The British Royal Family - news, views, clothes & shoes! #7

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Thank you for my crown @Keine Engel
Like most everyone in the World, I would love to see pictures of Archie on his special day. As I read all articles in the media about ‘no photo shoot that day’, I can only wonder how the media hounding Diana, her boys, the Royal Family, especially at Diana’s funeral, must have affected the very young princes at that time. It has carried over into their adult lives. Imagine what William and Harry felt when they heard that possibly media caused part of the car crash that took their mom. Then having to deal with the media at the funeral, a public funeral, where they had to put on an act of bravery for all....No wonder they do not like the media.

In the beginning, William was real protective of pictures with Kate....remember how they moved away for a few years after they were first married? Finally we got pictures when Kate would release photos of the children on her and Williams own terms. (We have not seen many picture of Prince Louis)

I know the Queen and other family members has learned that do a quick photo shoot MIGHT appease the media, but that does not always happen.

I don’t think Harry likes the press at all....I doubt he is going to be King, so he does not have to step out in the public with family pictures like William. He is protecting his family as much as he can, much like William did and is still doing, but William will be King one day and so will George. They unfortunately have to be out and about.

The demands by the public and media, that Harry needs to show christening pictures because the public upgraded his new showing the public and media are bullies, big bullies, many bullies. No one really knows how much the public paid to upgrade for safety reasons and to preserve Harry’s home. No one knows how much Harry paid, how much money Charles paid....there is no black and white list of what was done, cost and who paid for it. No one knows it is all speculation. (Anyone remember the rumors that Kate redid the kitchen twice because she did not like it? Who paid for it?)

As for the copper tub....the royal couple should have had the store owner and makers sign a non disclosure statement OR this could be false news....that has happened a lot lately. If the owner or employees spoke out of turn the royals will not like that.

I hope that the christening day goes smoothly and the media and public does not ruin it.

I will gladly wait to see a photo of Archie when Harry and Meghan decide it is time.

All this is JMOO.

Beautifully said!!! Thank you! You get a tiara. :D


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I don’t think Harry likes the press at all....I doubt he is going to be King,

The demands by the public and media, that Harry needs to show christening pictures because the public upgraded his new showing the public and media are bullies, big bullies, many bullies. No one really knows how much the public paid to upgrade for safety reasons and to preserve Harry’s home. No one knows how much Harry paid, how much money Charles paid....there is no black and white list of what was done, cost and who paid for it.

I hope that the christening day goes smoothly and the media and public does not ruin it.

I will gladly wait to see a photo of Archie when Harry and Meghan decide it is time.

All this is JMOO.
I agree with what you're saying but regarding the overall issue unfortunately it's not that simple as clearly all of this already has blown-up way out of proportion by the twisted tales put out by the media.

Harry loathes the press he's made that very clear. That is totally understandable, I doubt there's anybody really who doesn't completely sympathise with why he feels this way either.

But he IS the son of the future King as Archie IS his Grandson, nothing can change that fact, so there's no escaping being in the public eye like it or not.
Harry has lived with this his whole life, he can deal with whatever & he will, no doubt at all. But as I said earlier by not simply nipping all this in the bud but seemingly digging his (their?) heels in, it's Meghan who will endure the full wrath of the press, by which in turn also the public. :(
This he does know.

Of course this is all wrong but sadly it is a harsh fact of Royal life.
Harry knows this tragically all to well so I would hope he is mature enough at this point in his life to consider the effects to HIS OWN family's future happiness.

Royal christenings are PRIVATE so that again is the media just stirring. Nobody would be expecting pictures anyway.

There actually IS a rather extensive 'black and white list' (100 pages I think?) detailing all expenses covering everything classed 'Royal Expenses' funded by the taxpayers which coincidentally was released to the public only days ago so adding this it's unfortunate timing has only given the press more fuel for the fire.

*The 'Bathtub';) along with ALL fixtures & fittings in the cottage
they actually paid for themselves*

This is common knowledge so just why/where all this is coming from & what is the press' point I've no idea.:confused:

  • To make it clear I am only attempting to explain WHY this all is an 'Issue'
  • I personally do not agree with numerous (probably most) of the points made in the press.
  • I also posted at the time I liked the 'Fathers Day photo' :D
:cool: Sovereign Grant & Sovereign Grant Reserve annual report & accounts 2018-2019
I agree with what you're saying but regarding the overall issue unfortunately it's not that simple as clearly all of this already has blown-up way out of proportion by the twisted tales put out by the media.

Harry loathes the press he's made that very clear. That is totally understandable, I doubt there's anybody really who doesn't completely sympathise with why he feels this way either.

But he IS the son of the future King as Archie IS his Grandson, nothing can change that fact, so there's no escaping being in the public eye like it or not.
Harry has lived with this his whole life, he can deal with whatever & he will, no doubt at all. But as I said earlier by not simply nipping all this in the bud but seemingly digging his (their?) heels in, it's Meghan who will endure the full wrath of the press, by which in turn also the public. :(
This he does know.

Of course this is all wrong but sadly it is a harsh fact of Royal life.
Harry knows this tragically all to well so I would hope he is mature enough at this point in his life to consider the effects to HIS OWN family's future happiness.

Royal christenings are PRIVATE so that again is the media just stirring. Nobody would be expecting pictures anyway.

There actually IS a rather extensive 'black and white list' (100 pages I think?) detailing all expenses covering everything classed 'Royal Expenses' funded by the taxpayers which coincidentally was released to the public only days ago so adding this it's unfortunate timing has only given the press more fuel for the fire.

*The 'Bathtub';) along with ALL fixtures & fittings in the cottage
they actually paid for themselves*

This is common knowledge so just why/where all this is coming from & what is the press' point I've no idea.:confused:

  • To make it clear I am only attempting to explain WHY this all is an 'Issue'
  • I personally do not agree with numerous (probably most) of the points made in the press.
  • I also posted at the time I liked the 'Fathers Day photo' :D
:cool: Sovereign Grant & Sovereign Grant Reserve annual report & accounts 2018-2019

How does Harry “nip it in the bud”? I hear what you’re saying, but do you honestly believe that the voracious press will be satisfied no matter what concessions Harry and Meghan make? I don’t. The press delights in making “issues” out of non-issues. If Harry and Meghan granted wide open access to Archie, Meghan (not Harry) would be accused of being a show-off, trying to upstage Kate and kids. I hope they just calmly do things their own way and set boundaries that may eventually be respected...or not. Hopefully, Meghan is tough enough to withstand this. I think she is.
Clearly English schools FAIL in the teaching of English history :D
Congrats, you finished! Here are your results:
You scored 11 out of 20 :oops:

You know enough to rule Medieval England! Your knowledge on the subject transcends that of most people, and although you’re probably not at historian-level, you have some admirable facts up your sleeve.

And I have Blackadder to thank for the one's I did get right
How does Harry “nip it in the bud”? I hear what you’re saying, but do you honestly believe that the voracious press will be satisfied no matter what concessions Harry and Meghan make? I don’t. The press delights in making “issues” out of non-issues. If Harry and Meghan granted wide open access to Archie, Meghan (not Harry) would be accused of being a show-off, trying to upstage Kate and kids. I hope they just calmly do things their own way and set boundaries that may eventually be respected...or not. Hopefully, Meghan is tough enough to withstand this. I think she is.
You're absolutely right, they will "make issues out of non-issues" & there will always be vicious comments.
Most of this thou is ignored by the public in general but this time it has escalated very quickly mainly due to bad timing of various non-issues in succession which they are mixing together to rattle the public opinions.

As Archie, it seems, is a major catalyst to all this releasing a simple photo of would have stopped a lot of the questioning & resentment of the whole 'privacy Vs Royal duties/funding' which is what it all boils down to.
Nothing can change the fact that HE is the Queens Great-grandson & the future Kings Grandson. He IS going to be in the public eye. It's silly NOT to just issue any picture they want of him at this point.

Honestly, whatever picture, formal, cute, with or without his parents, it wouldn't matter. It would however remove the catalyst & the rest would just fade away due to lack of interest. <most probably :)> In reality nobody's going to continue expecting anything more than the odd snap of Archie as he grows up anyway.

Mostly I feel this is all causing unnecessary resentment & has been handled terribly by whoever (PR or Harry?) How can they not see that? Once they alienate public opinion to a certain point it's extremely difficult to reverse that sentiment ... they only need ask Camilla about that ;)

All of this thou, it's all really so unfair on Meghan!
I don’t know, I think William and Kate have walked the line really well. Allowing brief photos at major occasions seems like a reasonable compromise. I completely get not wanting to exploit your child on social media but what public figures enjoy total privacy? It’s a losing battle. Why not drive the narrative in a way that mimics what ordinary people do? When do we take pictures? Christenings, birthdays, holidays, big events.

Meghan was an actress, her job for a decade was to portray an image the public would like and get attached to, developing her own following and fans for her acting roles. People act like she’s a child plucked out of obscurity rather than a seasoned business woman and ACTOR who trained to perform for the public. Who better as a public figure than an actor?

In all things it’s often better to pull the bandaid off. Let the BBC get some pictures at the Christening and then go back to nesting.

If they want extensive favorable coverage for themselves (and their charities) they can’t act like we’re interfering in their busy private careers as doctors and accountants. They literally do nothing but act as public figures.
You're absolutely right, they will "make issues out of non-issues" & there will always be vicious comments.
Most of this thou is ignored by the public in general but this time it has escalated very quickly mainly due to bad timing of various non-issues in succession which they are mixing together to rattle the public opinions.

As Archie, it seems, is a major catalyst to all this releasing a simple photo of would have stopped a lot of the questioning & resentment of the whole 'privacy Vs Royal duties/funding' which is what it all boils down to.
Nothing can change the fact that HE is the Queens Great-grandson & the future Kings Grandson. He IS going to be in the public eye. It's silly NOT to just issue any picture they want of him at this point.

Honestly, whatever picture, formal, cute, with or without his parents, it wouldn't matter. It would however remove the catalyst & the rest would just fade away due to lack of interest. <most probably :)> In reality nobody's going to continue expecting anything more than the odd snap of Archie as he grows up anyway.

Mostly I feel this is all causing unnecessary resentment & has been handled terribly by whoever (PR or Harry?) How can they not see that? Once they alienate public opinion to a certain point it's extremely difficult to reverse that sentiment ... they only need ask Camilla about that ;)

All of this thou, it's all really so unfair on Meghan!

Agreed, you said what I was trying to say better. I think they need to just get on with it and people will move on to complain about something else.
Agreed, you said what I was trying to say better. I think they need to just get on with it and people will move on to complain about something else.

I don’t know about everyone else but it seems to me society has changed nowadays and people constantly complain about everything. Were people always complaining? Or is it because of social media that it has become more apparent? I would hate to be a public figure or politician where people constantly complain about what you have or haven’t done 24/7. I often wish I could go back to when I was younger in the 90s it just seemed a happier time in general. For me there was less stress, anger and hatred then and people weren’t as riled up about everything.
I don’t know about everyone else but it seems to me society has changed nowadays and people constantly complain about everything. Were people always complaining? Or is it because of social media that it has become more apparent? I would hate to be a public figure or politician where people constantly complain about what you have or haven’t done 24/7. I often wish I could go back to when I was younger in the 90s it just seemed a happier time in general. For me there was less stress, anger and hatred then and people weren’t as riled up about everything.

I think we just hear about it more now. Now we have comments sections! Before you had to actually call someone on the phone to complain to one other person about what this movie star is doing or who that royal is marrying. Now we all just spew our hate into the ether for all to read. I do think it's bad, I don't think every opinion needs an audience. (She posted, on a popular website forum...)
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