The British Royal Family - news, views, clothes & shoes! #6

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With previous royal bubs the press have stood in the street at the Lindo for days on end prior to the birth with nothing to say but the occasional fervent fan in the street to interview. The only difference the 'privacy' whatsit has made is that they've nowhere to stand to look busy so they're twiddling their thumbs and they've gotten waspish about it.

How very dare Meghan's cervix not be dilating.

Surely Baby Sussex will come this week I can’t keep posting about washing machine negligees much longer.
Sorry, but I cannot stand Markle. She projects a disgusting attitude and appears to be a top of the line control freak.
She had Harry wrapped around her finger from day one (he said, "what Meghan wants, Meghan gets"...). She claimed that she had no clue who the royal family were, yet there is video of her knowing full well who the royal family is. Also she is full of it stating that she never heard of Princess Diana and her sons.

Sorry, but in my opinion, she is nothing but an actress who knows how to manipulate all around her to be in the spotlight.

I share the same opinion. I used to state my dislike of MM many many threads ago but then I stopped saying it.
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Heir B&B! Prince Charles’s luxury £160-a-night bed and breakfast venture at the Queen Mother's favourite castle where you can enjoy peat fires, yards of chintz and her treasured doggy knick-knacks

“The notoriously plain-speaking Princess Margaret was even blunter. 'I can't think why you have such a horrible place as the Castle of Mey,' she once told her mother.

To which Her Majesty replied: 'Well, darling you needn't come again.'”

Prince Charles has new luxury £160-a-night B&B venture at the Queen Mother's favourite castle | Daily Mail Online

£160 a night is a bit of a bargain for a night in a royal castle I think.

Aye, brings back the memories when I traveled to Spain for 17 days with a family member and stayed in Paradors every night during our trip. (Old castles and a few were historic monuments). Iirc, they were not expensive at all. (Relative to other hotels in the area where we stayed) yes, they were large and not very well temperature controlled as to the cold.

Such memories!
So why did Harry have to cancel on Amsterdam if she has two more weeks.

And I just can't quite believe the "overjoyed at multiple royal visits" bit.

I don't recall her being sentenced to bed rest. Kate had severe, life threatening nausea and vomiting nearly to the end and she just went to the hospital and got proper treatment. Then was photographed looking fresh and radiant about 12 hours after birth. Even Harry's mother looked very good within 24 hours of her sons' births.

My 35 year-old assistant at work was working the day she delivered. She looked very uncomfortable, her bump had clearly "dropped" and all she wanted to do was sit down. We asked her to please go to the OB intake area and get checked and yup, she got admitted and delivered by C-Section about 10 hours later.

Markle seems to be treated like the first woman to ever have a baby.

I was a freaking HOT FAT MESS at 40 weeks. Let alone right after? Hahaha. I looked like Jabba :D

Meghan was looking rather plump when we last saw her, nothing wrong with that of course! Still beautiful. But come on, To expect all women to look beautiful and fresh right before and after birth? :eek:

And Diana was bulimic and ill according to her, so yeah, I’m just....lost for words here
How do I change my user name?
I would now like to be refered to by my new official title ...
The Grand Imperial Archduchess Lady Keine Engel of Great Giggleswick :)

WOW. So you bought the whole package!!!!

Which crown did you chose? The one with rubies and Eugenie are spoken for, but you still have plenty of other choices.

Except those tainted Emeralds from Russia, my goodness they are gorgeous!!!
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I was a freaking HOT FAT MESS at 40 weeks. Let alone right after? Hahaha. I looked like Jabba :D

Meghan was looking rather plump when we last saw her, nothing wrong with that of course! Still beautiful. But come on, To expect all women to look beautiful and fresh right before and after birth? :eek:

And Diana was bulimic and ill according to her, so yeah, I’m just....lost for words here

Were you calmly and patiently waiting at home?

Excepting visitors ????
Sorry, but I cannot stand Markle. She projects a disgusting attitude and appears to be a top of the line control freak.
She had Harry wrapped around her finger from day one (he said, "what Meghan wants, Meghan gets"...). She claimed that she had no clue who the royal family were, yet there is video of her knowing full well who the royal family is. Also she is full of it stating that she never heard of Princess Diana and her sons.

Sorry, but in my opinion, she is nothing but an actress who knows how to manipulate all around her to be in the spotlight.

When did she claim this? Link?

She stated she didn’t know much about Harry. Why would she?

“never heard of Princess Diana” lmao

This is getting absurd

I guess this thread doesn’t constitute as a needed “fact based” content

Have to roll on to the missing and abused kids threads it seems. Can’t break free of any misery :(
Were you calmly and patiently waiting at home?

Excepting visitors ????

Um, yes? I was on leave and most certainly family came to visit me? Is this unheard of? Am I missing something? Lol

I think Meghan is some people’s B***** eating crackers

You know, when you dont like someone, anything they do, even eating a cracker you can’t stand
When did she claim this? Link?

She stated she didn’t know much about Harry. Why would she?

“never heard of Princess Diana” lmao

This is getting absurd

I guess this thread doesn’t constitute as a needed “fact based” content

Have to roll on to the missing and abused kids threads it seems. Can’t break free of any misery :(

I'm sure their is a link somewhere or a reporter is reading this and will create one.

No, oh no don't go back to kid thread.... Pick a crown and hang around...

Didn't you see we're working at the bottom of the barrel?

We've run out of quizzes, everyone looking at the Buy Your Own Title, to reviewing all the crowns.

Royal Baby Watch....

Heir B&B! Prince Charles’s luxury £160-a-night bed and breakfast venture at the Queen Mother's favourite castle where you can enjoy peat fires, yards of chintz and her treasured doggy knick-knacks

“The notoriously plain-speaking Princess Margaret was even blunter. 'I can't think why you have such a horrible place as the Castle of Mey,' she once told her mother.

To which Her Majesty replied: 'Well, darling you needn't come again.'”

Prince Charles has new luxury £160-a-night B&B venture at the Queen Mother's favourite castle | Daily Mail Online

£160 a night is a bit of a bargain for a night in a royal castle I think.

Oh I’m loving this castle. It’s so sweet, so cozy, much like some of the traditional really old grand American estates in the northeast.

I have a couple of Staffordshire dogs from my grandmother. I’d love to see the Queen Mother’s collection. And all the pictures!

The grounds looking over the the water, just beautiful.

What’s a peat fire? Some place to cozy up with a book from the library?

The dishwasher salmon sounds dangerous! But I love me some Scottish salmon...
Um, yes? I was on leave and most certainly family came to visit me? Is this unheard of? Am I missing something? Lol

I think Meghan is some people’s B***** eating crackers

You know, when you dont like someone, anything they do, even eating a cracker you can’t stand

You are right, she does a lot of good, but she puts us thru he!! at times.

The tension is building... I'm thinking we will hear from Gayle King tomorrow.
Just an FYI, the Mulroney child is NOT named Ivy. Her name is Isobel Veronica and they call her I. V.

I sure hope the Sussexs' don't fall into THAT trap of naming their child after a Mulroney child. esp when it isn't her proper name. I mean Veronica for the RF???
Oh I’m loving this castle. It’s so sweet, so cozy, much like some of the traditional really old grand American estates in the northeast.

I have a couple of Staffordshire dogs from my grandmother. I’d love to see the Queen Mother’s collection. And all the pictures!

The grounds looking over the the water, just beautiful.

What’s a peat fire? Some place to cozy up with a book from the library?

The dishwasher salmon sounds dangerous! But I love me some Scottish salmon...

The peat fire would be like a coal or wood fire but with peat instead...a very rich earth that comes from bogs and burns well.....bog as in marshland not as in toilet.
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