Then Zanny went off somewhere with Caylee and Casey couldn't find them. Thus, she had to do her own investigation...............

I'm a bit fuzzy on story # 4, because she says "Unfortunately, my plans got beyond tangled when Zany wouldn’t tell me where she and Cays were." So, did she or didn't she have contact with her "real" friend the nanny after Caylee "disappeared". It's written here as if she spoke to her. I don't know. :crazy:

Did I miss anything? I don't recall if the media chatterers have jumped on this new Zanny version, but I believe I've read comments by other WS, so others are seeing this, too. I'm thinking the media is also having trouble keeping the various Nanny stories straight, therefore, no mention. I don't see how anyone could believe anything this gal says. She changes her story to suit her needs. :shakehead:

These letters are very stressful to read. I have to take lots of breaks.

Obviously, she was trying to butter up RA because she needed someone to chat with (write to). In reading these letters, I can see how she adapts to what she believes the person needs to hear, and telling her own tales of woe probably endears her to RA, or so she thinks. I thinks she's writing for her audience. It's interesting how she keeps changing the nanny/Caylee story, though. You'd think she would have stuck with one version to make it seem more "believable".

Ok, I just can't make myself go back to those letters right now, but where did the story come from that Zany was at the HOUSE watching Caylee. Was it in the letters or one of the interview with either Maya or RA? I know I read it because I thought she was changing the story to account for the things from the house that were found with Caylee.

Can someone verify that I did read this somewhere or was it just a bad nightmare?
OMG - it just occurred to me that now she is accusing Zanny of doing exactly what SHE was doing to her mother for those 31 days!!! Very, very creepy in my opinion!!!

I never realized that, either, until you pointed it out. That is the one thing that remains consistent in all of her nanny stories ~ That she took her and wouldn't give her back.

This is another "tell" that points to Casey subconsciously admitting that she is the "real" nanny. :eek: :abnormal:
I think MH is being confused with RP. Yes, she sent a message (not sure if it was a call or text) to MH in California, saying something like, "I need to tell you something. I've already told my mom and my brother, but I'm not sure how you're going to take it..". But it was RP whom she called several times on the 15th/16th and I believe the first call she made from jail. He said in his interview that he didn't pick up and later his parents told him not to take her calls at all. Everyone speculated what the "something" could be that she wanted to tell MH and also what was so important about RP that she called him at such critical times. I seem to recall hearing that nothing big was uncovered in MH's interview, FWIW. Not sure where I heard it tho... RP's interview was put out early on, but I've always suspected there's an additional RP interview that's got some real enlightening info... This is all just my own recollection tho.., so MOO.
Casey is using the new Zany story because it explains better why she was at fusion getting drunk and dancing to her hearts content shortly after the 16th. There are dated pictures of the night she was seen laughing, partying and dancing. I'm not sure there is photographic pictures of her partying on later dates.
I agree. And there's also the Blockbuster video rental on the evening of 6/16 with TonE........
Can anyone tell me what KC's first charges were on the 16th arrest? I can't seem to find what the specific charges were. TIA:)
I'm sitting here reading the letters in the Typed Letters thread, thanks to the wonderfully courageous headbdownstream, butwhatif, Sundance, etc. who are typing these things so we don't have to go blind and insane trying to read Casey's handwriting. :crazy:

So we have how many stories now?
In no particular order:

1) She dropped Caylee off at Zanny's apartment at Sawgrass and when she came back after work, Caylee and Zanny were GONE!

2) She dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass, leaving her with Zanny at the staircase. When she returned after work, Caylee and Zanny were GONE!

3) She and Caylee were at Jay Blanchard Park when Zanny and her big bruiser sister arrived. One grabbed Caylee while the other held Casey back, telling her to read the instructions and OBEY! She gave Casey the instructions and then absconded with Caylee. Casey had X, XX, or *advertiser censored* number of days before she'd see Caylee, depending on who's version was being told by Cindy or KC.

4) Casey told Zanny to please take Caylee for a few days while she gathered their things together because she and Caylee were moving. Then Zanny went off somewhere with Caylee and Casey couldn't find them. Thus, she had to do her own investigation...............

I'm a bit fuzzy on story # 4, because she says "Unfortunately, my plans got beyond tangled when Zany wouldn’t tell me where she and Cays were." So, did she or didn't she have contact with her "real" friend the nanny after Caylee "disappeared". It's written here as if she spoke to her. I don't know. :crazy:

Did I miss anything? I don't recall if the media chatterers have jumped on this new Zanny version, but I believe I've read comments by other WS, so others are seeing this, too. I'm thinking the media is also having trouble keeping the various Nanny stories straight, therefore, no mention. I don't see how anyone could believe anything this gal says. She changes her story to suit her needs. :shakehead:

These letters are very stressful to read. I have to take lots of breaks.

Obviously, she was trying to butter up RA because she needed someone to chat with (write to). In reading these letters, I can see how she adapts to what she believes the person needs to hear, and telling her own tales of woe probably endears her to RA, or so she thinks. I thinks she's writing for her audience. It's interesting how she keeps changing the nanny/Caylee story, though. You'd think she would have stuck with one version to make it seem more "believable".

Story # 3 came from Cindy's mouth.
Casey never said anything about the Jay Blanchard park story.
That story came out after she was released from jail the first time.
But Casey never talked again after she was arrested, she did not mention anything like that during her interviews with LE that first day.

So blame Cindy for that bogus story.
Cindy probably knew that Casey's story made no sense, so she tried to make a better story.

They're all liars.
Ok, I just can't make myself go back to those letters right now, but where did the story come from that Zany was at the HOUSE watching Caylee. Was it in the letters or one of the interview with either Maya or RA? I know I read it because I thought she was changing the story to account for the things from the house that were found with Caylee.

Can someone verify that I did read this somewhere or was it just a bad nightmare?

Yes, I remember hearing that, too. Could it have been from one of the many Cindy interviews? I think it could have come from a jailhouse visit (or telephone call?) where Casey tells Cindy she gave Zenaida a key to the Anthony house. That would be way back in the beginning of her first jailhouse stay, perhaps. It was brought up to make it look like the nanny had gone to the house and taken Caylee and some items (just in case Caylee was found with items from the house, imo). I'd say early jailhouse tapes would be the first place to look.

Here it is, Cindy's question to Casey about "someone being in our house" and Casey says "I told you she had a key" (at about 14 minutes). They also talk about passing notes through Jose early in the video:

Links to reports of the "new" 'Zani took my child' story in the letters are in post 32 in this thread.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The BRAND NEW Zanny the nanny story that KC wrote in jailhouse letters[/ame]
Story # 3 came from Cindy's mouth.
Casey never said anything about the Jay Blanchard park story.
That story came out after she was released from jail the first time.
But Casey never talked again after she was arrested, she did not mention anything like that during her interviews with LE that first day.

So blame Cindy for that bogus story.
Cindy probably knew that Casey's story made no sense, so she tried to make a better story.

They're all liars.

Didn't we hear that story from LP, too? Didn't he say it came out after she was bailed out? She told Cindy and Cindy blabbed to everyone else?

It's so hard to keep track with all these bogus stories. :crazy:
It seems in the letters she has 2 new stories yet still one in the same. First she says she gave Caylee to Zany to watch for a few days etc... then Zany disappeared w/Caylee. Then she says she knows the "real Zaneida" and knows she had nothing to do with it. Makes zero sense.
Didn't we hear that story from LP, too? Didn't he say it came out after she was bailed out? She told Cindy and Cindy blabbed to everyone else?

It's so hard to keep track with all these bogus stories. :crazy:

And didn't GA admit, in his depo I believe, that they were all sitting around the table trying to figure out what happened and coming up with different scenarios and JBP was one of them. Or was it Lee? JMO
You have to remember that this letter was written before Caylee was found. I believe it was in October of 08. I am sure that she was trying to justify why she waited the 31 days. I think she thought after all this time she wouldn't be found and she would be able to live the good life.

Nothing she told LE even comes remotely close to this story...
No it wasn't.

Here is what the part in question actually says:
pg 11 of the letters

"I've had to forgive what happened to my Caylee but I'm still angry. If it weren't for God, screw where I'm sitting now, if it weren't for him, and for my unconditional love for my daughter, I would end whoever is responsible. It's not my battle.

You want to know something I know that Caylee's nanny, the "real Zenaida, the girl who was my friend for 4 years, I know in my heart that she's not responsible, and I don't blame her for not showing her face. Would you want to be sitting here with me for something you didn't do? Considering the circumstances you technically are, and it sucks. And I know this goes without saying, but outside of myself and my legal team not a soul knows this. I was going to take Caylee and move away. Unfortunately my plans got beyond tangled when Zany wouldn't tell me where she and Cays were. I asked her to take Cays for a few days, so I could put the rest of our stuff together, money I had saved, new clothes, new everything. That's why I waited to report her missing because she was and she wasn't. I would give anything to go back to that day and to not have let Caylee out of my sight. I have no more secrets just a small empty place in my heart that only God can fill."

It is apparent that Caylee has already been found here, or she would not say what has happened to my Caylee...
Think about it. If it is that KC is a liar and so nobody believes her new nanny story, then why is anyone believing her molestation stories? I am just flabbergasted that this has completely eluded any reporting whatsoever...If she is a liar and we don't put any stock in what she says then why report ANYTHING she says???

Why did the media, and I mean ALL of the media, pick and choose and completely and utterly disregard this HUGE development in this case? I am just beyond confused...I am vexed.
Yes, the Jay Blanchard Park story was one she wholesaled to Leonard Padilla and to Tracey but I don't know about Leonard's nephew. And Leonard made sure the public knew he was not buying. When he failed to accept the later story, she ordered him out of the house. But there is the added story, much repeated with exhaustive detail about her trip to Tampa with this kidnapper-friend. And that was long after the 16th of June. That is a lg. wrecking ball right to the middle of her fake puzzlement over how Zenaida could be keeping Cyalee from her all this time. Lies and more ultra sticky lies!

When she conjured this woman, ultimately responsible for Caylee's disappearance in all the stories, I still think she had only her own dark underside to work from in supplying features and details and thus--presto! the resemblance to herself and her disconcerting identification with the character & personality of this FIGMENT.
This is really weird. In both of these statements she is talking from Cindy's perspective in the situation. This is what Cindy is going thru, not KC!

"I've had to forgive what happened to my Caylee but I'm still angry. If it weren't for God, screw where I'm sitting now, if it weren't for him, and for my unconditional love for my daughter, I would end whoever is responsible."

Cindy is angry at what KC has done to her Caylee, but if it weren't for unconditional love she would "end" KC.
"Always remember that I love you, Robyn, my best friend that I have ever had and my big sister. We are family — and we are never apart — families are bound by that unconditional love. I'm always here and always will be."

I wondered why she said her "unconditional love for my daughter". Doesn't make sense because what did Caylee do to cause her "absence"? Nothing. Maybe KC is just repeating what Cindy was saying about why she was supporting KC, as you say, pip?
Think about it. If it is that KC is a liar and so nobody believes her new nanny story, then why is anyone believing her molestation stories? I am just flabbergasted that this has completely eluded any reporting whatsoever...If she is a liar and we don't put any stock in what she says then why report ANYTHING she says???

Why did the media, and I mean ALL of the media, pick and choose and completely and utterly disregard this HUGE development in this case? I am just beyond confused...I am vexed.

Magic-cat, I agree that this new Zanny story is (or should be) THE bombshell in those letters. Another thing I found interesting is that she said no one besides her and her defense team knew about her plans to move. So her defense team knew about this - was this going to be their defense?? Casey left her daughter with the nanny so she could get their things together to move when suddenly the nanny wouldn't give Caylee back, yet Casey knows the nanny couldn't have been the murderer, so someone else (Roy K?, Jessie??) must have stolen Caylee from the nanny and killed her to frame Casey. Whew...:doh:

ETA - If she really just did spill their entire defense strategy, I bet they are ready to duct tape her own mouth shut at this point!!
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